Friday, August 30, 2024

Tears and embraces as murderous 30-year family feud comes to an end

 From United Nations News (Aug 24, 2024): Tears and embraces as murderous 30-year family feud comes to an end (By Daniel Dickinson)

A Filipino man has been describing the outpouring of emotion as two families on the island of Mindanao settled a 30-year-long feud that escalated from tit-for-tat killings into a dispute involving two factions of a former insurgency movement.

For many years, the western part of Mindanao has been the focus of an armed separatist struggle between the Philippines government and various Muslim insurgent groups.

In 2019, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) was established as part of a peace deal between the government and the main insurgent movement, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which ended most of the fighting and gave the Muslim-majority areas in Mindanao a significant degree of self-rule.

However, challenges to peace remain, including the incomplete decommissioning of the insurgents, private armed groups belonging to rival local politicians, loose firearms and delays in implementing the peace agreement.

The former adversaries are now keeping the peace, but given these challenges, there are concerns that small family- and clan-level disputes involving ex-combatants could spiral out of control and upset the peace.

The UN identified the need for an institution to support the MILF peace mechanism, including conflict resolution involving ex-combatants at a more local level and so worked with the authorities in BARMM to establish the Peace, Security and Reconciliation Office (PSRO), which opened in January 2023.

UN News travelled to southwestern Mindanao to talk to the Executive Director of the PSRO, Anwar Alamada, as well as Lumanda “Manny” Idsla who sought a resolution to a three-decades-long family feud.

UN News/Daniel Dickinson   Lumanda "Manny" Idsla stands by the grave of his second cousin whose killing started the feud.

Lumanda “Manny” Idsla: In May 1995, my second cousin, an elected official, was shot dead as he went to vote in municipal elections in Pikit. His brother suspected that a neighbour, who was also a relative of mine, had committed the crime and at 3pm on that same day went to his house and shot him dead.

This is how the feud or rido, as we call it in the BARMM, between two families began, which lasted almost 30 years. It led to the deaths of four other people, including my brother, as well as a child who was killed by a stray bullet.

Anwar Alamada: There are many similar feuds in the BARMM which begin for different reasons, including land disputes, petty crime, marriage and political and ideological rivalries. What starts as a localised argument can quickly escalate into a larger more deadly conflict as the involved parties seek help from private armed groups or former insurgent movements.

Lumanda “Manny” Idsla: The neighbours live just a few hundred metres away from our house, and so this area became a conflict zone. They had semi-automatic weapons such as AR15s and grenades. We moved out of the house and to the hills behind because we expected them to come and kill us at any time. My brother was shot at almost point-blank range through a window as he prepared food at home during Ramadan.

It was very stressful, and daily life ceased. I moved my family away from the village.

Anwar Alamada: Our approach to conflict resolution is to listen, to negotiate and to find an agreement which recognises the interests of both sides. It is not easy work to convince people to step back from conflict, it does not happen overnight, but is a long-term process.

Lumanda “Manny” Idsla: Charges were filed, but the judicial process is ongoing. Ultimately, this rido was a cycle driven by pride and vengeance. We could have avoided this escalation if we had had a strong leader.

Anwar Alamada: Since early 2023, we have resolved close to 100 disputes, including those between individuals, families and whole communities. Mr Idsla was the first to approach the PRSO wanting a resolution to the feud. We spoke to him and then approached the other family.

Lumanda “Manny” Idsla: We knew we wanted to stop the killings and no longer live in fear, and the PRSO was a good solution. Mr. Alamada and his team met individually with both parties and then brought us together. In the end, it was very straightforward, and we agreed to stop the feud. Just last week, we had a ceremony which was attended by hundreds of people from both sides. We swore on the Holy Koran to stop the feud. There were lots of tears, including from me, and we embraced each other.

© PSRO   Families from Pikit in southwestern Mindanao agree to end a decades-long feud.

Anwar Alamada: The way we helped to resolve the feud was a win-win for both families. There was no blood money, which is what you normally pay when someone is killed in a feud. Since we began talking with the families, there has been no reoccurrence of hostilities.

Lumanda “Manny” Idsla: I have a good relationship with my neighbour now. We meet and talk about our farms, our challenges with irrigation and the crops we are growing. I can walk without an escort, and I no longer have any fear of being killed. I live with a sense of freedom. I am very thankful for the work of PRSO. It feels like a gift, as though I have received many thousands of bags of rice.

Anwar Alamada: I am very proud of our work because resolving conflicts brings peace to our community and with peace comes progress and development. There can be no development without peace. People here are very happy when peace prevails.

PRSO brings stability as it helps to manage and mitigate conflicts, and I believe without its presence there is more chance that small, localised disputes could escalate into larger conflicts and ultimately threaten the peace process in BARMM. It is important to resolve conflicts as early as possible to avoid escalation.

We want our work to support the BARMM peace process, which is ongoing, and ultimately to ensure that the region gains the autonomy as outlined in the political agreement.

Dawlah Islamiya arrested in Maguindanao del Sur

From the Sun Star (Aug 28, 2024): Dawlah Islamiya arrested in Maguindanao del Sur

A TRACKER team of policemen backed by soldiers have arrested a member of the Dawlah Islamiya facing a string of criminal cases in a law enforcement operation in Maguindanao del Sur, the police said Wednesday, August 28, 2024.The Police Regional Office-Bangamoro Autonomous Region did not identify the arrested suspect except to say he belongs to the Dawlah Islamiya-Hassan Group .

The court has recommended bail of P120,000 for each criminal case, according to the police.The PRO-BAR said the arrested suspect, aside from being a member of DI-HG, is also a former member of the Al-Khobar extortion group operating in certain areas of Central Mindanao and who was responsible for the previous bombings and extortion, targeting wealthy business personalities, and passenger bus companies from 2007 to 2015.

12 more local terrorists surrender to 6th ID

From the Philippine Star (Aug 30, 2024): 12 more local terrorists surrender to 6th ID (By John Unson)

The firearms, rocket launchers, anti-tank rockets and improvised explosive devices turned in by the 12 local terrorists who surrendered on Aug. 30, 2024 are now in the custody of the 57th Infantry Battalion.
Photo courtesy of / John Unson

COTABATO CITY — A group of 12 local terrorists turned in firearms and explosives to an Army unit and pledged allegiance to the government on Thursday, August 29.

The 12 members of the now apparently moribund Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and Dawlah Islamiya renounced their membership with both groups during a surrender rite facilitated by the Army’s 57th Infantry Battalion in its headquarters in Barangay Mirab in Upi, Maguindanao del Norte.

Major Gen. Antonio Nafarrete, commander of the Army’s 6th Infantry Division, told reporters on Friday, August 30 that the 12 erstwhile terrorists agreed to return to the fold of law through the backchannel intercession of local executives in the adjoining South Upi, Guindulungan, Datu Hoffer and Datu Unsay towns in Maguindanao del Sur.

Each of them assured to help convince their few remaining companions in secluded areas in Maguindanao del Sur to get reintegrated into mainstream society via a joint reconciliation program of local government units in the province and the 6th ID.

Besides assault rifles, IEDs (improvised explosive device) and components for powerful home-made bombs, the group also turned over to Lt. Col. Aeron Gumabao, the commanding officer of the 57IB, and his immediate superior, Brig. Gen. Michael Santos of the 603rd Infantry Brigade, a 60 millimeter mortar, B-40 rocket launchers and anti-tank rockets before they promised to thrive in peace once reunited with their families.

Units of 6th ID and local executives in Central Mindanao's Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, South Cotabato, Sarangani, Maguindanao del Sur and Maguindanao del Norte provinces had secured the surrender in batches, since 2017, of 712 members of the outlawed allies Dawlah Islamiya and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and 397 New People’s Army guerillas via backdoor dialogues

RSIS: The Evolving Threat Landscape in Southeast Asia After the Disbandment of Jamaah Islamiyah

Posted to RSIS (Aug 23, 2024): The Evolving Threat Landscape in Southeast Asia After the Disbandment of Jamaah Islamiyah (By Noor Huda Ismail)


The disbandment of Jamaah Islamiyah in Indonesia raises concerns about the potential formation of new splinter groups made up of former members, which could destabilise security across Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. A multi-faceted and cooperative approach is essential to ensure that the disbandment of Jamaah Islamiyah leads to lasting peace rather than a reprieve from extremism.


