Posted to the National Democratic Front Philippines (NDFP) Website (Oct 30, 2020): Duterte threatens to kill tax evaders to shake them down for his onw benefit
By Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant
Duterte is the greatest pretender and the biggest cheat of all. He once threatened to kill all drug lords but he killed 30,000 poor people arbitrarily tagged as drug users and peddlers. And he became the biggest drug lord and drug smuggler.
He once cursed the greatest tax evader Lucio Tan. But then the two rascals secretly colluded to reduce Tan’s so many tens of billion pesos of tax liabilities to a measly few tens of millions of pesos.
Would anyone believe Duterte now that he would run after and kill the biggest tax evaders? For show, he can arrest or even kill some low-level tax evaders and some BIR officials. But the show is just a cover for his private shakedown of the biggest tax evaders.
As in amassing loot from the public treasury and from the illegal drug trade, Duterte and his agents will enlarge their loot from the biggest tax evaders. Mans Carpio, Sara’s husband, and his team of lawyers and accountants will become more busy counting the loot and deploying it in safe-haven foreign banks while Duterte take his long sleeps induced by Fentanyl or postdialysis rest.

Sunday, November 1, 2020
NDF/Sison: Duterte threatens to kill tax evaders to shake them down for his onw benefit
NDF/Sison: Lorenzana and Parlade are both stupid and deceptive
Posted to the National Democratic Front Philippines (NDFP) Website (Oct 26, 2020): Lorenzana and Parlade are both stupid and deceptive
By Prof. Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant
Like their master Duterte, Lorenzana and Parlade are both stupid and deceptive for misinterpreting the expression “legal forces forces of the national democratic movement” as equivalent or amounting to “fronts” or “members” of the National Democratic Front, the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army and red-tagging said legal and democratic organizations and attacking them as all “terrorist” organizations. The general expression “national democratic movement” is not equivalent to the National Democratic Front which is an alliance of 18 definite underground member-organizations.
Military intelligence is truly an oxymoron. The two words do not go together well. Both Generals Lorenzana and Parlade cannot differentiate the general expression “national democratic movement” and the particular alliance of organizations called the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, which is devoted to the armed revolution of the Filipino people against the unjust ruling system of big compradors, landlords and corrupt bureaucrats servile to imperialist powers.
In their excessive zeal to witch hunt and red tag legal democratic organizations and personalities, Lorenzana and Parlade expose their ignorance of the NDFP table of organizations. As agents of state terrorism, they do not care about the legal and murderous implications and consequences of their dismal level of intelligence. Under the catch-all pretext of anti-terrorism, they are hell-bent on using the illegal rule of “guilt by association” to do away with the principle of due process on the basis of evidence to incriminate anyone in any kind of criminal offense that is alleged.
We have in the Philippines today a regime that is utterly criminal, tyrannical, traitorous, corrupt and mendacious. This regime is imposing state terrorism on the people in the name of anti-terrorism. Legal and democratic organizations and individuals are arbitrarily listed and publicly denounced as terrorists, abducted, tortured, robbed of their bank accounts and then murdered as in Oplan Tokhang. The state terrorists can red-tag and snatch anyone without any judicial warrant and have all the time to torture and kill their victim and destroy all evidence of their crimes.
At any rate, I advice both Lotrenzana and Parlade to raise the level of their information by visiting this publicly available link:…/National_Democratic_Front_of…
They can find therein the NDFP member-organizations: Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), New People’s Army (NPA), Moro Resistance and Liberation Organization (MRLO), Kabataang Makabayan (KM), Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU), Pambansang Katipunan ng Mambubukid (PKM), Malayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (MAKIBAKA) , Christians for National Liberation (CNL) , Katipunan ng Gurong Makabayan (KAGUMA) , Makabayang Samahan Pangkalusugan (MASAPA), Liga ng Agham para sa Bayan (LAB) , Lupon ng Manananggol para sa Bayan (LUMABAN), Artista at Manunulat para sa Sambayanan (ARMAS), Makabayang Kawaning Pilipino (MKP), Revolutionary Organization of Overseas Filipinos and their Families (COMPATRIOTS), Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF), Revolutionary Organization of Lumads (ROL) and Katipunan ng mga Samahang Manggagawa (KASAMA).
On the basis of the above, the military morons should know that BAYAN, BAYAN Muna, Makabayan Bloc, Gabriela, Anakbayan and so many other legal and democratic organizations critical of the Duterte regime are NOT fronts or member organizations of the NDFP. It is absolutely stupid and criminal for Lorenzana and Parlade to red-tag any social activist or any concerned citizen who criticizes the tyranny, treason, butchery, corruption and mendacity of the Duterte regime.###
NDF/Sison: Duterte regime engages in red-tagging and setting up the victims for mass murder
Posted to the National Democratic Front Philippines (NDFP) Website (Oct 30, 2020): Duterte regime engages in red-tagging and setting up the victims for mass murder
By Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson Emeritus
International League of Peoples’ Struggle
The Duterte terrorist regime and its rabid military running dogs in the National Task Force-ELCAC and the so-called Anti-Terrorism Council are trying to red-tag and malign as “communist terrorists” the many Filipino patriotic and progressive organizations that have joined the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) and have the formed Philippine chapter of the ILPS since the beginning of the 21st century.
Using the malicious notion of “guilt by association”, the state terrorists of the Philippines like Generals Año and Parlade and the anti-communist asset Rigoberto Tiglao claim that the aforesaid Philippine organizations must be “communist terrorists” because they joined the ILPS while I was the chairperson of the ILPS from 2001 to 2019 and that I myself exposed and in effect red-tagged them by inviting or letting them to join the ILPS. The fascist rascals make the numbskull innuendo that the ILPS and I are “communist terrorists” and that any organization joining the ILPS and me is likewise automatically “communist terrorist”.
It is the height of stupidity and malice for the state terrorists headed by Duterte to slander as “communist terrorists” organizations and individuals that are legally, peacefully and democratically engaged in political and social activism and work together to deliberate on major issues, make decisions and launch legal campaigns and actions along the anti-imperialist and democratic line. This line is in consonance with the Filipino people’s aspirations for national and social liberation.
The Duterte regime is today carrying out state terrorism in the name of anti-terrorism. Taking advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has railroaded the enactment of the so-called Anti-Terrorism Law which violates the civil and political rights of the Filipino people and denies them the democratic right to think and speak freely, to assemble and make petitions, to due process and to be presumed innocent until proven guilty before a court of law.
Under the so-called Anti-Terrorism Law, which is a fascist law, any organization or individual can be arbitrarily tagged and listed as communist terrorist by the political agents of the regime, the military, police and paramilitary. And they become subject to arrest without judicial warrant, deprived of bank account and detained for as many 24 days without access to lawyer and family.This is enough time to torture and murder the captives and destroy the corpses and any evidence of wrongoing by the captors.
The same methods used in Oplan Tokhang in the bogus war on drugs to kill tens of thousands of drug suspects are being used under the so-called Anti-Terrorism Law. The “law enforcement agencies” and the political agents of the regime in the local communities and at various levels of government list down the names of organizations and individuals who are social activists, critics and opponents of the regime. Then the mass murder follows with impunity emboldened by presidential protection for the murderers in authority and by rewards in cash and promotion in rank.###
CPP/NPA-Southern Mindanao ROC: Heavier than Mt. Apo: Exalt Ka Joel’s revolutionary life by advancing the people’s war
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Nov 1, 2020): Heavier than Mt. Apo: Exalt Ka Joel’s revolutionary life by advancing the people’s war
The Regional Operations Command of the New People’s Army in Southern Mindanao extols Zaldy “Ka Joel” Pulido, 32, as a revolutionary hero and martyr who devoted a life of struggle to the cause of the Filipino masses and valiantly died in the frontlines of the people’s war. Sorrowed yet unbowed, the entire revolutionary forces throughout the region deliver their highest revolutionary salute to Ka Joel as we grieve the early loss of a young Party cadre and Red commander of the NPA.
Ka Joel was killed in an encounter with fascist enemy troops of the AFP on the morning of October 24 in Brgy. Arakan, Matalam in North Cotabato. He maintained foothold in the firing line in order to ensure the safe retreat of his comrades against assaulting 90th IB forces. He sustained bullet wounds in his chest but was still able to apply first-aid unto himself. Even in his dying breath, Ka Joel demonstrated unwavering determination and continued to fight.
Ka Joel’s life had always been in the national democratic revolution. Although he was formally organized as a student activist only during his college days in North Cotabato, he came from a revolutionary family. Hailing from the peasant class, he was no stranger to the feudal exploitation that plagued farmers and indigenous people in the countryside. His political conviction–nourished by sustained integration with the masses–culminated into the decision to take up revolutionary armed struggle and join the NPA in 2008.
With more than a decade worth of experience in the people’s army, Ka Joel honed his political and military skill in numerous military actions and agrarian campaigns. He led NPA units in several mass campaigns that helped raise farmgate prices of peasants’ produce, increase share of tenants or reduce the costs of post-harvest facilities in their areas.
Recently, he served as one of the commanders of Mt. Apo Sub-regional Operations Command. For several years, he acted as command officer or political officer in the subregion’s different guerilla fronts.
He was one of the commanders that conducted the successful disarming raid against a despotic barangay captain and his paramilitary in Bgry. Mahongcog, Magpet town in 2017, which seized 32 firearms. The reactionary official was the leader of a paramilitary group working for the 39th IB in the area. In 2013, Ka Joel was also part of the daring raid in a police station in Kibawe town, Bukidnon. They easily outmatched the reactionary police forces who were caught in surprise, and carted away with 13 firearms following the tactical offensive.
