Thursday, April 9, 2020

NDF/Sison: On the international situation, COVID-19 pandemic and the people’s response

Jose Maria Sison propaganda statement posted to the National Democratic Front Philippines (NDFP or NDF) Website (Apr 9, 2020): On the international situation, COVID-19 pandemic and the people’s response

“The community quarantine or lockdown over Metro Manila spells forced hunger to millions of low-income workers who cannot afford to skip a day despite the current COVID-19 pandemic.” 

By Jose Maria Sison
Chairperson Emeritus
International League of Peoples’ Struggle

Dear colleagues and fellow activists,

I am highly honored and delighted to be the first speaker in this series of webinars, billed as Teach-Ins or Interviews, online discussions on international events and people’s struggles, under the auspices of ILPS Solidarity.

The format is simple. I make the presentation. And the audience can react with observations, questions and further discussions. My task today is to present the international situation, the Covid 19 pandemic and the peoples’ response.

Let me state at the outset that the world capitalist system was already in trouble even before the Covid-19 pandemic arose. And the pandemic has unmasked and aggravated the crisis of global capitalism. It is of urgent importance to know how the people are affected and how they are responding.

1. Crisis of the World Capitalist System

Science has advanced so fast and so far and has provided the technology to raise the productivity of the forces and means of production to such a high degree as to have the capability of eliminating class exploitation, gross inequality and mass poverty and providing a comfortable and fruitful life for at least twice the population of the world today.

The social character of production has risen so high with the adoption of higher technology. But unfortunately, the monopoly bourgeoisie and its financial oligarchy own the means of production, control the relations of production and dictate the terms of employment and the use of the human and material resources for the maximization of private profit and the inflation of the value of private assets.

Abusing bourgeois state power over the toiling masses of workers and peasants and middle social strata, the international bourgeoisie has adopted the neoliberal economic policy in order to accelerate the accumulation and concentration of productive and finance capital in the hands of the few, the mere 1 per cent of the population to exploit, deprive and oppress the 99 per cent.

The neoliberal economic policy has liberalized trade and investments, provided tax cuts, incentives and bailouts to the monopoly bourgeoisie, pressed down wages and other incomes of the lower classes, privatized public assets, reduced social services, imposed austerity measures, removed social and environmental regulations and denationalized the less developed economies of the world.

The crisis of overproduction has therefore become more frequent and worse every time. The working people have suffered disemployment at so rapid a rate and cannot buy what is produced by the economy. The so-called middle class has dwindled and joined the ranks of the proletariat. Yet, the monopoly bourgeoisie has proceeded to make the people suffer and insist on its system of unbridled greed.

Before the financial crisis of 2008 can be solved, another more serious crisis has come on top of it to further prolong and deepen the stagnation and depression of the global economy. All imperialist countries suffer from the crisis of overproduction due to the dwindling incomes of the working people and the underdeveloped countries.

All major contradictions in the world are intensifying: those between capital and labor in the imperialist countries, those among the imperialist powers, those between the imperialist powers and the oppressed peoples and nations and those between the imperialist powers and a number of states assertive of their national independence and socialist aspirations.

I mention first the contradiction between capital and the imperialist countries to stress the point that even in their own national bulwarks of monopoly capitalism the imperialist powers have gone so far in exploiting their working class and diminishing the middle class as they have engaged in one round of austerity measures after another to cope with economic and financial crisis .

US imperialism has complemented the neoliberal policy to maximize profits from the production process and financial markets with the neoconservative policy to ensure government expenditures for the acquisition of weapons from the military-industrial complex for the maintenance of more than 800 overseas military bases and for endless wars of aggression, including proxy wars, and military intervention in support of local reactionary regimes.

After China became monopoly capitalist in 1976, it used to be touted as the main partner of the US in neoliberal globalization and as the exemplar of continuous capitalist growth. But since 2015, it has become conspicuously afflicted with unsustainable national, corporate and household debts and the same economic and financial crises that bedevil the traditional imperialist powers headed by the US.

The inter-imperialist contradictions are sharpening fast, with China having become the main rival of US imperialism. The US regrets and seeks to overcome the consequences of its previous concessions to China in terms of investments, trade and technology transfers. It is resentful that China has used state planning and state-owned enterprises in order to achieve strategic economic and military goals.

But of course China has its own vulnerabilities, like having to deal with the trade war already started by the US and with the mountains of debt it has accumulated, to cite only a few major problems. The US is trying hard to cut the large export surpluses that China gains in trade with the US and reduce the amount of surplus capital that China uses to expand its own fields of investments, markets and sources of raw materials in various countries.

The US and China try to strengthen their respective positions by alliances with other countries. The US still has the main influence in the UN and controls the multilateral agencies (IMF, World Bank and WTO) and the NATO and other military alliances. China has its all-round alliance with Russia and has tried to broaden this alliance with BRICS, SCO, the BRICS Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Fund and the Belt and Road Initiative.