The disbandment of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) in Indonesia signals a significant development in Southeast Asia’s counter-terrorism landscape. While this is a relief for security agencies, the potential repercussions could present new security challenges. The historical resilience of JI, coupled with its deeply-rooted networks and ideological appeal, raises the possibility of new and more radical splinter groups comprising disillusioned members emerging. This potential evolution of the JI threat underlines the urgent need for a coordinated and multifaceted approach to counter-terrorism that addresses Southeast Asia’s immediate and long-term security.
Formation of New Splinter Groups

The disbandment of JI suggests a step backwards from organised violence. Its surrender of weapons, including firearms previously hidden in remote areas, indicates some level of commitment to disarmament. Despite these, one of the most pressing concerns is the potential for forming new, more radical splinter groups. Some former members may feel betrayed by the leadership’s decision and could form new factions committed to continuing JI’s ideological struggle. The sentiment that the senior leaders have “destroyed their own house” could fuel such fragmentation, leading to the gradual emergence of cells with more extreme views and tactics.

The Persistent Challenge of Non-State Actors

In the current security environment, many states have shifted their focus from domestic stability towards addressing inter-state conflicts and maintaining state-centric security. This shift risks overlooking the persistent and evolving threat posed by non-state actors, particularly in regions like Southeast Asia, where groups such as JI have historically been active. The suicide bombing in Tel Aviv on 18 August serves as a stark reminder that non-state actors remain a potent threat even as states grapple with broader geopolitical tensions.

Singapore’s Strategic Position and Security Concerns

Singapore’s unique position as a financial hub and its proximity to Indonesia place it at the forefront of regional security concerns. As the primary financial centre in Southeast Asia, the city-state is an attractive target for extremist groups seeking to make a global statement. The disbandment of JI raises concerns about the potential radicalisation of Singaporean youths, given the possibility that disillusioned JI members could seek to re-establish networks in the region.

From a strategic perspective, Singapore’s need to be vigilant is well-based. As the China-US competition intensifies, there is a risk that the city-state and other Southeast Asian nations may become more focused on state-centric security issues, inadvertently opening gaps in their counter-terrorism efforts, particularly if the threat posed by non-state actors like JI is underestimated.

Malaysia as a Potential Haven for Extremists

Malaysia has served as a significant transit and recruitment point for various extremist groups, including JI. Even as JI disbands, Malaysia’s porous borders and well-established extremist networks continue to present challenges for counter-terrorism efforts. Some Indonesian nationals who attempted to join extremist groups in Marawi, Philippines, remain incarcerated in Malaysian prisons, highlighting the need for further regional collaboration.

The landscape in Malaysia is further complicated by its internal security concerns and political dynamics. Malaysia’s focus on domestic stability, particularly in the face of economic and social pressures, could lead to a de-prioritisation of counter-terrorism efforts. This is especially concerning given the country’s history as a terrorist recruitment hub. Any reduction in vigilance could inadvertently allow extremist ideologies to resurface.

Furthermore, in this emerging multipolar world, there is a risk that its focus may shift towards more traditional state security concerns, potentially leaving non-state threats such as JI under-addressed. This complex interplay between domestic and international pressures underscores the need for Malaysia to remain vigilant in its counter-terrorism efforts, even as it deals with broader geopolitical considerations.

Philippines’ Persistent Insurgency and Security Challenges

The Philippines continues to grapple with a complex and multifaceted insurgency problem, particularly in the southern regions where groups like Abu Sayyaf and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters operate. JI’s historical ties with these groups, coupled with the possibility of former members seeking refuge in the Philippines, present a significant challenge to regional security.

The strategic implications of the Philippines’ internal security situation extend beyond its borders. How the country manages and contains insurgent activities directly affects regional stability. If former JI members were to integrate into local insurgent groups, the potential for a resurgence of violence in Mindanao or other parts of the country is high. This could lead to a broader regional crisis, particularly if the violence spills over into neighbouring countries or disrupts maritime security in the strategically vital waters of the Sulu and Celebes Seas.

From a security standpoint, the Philippines’ focus on its external conflicts, particularly in its ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea, may divert attention from the threat posed by non-state actors like JI. If the Philippines becomes overly focused on its state security concerns, it may inadvertently allow non-state actors to gain strength and influence, further complicating the regional security environment.

Middle East Influences and Regional Implications

The current conflict between Israel and Hamas adds another layer of complexity to the security landscape in Southeast Asia. The war has heightened tensions across the Muslim world, potentially serving as a source of inspiration for radical groups in Southeast Asia. JI’s historical ties with the Middle East, mainly through training and ideological exchanges, mean that the ongoing conflict could resonate with former JI members and other extremists in the region.

There is also the concern that Southeast Asian fighters who have travelled to the Middle East may return with enhanced skills and radicalised ideologies, posing a renewed threat to regional security. This is particularly concerning for countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, where the return of such individuals could destabilise local communities and reignite extremist activities.

Conclusion: The Need for a Balanced Approach

The disbandment of JI in Indonesia presents opportunities and challenges for regional security. While it marks a significant step forward in counter-terrorism efforts, the potential for new threats to emerge based on disillusioned members and regional and domestic instability remains high.

As Southeast Asian nations navigate an increasingly complex geopolitical landscape, there is a critical need to balance state-centric security concerns with the persistent threat posed by non-state actors. Non-state actors continue to pose significant threats, even as states focus on avoiding inter-state conflicts. A comprehensive security strategy integrating counter-terrorism efforts with broader geopolitical considerations is essential to ensure long-term peace and stability in Southeast Asia.

[About the Author: Dr Noor Huda Ismail is a Visiting Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.]


Former ISIS members to get P18-M livelihood fund in Lanao del Sur

From MindaNews (Aug 24, 2024): Former ISIS members to get P18-M livelihood fund in Lanao del Sur (RIchel V. Umel)

Lanao del Sur. Map courtesy of Google

ILIGAN CITY (MindaNews / 24 August) – The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) has allocated about P18 million for livelihood projects for at least 200 Islamic militants who returned to the fold of the law in Lanao del Sur.

OPAPRU Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. and Lanao del Sur Gov. Mamintal Alonto Adiong Jr. signed the memorandum agreement (MOA) for the livelihood program on Thursday, August 22, in Marawi City.

Galvez said the fund for the former ISIS members will be downloaded to the Lanao del Sur provincial government by the third week of September in celebration of the “Month of Peace.”

“As a response of the national government, starting now we will take care of you, but you have to strive to improve your lives,” he said in his message in Filipino.

On the same day, 161 former members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) received P45,000 each from the Department of Social Welfare and Development during the payout held at the 103rd Infantry” Haribon” Brigade, Philippine Army headquarter in Marawi.

Galvez said the government’s transformation program for former ISIS and MNLF members seeks to improve their lives and their families, and the community.

For his part, Adiong thanked the OPAPRU and vowed to thoroughly implement the program to alleviate the lives of the former rebels.

Brigadier General Yegor Rey Barroquillio Jr., 103rd Infantry Brigade commander, said the signing of the MOA will significantly help in the rehabilitation and the integration of the former Islamic militants.

He also thanked the Lanao del Sur provincial government for supporting the army in its campaign against violent extremism in the area.

The provincial government funded the construction of a “half-way house” within the camp of the 103rd Infantry Brigade in Marawi, where former rebels will stay for rehabilitation before their reintegration to mainstream society.

In May 2017, the ISIS-aligned Maute and Abu Sayyaf groups seized Marawi and fought for five months until state security forces defeated them. The Marawi siege destroyed the core of the city and displaced at least 350,000 individuals. (Richel V. Umel / MindaNews)

Inter-agency council for peace, security in three Sulu towns activated

From the Philippine Star (Aug 27, 2024): Inter-agency council for peace, security in three Sulu towns activated (John Unson)

The newly-organized Metro Jolo Inter-Agency Council is composed of different government offices in Sulu, local government units, the police and the military.  Photo courtesy of / John Unson

COTABATO CITY (Updated Aug. 28, 2024; 10 a.m.) — Officials of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao on Tuesday vowed to support the newly-established Metro Jolo Inter-Agency Council that shall help sustain the peace and economic progress now spreading around three adjoining towns in Sulu.