Ka Joel was always remembered by comrades as one who never lost his cool, even in the most rigid situations. Red fighters and the masses cherished him for his patience and humble demeanour. They never felt intimidated or reluctant to approach Ka Joel with their problems or criticisms and disclose their opinions and ideas. Behind his calm and composed bearing, Ka Joel has prevailed over several challenges in his political and personal life. His resolve in the revolution remained even after losing his wife Ka Camille in an encounter with enemy troops in April 2019.
His perseverance in work, his utmost optimism, and his love for comrades and the masses make Ka Joel an inspiration for every Red fighter in our protracted struggle for national liberation and democracy.
Exalt the heroes and martyrs of the people’s war!
Long live the revolutionary life and memory of Ka Joel!
Join the New People’s Army!
CPP/NDFNPA-Negros Island ROC: Pasulit-sulit nga kabutigan sang AFP/PNP agud hinabunan ang ila mga kapaslawan
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Nov 1, 2020): Pasulit-sulit nga kabutigan sang AFP/PNP agud hinabunan ang ila mga kapaslawan

Ang pasulit-sulit nga kabutigan kag matiplangon nga propaganda sang berdugo kag mersenaryo nga militar bahin sa kuno madamu na ang nagsurender nga mga katapu sang CPP/NPA isa ka disperado nga tikang agud hinabunan ang mga kapaslawan sang rehimen sa ila kontra-insurhensya nga programa. Ang gusto nga paggwaon sang mersenaryo nga militar nga nangin madinalag-on ang ila kampanya kontra sa rebolusyonaryo nga kahublagan.
Damlag lang, nagpaggwa sang pahayag ang berdugo nga militar nga may nagsurender nga walo ka mga katapu sang NPA sa syudad sang Guihulngan kag anum ka katapu sang NPA ang nagsurender sa Banwa sang Bindoy, Negros Oriental.
Ang ini nga modus operande sang mersenaryo nga militar, ang peke nga pagpasurender, indi na bag-o kag wala nagasulbar sa ugat sang problima sa insurhensya kundi kon paano makapangawat sa kaban sang gobyerno. Ang tagsa ka indibidwal nga mapasurender sang militar may pagabatunon nga P50,000 bilang livelihood assistance kag P15,000 halin sa local government unit bilang immediate assistance. Apang basi sa pagpangusisa sang Apolinario Gatmaitan Command, wala ni isa sa mga ginakabig nga nagsurender ang nakabaton sang total nga P65,000 nga dapat para sa ila.
Ang natabu nga pagpasurender sang 2,510 ka mangunuma sa syudad sang Escalante satong Sept. 20, 2019 nga kon sumahon ang kantidad nga dapat batunon sang mga ginakabig nga mga surenderre naglab-ot sa P163,150,000. Sa pagkamatuod wala ini nabaton sang makaluluoy nga mga mangunguma kag kon may nabaton gid man, sensilyo nalang kay nagkadto ini sa bulsa sang mga hakugan nga opisyal sang militar kag opisyal sang lokal nga yunit sang gobyerno. Indi lang ini natabu sa syudad sang Escalante kundi sa mga syudad kag banwa sa sakop sang isla sang Negros. Ang natabu nga pagpasurender sa 63 ka mga mangunguma sa banwa sang Murcia nga dapat magbaton sang total nga P3,150,000 apang ang natabu, ang mga makaluluoy nga mga mangunguma nagbaton lang sang tigslima ka kilo sang bugas.
Pinakamalala, ginagamit pa ang mga pwersado kag peke nga surrender agud sundon ang pasulit-sulit nga kabutigan agud higku-an ang pangalan sang rebolusyonaryo nga hukbo sang pumuluyo. Pilit sila nga ginapasunod sa sala nga pahayag sang AFP/PNP agud ikondisyon ang kahimtangan para sa malapnagon nga crackdown batok sa mga kritiko sang pasista nga gobyerno ni Duterte.
Padayon nga nagabangis ang terorismo sang mersenaryo nga AFP/PNP sa pumuluyo sa patarasak nga pagpasurender sa mga ordinaryong sibilyan para tabunan ang ila mga kapaslawan sa mahigko nga gyera nga ila ginalunsar batok sa pumuluyo. Ang madasig nga pagpasar sang Anti Terrorism Act of 2020 nga nagahatag ligwa sa terorismo sang estado ang hayagan nga nagapamatu-od nga ang rehimen Duterte mismo upod ang ido-ido nga AFP/PNP amu ang matuod nga terorista.
Ang mga pagpabangud sa mga progresibo nga organisasyon, mga aktibista, lider masa, mga artista, mga kritiko kag mga oposisyon nga may angut sa Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army (CPP/NPA) isa ka wala sang basehan nga akosasyon kag tuyo lang sini nga pahipuson ang mga maisog nga nagabuyagyag sa kagarukan kag anomaliya sang tiraniko nga rehimen.
Sa sini nga punto, kompyansado kag segurado ang rebolusyonaryo nga kahublagan sa pagpamuno sang Communist Party of the Philippines nga paslawon ang kontra-insurhensya nga programa sang reaksyonaryo kag uhaw sa dugo nga rehimen Duterte agud wasakon ang rebolusyonaryo nga kahublagan partikular sa isla sang Negros. Wala ni isa sa lima ka larangan gerilya sa Negos ang nawasak sa pihak sang masingki nga operasyon militar, sa baylo padayon ini nga nagalapad kag nagabaskog.
Dapat hatagan sang katapusan ang pag-antus sang pumuluyo sa idalum sang tiraniko nga rehimen Duterte. Dapat mag-isa ang bug-os nga pumuluyo, tukuron ang malapad nga alyansa kontra Duterte kag palayason sa poder. Mag-upod kag aton pabaskugon ang armado nga paghimakas kag silutan ang mga may utang nga dugo sa pumuluyo para mahatagan sang hustisya ang mga biktima sang tiraniko kag berdugo nga rehimen.###
Mabuhay ang Masang pigos!
Isulong ang Armado nga paghimakas tubtob sa kadalag-an!
CPP/NDF-Negros Island: Pagdumdum sa mga biktima sang pasismo sang rehimen! Ubos-kusog nga maghimakas para sa hustisya!
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Nov 1, 2020): Pagdumdum sa mga biktima sang pasismo sang rehimen! Ubos-kusog nga maghimakas para sa hustisya!
Kadungan sa aton nga pagdumdum sa kabuhi sang aton mga pamilya nga nagtaliwan, ang National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP-Negros) ang nagapakig-isa sa bug-os nga pumuluyong Negrosanon sa pagdumdum sa mga rebolusyunaryo nga na martir nga naghalad sang ila bilidhon nga kabuhi sa pagtib-ong sang makatarunganon nga inaway banwa. Subongman sa mga pumuluyo nga biktima sang inhustisya nga ginpamatay kag mga deparasido tuga sang madinugu-on nga kontra-pumuluyo nga gyera sang rehimen.
Nagapabilin nga preska ang ila mga handurawan nga amu ang nagaserbi nga kalayo sa aton tagipusu-on para ubos kusog nga maghimakas kag magbato agud sukton ang tiraniko nga rehimen sa iya brutal nga krimen batok sa pumuluyo. Paslawon ang paghari sang pasismo agud maangkon ang hustisya nga madugay na nga ginahandum sa pumuluyo.
Sa panahon sang madulom nga kahimtangan bangod sa nagabangis nga terorismo sang estado, ang militansiya kag indi-malingkang nga paghimakas sang pumuluyo ang nagapabilin nga iwag tubtob malab-ot ang demokrasya, kahilwayan kag matuod-tuod nga kalinong nga nakabase sa hustisya.
Sa atubang sang todo-larga kag patarasak nga pagsabwag sang kabangis kag terorismo sang estado, nagapakita lamang ini sang kagarukan kag nagahuyang nga panggobyerno sang korap, traidor, paantus kag berdugo nga rehimen US-Duterte nga nahadlok sa nagabaskog, nagadamo kag nagalapad nga pagbato sang pumuluyo para sa pagpalayas sang nagahuyango nga rehimen sa poder.
Gani indi kita dapat mahadlok! Maisog kag ubos-kusog nga maghimakas sa pagpanawagan sang hustisya kag pagpasabat para sa tanan nga biktima kag ginpamatay sang gyera kontra-droga kag gyera kontra-pumuluyo nga ginalunsar sang uhaw sa dugo nga rehimen US-Duterte.
Itukod ang pinakamalapad nga alyansa sang tanan nga pigos kag ginahimuslan nga sektor kag kolektibo nga magbato agud sukton kag palayason ang pabaya, inutil kag tiraniko nga rehimen sa poder.###
CPP/NDF-Negros Island: Mag-isa kag wala-kakapoy nga magbato agud tapuson ang terorismo sang estado! Angkunon ang hustisya paagi sa pagpalayas sa rehimen US-Duterte sa poder!
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Oct 31, 2020): Mag-isa kag wala-kakapoy nga magbato agud tapuson ang terorismo sang estado! Angkunon ang hustisya paagi sa pagpalayas sa rehimen US-Duterte sa poder!
Nagapakig-isa ang NDF-Negros sa tanan nga rebolusyonaryo nga pwersa, legal demokratiko nga mga organisasyon kag pumuluyong Negrosanon sa pagkomerar sang isa ka tuig nga kawad-on sang hustisya sa sinkronisado nga illegal nga pag reyd sang mersenaryo nga mga elemento sang PNP, CIDG kag SAF sa mga progresibo nga opisina sa Bacolod kag crackdown sa mga aktibista.
