Saturday, July 13, 2024

CPP/Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis: US imperialist: not a friend of the Filipino people and youth

Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis (English edition) propaganda article posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) PRWC Website (Jul 5, 2024): US imperialist: not a friend of the Filipino people and youth

This article is available in Pilipino

July 05, 2024

Members of the Youth for Justice and Peace, an alliance of young students, church people and other groups that stand against US wars of aggression, protested at Kalaw Avenue in Manila yesterday, July 4, on the occasion of the Philippine-US Friendship Day.

They condemned the US’s provocation of war in Asia and its dragging the Filipino people into its warmongering with rival China.

In history, July 4, 1946 is considered the date on which the US “awarded” the Philippines “independence” from its colonial rule. However, American officials only formally withdrew from the country’s state power because it maintained strict control over all aspects of Filipino society.

The Philippines transitioned today in history from a direct colony to a neocolony. It used to be called Philippine Republic Day before it was changed to “Philippine-American Friendship Day” by the Marcos Sr. dictatorship in 1984.

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