Organized just last week, the Metro Jolo Inter-Agency Council covers the adjoining Jolo, Patikul and Indanan towns, now peaceful with booming commerce and trade, all touted as the new investment hubs in the island province.

BARMM’s transportation and communications minister, Paisalin Pangandaman Tago, told reporters on Tuesday that they will fully support the Metro Jolo Inter-Agency Council, whose members include the Sulu provincial office of the Bangsamoro Land Transportation Regulatory and Franchising Board (LTFRB).

Sulu, one of the six provinces in BARMM, has 19 towns, now called "peace zones" after having been cleared from presence of the Abu Sayyaf terror group via joint peace and security programs of local government units, the police and the military’s Western Mindanao Command.

Besides the BLTFRB, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications-BARMM also has provincial service centers in Sulu of the Bangsamoro Land Transportation Office, the Bangsamoro Airport Authority and the Bangsamoro Ports Authority.

“Our ministry shall support this newly-formed pro-peace, pro-development council to the best it can,” Tago said.

The Metro Jolo Inter-Agency Council, whose members include the municipal governments in Jolo, Patikul and Indanan, the police units in all three towns and the Army’s 1103rd Infantry Brigade, has three task groups to focus on domestic security, public safety and welfare and waste management.

Brig. Gen. Prexy Tanggawohn, director of the Police Regional Office-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, on Tuesday said that he has directed officials of the Sulu Provincial Police Office to help push the goals of the Metro Jolo Inter-Agency Council forward.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Navy's Marine Battalion Landing Team 1 deployed to Zambo City

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 23, 2024): Navy's Marine Battalion Landing Team 1 deployed to Zambo City (By Priam Nepomuceno)

BOOSTING SECURITY. Members of the Philippine Navy's Marine Battalion Landing Team-1 arrive at the Naval Station Romulo Espaldon, Zamboanga City on Thursday (Aug. 22, 2024). The Philippine Navy said Friday (Aug. 23) that the team's reassignment to Zamboanga City marks a strategic move to position the unit in response to the region's evolving security needs. (Photo courtesy of Naval Forces Western Mindanao)

MANILA – The Philippine Navy (PN) has deployed its Marine Battalion Landing Team 1 (MBLT-1) in Zamboanga City to boost security in Western Mindanao.

The MBLT-1 arrived at the Naval Station Romulo Espaldon in Zamboanga City on Thursday and was welcomed by Naval Forces Western Command (NFWM) head, Rear Adm. Francisco Tagamolila Jr., the PN said in a news release on Friday.

The unit will be placed under the operational control of Joint Task Force Zamboanga (JTF-Z).

"(Tagamolila) also commended MBLT-1's expertise and capabilities, stating that their presence significantly strengthens JTF-Z's ability to address security challenges in Western Mindanao," the PN said.

The MBLT-1 was previously deployed in Tawi-Tawi province, where it played a key role in external defense operations.

The team's reassignment to Zamboanga City marks a strategic move to position the unit in response to the region's evolving security needs.

US scores ‘provocative’ Chinese flare in Scarborough, Zamora

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 24, 2024): US scores ‘provocative’ Chinese flare in Scarborough, Zamora (By Joyce Ann L. Rocamora)

Scarborough Shoal (Photo courtesy of Philippine Coast Guard)

MANILA – The United States on Saturday joined the Philippines in urging China to cease its “provocative and dangerous actions” in the West Philippine Sea following its two separate flare deployments while a Philippine aircraft was on a patrol near Scarborough Shoal and Zamora Reef.

“The US stands firmly with the Philippines in condemning the PRC (People’s Republic of China) for launching flares at (a Philippine) aircraft operating legally near Scarborough and Subi Reefs (on) Aug 19 & 22,” US Ambassador MaryKay Carlson said in a post on X.

“With the (Philippines), we call on the PRC to cease provocative and dangerous actions that undermine a free and open Indo-Pacific,” she added.

The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea confirmed on Saturday that China launched flares from its militarized reclaimed island in Zamora Reef while the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Cessna 208B Grand Caravan was conducting a maritime domain awareness (MDA) flight on Aug. 22.

The patrol, it said, was legitimate and conducted over the country’s exclusive economic zone and the territorial seas of the maritime features constituting the Kalayaan Island Group.

The task force said the same aircraft was harassed by the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) during a similar MDA flight near Scarborough Shoal on Aug. 19.

The PLAAF Chinese fighter Jet 63270 engaged in “irresponsible and dangerous maneuvers” and deployed flares “multiple times at a dangerously close distance of approximately 15 meters” from the BFAR plane, the task force said.

US, Japan slam China's latest WPS attack: 'Unlawful, unacceptable'

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 26, 2024): US, Japan slam China's latest WPS attack: 'Unlawful, unacceptable' (By Marita Moaje)

AGGRESSIVE. China Coast Guard (CCG) ships rammed, blasted horns, and deployed water cannons against the BRP Datu Sanday of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) on Sunday (Aug. 25, 2024). The United States and Japan slammed China's latest provocations in the West Philippine Sea. (Photo screengrab from PCG Spokespoerson Jay Tarriela X post)

MANILA – The United States and Japan called out China's latest aggression in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) as "unlawful" and "unacceptable".

In a post on X (Twitter) on Sunday, US Ambassador MaryKay L. Carlson reiterated Washington DC's support for the Philippines with the hashtag #FriendsPartnersAllies.

“Unsafe, unlawful, and aggressive conduct by the PRC disrupted a legal Philippine mission, endangering lives — the latest in multiple dangerous actions by the PRC (People's Republic of China),” the post read.

Meanwhile, Japanese Ambassador Endo Kazuya also posted on X that Tokyo opposes any action that increases tension in WPS and endangers people's lives.

“Another unacceptable development around Sabina Shoal. Any harassment and actions which increase tensions or obstruct freedom of navigation are not tolerated. Upholding a rules-based international order and adhering to commitments must prevail,” he said.

On Sunday, National Task Force for the WPS (NTF-WPS) spokesperson and National Security Council Assistant Director General Jonathan Malaya said Manila remains steadfast in asserting its rights in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 2016 Arbitral Award.

This came after the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel, BRP Datu Sanday (MMOV 3002), encountered aggressive and dangerous maneuvers from eight Chinese maritime vessels while operating from Hasa-Hasa Shoal to Escoda Shoal.

The actions of China's vessels aimed to block the BFAR vessel's humanitarian mission to resupply Filipino fishermen with diesel, food, and medical supplies.

The BRP Datu Sanday was targeted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) ship 626 and multiple China Coast Guard (CCG) ships and attempted to encircle and block the humanitarian mission.

Hasa-Hasa (Half-Moon) Shoal is approximately 60 nautical miles from Rizal, Palawan, while Escoda (Sabina) Shoal is about 110 nautical miles away.

Both islands, the NTF-WPS said, are well within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

It added that these unprofessional, aggressive, and illegal actions posed serious risks to the safety of the Filipino crew and the fishermen they were meant to serve.

However, in the face of said provocative maneuvers, the crew aboard the BFAR vessel maintains high morale and remains safe and unharmed.

The task force also dismissed claims that Filipinos fell overboard and were subsequently rescued by the CCG after the ramming incident.

It added this "fake news and misinformation" is a clear illustration of China's "willingness to distort the truth and engage in disinformation to bolster its public image".

On Aug. 22, Chinese military aircraft also launched flares from their militarized reclaimed island in Zamora Reef, during a Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Flight conducted by the BFAR.

The NTF-WPS noted that the Zamora Reef is within the territorial sea of Pag-asa Island.

In coordination with the PCG, the BFAR aircraft, Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, was tasked with monitoring and intercepting poachers encroaching upon the Philippines’ EEZ and the territorial seas of the maritime features constituting the Kalayaan Island Group.

This same BFAR aircraft also faced harassment from the China People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Fighter Jet 63270 on Aug. 19 during an MDA flight near Bajo de Masinloc, which deployed flares multiple times at a dangerously close distance of approximately 15 meters from the BFAR Grand Caravan aircraft, jeopardizing the safety of the personnel onboard the BFAR aircraft.

Inhumane action

Senators condemned the CCG’s “inhumane” action in the WPS, calling upon the government of China “to immediately cease and desist” from inflammatory actions that test the limit of the Philippines’ goodwill.