The imperialist countries continue to shift the burden of crisis to their reactionary client states in the underdeveloped countries and therefore exacerbate the imperialist contradictions with the oppressed peoples and nations. They are detested for aggravating the underdevelopment of entire countries and continents in contrast with the false promises of development.

Such states are always and increasingly in an untenable position. They suffer from widening deficits in trade and balance of payments because their exports consist of raw materials and semi-manufactures. They have mounting difficulties in servicing previous foreign debts and getting new foreign loans to be able to get by.

The broad masses of the people detest the imperialists and their puppets for the state terrorism that they suffer. The conditions are increasingly becoming favorable for the rise of various anti-imperialist and democratic struggles. There are a number of countries where the revolutionary partied of the proletariat and the people persevere in armed revolution for national and social liberation. These serve as example to all the oppressed peoples and nations in the world

There are states of underdeveloped countries that are assertive of national independence and socialist aspirations. These include the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. They are dramatically standing up against US imperialism which is using economic sanctions, military blockades and threats of aggression.

Certain countries in Southeast Asia are also standing up to both the US and China. Vietnam is outstanding in opposing the invalid claim of China over ninety per cent of the South China Sea. It is in this part of the world where China is exposing itself as an aggressive violator of the sovereign rights of other countries in violation of international law and the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea.

But US imperialism still has the worst standing as the aggressor and violator of sovereign rights in Asia, Africa and Latin America. But it is paying dearly for its wars of aggression and military intervention. It is on a course of accelerated strategic decline in an increasingly multipolar world in which the inter-imperialist contradictions which incite the proletariat and people of the world to rise up.

Since last year, there has been an outburst of mass protests all over the world, in both underdeveloped and developed countries. This is a clear manifestation of the people’s resistance to all the evil workings of imperialism such as neoliberal exploitation, the rise of state terrorism, fascism, austerity measures, racism, gender discrimination and imperialist plunder and destruction of the environment.

We are now in the midst of the transition to the global resurgence of the anti-imperialist and democratic straggles for national liberation, democracy and socialism.

2. The Covid-19 Pandemic

Between the two main imperialist powers of today, the US and China, there are accusations and counter-accusations regarding the origin of Covid-19 and the malicious criminal motive behind it. There are speculations that one imperialist power is using the Covid-19 pandemic in order to weaken and defeat the other. These are manifestations of the growing contradictions between the US and China.

China accuses the US of having created Covid-19 in a bio-warfare laboratory in Fort Detrick in Maryland, USA, and having used the US athletic delegation to the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019 to bring into Wuhan the highly contagious virus. In turn, the US accuses China of having created the virus in its virological institute only to leak it to the Wuhan wet market through the sale of laboratory test animals.

There is the third view that the Chinese scientists themselves got the virus from a laboratory operated by the US military and somehow leaked the virus to the Wuhan meat market. Still there is the fourth view that Covid-19 is of purely zoonotic origin and has mutated from a previous virus, generated by an environment extremely devastated and imbalanced by imperialist plunder.

We let the independent scientists do their investigation and let the experts on international criminal law use the scientific findings and conclusions to prosecute the culprit if possible. But in the meantime, we can discuss the impact and consequences of Covid-19 to the world capitalist system and to the people.

Covid-19 has exposed and aggravated the antisocial character of the world capitalist system, the unpreparedness of the monopoly bourgeoisie and the harsh consequences to the people who have long suffered class exploitation, gross inequality, mass poverty and deprivation of social services in the fields of public health, education and housing.

Under neoliberal economic policy, the broad masses of the people have become extensively and extremely vulnerable to the recurrent and worsening crisis of the world capitalist system, to the imperialist sanctions, threats of war, actual wars of counterrevolution and aggression, natural disasters and pandemics.

The vulnerability of the overwhelming majority of the people consists of having no income and property to tide them over in case of unemployment or being out of work even only for a week for whatever reason of emergency. This is absolutely clear in a lockdown situation in which the people cannot go to work and have no public transport to use in order to obtain medical treatment for Covid-19 or any other illness.

Worst of all, when so many people need testing and treatment in time of a pandemic, the public health system has been eroded by the neoliberal economic policy of privatizing and eroding what remains of the public health system so that there are not enough health personnel, facilities, equipment and medicines. The remaining tokens of the public health system are easily overloaded and break down. And the private hospitals can at will turn away patients because they are not intended to serve the public, they have inadequate facilities or the patients cannot pay for the medical treatment.

We have also seen the tragedy of doctors, nurses and other health workers themselves getting sick and dying from Covid-19 because of the lack of personal protection equipment. The neoliberal state and the hospitals have appreciated the role of private profit but have depreciated the role of the health workers and the social service that they must render to the people.