Subong man, kadungan sa aton mabaskog nga pagpakamalaut sa indi-makatarunganon kag desperado nga tikang sang administrasyon Duterte sa pagpahipos sa mga progresibo kag demokratiko nga mga indibidwal nga maisog nga nagabuyagyag sang mga kontra-pumuluyo nga patakaran sang tiraniko nga rehimen, ang pagpanawagan sa gilayon nga paghilway sa tanan nga mga progresibo nga indibidwal kag mga aktibista nga biktima sang mga patu-patu nga kaso base sa peke kag ginpangtanom nga mga ebidensya.
Ang depiktoso kag gasgas nga eskima sang AFP-PNP sa pagpasaka sang mga himi-himo nga kaso kag pagpangtanum sang mga peke nga ebidensya ang kabahin sang mahigko nga gyera nga ginalunsar sang rehimen Duterte agud tapnaon ang nagakusog nga paghimakas sang mga pumuluyo. Tuman ini ka malapnagon kag padayon nga nagalala ilabi na sa Isla sang Negros nga nangin laboratoryo sang kontra-insurhensya nga kampanya sang berdugo nga rehimen US-Duterte.
Indi malipud ang nagasingki nga kontradiksyon sa tunga sang agalon mayduta kag sahing pigos kag ginahimuslan diri sa Isla tuga sang malapnagon nga pagpang-agaw sang duta, pagpang-ulipon paagi sa tuman ka nubo nga sweldo kag sari-sari nga porma sang paglapas sa tawhanon nga kinamatarung gamit ang mga ahente kag iban pa nga mga elemento sang estado.
Ini ang nagresulta sa malala nga gutom kag kaimulon sa masang pigos nga amo ang kabangdanan sa pag-alsa sang pumuluyong Negrosanon kag paglunsar sang ikit-ikit kag malapnagon nga paghimakas masa. Gani agud pukanon ang demokratiko nga paghimakas sang pumuluyo kag pahugon ang pumuluyo, isa ang Negros sa sentro sang madinugu-on kag mahigko nga gyera sang rehimen paagi sa pagpatuman sang MO 32, EO 70 kag ang demonyo nga Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.
Ginapamatud-an sang rehimen US-Duterte nga ang ila mayor nga target sa sini nga mga kasugu-an amo ang mga aktibista, demokratiko kag patriyotiko nga pwersa kag mga kritiko agud ipundar ang diktadurya nga gahum nga indi na kinahanglan nga ideklara ang Laye Militar. Ang pagsabwag sang kakugmat, kalakasan kag terorismo sang estado ang tabon sa ila kahadlok sa nagadamu kag nagalapad nga pwersa sang pumuluyo nga militanti nga nagapamatuk kag nagaprotesta sa kapalpakan, kapabayaan kag kawad-on sang ikasarang sang rehimen Duterte nga ginhublasan pa sang iya inutil nga pag-aksyon sa Covid-19 nga pandemya.
Apang ang indi malingkang nga paghimakas sang masang pigos ang nagapakita nga wala sang ano man nga pagpamahug sang estado ang makasablag sa pagduso sang mga demokratiko nga kaayuhan kag interes sang pumuluyo. Sa pihak sang mga pagpamalabag, makit-an ang militansya kag kaisog sang mga pumuluyo nga ibuyagyag kag pamatukan ang kagarukan sang rehimen.
Mintras nagapabilin ang tiraniko nga rehimen US-Duterte sa poder, wala sang hustisya nga maagum ang pumuluyo. Gani nagakadapat nga mag-isa kag kolektibo nga magbato agud dugmukon kag palayason ang rehimen US-Duterte sa poder! Ubos-kusog nga isulong ang makatarunganon nga pungsodnon demokratiko nga rebolusyon agud maangkon ang matuod-tuod nga demokrasya, kahilwayan kag hustisya para sa bug-os nga pumuluyong Pilipino. ###
CPP/NPA-Southwest Negros: Pagpauntat sang pagmina
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Oct 31, 2020): Pagpauntat sang pagmina
Ang Rebolusyonaryong Gobyerno sang Pumuluyo nagaluntad sa bisan diin nga bahin sang Pilipinas. Gobyerno ini sang pumuluyo nga nagapangapin kag nagapaseguro sang ila kaayuhan kag kaseguruhan sa kabuhi kag pangabuhian. Nagapamatok ini sa kon ano man nga akto nga nagahalit sa kinaiyahan kag makatuga sang halit sa pumuluyo.
Ang pagmina, isa sang indi ginapahanugutan sang Rebolusyonaryo nga Gobyerno tungod sang madamo na nga panghitabu nga nagpamatuod sang daku nga kahalitan nga natuga sa pangabuhian sang madamo nga pumuluyo kag nag-utas man sang madamo na nga kabuhi.
Sa Southern Negros, bantog ang kalidad sang bulawan nga may mataas nga Grade. Kag ginakilala bisan sa mga Large Scale Miners, amo kon ngaa madamo sang maganyat kag mag-interes sini. Ang ginhimo sadto sang Philex Mining Corporation kag Maricalum isa ka buhi nga halimbawa sang daku nga kahalitan nga natuga sa pumuluyo sa diin nag-antus ang pumuluyo sang epekto sini hasta sa subong. Ang lugar nga ginmina indi na magamit kag ma-uma sang pumuluyo tungod bisan ginatos pa ka tuig ang makalipas indi mapabalik ang katambok sang duta. Ang epekto sang mga kemikals nga gingamit nga nagpollute sang tubig sa mga kasubaan kag kasapaan nga indi na magamit sang mga tawo sa pag-irigar sang ila nga mga pananum, pag-inom sang kasapatan kag ang paggamit mismo sang mga pumuluyo kag nagtuga pa ini sang sakit. Sa kabilugan nagaguba ini sang kinaiyahan. Basehan sang pagdumili kag lubos nga indi pagpasugot sa pag-operar sang anuman nga Mining Corporation sa lugar.
Sang Otubre 5, 2020, pasado 5:30 sang aga, ginsulod sang Unit sang New People’s Army ang Golden Valley Small Scale Miners Association agud pa-untaton sa ila nga pag-operar tungod illegal ini nga nagsulod sa AOR sang NPA sa sakop sang Brgy. Narra kag nagaborder sa Upper part sang Brgy. Inayawan, Cauayan, Negros Occidental. Direkta ini nga nagkadto sa Mining Site dala ang ila nga mga kagamitan kag nag-operate sa pagmina nga wala sang kon ano nga konsesyon nga nahimo sa mga nagapanag-iya sang duta kag sa aktwal indi magpasugot ang tag-iya kag madamo sang indi gid pabor sa pagmina. Ang target nga minahon nagalapad sang 5 ka hektarya sa isa lang ka nagapanag-iya kag may iban pa nga mga katambi nga mga luna. Sa una palang nga pila ka adlaw nga pag-operate, naglubog na ang kasapaan kag kasubaan kag nagreklamo na ang mga pumuluyo kay indi na sila makagamit sang tubig. Nagreklamo ang tag-iya sang duta kay ginabasol sila sang madamo nga mga tawo ngaa nagpasugot sila kay apektado ang hasta sa ubos kag indi lang ina, hasta sa iban nga baryo nga sakop sang Syudad sang Sipalay sa diin maagyan kag maabutan sang agos sang tubig.
Nakaabot sa igtalupangod sang NPA ang pagsulod sang sini nga Manugmina kag ang reklamo sang mga pumuluyo kag ginhimuan ini sang tikang para mapauntat ang pag-operar. Ginkadtuan sila kag gin-edukar kabahin sang ila ilegal nga pagmina, gin-athag ang basehan sang rebolusyonaryo nga gobyerno sa pagpauntat sa basehan nga makaguba sang kinaiyahan kag labi pa ang halit nga tugahon sini sa pumuluyo.
Matawhay ang pag-estoryahanay sa mga trabahante. Gintawgan sang salaligan ang ila Financier/Buyer kaangot sini. Ginhatagan sila sang plaso nga sa sulod sang 3 ka adlaw madala na nila balik ang ila nga mga kagamitan. Wala sang kwarta ukon ano nga mga personal nga kagamitan nga ginkuha sa ila magluwas sang boluntaryo nila nga ginpanghatag.
Sa Financier/Buyer kag sa mga trabahante sang Golden Valley Small Scale Miners Association gina-apresyar ang ila pagkooperar sa tikang sang Rebolusyonaryo nga Gobyerno.
Pamatukan ang pagguba sang kinaiyahan, pamatukan ang pagmina!
CPP/NDF-KM: Justice for the AFP’s violation of the rights of Irix Romero! Resist the state’s terror tactics!
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Oct 30, 2020): Justice for the AFP’s violation of the rights of Irix Romero! Resist the state’s terror tactics!

The Kabataang Makabayan National Office conveys its solidarity with all patriotic youth and masses in demanding justice for Irix Romero’s abduction and gross violation of rights by the fascist AFP.
Irix Romero is a member of STAND BulSU and SCMP BulSU. She decided to temporarily leave home to be able to more diligently execute her functions as a full-time youth organizer. Briefly returning to her home in Bulacan, she was met by state fascism in the form of one of her relatives in the military.
Since then, Irix was stripped of all forms of communication with others and was subsequently forced into a “counseling” session by military officials in an army camp.