“These inhumane and unjustifiable actions taken by the Chinese Coast Guard against BRP Datu Sanday on a lawful resupply mission on August 25 are clear acts of aggression that endanger the lives of our brave servicemen,” Senator Nancy Binay said in a statement.

Binay said the CCG's unwarranted acts are not only a violation of international law but also a blatant disregard of the kindness and patience that the Philippine government has consistently shown in addressing maritime disputes in a peaceful manner.

“We will continue to stand firm in our commitment to securing our territorial rights and safeguarding the welfare of our people,” Binay said.

“The Philippines, as a peace-loving nation, will continue to pursue diplomatic avenues to resolve these disputes, but let it be clear: Our resolve to defend our sovereignty and our people is unshakeable,” she added.

Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri said the perennial action of the CCG only shows their arrogance and total disrespect to a sovereign country and disregard of international maritime laws, noting that they no longer attacked Navy or Coast Guard but a BFAR ship on a humanitarian mission.

Zubiri said CCG’s action is treacherous and reneged on China’s word to refrain from attacks.

“You can’t even trust them to show simple decency. We condemn this latest act of aggression displayed by China and protest their actions on Philippine territory,” Zubiri said.

“We ask the national government to continue fighting for our sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea and uphold our territorial integrity and our right to our exclusive economic zone,” he added.

Zubiri thanked the BFAR for courageously standing its ground against China’s attacks. (Leonel Abasola/PNA)

PH strengthening military to deter armed attacks – DND chief

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 27, 2024): PH strengthening military to deter armed attacks – DND chief (By Darryl John Esguerra)

Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. (PNA File Photo)

MANILA – The Philippines is focused on making its military strong enough to deter armed attacks, Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. said Monday following another ramming of a Philippine vessel by Chinese ships in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

Speaking to reporters following the National Heroes Day commemoration at the Libingan ng mga Bayani in Taguig City, Teodoro said strengthening the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) was among the priority thrusts of the government.

The defense chief made the pronouncement after Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) ships rammed and attacked using a water cannon the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel BRP Datu Sanday (MMOV 3302) on Sunday while en route to Escoda Shoal, a coral reef formation just some 70 nautical miles off mainland Palawan and is deep within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

When asked whether the Philippines and its military ally the United States (US) should discuss whether an armed attack occurred in the latest incident, Teodoro said: “You know that is putting the cart before the horse. Let us deter an armed attack. That is the more important thing here.”

“That is what I am focus(ing) on doing. Everybody is too focused on armed attack. Let us make ourselves strong enough so that doesn't happen,” he added.

The Philippines and US have a seven-decade-old Mutual Defense Treaty, which dictates that both countries would support each other if either was to be attacked by an external party.

AFP chief leads FA-50PH flares test

In a separate media interview Monday, AFP chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. disclosed that he recently led the military in testing its flares in the WPS.

“Mayroon tayo, we have flares. In fact, noong Friday ako po ay sumakay sa FA 50 at nagpatrolya kami sa West Philippine Sea at tinesting natin ‘yung mga flares natin (We have, we have flares. In fact, last Friday, I was on board an FA 50 jet and we patrolled the West Philippine Sea and tested the flares),” Brawner told reporters.

The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea confirmed on Saturday that China launched flares from its militarized reclaimed island in Zamora Reef while a BFAR plane was conducting a maritime domain awareness (MDA) flight on Aug. 22.

The patrol, the task force said, was legitimate and conducted over the country’s EEZ and the territorial seas of the maritime features constituting the Kalayaan Island Group.

The task force said the same aircraft was harassed by the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) during a similar MDA flight near Scarborough Shoal on Aug. 19.


At the House of Representatives, Speaker Ferdinand Romualdez expressed alarm over what he described as the “increasingly aggressive” actions of China.

“Again, we condemn in the strongest terms this newest reckless and dangerous maneuvers by the China Coast Guard on our vessels,” he said.

He renewed his appeal for China to respect and follow international law, exercise restraint and stop all aggressive actions.

He said Beijing should pursue consultations and dialogue as a way to resolve conflict and not resort to confrontation and aggression.

AFP assets on alert

The AFP on Monday said it has alerted all appropriate air and surface assets to provide support to ensure the safety of Filipino personnel carrying out their duties in the country’s maritime domain.

"In terms of what happened yesterday (Sunday), the BFAR, as well as the Philippine Coast Guard, are currently handling the situation. But for the side of the AFP, the AFP through our Western Command has already alerted all appropriate air and surface assets and for them to be ready to provide support and ensure the safety and security of Filipino personnel in our maritime domain," AFP spokesperson Col. Francel Margareth Padilla said in a television interview.

Padilla said the AFP is committed to protecting the Philippines' maritime interests and ensure the safety of its territorial waters.

The AFP spokesperson declined to comment on whether the Philippine military is preparing for possible escalatory actions of China.

"We could not speculate on what they would be doing next but for the side of the AFP, we are currently of course reviewing our rules of engagement and our troops are duly informed of the rules of engagement in any eventuality," she said.

The military is also doing risk-based analysis and commanders on the ground would be the ones to decide for any eventualities that could occur, Padilla added.

"But rest assured that the AFP, we are doing everything to capacitate our troops in terms of upscaling them, doing more training and of course our modernization programs. Over and above that we are strengthening our alliances in terms of like-minded nations," she said. (With reports from Zaldy de Layola & Priam Nepomuceno/PNA)

China deploys 'excessive force' of 40 ships vs. PCG resupply mission

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 27, 2024): China deploys 'excessive force' of 40 ships vs. PCG resupply mission (By Raymond Carl Dela Cruz)

FLAG-RAISING. The ceremonial flag-raising of the Philippine flag aboard BRP Teresa Magbanua at Sabina Shoal in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) during the 126th Independence Day on June 12, 2024. A total of 40 Chinese vessels blocked a resupply mission by two PCG vessels to stock up BRP Teresa Magbanua during its extended patrol of Escoda Shoal in WPS on Monday (Aug. 26, 2024). (Photo courtesy of PCG)

MANILA – The China Coast Guard (CCG) deployed a force of 40 ships in Escoda Shoal in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) and blocked two Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels on a resupply mission Monday.

In a statement Tuesday, PCG spokesperson for the WPS Commodore Jay Tarriela said the two PCG vessels – BRP Cabra and BRP Cape Engaño– were on a humanitarian mission to deliver food and supplies to the BRP Teresa Magbanua that was on an extended patrol in Escoda Shoal.

“Unfortunately, during this mission, the People's Republic of China deployed an excessive force of 40 vessels including six CCG vessels, and three People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) warships, in an attempt to obstruct our lawful humanitarian operation,” Tarriela said.

In addition to the CCG and PLAN vessels, there were 31 Chinese maritime militia vessels in the waters of Escoda Shoal.

“Such actions resulted in our two 44-meter Multi-Role Response Vessels (MRRVs) being unable to safely deliver essential supplies, including a special ice cream treat from the Commandant in honor of National Heroes’ Day,” Tarriela said.

He called on the CCG to “abide with the international law and stop deploying maritime forces that could undermine mutual respect, a universally recognized foundation for responsible and friendly relations among Coast Guards.”

“The PCG remains steadfast in our commitment to uphold national interests and ensure the safety and security of our waters,” he said.

Biggest peace disruptor

Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr., meanwhile, said China’s attempt to break up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will not succeed as leaders of the region are well aware of its efforts.

"(And) yet what is China trying to do, trying to break us apart and that fortunately will not happen because I believed firmly that our leaders realize that in this region, China although without saying it, and I'll say it for you, is the biggest disruptor of international peace in the ASEAN region," Teodoro said in his speech at the 35th International Military Law and Operations Conference (MILOPS 24) at The Manila Hotel on Tuesday.

Teodoro also said Beijing should not be allowed the define what ASEAN centrality means.

"We should get together in ASEAN and protect each other's sovereign rights and sovereign while settling our internal disputes between and amongst ourselves within the context of ASEAN," the defense chief stressed.

He also said China is trying to create a new world order.

