From the Philippine Information Agency (Dec 12, 2020): USAID’s TB Platforms, ULAP urge public officials to support 'EndTB' campaign (By Jimmyley E. Guzman)

PASIG CITY, Dec. 11 (PIA) -- TB Champion and Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) President Governor Dakila Cua called for a united stand among all elected public officials to “make TB a priority” amid the COVID-19.
Cua then emphasized the importance of partnership between ULAP and USAID’s TB Platforms in supporting the #EndTB campaign.
More than eight months since the COVID-19 community quarantine, the ULAP chief has been attending online discussions on the full implementation of local TB programs as well as the Universal Health Care Law.
“The attention is now on COVID-19 but we cannot turn our backs from another killer disease, TB is here even before this pandemic and we need to ensure that local government units have enough budget to provide free TB services down to the barangay level amid COVID-19,” Cua said.
USAID’s TB Platforms, on the other hand, continues to provide technical guidance to local government units (LGUs) in Regions 3 and 4-A, National Capital Region, the top three regions highly burdened of TB.
This is through the conduct of “Usapang Dibdiban” sessions where mayors and governors are being engaged for a one-on-one comprehensive assessment of TB program implementation in communities, as well as the need to pass local TB ordinances and resolutions to be able to fund TB-related activities especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, the University Research Co. LLC. (URC)-implemented TB Platforms Project provided technical assistance to LGUs in the drafting of local TB ordinance, development of policies supporting TB elimination and other interventions, as well as, guidance on the implementation of the TB roadmap and TB elimination plan.
USAID’s TB Platforms will continue to work with ULAP through the “Usapang Dibdiban” sessions.
Likewise, Cua expressed his support for the promotion of the implementation of the Universal Health Care Act.
During the Race to End TB Awarding ceremonies, Cua also encouraged its members to serve as advocates and to lead efforts for TB and COVID-19.
He said local government units need to strengthen and integrate TB management in the local health system and to craft policies designed to show commitment to fight TB amid COVID-19. (PIA-NCR)
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