The Writeshop for members of the Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute (BLMI) sponsored by The Asia Foundation (TAF) commenced yesterday, March 5, 2013 at the Pinnacle Hotel in the progressive city of Davao. The main activity centers on the preparation of the Manual of Operations for the BLMI that once approved by the institute’s Oversight Committee and the Board of Directors shall become a roadmap for its smooth operation and implementation of its programs.
Initially the proposed Manual of Operation will contain various parts such as acknowledgement; foreword/ message; introduction; background (history of the organization, organizational profile; vision, mission, goal, mandate and core principles); organizational governance; organizational management; strategic planning; managing programs; training and resource center management; managing finances; managing people; office management; travel and transportation/ meal expenses and publicity.
The three-day activity is facilitated by Ms. Nelia Agbon, Program Manager of Kids for Peace Foundation; Ms. Noraida “Noda” Chio, Senior Program Officer; Mr. Eric Aseo, Program Officer; and Ms. Katrina Auditor, Assistant Program Officer.
The participants who are laboriously working on their assigned task for presentation are Sheikh Mahmud Sumilalao Ahmad, the institute’s Executive Director; Esmael A. Abdula, Training Director; Mr. Omsar Paradan, Finance Officer and alumnus of the Ateneo de Davao University; Ustadz Abdulsalam Alabat, a foreign educated aleem and expert on Sharia’h Law; Uz. Hisham Nando, also a foreign educated aleem; Mohammad Ishaq Macapoli; Tirso Tahir and Majid Nur, both representing the island provinces; Ahmad Mama and Mr. Zamin Unti, Administrative Officer. Four volunteer staff is also attending including this writers. The workshop presentation will start this afternoon and the finishing touches on the initial output of the proposed manual will be made tomorrow.
The Board of Directors and the institute’s Oversight Committee are expected to meticulously review/ study further and make revisions or amendments on the draft output.
Another phase of the writeshop may be scheduled in due time by TAF as the task of preparing the manual is not expected to be completed in the 3-day activity. Once the manual is finally completed and approved by BLMI’s top hierarchy, the institute will ultimately have a clear guideline on how it operates; performs its mandate/role and employ efficiently its strategies in delivering its services to its clientele.
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