"This new world order will mean it will be China-led and does this have any trust and credibility worldwide when you have them appropriating all of the South China Sea without any basis whatsoever, even their historical basis is questionable," he added. (with Priam Nepomuceno/PNA)

DND chief seeks broader interpretation of MDT vs. China aggression

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 27, 2024): DND chief seeks broader interpretation of MDT vs. China aggression (By Priam Nepomuceno)

Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. (PNA photo by Priam Nepomuceno)

MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. said Tuesday the interpretation of the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) between the Philippines and the United States in terms of an armed attack must be broadened for it to be responsive to China's illegal activities in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

"It should apply because we're getting narrowed by a wooden definition, an armed attack on a public vessel etc. and the public gets fixated on that, so I think we should broaden the scope of the MDT to face a dynamic and cunning adversary," Teodoro said on the sidelines of the 35th International Military Law and Operations Conference (MILOPS 24) at The Manila Hotel, when asked whether the MDT can be invoked against China's grey zone tactics.

Grey zone acts are those committed by a state which are harmful to another state and are sometimes considered to be acts of war, but are not legal acts of war.

Under Article IV of the MDT, "each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific area on either of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common dangers in accordance with its constitutional processes."

The DND chief also noted that the MDT is the basis of the country's "bilateral cooperation with the United States" and the Philippines should tailor its interpretations of the MDT to the dynamic situation in the WPS.

He was referring to the series of aggressive Chinese actions in the region, which include harassment of Philippine aircraft and ships in recent weeks.

"There are ongoing talks, not to broaden the scope of the MDT, but to broaden the interpretations to make it more dynamic and not fall into China’s trap," he added.

Teodoro also said deterrence is not limited to military means and operations but can also include "any influence which will prevent a violator from pursuing its course."

"Why will we fixate on attack? Why don’t we concentrate on deterrence on the MDT? Bakit tayo magpapapalo o magpepenitensya when ma-iiwasan natin (Why do we have to be spanked or flagellated when we can prevent this)?" Teodoro said.

The MDT, signed by the Philippines and the US in 1951, requires both nations to support each other if another party attacks either.

USCG: Chinese ramming ‘unprofessional,’ highlights ‘bullying’ in SCS

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 27, 2024): USCG: Chinese ramming ‘unprofessional,’ highlights ‘bullying’ in SCS (By Joyce Ann L. Rocamora)

USCG Pacific Area Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Andrew Sugimoto (Photo courtesy of USCG)

MANILA – The act of ramming vessels is not in any way professional and is a violation of the international law to prevent collision at sea, a United States Coast Guard (USCG) official said Tuesday, chastising the contradiction in China’s statement on its latest actions in the Sabina Shoal.

In a virtual conference, USCG Pacific Area Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Andrew Sugimoto said no law-abiding country which conducts safe and professional operations would ram other ships.

“It’s a little astounding to say that 'I’m going to break the law in order to uphold the law.' It just doesn’t make sense, and I think most nations out there see that as unsafe and unprofessional conduct, which only highlights and further emphasizes the bullying that is going on,” he said.

Last Aug. 25, multiple Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessels and People’s Liberation Army Navy ship 626 harassed and tried to encircle the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) ship BRP Datu Sanday while it was traveling from Hasa-Hasa Shoal to Sabina Shoal.

Near Sabina Shoal, the CCG vessel 21551 rammed the Filipino ship, which at that time was also carrying journalists onboard.

The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea said the Chinese vessels “made close perilous maneuvers” that resulted in ramming, blasted horns, and launching of water cannons against the BFAR ship that led to the latter’s engine failure.

In a statement following the incident, the Chinese Foreign Ministry defended its actions as “professional, restrained and appropriate”.

Noting this, Sugimoto reiterated that ramming ships and flooding it by firing water cannons are not examples of safe and professional operations.

“I just want to highlight that part in the context of the statement itself – how disconnected that seems from reality, and go back to that is exactly what we want to prevent happening from this world,” he said.

Meanwhile, he lauded how Manila responded to China in a “professional and truly safe way”.

“It really demonstrates that this nation, the Philippines, do stand for the conduct that we all recognize is what we want in this world and not that of the other individual that keeps bullying smaller nations,” he said.

Sugimoto said Washington DC would continue its work to strengthen the capacity of the Philippine Coast Guard, including through training and support on maritime domain awareness (MDA).

“We are looking for whatever the Philippine Coast Guard wants us to help them with. That’s what we are here for in training, capacity building, legal structures, building out the laws necessary to support them, MDA, any of those things,” he said.

Hasa-Hasa Shoal is located approximately 60 nautical miles from mainland Palawan, while Sabina or Escoda Shoal is about 110 nautical miles away, both well within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone.

A number of foreign missions have also expressed concern and called out China over these acts in the West Philippine Sea, including the embassies of South Korea, Australia, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, and the European Union Delegation in Manila.

PBBM, USINDOPACOM chief tackle defense, security issues

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 28, 2024): PBBM, USINDOPACOM chief tackle defense, security issues (By Ruth Abbey Gita-Carlos)

SECURITY DIALOGUE. President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. meets with United States Indo-Pacific Command commander Admiral Samuel Paparo (in white) at Malacañang Palace in Manila on Tuesday (Aug. 27, 2024). Marcos and Paparo discussed security and defense issues. (Photo courtesy of Presidential Communications Office)

MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday met with United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) commander Adm. Samuel Paparo at Malacañan Palace in Manila where they discussed defense and security issues.

During the meeting, Marcos expressed optimism that the Philippines’ relations with USINDOPACOM would improve under Paparo’s leadership.

Marcos also thanked Paparo for finding time to visit the Philippines and tour some Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites to see the “true situation on the ground”.

“Welcome to Manila. Welcome to the Philippines. Well since your new appointment, I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you,” he told Paparo.

“I’m going to see you and you’re coming to see us. We have a great deal of, there are great many subjects that will be discussed, many decisions that we have to make for the United States and for the Philippines.” Marcos added.

Marcos and Paparo’s meeting focused on the Philippines and the US’ commitment to strengthening their defense and security partnership, Communications Secretary Cheloy Garafil said in a statement.

Paparo is scheduled to visit an EDCA site on Wednesday and attend the Annual Meeting of the Mutual Defense Board and Security Engagement Board in Baguio City on Thursday.

Paparo assumed command of USINDOPACOM on May 3.

USINDOPACOM, established as a unified command on Jan. 1, 1947, is one of six geographic Unified Combatant Commands of the US Armed Forces and the oldest and largest of the American unified commands.

With allies and partners, USINDOPACOM is committed to enhancing stability in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting security cooperation, encouraging peaceful development, responding to contingencies, and deterring aggression.

Japan calls for de-escalation amid China's dangerous acts in WPS

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 28, 2024): Japan calls for de-escalation amid China's dangerous acts in WPS (By Joyce Ann L. Rocamora)

MANILA – The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called for de-escalation in tensions amid China’s latest acts in the West Philippine Sea over the past two weeks, including the deployment of flares and ramming of a Filipino vessel.

Without directly naming any country, the ministry on Tuesday said Japan “steadfastly opposes” the dangerous and coercive use of Coast Guard and maritime militia vessels as well as aircraft.

“Japan expresses serious concern over repeated actions in recent days that increase regional tensions in the South China Sea and urges de-escalation of the tensions,” it said in a statement.

In two separate incidents last week, China fired flares multiple times while a Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) plane was conducting an air patrol near Scarborough Shoal and the Zamora Reef.

Last Sunday, a Chinese Coast Guard vessel rammed BFAR ship BRP Datu Sanday while it was en route to Sabina Shoal to resupply Filipino fishers with diesel, food, and medical necessities.

Japanese Ambassador Endo Kazuya earlier said this development around Sabina Shoal, which is situated well within the country’s exclusive economic zone, is “unacceptable” and that any action that increases tensions or obstructs the freedom of navigation is “not tolerated”.

In its statement, the Japanese foreign ministry said the issue of the South China Sea is directly related to the region and is a legitimate concern of the international community.

“[T]herefore Japan opposes any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force as well as any actions that increase tensions in the South China Sea, including obstruction of freedom of navigation and over flight,” it said.

The ministry lauded the Philippines ”for having consistently complied with the Arbitral Tribunal’s award” and for showing its commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea.

“The arbitral award is final and legally binding on the parties to the dispute under the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and Japan strongly hopes that the parties’ compliance with the award will lead to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea,” it said.

“Japan has consistently advocated upholding the rule of law at sea and will continue to cooperate with the international community including ASEAN Member States and the United States to protect the free and open international order based on the rule of law,” it added.

