Opinion piece posted to the Manila Times (Dec 24, 2021): 53 years of a satanic cult in this Christian country (By (Ret.) Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr.)

THE Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) will celebrate its 53rd anniversary on December 26 while this generally Christian nation celebrates the Christmas holidays. Isn't that very ironic considering that communism as a satanic cult is intrinsically evil?
Yes, if you read all these literature from Europe starting with "The Satanic Theology Behind Cultural Marxism," Google Zevi, or go to http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/benjamin/1940/history.htm you will learn about these big secrets of Karl Marx, his father Heinrich, Lenin and Stalin. They were all members of the Sabbatai Zevi satanic cult. Zevi was a kabbalist and oculist who in 1666 declared himself the Jewish Messiah. He then turned the Torah around by declaring that all sins were now considered "holy." One hundred years later, Jacob Frank would declare himself a reincarnation of Zevi. The Sabbatean and Frankist heresies would continue until they found their way to the Soviet Union.
Fast forward to the 1960s, Spanish communist priest Jose Alegria and Fr. Luis Jalandoni, who were associated in the Gregorian University in Rome, introduced communism to a select Filipino clergy, especially the Jesuits. They realized that this godless communist ideology would not work in a devout Catholic nation. Sison and his cohorts again used the revolutionary dual tactics, toying around with Church dogma by covering their evil design through the Christian for National Liberation (CNL). In effect, they justified that violence and killings were not evil as long as these were done to fight for the rights of the oppressed. Great.
After infiltrating the Catholic Church, Sison did not spare the other Christian churches. While in exile in Utrecht, he saw that many of the wealthier congregations were non-Catholics. He then targeted the World Council of Churches thus exploiting the benevolence of these church-based organizations to support the underground: Asktion-Gruppe, Evangelische Kirche, Brot für die Welt, Diakonia, Broederlijk, Bishops Lenten Campaign, to mention a few.
So now we understand why the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines, Save Our Schools network, UCCP-Haran or University of San Carlos Cebu, are actively supporting these CPP programs on the Indigenous peoples, knowing that these same programs continue to push our children to their death. These young kids are being raped by their NPA colleagues, yet we do not hear any condemnation from these purported Christians in our midst.
That's the effect of the deceptive and duplicitous nature of the CPP.
After 53 years, it's not only our Christian faith that they have destroyed. They have destroyed too our judicial, political and democratic processes even as they continue to destroy our families.
First, the government filed cases against NDF "consultants" Tiamzons, Satur Ocampo, Vicente Ladlad etc. for their role in the Inopacan, Leyte mass murder and the judge dismisses one of the cases for lack of DNA test to confirm that those skeletal remains indeed belonged to the victims of the CPP-NPA purge. Cannot the judge just instruct the authorities to do this and that to confirm the allegation?
Listen to the video of Satur Ocampo who admits to the mistakes of the CPP killing many of their innocent members. Read the CPP's anniversary statements as they claim to have "tortured and murdered 950 cadres during the Oplan Missing Link, Olympia, Kadena de Amor...." How can our judges not take account of these things? Were they under threat? Infiltrated? Or paid?
Second, the Comelec dismisses the disqualification cases filed by the NTF-Elcac against Gabriela, Kabataan and Anakbayan party-list for receiving foreign funding which is against the Constitution and the Election Code; and for taking part in the armed struggle, despite a very tight case against them.
Meantime, the same Comelec disqualifies a party-list of former cadres and rebels who now want to take part in the parliamentary struggle through their Abante Sambayanan. Many more like the Guardians who want to fight terrorism were also disqualified. Is Comelec also under threat? Infiltrated? Or paid by the CPP and not paid by the other applicants?
Third, the Supreme Court affirms the constitutionality of the Anti-Terrorism Act, sans a few minor deletions. In effect it believes in the arguments of the NTF-Elcac and the National Security Council that this law should be in place to protect citizens against these terrorists, including the CPP-NPA-NDF.
Comes now all these senators and the vice president herself are moving to defund the NTF-Elcac and in fact pushing further to abolish it. What's worse is they have bonded together as political entities, led by Mayor Isko Moreno and another by Vice President Leni Robredo, bringing into their parties as members people who were positively identified by their former CPP colleagues as part of these terrorist organizations. How do we make sense of these? In this age of social media, how can these politicians continue to parrot CPP slogans of defending human rights, press freedom, etc. against the backdrop of gruesome killings, rape and destruction being committed by these people they are in bed with?
That's Satan celebrating the communist anniversary as they feast with us in the spirit of Christmas.
Duality. Duplicity. Hypocrisy.
Nope! It won't work this time. Not in May 2022. Happy Holidays!