December 3, 2021
The Armed Forces of the Philippines’ bombing and artillery shelling against a small unit of New People’s Army at Alimodias, Miaga-o, Iloilo last December 1, 2021 is unreasonable, without honor, and violates international laws.Millions of funds were squandered to fight a smallNPA unit that was conducting services to the people affected by hunger and the pandemic. The bombing resulted in immense destruction of the masses’ livelihood, damaged wildlife and environment, and had sown terror among civilians.
The enemy dropped four massive bombs using two FA-50 fighter jets and conducted subsequent artillery shelling. According to the reports of civilian witnesses, the indiscriminate bombs destroyed everything around 100 meters with its shrapnel reaching father away from the center of explosion.
The AFP shamelessly conducted bombings even if farmers in the area face hunger. Peasants in Miagao and Southern Panay are yet to recover from the devastation of recent typhoons, heavy rainfall, meager harvest, and destruction of vegetable crops. The unit in the area was dispatched to assist and unite the farmers to address the hunger problem.
We are still investigating the identities of the victims of the indiscriminate bombings and shelling. Identification is almost impossible because of the indescribable state of the recovered bodies. Right now, there has been no confirmation from the field unit and information about them are still being collected. If ever the victims are indeed members of the NPA, we will own and acknowledge them, honor their heroism, extend sympathies and assistance and grieve with their families and comrades.
The 3ID’s commander MGen. Benedict Arevalo spew fat lies that there are more than 70 NPA fighters gathering to plan attacks. Brgy. Alimodias is part of NPA territory and it is the duty of red fighters to extend services to them . It is also not true that the area they bombed is heavily mined. These fabricated lies are meant to cover their brutalities from the public and the media.
The AFP committed gross violations on the rules of war and international humanitarian law particularly the provisions regarding the disproportionate use of force against opponent forces, those protecting the rights of hors de combat and civilian communities around the site of attack. The AFP’s aerial bombings and artillery shelling against small units of NPA fighters violate international rules on proportionality and necessity. The use of massive bombs against moderately-armed guerrilla fighters, medics and unarmed personnel are excessive, unnecessary, and disproportionate. While they wildly condemn the NPA’s use of command-detonated explosives, they boast their use of hundred-kilo bombs that result to permanent and massive damage to the environment and land.
The AFP’s unreasonable use of excessive force is a proof of their terrorism in the countryside that brings destruction and fear among the farmers. It is also illogical for the AFP to blame the revolutionary movement for their own brutality and violence.
MGen. Arevalo has nothing to tout in his use of sophisticated weaponry against red fighters with light fighting capacity and do not have the same advanced weapons. The bombers and artillery they brag about were not even used against the water cannons of the invading Chinese navy in the West Philippine Sea. Arevalo is like his bully master, Duterte, who could only use excessive force against relatively weaker forces and then wimp out in front of expansionist China.
The NPA calls on the people to condemn the AFP’s brutal terrorism especially the bombings in the countryside. We challenge local government leaders to stand against the AFP’s coercion and protect their constituents against military atrocities. It is necessary for the people to drive out the AFP terrorists and hold the reactionary government accountable to their ineptitude in addressing hunger and the pandemic.
In warfare, it is not modern weaponry but the people who is decisive. There will be revolution while there’s hunger and military terrorism.
December 3, 2021
The Armed Forces of the Philippines’ bombing and artillery shelling against a small unit of New People’s Army at Alimodias, Miaga-o, Iloilo last December 1, 2021 is unreasonable, without honor, and violates international laws.Millions of funds were squandered to fight a smallNPA unit that was conducting services to the people affected by hunger and the pandemic. The bombing resulted in immense destruction of the masses’ livelihood, damaged wildlife and environment, and had sown terror among civilians.
The enemy dropped four massive bombs using two FA-50 fighter jets and conducted subsequent artillery shelling. According to the reports of civilian witnesses, the indiscriminate bombs destroyed everything around 100 meters with its shrapnel reaching father away from the center of explosion.
The AFP shamelessly conducted bombings even if farmers in the area face hunger. Peasants in Miagao and Southern Panay are yet to recover from the devastation of recent typhoons, heavy rainfall, meager harvest, and destruction of vegetable crops. The unit in the area was dispatched to assist and unite the farmers to address the hunger problem.
We are still investigating the identities of the victims of the indiscriminate bombings and shelling. Identification is almost impossible because of the indescribable state of the recovered bodies. Right now, there has been no confirmation from the field unit and information about them are still being collected. If ever the victims are indeed members of the NPA, we will own and acknowledge them, honor their heroism, extend sympathies and assistance and grieve with their families and comrades.
The 3ID’s commander MGen. Benedict Arevalo spew fat lies that there are more than 70 NPA fighters gathering to plan attacks. Brgy. Alimodias is part of NPA territory and it is the duty of red fighters to extend services to them . It is also not true that the area they bombed is heavily mined. These fabricated lies are meant to cover their brutalities from the public and the media.
The AFP committed gross violations on the rules of war and international humanitarian law particularly the provisions regarding the disproportionate use of force against opponent forces, those protecting the rights of hors de combat and civilian communities around the site of attack. The AFP’s aerial bombings and artillery shelling against small units of NPA fighters violate international rules on proportionality and necessity. The use of massive bombs against moderately-armed guerrilla fighters, medics and unarmed personnel are excessive, unnecessary, and disproportionate. While they wildly condemn the NPA’s use of command-detonated explosives, they boast their use of hundred-kilo bombs that result to permanent and massive damage to the environment and land.
The AFP’s unreasonable use of excessive force is a proof of their terrorism in the countryside that brings destruction and fear among the farmers. It is also illogical for the AFP to blame the revolutionary movement for their own brutality and violence.
MGen. Arevalo has nothing to tout in his use of sophisticated weaponry against red fighters with light fighting capacity and do not have the same advanced weapons. The bombers and artillery they brag about were not even used against the water cannons of the invading Chinese navy in the West Philippine Sea. Arevalo is like his bully master, Duterte, who could only use excessive force against relatively weaker forces and then wimp out in front of expansionist China.
The NPA calls on the people to condemn the AFP’s brutal terrorism especially the bombings in the countryside. We challenge local government leaders to stand against the AFP’s coercion and protect their constituents against military atrocities. It is necessary for the people to drive out the AFP terrorists and hold the reactionary government accountable to their ineptitude in addressing hunger and the pandemic.
In warfare, it is not modern weaponry but the people who is decisive. There will be revolution while there’s hunger and military terrorism.
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