OPAPRU completes profiling of 2K MNLF members for gov't aid

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 28, 2024): OPAPRU completes profiling of 2K MNLF members for gov't aid (By Priam Nepomuceno)

TRANSFORMED LIVES. MNLF combatants undergo socio-economic profiling in Lanao del Sur province on Aug. 22, 2024. The OPAPRU on Wednesday (Aug. 28) said it has completed the socio-economic profiling for nearly 2,000 Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) combatants, as part of the government's Transformation Program for the group. (Photo courtesy of OPAPRU)

MANILA – The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) on Wednesday announced the completion of the socio-economic profiling for nearly 2,000 Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) combatants, as part of the government's Transformation Program for the group.

A total of 161 MNLF members were the last to undergo socio-economic assessment, validation, and verification processes for the program in Lanao del Sur on Aug. 22, according to an OPAPRU news release.

OPAPRU Chief Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. said this marks another milestone for the MNLF Transformation Program.

He also called on the former combatants to continue supporting the peace process.

“Masaya po kaming makita ang mga positibong pagbabagong nagaganap sa buhay ng ating mga MNLF combatants. Tunay na abot kamay na ninyo ang mga dibidendo ng prosesong pangkapayapaan. Kaya’t patuloy po tayong magkaisa at magtulungan (We are happy to see of the positive changes on our MNLF combatants. It is true that the dividends of the peace process are within your grasp, this is why we need to be united and keep on helping one another)," he said.

Each MNLF member from Lanao Del Sur received transitional cash assistance amounting to PHP45,000 and food packs from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Regional Office X and 25 kilos of rice from OPAPRU.

Under the agreed terms of the Government of the Philippines (GPH)-MNLF Management Committee, the OPAPRU launched the Transformation Program for MNLF combatants on Sept. 30, 2023, in Lamitan, Basilan.

The process was then implemented in the provinces of Lanao del Sur, Cotabato City, Maguindanao del Norte, Maguindanao del Sur, and North Cotabato.

A total of 1,705 MNLF combatants across Mindanao participated in the initiative in 2023.

On July 4 this year, 97 MNLF combatants in Lamitan, Basilan underwent the socio-economic assessment process.

Galvez also reaffirmed the national government’s unwavering commitment to help uplift the socioeconomic conditions of the MNLF members, their families, and their communities.

The Transformation Program is anchored on the socio-economic provision of the Final Peace Agreement with the MNLF signed in 1996, which is designed to transform the lives and positively change the mindsets of the MNLF combatants and their families, and turn their areas into productive and self-reliant communities

It has four major components: security, socio-economic, confidence-building, and community healing and reconciliation.

Vietnam defense chief to visit PH

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 28, 2024): Vietnam defense chief to visit PH (By Priam Nepomuceno)

MANILA – Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. sees stronger defense ties between the Philippines and Vietnam with the coming visit of his Vietnamese counterpart.

Teodoro said Vietnamese Defense Minister Gen. Phan Van Giang would be in the country on Friday to sign defense cooperation agreements between Manila and Hanoi.

The agreements can help in building the momentum for cooperation between the two countries' defense and military sectors, Teodoro added.

"On the state level side, Vietnam was one of the countries our President (Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.) visited in order to forge greater ties and relationships, intra-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and I believe that a South China Sea way forward was part of the conversation between our President and the Vietnamese President at that time. So (we) do see fertile ground for working together in order to get a level of confidence and trust," he said during the open forum of Tuesday’s 35th International Military Law and Operations Conference (MILOPS 24) held at The Manila Hotel.

Teodoro also called for more international support for the Philippines to promote a rules-based international order in the West Philippine Sea.

“Please help the Philippines be, as (US) Ambassador (MaryKay L.) Carlson said, ‘a global leader in enforcing and upholding rules-based international order, norms of international law,’ and do not let the Philippines be a victim for standing up to international law,” the DND chief told participants of the conference.

He emphasized that the Philippines is not merely upholding its own sovereignty and sovereign rights, but is a test case for the agreed interpretations of the civilized world of what is international law, particularly the law of the sea.

“I'd like to carry on from the statement of Ambassador Carlson, that the venue of this conference was both deliberate and significant. Indeed, the Philippines is at the forefront of upholding international law on this side of the world,” the defense chief added.

Teodoro said that nations should adhere to the tenets of international law, especially the United Nations Charter amid regional security challenges.

PH, Australia eye stronger cybersecurity connection

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 28, 2024): PH, Australia eye stronger cybersecurity connection (By Priam Nepomuceno)

CYBERSECURITY COOPERATION. Officials of the Department of National Defense led by Undersecretary for Capability Assessment and Development Angelito De Leon (6th from right) and a delegation from Australia led by Ambassador for Cyber Affairs and Critical Technology Brendan Dowling (5th from left) pose for a photo opportunity at the DND headquarters in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City on Tuesday (Aug. 27, 2024). Both sides highlighted areas of cybersecurity cooperation such as information sharing on policies and best practices, innovations in information and communication technology, and organizing joint cyber drills and tabletop exercises. (Photo courtesy of DND)

MANILA – The Philippines and Australia's ties got a further boost as the two nations discussed ways to deepen their cooperation on cybersecurity, the Department of National Defense (DND) announced on Wednesday.

This came as the DND received a delegation from Australia to discuss shared challenges in cybersecurity, strengthen bilateral cooperation, and explore new avenues for cyber defense collaboration on Tuesday, the agency said in a statement.

"The meeting was chaired by DND Undersecretary for Capability Assessment and Development Angelito M. De Leon, while the Australian side was led by Ambassador for Cyber Affairs and Critical Technology Brendan Dowling," it added.

In the meeting, de Leon stressed the importance of deepening cooperation and convergence in cyber defense between the two countries.

Both sides highlighted areas of cooperation such as information sharing on policies and best practices, innovations in information and communication technology, and organizing joint cyber drills and tabletop exercises.

The discussions also covered possible defense technological cooperation such as building a skilled cyber defense workforce through exchange programs and workshops, research, and development, among others.

Meanwhile, DND Office for Cyber and Information System Management director Christine June Cariño provided an overview of the Philippines' cybersecurity efforts, including the crafting of the Department’s Cyber Strategy and Policy.

The DND also noted the proposed activation of a Cyber Command under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and stressed the need for an adaptive and responsive cyber defense posture in the face of evolving threats.

Dowling also shared Australia's approach to cybersecurity, which adopts a "whole-of-nation" strategy, to include the private sector, especially in safeguarding critical infrastructure.

Both sides also expressed concerns over the growing threats from state and non-state actors, particularly about cyber defense.

The Australian delegation reiterated its commitment to collaborating with the DND and the AFP to build enduring cyber resilience and strengthen technology security in the region, offering capacity-building opportunities to further boost bilateral partnerships on cyber affairs and critical technology cooperation.

Review of PH-US defense treaty urged amid ‘new security challenges’

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 29, 2024): Review of PH-US defense treaty urged amid ‘new security challenges’ (By Darryl John Esguerra)

National Maritime Council Spokesperson Vice Adm (Ret) Alexander Lopez. (PNA FIle Photo)

MANILA – The National Maritime Council (NMC) believes it is about time the Philippines and the United States (US) review their over seven-decades-old Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) to make it more responsive to the modern security landscape.

The MDT, signed in 1951, dictates that the Philippines and the US would support each other if attacked by an external party.

According to NMC spokesperson Alexander Lopez, the defense pact may be revisited to make it “relevant to the new security challenges.”

“Sa atin lang, 1951 pa ‘yung Mutual Defense Treaty. Since then, the strategic landscape has changed so much. So, maybe it’s high time now to make the review,” Lopez, a retired military official, told reporters in a media interview in Malacañang on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. said the interpretation of the MDT, especially the provision regarding an armed attack, must be tailored and broadened for it to become more responsive to China's illegal activities in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

‘Nobody buying China’s narrative’

Meanwhile, Lopez also belied China’s claims that Filipino personnel fell overboard and were rescued by the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) following an incident at Escoda Shoal over the weekend.

According to Lopez, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has evidence that the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel, the BRP Datu Sanday, encountered aggressive and dangerous maneuvers from multiple CCG vessels while en route to Escoda Shoal, a coral reef formation just some 70 nautical miles off mainland Palawan and is deep within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

He also denied that it was BRP Datu Sanday that intentionally rammed the CCG vessels as claimed by China.

