Published on 01 Mar 2017
Welcome to the First Edition (2017) of the Regional Consultative Group (RCG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination for Asia and the Pacific Newsletter
We are glad to share the latest updates in relation to the RCG as well as other UN-CMCoord projects in the Asia-Pacific region:
Consultative Group (CG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination Annual Meeting, 9 February 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
UN-CMCoord Course for Asia
RCG Logistics Working Group
Third Session of the Regional Consultative Group (RCG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination for Asia and the Pacific
During the Annual Meeting of the Consultative Group (CG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination, the Philippines (represented by Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil-Military Operations, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Brigadier General Restituto Padilla Jr) presented the activities and achievements of the RCG under the Philippines’ RCG Chairmanship in 2016. Singapore (represented by Director of the Changi Regional HADR Coordination Centre (RHCC) Colonel Lee Kuan Chung) spoke on the 2017 RCG work plan under Singapore’s RCG Chairmanship. Ambassador Toni Frisch, Chair of the CG Annual Meeting, praised the work and achievements of the RCG and expressed his hope that the group would inspire similar initiatives in other regions worldwide. Ambassador Frisch welcomed in particular the focus on operationalizing humanitarian principles at the national and sub-national level and reminded the CG that affected people must remain at the centre of humanitarian assistance.
The United Nations Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination (UN-CMCoord) course for Asia will take place from 19 to 24 March 2017 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) will host the event in partnership with the British High Commission in Dhaka, the Armed Forces Divisions (AFD) and the Center for Excellence in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management (CF-DM). The Course aims to promote appropriate and effective humanitarian civil-military interactions in humanitarian emergencies through bolstered knowledge of and adherence to UN-CMCoord standards and principles. This includes the use of assets to better support the humanitarian community in providing emergency services to people-in-need.
The course will be residential, with 29 participants comprising of a diverse group of experienced men and women currently working in the Asia region. For further information, please visit the UN-CMCoord page of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP).
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