KM expresses its condemnation of these terrorist actions by the fabricator, trigger-happy, murderous AFP. Not only did the goons-in-uniform display utter disregard for the rights of a civilian, they took advantage of a family issue and turned it into propaganda to justify state terrorism.
These are the circumstances willed into reality by the regime’s incessant red-tagging of critics, activists, and organizers.
The events that befell Irix happen in every city, community, or province where the rabid dogs AFP are. Wherever militancy thrives, the AFP swarms to wreak havoc and fear.
The Duterte fascist regime is desperately mobilizing its entire force to attempt to suppress the people’s resistance and growing unrest. Unsurprisingly, they fail to recognize how the masses grow ever more militant with every terror tactic they carry out.
The people are more infuriated and agitated than ever. The regime is scared to see what comes next.
CPP/NDF-MAKIBAKA: Makibaka-Bicol on the red-tagging of Angel Locsin, Catriona Gray and Liza Soberano
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Oct 30, 2020): Makibaka-Bicol on the red-tagging of Angel Locsin, Catriona Gray and Liza Soberano
This feudal and macho society has objectified women so much that for them to speak up and stand for their rights is considered a crime. This is a society that reduces Angel, Catriona and Liza to pretty faces and models who only exist to please and entertain, and in the same breath, castigate a mother like Reina Nasino for being principled and for working toward a better future for the next generations.
Would you rather let little girls idolize likes of Celine Pialago and Mocha Uson, who do nothing but worship a dictator and parrot his words? Would you rather perpetuate a system so rotten that little girls grow up believing that their only worth is in being blindly submissive? That once they speak up their minds, they will be demonized and ostracized? Women hold up half of the sky, and their role in changing the world is no less important.
CPP/CIO: Parlade and NTF-ELCAC must answer for any harm that may befall red-tagging victims
Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Oct 28, 2020): Parlade and NTF-ELCAC must answer for any harm that may befall red-tagging victims
None other than Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade, Jr., commander of the AFP Southern Luzon Command, and other officials of the NTF-ELCAC, should be blamed for whatever harm that may befall the individuals, organizations and officials successively red-tagged in the past few days.
Like a rabid dog, General Parlade threatened movie and television personalities who expressed their views and stood with activist organizations. Even Manila Mayor Isko Moreno earned Parlade’s ire and was denounced for “welcoming terrorists” after the mayor ordered the taking down of NTF-ELCAC “persona non grata” tarpaulins against the CPP and NPA.
General Parlade only proved that the real targets of the NTF-ELCAC are the activists and critics of the regime.
Parlade displayed acute hysteria in targetting defenders of women and children’s rights, activists, progressive members of parliament as well as government officials. To fascist zealots like him, one is Red if one is not anti-Red. Those who do not march to this tune are autobranded as communists.
The people are not easily intimidated by Parlade’s threat to use the fascist Anti-Terror Law to silence and suppress critics and the opposition. Over the past days, many have stood up and denounced Parlade’s red-tagging. Progressive and democratic forces have firmly defended their rights and freedom of expression especially in the face of the regime’s gross ineptness, corruption and fascism.
The ranks of the aware and courageous people fighting the Duterte fascist regime continue to swell. There is strong clamor for taking away the P19.1 billion fund of the NTF-ELCAC and for disbanding this fascist agency.
Even a few fascists were obliged to distance themselves from Parlade and advised him to “refrain” from speaking in public. However, this is all for show, as the Duterte regime relentlessly subject the national democratic and progressive forces to surveillance, intimidation, arrests and killings.
The Duterte regime and the NTF-ELCAC are set to carry out worse measures, especially after releasing the rules for using its Anti-Terror Law. Plans to designate the CPP and NPA, as well as legal and non-armed democratic and progressive organizations as terrorists must be vigorously opposed. This is the first step towards suppression and illegalization of these organizations and movements that uphold patriotism, democracy, justice, environmentalism and human rights.
Communist tagging by reactionary regimes against their opponents have a long history. Accused communists where the first to be imprisoned and suppressed by Hitler when he established his fascist dictatorship. Over the decades, anti-dictatorship forces in Indonesia, Thailand, Chile and other countries have invariably been branded communists.
Under the Marcos dictatorship, organizations, parties and individuals who stood and fought against martial law were also branded communists or friends of communists. Many of the organizations suppressed by Marcos became targets of suppression and killings in post-Marcos regimes. They suffered some of the worst attacks under the 9-year Arroyo fascist regime. They now suffer even worse suppression under the Duterte fascist regime.
Freedom- and democracy-loving people must display greater courage. There is honor in being branded Red if it means selflessly serving the people.
Their bravery and militance is much needed in the fight against fascist brutality, corruption and national treachery of the Duterte regime and its plan to perpetuate itself in power. At the same time, they need to be smart to frustrate the evil fascists to oppress them legally and extrajudicially.
In the face of worse repression and shrinking democratic space, the doors of the New People’s Army are always open to welcome anyone who need protection who wish to offer their ability and talents to serve the peasant masses and advance the people’s war for national freedom and democracy.
Kalinaw News: Raped NPA child warrior asks help from Gabriela to defend her rights
Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 1, 2020): Raped NPA child warrior asks help from Gabriela to defend her rights
Ormoc City, Leyte – The 802nd Infantry “Peerless” Brigade, 8ID, PA has posted an open letter on Facebook that was written and addressed to Gabriela Partylist by a former NPA child warrior asking help in filing a rape case against a NPA Commander.
Alias Ka Shane, 17 years old and a resident of Hilongos, Leyte, was recruited by the NPA when she was on her 2nd grade.
NPA has promised her education in exchange of joining the organization.
Alias Ka Shane was then assured by her parents, who was also member of the organization, that she will graduate.
She was brought to a hide-out in the mountains and was assigned in medical team.
The former rebel claims that she was raped and sexually harrassed by her commander numerous times.
Ka Shane recalls her frustrations of joining CPP-NDF-NPA hence atone her mistakes of being recruited by returning to the fold of the law and exposing harrasments inside the organization.
“We condemn the exploitation of the children and we call the groups who are advocating children and women’s rights to join in the efforts of saving the future of the children by stopping the CPP -NPA-NDF recruitment,” said Brigadier General Zosimo Oliveros, Commander of the 802nd Brigade.
[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]
Kalinaw News: Military foils ASG IED attack
Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 1, 2020): Military foils ASG IED attack
Camp Navarro, Calarian, Zamboanga City- October 31, 2020 The WestMinCom Commander Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr. reported that the troops of the Joint Task Force Sulu recovered an Improvised Explosive Device made by the notorious Abu Sayyaf Group bomb maker Mundi Sawadjaan on October 30, 2020.
“It can be recalled that Sawadjaan was behind the 2019 Jolo Cathedral Bombing,” Lt. Gen. Vinluan said. Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. further said that at 4:30 p.m., Friday, the troops of the 1101st Infantry Brigade and the 100th Infantry Battalion acted on a report received from a concerned citizen of the presence of a suspicious object in their vicinity.
“The troops proceeded to the area in Barangay Timbangan, Indanan, Sulu to verify the report and upon confirmation, they immediately coordinated to the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team for the proper disposal of the IED,” Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. added.
Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. stated that based on the report from the ground, the IED was wrapped with coconut leaves and it is composed of a mortar cartridge, 90RR projectile heat, five liters of Ammonium-Nitrate/Fuel-oil (ANFO), battery, and an improvised blasting cap. Said IED was emplaced along the barangay road, which if exploded could hurt people within a 20-meter radius.In a statement, JTF Sulu Commander Maj. Gen. William Gonzales said,.
“The Abu Sayyaf Group is frustrated by the series of their losses that they resort to the most hideous form of violent extremism – bombing. They want to instill fear, but the bravery and courage of our troops are unsurpassable”.
Meanwhile, 1101Bde Commander Col. Antonio Bautista said that on October 29, the 5th Special Forces Company mobilized the 7th CAA Company and the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team to pursue around ten ASG members of the group under sub-leader Ellam Nasirin, an affiliate of Mundi Sawajaan.
A 30-minute firefight transpired that ended with the ASG members scampering away in different directions. Bloodstains were found on the encounter site, strongly indicating that some of the bandits got wounded during the encounter.
“We are continuously tracking the ASG, with the consolidated efforts of all units and the full support from the civilian populace who provide timely and accurate information of ASG’s whereabouts and activities,” Col. Bautista said.
[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]
Kalinaw News: Mag-ama at isa pa nilang kasamahan na sapilitang nirekrut ng NPA, nagbalik-loob dala ang kanilang armas sa pamahalaan
Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 1, 2020): Mag-ama at isa pa nilang kasamahan na sapilitang nirekrut ng NPA, nagbalik-loob dala ang kanilang armas sa pamahalaan
CAMP MELCHOR F DELA CRUZ, Upi, Gamu, Isabela – Sumuko ang tatlong indibidwal na sapilitang nirekrut ng rebeldeng New People’s Army dala ang kanilang armas sa kasundaluhan ng 95th, 86th Infantry Battalion at sa kapulisan sa lalawigan ng Isabela noong ika-30 nang Oktubre taong kasalukuyan.
Sa paglalahad ng mag-amang sina alyas Digma/Jin, Medical Officer ng Regional Sentro De Grabidad-Komiteng Rehiyon Cagayan Valley (RSDG-KRCV) at alyas Paul, 17 taong gulang, pwersahan silang isinampa sa rebeldeng grupo dahil wala na silang marekrut para umanib sa teroristang kilusan.