“Nobody is buying that narrative. Kasi ang kanilang audience is basically domestic, samantalang tayo ay factual (Their audience are just their people while us, our basis are factual accounts) and we are even appreciative of the response of the international community condemning the harsh actions, aggressive actions, life threatening actions perpetrated by the Coast Guard vessels,” Lopez said.

The NMC mouthpiece also said that it is not sensible that BRP Datu Sanday, a smaller vessel compared with those deployed by the CCG, initiated the skirmish.

PH, US military officials inspect Basa Air Base

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 29, 2024): PH, US military officials inspect Basa Air Base (By Priam Nepomuceno)

INSPECTION. Armed Forces of the Philippines chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. and US Indo-Pacific Command commander Admiral Samuel Paparo board a Philippine Air Force FA-50 jet during their visit to Basa Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga on Wednesday (Aug. 28, 2024). The two officials visited Base Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga – one of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement sites – to inspect upgrades done in the facility. (Photo courtesy of the AFP)

MANILA – Filipino and American military officials on Wednesday visited Base Air Base in Floridablanca, Pampanga – one of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) sites – to inspect upgrades done in the facility.

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. and Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) head Admiral Samuel Paparo led the inspection of facilities developed under the EDCA between the Philippines and the United States.

"The inspection focused on the improvements and upgrades made to enhance the operational capabilities of the Philippine Air Force and promote joint interoperability between the two armed forces," the AFP said in a statement.

Basa Air Base, one of nine AFP facilities designated under the EDCA, has been equipped with infrastructure upgrades and facilities to support the Philippine military’s modernization efforts and contribute to the overall security and defense posture in the region.

"The improvements in our facilities at Basa Air Base demonstrate our commitment to strengthening our defense capabilities and ensuring that our forces are prepared to respond to any security challenge," Brawner said.

These developments are vital in the AFP's goal of being a credible defense force that can safeguard the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said.

The visit is part of the ongoing engagements under the Mutual Defense Board-Security Engagement Board (MDB-SEB) meeting scheduled at the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio City Thursday afternoon.

The MDB-SEB is a venue for the AFP and the USINDOPACOM to "discuss and come up with a mutually agreed policy direction" on defense and security concerns.

To be discussed are the range of military activities the two nations will carry out next year, including the annual "Balikatan" and "Salaknib" exercises.

Some 16,000 American and Filipino troops took part in this year's "Balikatan" from April 22 to May 10 in various locations in the country.

PH fleet on 3-day naval exercise off Subic Bay

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 29, 2024): PH fleet on 3-day naval exercise off Subic Bay (By Priam Nepomuceno)

NAVAL EXERCISE. The missile frigate BRP Jose Rizal (FF-151). Major naval and air assets of the Philippine fleet are carrying out a unilateral naval exercise, focusing on in-depth naval warfare operations from Aug. 27 to 30 in the waters off Subic Bay, Zambales. (PNA file photo)

MANILA – Major naval and air assets of the Philippine fleet (PF) are carrying out a unilateral naval exercise, focusing on in-depth naval warfare operations, in the waters southwest of Subic Bay, Zambales from Aug. 27 to 30.

PF public office chief Lt. Giovanni Badidles said the exercise would test and enhance the interoperability between Offshore Combat Force's capital ships, like the missile frigates BRP Jose Rizal, BRP Antonio Luna, and fleets's air assets such as the anti-submarine AW-159 helicopter and Beechcraft TC-90.

The training is divided into two phases, the Harbor Phase – focused on planning, training discussions, and subject matter experts’ lectures; and the Sea Phase – designed to simulate scenarios that demand quick thinking, precision, and cooperation among units.

OCF acting commander Capt. Joselito de Guzman said the unilateral exercise would test and validate existing warfare doctrines, test new capabilities in multi-dimensional warfare for the development of common "techniques, tactics, and procedures" to address gaps

DND refocuses on archipelagic defense, protection

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 29, 2024): DND refocuses on archipelagic defense, protection (By Filane Mikee Cervantes)

Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. (PNA file photo)

MANILA – The Department of National Defense (DND) is refocusing its strategic direction toward archipelagic defense and protection of Philippine sovereignty, particularly the country's eastern seaboard, where the resource-rich Philippine Rise (formerly Benham Rise) is located.

During the House of Representatives appropriations committee hearing on the DND's proposed PHP258.2 billion budget for 2025 on Thursday, Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. said the Comprehensive Archipelagic Basing System is among the priority agenda of the department to strengthen the Philippines' defense posture amid regional tensions.

Teodoro highlighted the importance of reinforcing the country's sovereign rights by using baselines as the "foundation" to determine its maritime territories, particularly the 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

"We have to move outward rather than in-land in a joint manner. For example, we have to build new naval bases and ports in outlying areas, which would perhaps be for joint use. Also, so that our upscaled fisherfolk can dock outside, they form cooperatives, have bigger vessels with refrigeration and proper storage facilities. They can avail of these and of course, maritime safety and security," he said.

Teodoro said setting up strategic bases in the eastern seaboard is also part of efforts to protect the country's resources and prevent unlawful activities.

"What we also want to concentrate on is the Philippine Rise and the eastern board of the Philippines. Everybody is naturally focused on the West Philippine Sea right now, but there's a vast area that we have to protect and prevent any illegal and unlawful research and occupation," he said.

Part of the strategic basing, he said, would also include the Philippines' claim to its extended continental shelf (ECS) in the Western Palawan Region.

"We also have to take into consideration in our planning right now, even though it has not been approved, that the Philippines has filed an application for an extended continental shelf, which will affect also our area scope of operations, notionally, at least for this time," he said.

Teodoro, meanwhile, cited the need to build alliances and international engagements, particularly to secure the country's claims in the West Philippine Sea.

"Our claims in the West Philippine Sea and other areas are not only dependent on our ability to enforce our will on the area but also the recognition given by the international community and getting active participation and engagement by the international community on these. This is vitally important for us," he said.

As for the Re-Horizon 3 of the Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program, Teodoro said the department is trying to find ways to finance the acquisitions using the resources of the banking system.

"So as to spread the risk of loans and to divide loans that we can negotiate to acquire capabilities and divide these into as small as possible amortizations so it is more digestible for our economy and this is the focus that we have on new applications for capability. Naturally, the capabilities that will be provided should be provided by countries, which are strategically aligned with us, particularly in the West Philippine Sea," he said.

He noted that the Philippines has been soliciting offers to acquire 40 new multi-role fighter aircraft to boost the country's defense.

As part of broader reforms, the DND has also filed a transformation bill to enhance its organizational capabilities.

Teodoro noted the need for specialized skills and infrastructure to manage the department's operations effectively, given the volatile security environment and the demands of modern defense management.

35 Eastern Visayas towns earn rebel-free status this year

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 15, 2024): 35 Eastern Visayas towns earn rebel-free status this year (By Sarwell Meniano)

PEACE. Local officials release white doves during the declaration of the rebel-free status of Quinapondan, Eastern Samar on Aug. 14, 2024. At least 35 towns in Eastern Visayas have been declared completely free from threats from the New People’s Army (NPA) and have attained Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS) status, the Philippine Army said on Thursday (Aug. 15, 2024). (Photo courtesy of Philippine Army)

TACLOBAN CITY – A total of 35 towns in Eastern Visayas have been declared free from threats of the New People’s Army (NPA) and have attained Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS) status, the Philippine Army reported on Thursday.

The municipalities conferred the SIPS status from January to mid-August this year are Pagsanghan, Tarangnan, San Sebastian, Talalora, Sta. Margarita, Almagro, and Sto. Niño in Samar province; Allen, San Jose, Rosario, Capul, Biri, and San Vicente in Northern Samar; Bontoc and Macrohon in Southern Leyte; Palompon, Isabel, Matag-ob, Merida, Bato, and Hilongos in Leyte; and Giporlos, Mercedes, Maydolong, Llorente, Balangkayan, Guiuan, Lawaan, Sulat, San Policarpo, Hernani, San Julian, Taft, Salcedo, and Quinapondan in Eastern Samar.

In a press briefing, commander of the Philippine Army’s 8th Infantry Division, Maj. Gen. Camilo Ligayo, said these municipalities earned SIPS status due to the successful conduct of local peace engagement down to the community level and the effective multi-sectoral commitment to peace and security.

