Thursday, October 22, 2015

MILF: Women leaders of CenMin to join training on political participation

Posted to the MILF Website (Oct 21): Women leaders of CenMin to join training on political participation

Phito courtesy of frenz garcia

Phito courtesy of frenz Garcia

Around twenty women community leaders from central Mindanao will be joining "Women's Political Participation Training" aimed at creating a pool of women leaders who have the capacity to join political arena and champion women's rights.

The activity is part of implementing the ‘Institutionalizing Women's Participation Project" of the organization Conciliation Resources and its partners namely Nisa Ul Haqq Fi Bangsamoro (NISA), Women Engaged in Action on UNSCR 1325 (WEACT 1325) United Youth of the Philippines-Women (UNYPHIL-WOMEN), and Teduray-Lambangian Women's Organization (TLWO).

"The training will be participated by twenty (20) women community leaders from Central Mindanao that has the willingness and eagerness to politically participate; and are supportive of women's issues in their respective areas," the organizers said.

The organizers added that there will be discussions on legal and institutional frameworks in promoting women participation and gender mainstreaming in governance; identification of potentials and opportunities, challenges and needs for women's political participation in the Bangsamoro, and; identification of key areas and strategies for women to actively exercise participation in the Bangsamoro.

The capacity-building activity is expected to augment the learnings of women leaders in addressing women's concerns and in ensuring women's rights are protected and enjoyed.

"As women, they are not just mothers and housekeepers, but they have a greater role in their communities and in peace- and nation-building," the organizers pointed out.

They also said, "With added knowledge and confidence, they can better influence fellow women and youth into politically participating and advocating for their own development."

Distinguished resource persons expert on the topics were invited to the said training which is funded by the British Embassy.

Among the topics to be discussed includes Envisioning Women's Aspirations for Political Participation in the Bangsamoro, Party-Building in the Bangsamoro, The Bangsamoro Peace Process and Provisions for and of women in the BBL and Opportunities for Women in the Bangsamoro.

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