Pagbabahagi pa ng mag-ama, dinaig nila ang kalagayan ng isang bilanggo dahil sa sobrang hirap ng kanilang naranasan sa kamay ng mga kumander ng RSDG-KRCV.
Ayon kay alyas Paul, tinuruan pa siya ng mga rebeldeng NPA na magsinungaling patungkol sa kanyang tunay na edad para hindi siya matawag na batang mandirigma. Kasama sa kanilag pagsuko ang isang cal. 45 Armscor na baril na in-issue sa kanil ng rebeldeng NPASa naging salaysay naman ni alyas Chris, dating Supply Officer ng rebeldeng RSDG-KRCV, sapilitan din siyang isinama ng rebeldeng grupo upang gabayan sila mula Diwagao Complex patungong San Guillermo.
Subalit, pagkarating sa naturang lugar, binigyan na siya ng baril at pinagbuhat ng bomba hanggang sa isinasama na siya sa mga operasyon ng teroristang NPA.
Isinuko rin niya ang isang M16 rifle na in-issue ng mga rebelde.Ang paglulunsad ng mga programa ng pamahalaan sa kanayunan ng San Guillermo at syudad ng Cauayan katuwang ang iba’t-ibang ahensya ng pamahalaan maging ng mga Non-Government Organizations, ang naging dahilan sa pagsuko ng tatlong miyembro ng RSDG-KRCV.
Sa kasalukuyan ay ipinoproseso na ang mga kailangang dokumento upang makatanggap sila ng tulong mula naman sa Enhance Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) ng pamahalaan na na nakalaan sa mga nagbabalik-loob na rebelde sa gobyerno.
Nagpahayag naman ng pasasalamat si BGen Laurence E Mina PA, Commander ng 5th Infantry Division, Philippine Army sa ginagawang pagsisikap ng iba’t-ibang ahensya ng pamahalaan at sa mga grupong patuloy na sumusuporta sa adbokasiya ng gobyerno upang maiparating sa mga apektadong lugar ng insurhensiya ang ibat-ibang serbisyo.
“Maliban sa kasundaluhan at mga ahensya ng gobyerno, handa ring maghatid ng tulong ang mga Non-Government Organizations upang masigurong walang napag-iiwanan kahit ang mga nasa malalayong lugar.
Inuulit ko na ang laban sa insurhensiya ay hindi lamang laban ng kasundaluhan bagkus, ito ay laban ng lahat.”
[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]
Kalinaw News: LTG Brigade Commander and 2 other Combatants yield to 34IB
Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 1, 2020): LTG Brigade Commander and 2 other Combatants yield to 34IB
CAMP Siongco, Maguindanao – Three more “disgruntled” combatants, including a brigade commander of the Local Terrorist Group, a member of Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) have yielded to 34th Infantry Battalion in Northern Kabuntalan, Maguindanao on Tuesday October 27, 2020.
The surrenderees were resident of sitio Bentad and Sitio Macantal, all of Brgy Ulandang, Midasayap, North Cotabato. They are former followers of wanted BIFF leader Imam Karialan and now vowed to authorities that they will not take up arms against the government after they have pledged allegiance to the Republic.
“We are confused and we do not know what we are fighting for,” said one of the surrenderers.The surrenderees brought along with them their fire arms one Caliber 50 BMG 12.7x99mm sniper rifle and one M14 sniper rifle Barret and some ammos.
Major. Gen. Juvymax R. Uy, Commander of the Army’s 6th Infantry Division and concurrent chief of Joint Task Force Central, said Karialan and his remaining band of followers are continuously being hunted by government troops in the boundaries of Maguindanao and North Cotabato.
The Commander 6ID, thanked the troops of 34 IB and the local officials who helped convince the LTGs to return to the fold of law.Surrendered personalities were brought to the Headquarters of 34IB, for initial debriefing and processing.
Last October 24, nine BIFF have surrendered to 6ID, including a field commander and a bomb maker because of the pressures of an intensified military offensive against them in Maguindanao.
[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]
IRRC No. 912: Interview with Lieutenant-Colonel Joven D. Capitulo PA
Posted to the International Review of the Red Cross (Nov 2020): IRRC No. 912: Interview with Lieutenant-Colonel Joven D. Capitulo PA
Protracted conflicts are a major source of human suffering and can cause long-term displacement and development reversals. Although protracted conflicts can take many forms, they are generally characterized by their longevity, intractability and mutability. Authorities involved in situations of protracted conflict face complex challenges, particularly when it comes to ensuring that international humanitarian law (IHL) is respected by their armed forces.The government of the Philippines has been involved in multiple non-international armed conflicts against insurgent groups for more than fifty years. In this interview, Lieutenant-Colonel Joven Capitulo, who works to implement the policies, activities and programmes of the Philippine Department of National Defense and Philippine Department of Defense initiatives on national legislation pertaining to compliance with IHL, shares the perspective of a State dealing with several protracted situations of non-international armed conflict. He tells the Review about some of the IHL considerations involved when a military is engaged in counter-insurgency on its own territory over a period of decades.
Tell us about your role at the Department of National Defense. What are the main activities of the Office of the Undersecretary for Defense Policy?
I've been in the Department of National Defense for almost nine years now. I work in the Office of the Undersecretary for Defense Policy where, as the military assistant, I assist and advise the undersecretary on military matters, particularly related to the Armed Forces of the Philippines. I am also currently heading the technical working group of the IHL Ad Hoc Committee, an inter-agency body which is being co-chaired by the Department of National Defense and the Department of Foreign Affairs.1
Apart from heading the IHL Ad Hoc Committee, the Department of National Defense, through our office, also participates as an active member of the inter-agency committee created under Administrative Order No. 35 [AO 35].2 The AO 35 Committee is an inter-agency body chaired by the Department of Justice that looks into issues of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, and other high crimes. This mechanism also covers violation of IHL under our national legislation enacting IHL into Philippine domestic law through Republic Act 9851.3 As one of the active members of the AO 35 mechanism, together with the Armed Forces of the Philippines Human Rights Office, we look into matters, review cases and make recommendations to the Committee regarding coverage under the AO 35 mechanism for issues such as enforced disappearances, torture, and other violations of IHL.
The Department of National Defense is also a member of the National Committee on Human Rights. This is also an inter-agency body, chaired by the Commission on Human Rights, which is an independent constitutional body. As part of that team, we work to ensure that human rights are respected.
The Department of National Defense is also spearheading a committee dealing with the protection of the red cross, red crescent and red crystal emblems. This is based on national legislation under Republic Act 10530, which criminalizes the misuse of these emblems and holds those offenders criminally liable under Philippine law. The law mandates the Department of National Defense to look into the protection of these emblems.4 The International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC] is part of the consultative body that drafted the operational guidelines implementing Republic Act 10530, published in our own official gazette in 2019. The operational guidelines are intended to help the security, health and business sectors to understand what should be protected, what should not be done and why these emblems need to be protected. So, the challenge on our part is of course how to cascade this down to the lowest-ranking members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, how to educate health workers and administrators and how we can cover the business sector despite the limited resources available.
Can you tell our readers a little about the situation in the Philippines, especially in Mindanao?
In Mindanao, there are several different armed groups that we are currently addressing. One is, of course, the secessionist movement in the Muslim-dominated part of the Southern Philippines. At present, we have a very important task with the secessionist movement in view the passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law.5
The Bangsamoro Organic Law, which was signed by the President of the Republic, is geared towards the implementation of an autonomous region in some parts of the Southern Philippines. So, we are already at the normalization stage involving the security aspect and the subsequent decommissioning of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front forces and their weapons. It is in this context that socio-economic development programmes play a vital role in assuring that the governance of the region will be administered by its people.
Following the passage of the Law, the Bangsamoro transitional government is addressing concerns related to the secessionist movement in the Southern Philippines, including cultural, ethnic and religious differences in that region. Everybody looks forward to a smooth transition in governing that particular region of the Southern Philippines.
The passage of the Law was a primary effort of the government. Of course, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Department of National Defense are very supportive. We want to bring peace in that region because we've been addressing the armed conflict in that region for quite some time. So, with this Bangsamoro transitional government and the establishment of the autonomous Bangsamoro region, everyone is hopeful that there will be a lasting peace.
In the eastern part of Mindanao, we have another conflict involving the armed group of the Communist Party of the Philippines [CPP], the New People's Army [NPA]. Recently, the government, through our president, issued Executive Order No. 70 establishing a National Taskforce to End Local Communist Armed Conflict.6 The very purpose of the executive issuances made by the president is to localize the peace negotiation. As you all know, we have been trying to negotiate a peace accord with the top brass of the CPP, the NPA and National Democratic Front [NDF]. You can read in the papers that Norway is facilitating peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the CPP-NPA-NDF in the Netherlands, but unfortunately, for almost a year, these talks have largely been a failure. So the government came up with the decision to have peace negotiations at the local level, because there are complexities on the ground. What the government did is to come up with this executive order and introduce different programmes and approaches. The Department of National Defense is spearheading one of the programmes on the integration of combatants into society. As part of this programme, we are giving surrenderees reintegration packages, in the form of firearms remunerations, livelihood programmes and the like, whenever they decide to start their normal lives. Particularly, the government gives them some cash to sustain their livelihoods and has introduced capacity programmes to train them – for example, to start a business or learn a new way of farming. All of this is being addressed under Executive Order No. 70. Our hope is that in the very near future, we could address the NPA conflict with this programme.