“We want all areas to attain to be declared as insurgent-free, but we have to be careful. We should follow parameters for a town or province to attain the SIPS status. We are confident that more areas will be declared soon since there are many good things happening in the region,” Ligayo said.

Brig. Gen. Lenart Lelina, commander of the 801st Infantry Brigade, said a municipality is recognized with SIPS status only when no resident is a member of the communist group and there is no reported NPA activity for one year.

"Municipalities and provinces free from insurgency are declared to have stable internal peace and security. Hopefully, the entire province of Eastern Samar will achieve this status when all its municipalities are declared insurgency-free," Lelina said.

Brig. Gen. Noel Vestuir emphasized that the declaration of SIPS status represents a victory of freedom from the deceptive ideas of NPA.

“Along with the declaration is the responsibility to sustain peace efforts. It highlights the importance of embracing peace and working together to achieve reconciliation and sustained development,” Vestuir said.

Brig. Gen. Efren Morados, commander of the Army’s 803rd Infantry Brigade, said they have been stepping up efforts to declare more areas peaceful and free from NPA threats.

“We have different security mechanisms in place to prevent NPA resurgence, but the most important is our advocacy on good governance. We don’t want NPA (rebels) to use corruption issues to persuade villagers to fight the government,” Morados said.

Alongside every SIPS declaration is the ceremonial signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) among the municipal task force to end local communist armed conflict and peace partners.

The MOU aims to strengthen the support of local government units in maintaining peace and order, conducting activities to enhance law enforcement operations, and preventing the resurgence of the NPA.

The military said several areas in the region have long been peaceful, hence, the declaration of the SIPS status is just a formal and official manifestation of the commitment of local leaders and people to sustain the peace and never allow any threat group to gain a foothold in their communities.

Iloilo gov’t maintains local peace engagement work to win rebels

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 16, 2024): Iloilo gov’t maintains local peace engagement work to win rebels (By Perla Lena)

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. Immediate relatives of the New People's Army rebels killed in encounters with government troops meet with Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. (seated) at the provincial capitol on Monday (Aug. 12, 2024). Defensor said Thursday (Aug. 15, 2024) that the local peace engagement is working to help rebels return to the fold of the government. (Photo from 301st Infantry Brigade)

ILOILO CITY – The provincial government here said the local peace engagement continues to work to entice more rebels to return to the fold of the government.

Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. said Thursday the province is doing everything to make the local peace engagement work with stakeholders under the End Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC).

Defensor issued the statement after the series of encounters between government troopers and members of the New People's Army in the province that led to the death of seven rebels last week.

He said it was unfortunate that lives were lost during these clashes.

"We have a problem with armed conflict right now, something that we do not like, something that nobody likes. We have an encounter in the mountains and we have seven casualties," Defensor said in an interview.

He said that in helping insurgents, they are treated like other residents seeking government support, such as those looking for jobs.

The provincial government also provides funds to develop the barangays where they live.

"The solution is development. We will help them, so we can make it easier to bring them back to the fold," the governor added.

He said the projects targeted for implementation under the Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP), which were not immediately implemented for various reasons, would be pursued nonetheless.

In 2021, the province was allocated PHP720 million – PHP634.06 million or 123 infrastructure projects, and PHP85.49 million for capacity development projects.

The province completed the implementation of 91 projects, while 69 have yet to be finished and five have not yet been implemented.

Unspent funds were returned to the Bureau of the Treasury.

Defensor said he would ask the Department of Budget and Management to release the funds returned to the treasury.

NDF consultant, 2 other top NPA leaders killed in Iloilo

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 16, 2024): NDF consultant, 2 other top NPA leaders killed in Iloilo (By Perla Lena)

NEUTRALIZED. The three top leaders of the communist group killed in a series of encounters in the mountainous villages of Iloilo on Thursday (Aug. 15, 2024) and last week. With their deaths, the Philippine Army expects a snowballing of surrenderees in the next few days.( Photo courtesy of 3DPAO)

ILOILO CITY – Three top leaders of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Panay, including the consultant of the National Democratic Front (NDF), were killed during a series of encounters in the mountainous villages of Iloilo.

In a statement Friday, the 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs Office (3DPAO) identified the slain rebels as Vicente Hinojales, regional secretary of Komiteng Rehiyon-Panay (KR-P) and known by the aliases Arjie, Hadjie, Mandi and LJ; Maria Concepcion Araneta Bocala, 1st deputy secretary, KR-P, also known as Concha; and Vivian Torato Teodosio, secretary of the central front, KR-Panay with aliases Minerva/Mara/Moray.

Bocala, from Barangay Pueblo in Iloilo City’s Manduriao district, had a PHP5.3 million bounty on her head for murder.

Police arrested her in August 2015 in Molo district. She was released in 2016 to participate in the peace talks in Norway.

“However, when former President Rodrigo Duterte suspended the peace talks in February 2017, Concha jumped bail,” the statement said.

Concha and Teodosio were killed following a 10-minute firefight with troops from the 82nd Infantry Battalion in Barangay Cabatangan, Lambunao on Thursday.

Found in the encounter site were five high-powered firearms, including three M16 Rifles, one M79 grenade launcher, and one Visor, along with one shotgun and various war materiel, personal belongings, and subversive documents.

The clash happened while the troops were scouring the area after they found Hinojales abandoned and already in a state of decomposition at Sitio Igdagmay of the same village around noontime of the same day.

3DPAO chief, Lt. Col. J-Jay Javines, said in an interview that Hinojales may have been part of the group that clashed with government troops in Barangay Cabatangan on Aug. 7 or in Barangay Aglonok in adjacent Calinog town on Aug. 5 and 8.

He was from Barangay Linao, Matalam, North Cotabato and the former secretary of Guerilla Front 14 in Mindanao before his transfer to Panay Island in 2017, the military statement added.

He had warrants of arrest for a string of criminal cases in Agusan del Sur, including destructive arson, two counts of kidnapping and serious illegal detention.

He was tagged as responsible for the raid of the local police station and the ambush of the Philippine National Police vehicle in Maasin town in June and November 2017, respectively.

He was also responsible for the burning of heavy equipment in Dumalag, Capiz and Sibalom, Antique in April 2018 and November 2019; the ambush of the 3rd Infantry Division troops in Madalag, Aklan in April 2020 that killed PFC Mark Nemis; and the killing of Corporal Villasis in Barangay Lahug, Tapaz in August 2021; among others, the army said.

The Glock 17 9mm pistol of Villasis, the team leader of the Community Support Program of the 12th Infantry Battalion, was recovered from Hinojales.

The identities of the three were confirmed by former rebels.

Their deaths raised to 10 the total fatalities on the side of the terrorist group following the series of encounters since last week.

Borongan City gives aid to ex-rebels

From the Philippine News Agency (Aug 19, 2024): Borongan City gives aid to ex-rebels (By Roel Amazona)

FOR PEACE. A former rebel turning over his firearm to Borongan City government and Philippine Army in this Aug. 19, 2024 photo. The city government has turned over financial assistance to the two former members of the New People’s Army who surrendered to the Philippine Army’s 78th Infantry Battalion early this month. (Photo courtesy of Borongan City government)

TACLOBAN CITY – The Borongan City government has turned over financial assistance to two former members of the New People’s Army (NPA) who recently surrendered to the Philippine Army’s 78th Infantry Battalion (78IB).

Mayor Jose Ivan Dayan Agda handed over on Monday some PHP50,000 to each of the former rebels who also surrendered their firearms.

The city government granted the financial aid through the local social integration program of the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO).

Agda urged the two to convince their comrades who are still active members of the communist group to surrender and take advantage of the opportunities given by the government to help them start living a normal life.

Lt. Col. Joseph Bugaoan, commander of the 78IB, thanked the mayor and CSWDO for their full support for the former rebels.

He assured the city government that they would remain committed to maintaining peace and progress in Borongan City.

Several rebels in Eastern Samar have surrendered to authorities this year as the Philippine Army and local government units implement the Friends Rescued Engagement through Their Families (FReE Families) program.

The program optimizes the local government’s efforts to link and convince the remaining NPA members through the active participation of the rebels’ families to work for the peaceful surrender of their loved ones and take advantage of the benefits through the Enhanced Local Integration Program.