The Philippines has a very volatile and porous boundary down south, and we did not predict that terrorism and terrorist groups would start spreading. They even tried to establish an Islamic regime under Daesh in that southern part of the region. We have several terrorist groups, the biggest of which is the Abu Sayyaf Group [ASG]. The ASG engages in various kidnap-for-ransom activities, bombings, beheadings, assassinations and extortion. The recent Marawi siege is the most serious militant action by this terrorist group. Isnilon Hapilon, an ASG leader who subsequently became the “Emir of all Islamic State Forces in the Philippines”, joined forces with the Maute Group in their lair in Butig, Lanao del Sur, and tried to occupy Marawi City. The occupation of Marawi City by the terrorist group was preceded by a joint law enforcement operation of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police when they attempted to serve a warrant of arrest and capture for Hapilon. The Marawi siege is a classic example of a complex military situation because during the military operation, the security forces found out that there were a lot of foreign fighters fighting along with Hapilon and the Maute Group. Thus, again, a big challenge on the part of the Department of National Defense in addressing this kind of conflict.
We have several strategic platforms for addressing all this. Cooperation among the neighbouring countries is key to addressing the problem and controlling this border. At present, we have a trilateral agreement with Indonesia and Malaysia, securing the border in the south. The agreement, through a joint patrol, seeks to address or mitigate the entry of some of these foreign terrorists into our territory.
How have things changed over time as the insurgency has become increasingly protracted?
I think the recent paradigm shift adopted by the Department of National Defense through the Armed Forces of the Philippines, which is implementing Development Support and Security Plan entitled “Kapayapaan”,7 is a big change in addressing the insurgency problem. Kapayapaan is a Filipino word for “peace”. The precursor of this plan was the Internal Peace and Security Plan entitled “Bayanihan”.8
The “Kapayapaan” plan considers that military operations alone cannot address the insurgency problem here in the Philippines. It should be a whole-of-nation approach. This was a paradigm shift that we adopted. Before, the security forces of the government focused more on military operations or campaigns, neutralizing the enemy, and dealt more with the technical aspects of military operations. Nowadays, we have incorporated development into the counter-insurgency campaign of the government. Under the whole-of-nation approach, we make sure that concerned government stakeholders like the Department of Social Welfare, the Department of Public Works and Highways and the Department of Agrarian Reform will be part of the team. Because after securing the countryside, we need to develop and sustain the community. Of course, the development phase or operation is no longer part of the mandate of the Department of National Defense. Development will be done by other concerned departments of the government. So, we make sure that everybody will be equipped and capacitated in order to sustain peace in the area. It is a lot of coordinative work, but we're doing it, integrating the different government stakeholders one by one.
In your view, what are the main challenges in applying IHL in counter-insurgency situations like the ones that you see in the Philippines?
One of the main challenges that we encounter is ensuring that non-State actors appreciate and observe the principles of IHL. For this big challenge, we need someone to educate the non-State actors. Of course, the Department of National Defense or the Armed Forces of the Philippines cannot do it.
Another problem we are facing here in the Philippines is addressing terrorist groups such as the ASG in the regions of Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Jolo and Basilan. How can we relate to them and educate them on the principles of IHL? It's a sad reality that these groups are not fighting for any political or socio-economic cause; they are simply big groups of bandits. So, again, how can we educate this armed group and teach them to respect and observe IHL principles? And who will educate these people about IHL? It's hard to think of who could influence them and how to incentivize their compliance with IHL. An independent organization or group will certainly play a significant role in educating these people. In my personal view, the ICRC can play a big role in this huge endeavour.
On the other hand, the continuous advocacy campaigns on IHL among members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines are still a challenge because of the huge number of such members. We have incorporated subjects on human rights and IHL as part of their regular military career courses. Other advocacy campaigns or programmes are also being undertaken, in partnership with the ICRC, considering that we have limited resources to manage.
The main challenge of the counter-insurgency campaign and the internal conflict is that it's a war among Filipinos. The victims of this war are not foreign individuals or groups – they are Filipinos. That's the saddest and hardest part. Of course, the counter-insurgency campaign is not just an issue of a military operation. It's an issue of how we Filipinos embrace the humanitarian side, and this could be achieved through peaceful means. Counter-insurgency has been going on for more than five decades now. It's a long war, and the victims are the Filipinos themselves.
What are some of the IHL-related lessons learned as the insurgencies in the Philippines have become increasingly protracted?
We have seen a paradigm shift insofar as the counter-insurgency campaign is concerned. We've realized that military operations alone cannot address the counter-insurgency. We need to invite other stakeholders from the concerned government agencies and NGOs to help us in this campaign.
The act of neutralizing the armed component of an insurgent group will not end the armed conflict. All they need to do is to recruit, train and organize, and then more insurgents will resurface. So, it's a never-ending campaign. The “Kapayapaan” plan aims to address the issue. Peace and order is just one of the components. Development should be incorporated, followed by capacity-building; this would certainly ensure lasting peace and development.
You mentioned advocacy campaigns to promote respect for IHL by the Armed Forces of the Philippines. What measures has the Philippines government put in place to ensure that its forces comply with IHL?
One way of doing this is being part of the IHL Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee often meets to discuss programmes and activities that will promote IHL. It is a participatory way to get the involvement of every member of the Committee. Another way is through an annual oath by the security sector of the government – the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Coast Guard. We, the uniformed armed services, usually conduct an IHL oath every year, from the general headquarters, to the division or unit headquarters, and down to the battalion or similar unit level. Soldiers are required to take this IHL oath and re-dedicate themselves to observing the principles of IHL. Personally, I think one of the best practices that we're doing is the constant reminders to our troops relative to these principles. So we make sure that all our troops take their IHL oath every year, for them to be reminded of the principles of IHL.
As I have said, apart from the oath, all members of the security forces are trained and educated to uphold the principles of IHL and human rights all throughout their careers. Upon their recruitment, we incorporate IHL principles and human rights subjects into their programme of instruction. These subjects and principles are being taught and incorporated into the training modules undertaken by the different military training schools; they are taught starting from the recruitment of the candidate soldier and all through their career. In the officers’ corps, we assure that all our officers have adequate knowledge as far as the implementation and principles of IHL are concerned. This is important because they lead these fighting armed men, so we need to capacitate and educate them.
This is over and above the advocacy activities undertaken by the Armed Forces of the Philippines Human Rights Office. We have Human Rights Offices in the Army, in the Navy, and in the Air Force – and down to the battalion level, we have a human rights officer, whose role is to monitor compliance with IHL and human rights.
The Department of National Defense is performing its role of relaying IHL principles to the troops. In fact, the Department is mandated by law, under Republic Act 10530, the Emblem Law, to act as the chair of an inter-agency committee for implementing the protection accorded in the usage of the so-called “Emblems of Humanity”.
Can you tell us more about the IHL Ad Hoc Committee? What are its main activities?
The IHL Ad Hoc Committee is an inter-agency body which has external participation from organizations such as the ICRC, the Philippine Red Cross and other civil society organizations who are also members of the Committee. All the different security sectors in the Philippines are also members of the Committee, including the Philippine Coast Guard and the Philippine National Police.
The IHL Ad Hoc Committee was initially created purposely to spearhead activities for the yearly IHL celebration that begins every 12th of August, “IHL Month”. The IHL Month celebration begins with an opening ceremony commemorating IHL Day on 12 August. The Committee is co-chaired by the Department of National Defense and the Department of Foreign Affairs, and celebrations are held either in the Department of National Defense or the Department of Foreign Affairs.
The activities of the Committee have developed over time, and we make sure every year to innovate through a series of activities. Last year, members of the diplomatic corps, including the ICRC's head of delegation in Manila, were invited to attend the national commemorations on IHL.
Also last year, we tapped the services of one of the most famous people in Philippines show business, Piolo Pascual, to promote IHL in an infomercial focused on advocating for the principles of IHL. It was shown on our official IHL Facebook account and major social media platforms. By tapping some famous showbiz personalities, we can effectively influence individuals who are very fond of such personalities. Imagine that you could see Hollywood stars campaigning for IHL – that is the idea.
Also part of the advocacy campaign is a yearly IHL fun run. All members of the IHL Ad Hoc Committee are represented in this run for IHL. It builds team spirit, not only within the security forces but with other organizations that are part of the Committee, such as the ICRC.
With many activities being proposed by its members, the IHL Ad Hoc Committee realized that the activities cannot be achieved in only a month. So, the Committee agreed to conduct IHL-related activities for the whole year. Currently, we are preparing our advocacy campaign for arms bearers, as they are on the front lines in conflict-affected areas and are the ones that encounter IHL-related challenges while in the field. We need to continue capacity-building, starting from the lowest-ranking enlisted personnel and going right up to the officers’ corps, to make sure that everyone has basic knowledge of the principles of IHL, the rule of law, and human rights issues.
How often do you work with the ICRC? What is your relationship with the ICRC like? What is the added value of the ICRC to your work?
With all the work on IHL matters, we have an open communication with the ICRC together with our national society, the Philippine Red Cross. In fact, we use social media platforms and have created a chat group to discuss IHL concerns, recommendations and proposed programmes. The advantage of using all this technology nowadays is that we can come up with decisions or recommendations that matter, without needing to physically meet; this saves both time and effort.
The ICRC's involvement is very much appreciated by the Department of National Defense. It has helped us in harmonizing our programmes and guidelines and managing our operational tempo, particularly in addressing both our counter-insurgency campaign and our other national security operations. The ICRC's perspective and views are being considered in the planning and execution of these campaigns. We are in constant coordination and are always consulting with the ICRC on IHL-related issues, thus establishing an open communication. Even in the middle of the night, they can text me or they can call me and bring their concerns and try to address issues at our level. I think it is a 24/7 IHL open line on my part as well as on the part of the Department.
Do you have any other message that you would like to share with our readers?
As mentioned earlier, the counter-insurgency campaign is an internal conflict, which is a sad reality. I must reiterate this, because the counter-insurgency campaign is not a war against somebody else; it's a war among the Filipino people. Chances are, your enemy will be one of your friends or even relatives. We may have differences in political ideologies or beliefs, but at the end of the day and when the firefight is over, victims brought out from the battlefield are still Filipinos.
I think addressing the counter-insurgency must reach its final goal: ending the insurgency and having a lasting peace. The victims here are the Filipinos themselves. It's the country that suffers. It's the people who weep. That's what we are trying to address by offering a solution for lasting peace.
1.The IHL Ad Hoc Committee was created by Executive Order No. 34, 999, available at: (all internet references were accessed in July 2020).01
2.Administrative Order No. 35, “Creating the Inter-Agency Committee on Extra-Legal Killings, Enforced Disappearances, Torture and Other Grave Violations of the Right to Life, Liberty and Security of Persons”, 01, available at:
3.Republic Act No. 9851, “An Act Defining and Penalizing Crimes against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide and Other Crimes against Humanity, Organizing Jurisdiction, Designating Special Courts, and for Related Purposes”, 2009, available at:
4.Republic Act No. 10530, “An Act Defining the Use and Protection of the Red Cross, Red Crescent, and Red Crystal Emblems, Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof and for Other Purposes”, 2013, available at:
5.Republic Act No. 1104, “An Act Providing for the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao”, 2018, available at:
6.Executive Order No. 70, “Institutionalizing the Whole-of-Nation Approach in Attaining Inclusive and Sustainable Peace, Creating a National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict, and Directing the Adoption of a National Peace Framework”, 2018, available at:
7.Armed Forces of the Philippines, AFP Development Support and Security Plan “Kapayapaan” 201–2022, 201, available at:….07
8.Armed Forces of the Philippines, Internal Peace and Security Plan “Bayanihan”, 2010, available at:
BIFF official surrenders to military in Maguindanao
From the Manila Bulletin (Nov 1, 2020): BIFF official surrenders to military in Maguindanao (By Nonoy Lacson)
The deputy chief of staff of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF)-Karialan Faction operating in Central Mindanao surrendered to the military Friday, October 30.
Armed Force of the Philippines- Western Mindanao Command (AFP-WestMinCom) Commander Lt Gen Corleto Vinluan, Jr. identified the surrenderer as Abdulgani Dimalen.Vinluan said, on Sunday, that Dimalen submitted himself to 33rd Infantry Battalion (33rd IB) Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Elmer Boongaling on Friday, October 30. at around 2:30 p.m.
According to Vinluan, the BIFF-Karialan Faction was involved in numerous atrocities and encounters with government forces in Central Mindanao.
Dimalen brought with him his M14 rifle, and was subsequently presented to Col. Ferdinand Lacadin, officer-in-charge of the First Mechanized Infantry Brigade (1st MIB).
Vinluan said Dimalen heard about the livelihood assistance that he may receive once he surrendered to the government, and this convinced him to lay down his arms.
Boongaling said Dimalen’s formal surrender took place at the 1st MIB headquarters in Barangay Kamasi, Ampatuan, Maguindanao, and was witnessed by witnessed by Shariff Aguak Mayor Marop Ampatuan and some relatives of the former BIFF official.
In his message, Lacadin praised Dimalen for his decision to come out and return to the fold of the law.
“You made the right decision. There are better ways to live than to fight with the government and be with the outlawed group,” Lacadin told the former BIFF official.
In local dialect, Dimalen said he “realized that the soldiers are not our enemies, they are just doing their job”.
“The influx of surrenders reflects the positive response of the people and the adversaries in our peaceful mechanisms,” said Maj. Gen. Juvymax Uy, Joint Task Force (JTF) Central Commander.
Vinluan also lauded the troops of the Joint Task Force Central and the intelligence units for sustaining the efforts to end terrorism and to bring about peace and progress in Central Mindanao.
Cagayan PNP goes after 30 suspects in killing of rebel returnee
From the Manila Bulletin (Nov 1, 2020): Cagayan PNP goes after 30 suspects in killing of rebel returnee (By Liezle Basa Iñigo)
CAGAYAN – The provincial police headquarters here initiated manhunt operations for at least 30 members of the New People’s Army (NPA) reportedly involved in the brutal killing of a former comrade last October 28 inside his residence in Isca, Gonzaga town.Police identified the victim as Freddie Pahicniyon, 34, a farmer and native of Banaue, Ifugao.
Gonzaga Police disclosed that, prior to the incident, the victim together, with his younger brother John Paul Pahicniyon and brother-in-law Erwin Daranciang, were asleep inside the victim’s family house when the suspects arrived.
This awakened the victim, who opened the door, only to be fired upon by two of the suspects. That initial volley of gunfire killed him instantly.
Around 10 fully armed men then barged into the house and took the victim’s bag and cellular phone.
After which, suspects fired their firearms in the air, and eventually fled going in an unknown direction.
Probers also revealed that there were also more or less 20 fully armed men waiting outside the residence.
These fully armed men were allegedly members of the NPA, who may have resented Pahicniyon’s decision to return to the fold of the law.
Cagayan Police Director Col. Ariel Quilang immediately directed nearby units from the First and Second Cagayan Provincial Mobile Forces Company and police stations to conduct hot pursuit operations with the Marine Battalion 10 for the possible apprehension of the suspects.
Disgruntled Abu Sayyaf Group members surrender in Sulu
From the Manila Bulletin (Nov 1, 2020): Disgruntled Abu Sayyaf Group members surrender in Sulu (By Bonita Ermac)
Three Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) members surrendered to the government forces in Sulu on Friday, October 30.
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Western Mindanao Command (WesMinCom) Head Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan Jr. said one of those who surrendered was identified only as “Dexter” and was involved in the kidnapping of Indonesian seafarers.
Dexter surrendered to the Sixth Special Forces Battalion (6th SFBn) along with Albasir Salim, also known as Abu Sabad, who belonged to the group of ASG sub-leader Sibih Pisih; and Edwin Panduga Abdulmain, also known as Splakang, a former follower of ASB sub-leader Ekoh Udjaman.
According to Vinluan, Dexter was actually not aware that the ASG was engaged in kidnapping activities, and that he was just lied to by the group’s leaders who he considered as his friends.
Dexter added that he was just forced to get involved in kidnap-for-ransom activities for fear of being killed by his ASG comrades.
According to 6th SFBn Acting Commander Lt. Col. Rafael Caido, Dexter’s most recent involvement in ASG atrocities was in the abduction of five Indonesian seafarers in Malaysian waters last January 16.
“He was also present during the group’s encounter with troops of the Third Light Reaction Company, Fourth Special Forces Company, and the Navy and Air Force troops in Sulare Island, Parang, Sulu on January 18,” Caido added.
The surrendered personalities were subsequently presented to 1102nd Infantry Brigade Commander Brig. Gen. Ignatius Patrimonio at the unit’s headquarters in Camp Bud Datu, Barangay Tagbak, Indanan Sulu.
Patrimonio commended the troops of the 6th Special Forces Battalion for a job well done. “Your humanitarian projects have paid off”, he said.
The three surrenders handed over an M1 Carbine, a G1 battle rifle, an M1 Garand rifle, and assorted ammunition.
JTF Sulu Commander Maj. Gen. William Gonzales enjoined the remaining members of the ASG to peacefully surrender to authorities.
“The Western Mindanao Command is tightening its security that’s why the ASG opted to kidnap outside Philippine borders. On the other hand, all military battalions are focused on neutralizing the ASG and their logistics to include KFR activities. Either members surrender or get killed in the armed engagement. I hope others can also come to their senses and give value to theirs and their families’ life,” Gonzales said.
The surrendered personalities are undergoing custodial debriefing at 6th SFBn headquarters in Barangay Buhanginan, Patikul, Sulu.
Military believes ranking Abu Sayyaf leader dead
From the Philippine Daily Inquirer (Oct 31, 2020): Military believes ranking Abu Sayyaf leader dead (By: Patricia Denise M. Chiu)
A ranking Abu Sayyaf leader was killed in a September encounter with military troops, the Armed Forces of the Philippines believed.Furuji Indama, a senior Abu Sayyaf leader based in Basilan province, allegedly died following an hourlong firefight with military troops last month, Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, chief of the AFP Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom) said Friday.
However, the military has yet to see his body or find his grave to officially confirm the death.
Vinluan said the military is currently in the process of locating Indama’s burial site to confirm his death. However, Vinluan said they believed he died “based on reports from the intel community and info from his relatives.”
In a text message to reporters, Westmincom spokesperson Lt. Col. Alaric De los Santos said they had information that Indama was severely wounded during the September 2020 encounter.
The military earlier reported that during the September clash between the 44th Infantry Battalion and the Abu Sayyaf Group in Alicia town, Zamboanga Sibugay province, at least five members of the Abu Sayyaf under Indama were killed. The military did not name Indama as one of the fatalities at that time.
Suicide bombing
Indama was considered to be responsible for the suicide bombing that killed 11 people in Lamitan City, Basilan, in July 2018.
He was also part of the group wanted for the 2001 abduction of 21 local and foreign tourists in the Dos Palmas resort in Palawan province, including US missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham.
Martin was killed by his captors on June 7, 2002, at the height of the rescue operation staged by the military in Zamboanga del Norte province.
Gracia was rescued and brought home to Kansas her husband’s remains where he was buried on June 14 of the same year.
China now waging ‘gray zone’ war to enforce claim of South China Sea through PH, says ex-AFP chief
From the Philippine Daily Inquirer (Oct 31, 2020): China now waging ‘gray zone’ war to enforce claim of South China Sea through PH, says ex-AFP chief (By: Frances Mangosing)
China is now waging a war in what a former Philippine military chief said was a “gray zone” where the fighting goes on without guns but with information, investments, and other tactics to pursue its strategic objectives in the Philippines.Emmanuel Bautista, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief during the administration of former President Benigno Aquino III, warned that China is now employing gray zone tactics to establish a foothold in Philippine territory that can be used to fully control the disputed waters.
The Philippines, Bautista said, is “being affected not just militarily but in other aspects in what we call the gray zone strategy.”
Gray zone, Bautista said at an online forum hosted by the National Youth Movement for the West Philippine Sea, is “the period between peacetime and wartime where you employ not just military means but also economic, information and other instruments of national power, not necessarily kinetic military in nature.”
These tactics don’t breach the threshold of escalation and are calibrated to achieve military objectives without starting a conventional warfare.
China’s deployment of maritime militia around Philippine-claimed features in the West Philippine Sea and the rest of the South China Sea is an example. But Bautista, who is also former executive director of National Task Force West Philippine Sea, said gray zone tactics involved other means.
“Even as we speak, war is being fought in the gray zone. In information and propaganda realm, economic and other areas,” he said.
He urged the Philippine government to be wary of Chinese nonmilitary actions because of their security implications.
“Many things are happening in the context of gray zone warfare, not just the influx of foreign nationals but also investments in strategic assets and strategic industries, and other economic means,” Bautista said.
Several senators have recently raised security concerns over the influx into the Philippines of at least 28,000 Chinese nationals who had been allowed entry as retirees. Their average age is 35 years old.
Bautista said China is also engaged in other activities aimed at gaining access to the Philippines.
He pointed to a plan by a Chinese company to lease Fuga Island in the Philippines’ northernmost area near Taiwan, a country that China is claiming to be just its province and is refusing to recognize as an independent state.
Bautista also cited the plan to build an international airport in Sangley in Cavite province on land being used by the Philippine Navy as a base. Though a project initiated by the provincial government, it would involve a Chinese construction firm that is a Chinese state company that had been blacklisted by the World Bank for corruption and irregularities.
Fuga Island, which provides access to the Pacific Ocean and South China Sea, drew public attention in 2019 when Chinese investors, responding to an investment road show during one of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit to China, showed interest in converting it into a $2-billion “smart city.” The deal stalled after the Philippine Navy raised concern it could compromise Philippine national security.
The China-backed Sangley airport project also drew concerns because it would displace a Philippine Navy base.
“We need Chinese investments for infrastructure and for our economy. But we cannot compromise national security,” Bautista said.
“We need to have national policies on the control of strategic industries, safeguarding strategic assets and also safeguarding against the massive influx of foreign nationalities of a single nation whether it’s China or others,” he said at the online forum.
Valued terrain
The Philippines’ strategic location, which gives it access to the South China Sea and Pacific Ocean, makes it a “key terrain” for power projection amid a deepening US-China rivalry, according to Bautista.
He identified the Bashi Channel, Batanes and Babuyan islands, and the straits of Mindoro, Cebu, Balabac, San Bernardino and Surigao as critical chokepoints in military operations.
“If you want to influence the South China Sea, you need to control these chokepoints in the Philippine archipelago,” Bautista said.
The Philippines, because of its strategic location, would be dragged into a US-China conflict even if it declared to be neutral.
“A US-China confrontation will inevitably involve the Philippines. Note that the Philippines has a Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, and that is still in effect,” Bautista said.
“But also…the Philippines is a key terrain, whether we are an ally or not of either side. The fact that the Philippines is a key terrain will inevitably involve us,” he said.
Even if China had said it would not initiate an attack or war, Bautista said Beijing was likely to “take control” of the Philippines “assuming it gets out of hand and result in a shooting war because the Philippines is a key terrain.
NTF-ELCAC presents alleged former rebel amid red-tagging campaign
From the Philippine Star (Oct 30, 2020): NTF-ELCAC presents alleged former rebel amid red-tagging campaign (Bella Perez-Rubio)
The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict on Friday presented an alleged former communist rebel amid cotroversy sparked by the government alleging that the Communist Party of the Philippines controls activist groups, which the task force calls "front groups".
Jeffrey Celiz, who said his alias was "Ka Eric," said in a live stream aired on the NTF-ELCAC Facebook page that he is a former cadre of the armed wing of Communist Party of the Philippines "with 27 years of revolutionary experience."
According to an invitation to the press conference sent out Thursday, Celiz spoke at the National Press Club in Manila.
He was also joined by some six individuals who remained masked and did not speak for the rest of the live stream.
Celiz claimed they were also former communist rebels.
"I am facing the nation today...I am living proof that there is no such thing as red-tagging done by the government. Not only General Parlade or the military, or the NTF-ELCAC," he said.
Red-tagging is defined by Philippine jurisprudence as “the act of labelling, branding, naming and accusing individuals and/or organizations of being left-leaning, subversives, communists or terrorists (used as) a strategy... by State agents, particularly law enforcement agencies and the military, against those perceived to be ‘threats’ or ‘enemies of the State.’”
The UN Human Rights Office and the Commission on Human Rights have stressed that the practice puts activists and rights workers in danger. The UN Human Rights Office in June said that the practice has become "increasingly institutionalized and normalized in ways that will be very difficult to reverse."
READ: Labeling dissent as rebellion 'institutionalized, normalized' in Philippines — UN report
"The focus is diverted to discrediting the messengers rather than examining the substance of the message. This has muddied the space for debate, disagreement and for challenging state institutions and policies," the UN body's report read.
Celiz accused around 24 "mass organizations" in the country of being recruiters for the New People's Army. He also said that he intends to give a presentation to the Senate regarding these groups.
"I am [in the] process of executing my affidavit and sworn statement," he said.
The Senate committee on national defense has set a hearing on red-tagging and will summon military officials as well as officers of Gabriela Women's Party. The hearing, called by Sen. Panfilo Lacson, was prompted by a "warning" that Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr., task force spokesman, to celebrities Liza Soberano and Catriona Gray to disassociate from Gabriela.
Soberano was a guest on a webinar organized by Gabriela Youth. Gray has not had interactions with Gabriela or its youth arm.
The so-called former rebel also tagged a number of lawmakers and claimed that a celebrity recently called out by Parlade was connected to the armed wing of the CPP.
"I am coming out to support the Filipino people. The deceptive, manipulative, and skillful, masterful lies of the CPP-NPA-NDF and the recruitment of the different sectors, more particularly of the youth sectors and students, must be put to stop," Celiz said.
Singling out the alleged recruitment of the youth through so-called legal fronts, he claimed that he and other alleged communist rebels were first recruited at the age of 18. "I was recruited into the College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) [at] West Visayas State University," he said.
In a previous interview on radio DZRH, Celiz said he was recruited in UP Diliman.
He also accused members of the CPP-NPA of plotting to kill him for speaking to the public.
Iloilo activist casts doubt on 'Ka Eric'
Iloilo-based Daily Guardian reported Friday that Lean Porquia, son of slain activist Jory Porquia, said in a Facebook post that Celiz "could be behind the killing of Tatay, Jory Porquia, this year."
Lean's father was a Bayan Muna-Iloilo City coordinator who was shot dead at a coffee shop in the city last April.
Porquia is quoted in the Daily Guardian report as saying Celiz had been included among people whom President Rodrigo Duterte accused of being a drug protector in 2016.
A certain "Party list Rep. Jeffrey Celis" appears in the list, which the president announced in August 2016. Human rights groups have long questioned the accuracy of the government's 'narco-lists'.
Celiz, who also red-tagged Porquia, acknowledged that he was on the 2016 'narco-list', but said that that does not mean what he is alleging is untrue.
He claimed that he was on the list as part of a government project that he said "project is covered by confidentiality and security purpose."
"I don't need to explain to you, why am I facing here?" he said.
The Daily Guardian also quotes Porquia as saying in reaction to Celiz's DZRH interview that the supposed former rebel "was never from UP" as initially claimed.
"He was never a SAMASA member, I was the secretary general in 2006. He was never a regional coordinator of [the League of Filipino Students]. I should know, I was the LFS regional chair. He was never in our roll call in both organizations."
Senate probe
Lacson, who chairs the Committee on National Defense and Security, Peace, Unification and Reconciliation on Wednesday filed a resolution directing the panel to “exercise its oversight authority over the defense sector on the issue of red-tagging/red-baiting of certain celebrities, personalities, institutions, and organizations.” He recently announced that the probe would begin on November 3, Tuesday.
The intended outcome of the probe, Lacson said in his resolution, is to craft “proper guidelines that will prevent misunderstanding between the public and the military and ensuring the protection of the constitutional rights of the people.”
While members of Gabriela and military officials are slated to attend, the celebrities that Parlade mentioned will not be as Lacson said their presence might disrupt the hearings.
Lacson is principal author at the Senate of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, the implementing rules and regulations of which allow the government to publish its list of suspected terrorists online and in the national dailies.
RELATED: 'Mother of red-tagging': No process yet to remove names from terror list