In quite a number of developed and underdeveloped countries, where neoliberalism has been imposed as a policy, there has been the pseudo-scientific notion that it is enough to do washing of the hands and social distancing and at worst lockdown down on communities or entire regions because after the contagion has run rampant and claimed plenty of victims then the herd immunity develops in the rest of the population.

Thus, quite a number of governments have not made timely and adequate preparations and action plans to fight the pandemic. There is no mass testing for a long while. Thus, the spread of the contagion has not been measured well. And there is a lack or shortage of health personnel and resources for the treatment of those afflicted by Covid-19. The lack or shortage of ventilators has caused the death of many patients suffering from pneumonia, whether they are elderly or younger.

The ruling bourgeoisie and the entire ruling system have deprived the overwhelming majority of the people of the means of fending for themselves in time of lockdowns. And their political agents can only promise food rations and some compensation for the wages lost. But the promise is not kept in a timely and sufficient manner. The most victimized are those who are the millions of jobless and homeless as well those imprisoned in congested jails.

But ahead of any reasonable concession to the people, the monopoly bourgeoisie is assured of financial bailouts and stimulus packages in order to make up for their business losses. We are well aware of the policies and actions being undertaken by the rulers of imperialist countries to override the breakdown of the production chain and the drastic falls in the stock market.

In the underdeveloped countries, especially where the barefaced repressive regimes exist, the tyrannical and corrupt bureaucrats invoke the Covid-10 to divert public funds to their own pockets instead of providing for the urgent needs of the people. Whatever good or service is provided is ascribed to those in power in order to raise their political stock.

Worst of all, the fascist-minded rulers use the lock downs to tighten their command over the military and police forces of the state to promote further the notion through the exercise of repressive measures that they are the saviors of the people. In the meantime they use state power to aggrandize the private interests of their families, political cohorts and business cronies.

3. The People’s Response to the Covid-19 pandemic

It is correct for the people to use disinfectants, do social distancing and respect the rules of quarantine and lockdown whenever these are needed in the face of Covid-19. The people must stay safe from the highly contagious virus and avoid prejudicing the health of other people.

But they retain their democratic rights to make demands from the state and health authorities mass testing of the people at the community level and treatment for the sick and the means of survival while they are locked down and deprived of their means of livelihood. They can ventilate their grievances in order to obtain positive results for the common good.

To any positive extent that public officials recognize the urgent needs of the people and try to satisfy them, it is absolutely clear that social needs are being met by policies and actions for the common good and for whoever is dire need. But it is clear from the beginning that capitalism fails in the face of pandemic. What is needed is the spirit of service to the people and the desire for socialism.

In view of the utter bankruptcy and antisocial character of capitalism in a time of pandemic, the people and their anti-imperialist and democratic forces are justly demanding system change from capitalism to socialism and that everyone must be assured of a basic income in order to subsist and the social services like public health, public education and public housing.

Higher economic and social demands can be made in the developed countries, especially the imperialist countries. The level of economic development allows substantial social reforms and even socialism. But of course, the obstacle is the violence-prone rapacity of the monopoly bourgeoisie which would rather repress the people or aggress other countries than agree readily to the just economic and social demands of the people.

Consider the trillions of dollars wasted by the US on its high-tech armaments, overseas military bases and endless wars of aggression. The US military forces have been far worse than Covid-19 in killing people. They have killed 25 to 30 million people since the end of World War II.

The huge US military expenditures can be redirected towards the expansion and improvement of social services. Best of all, if the American people succeed at system change. They can build a socialist society of plenty, creativity, justice and peace, if the monopoly bourgeoisie ceased to engage in domestic oppression and exploitation and in wars of aggression and mass destruction abroad.

In the case of underdeveloped, especially pre-industrial countries, the tax levied on the exploiting classes can be increased instead of decreased in order to promote economic development through national industrialization and land reform and provide social services in the spheres of education, health, housing and so on.

But substantial reforms can be achieved only if the people have strong patriotic and progressive forces in order to remove from power those who harm the people; and promote those leaders that work for the benefit of the people. Best of all, the people and their revolutionary forces can strive for system change and achieve national and social liberation towards the goal of socialism.

In any kind of crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the best of the people and their organized forces stand out and shine. The people’s social activists make the demands in favor of the people and do what they can to arouse, organize and mobilize them for the common good. They gain the experience and strength for carrying out anti-imperialist and democratic struggle toward the goal of socialism.

At the community level, they create ways for the people to have food, shelter and medical care and to engage in mutual aid. They call for donations from those who can give these. And they do not get paid for the volunteer work that they render. The actions that they can carry out for the common good under the circumstances of fighting the pandemic are a means of gaining public support and strengthening the organized forces.

In certain countries, where the people have revolutionary movements against the ruling system, the leading revolutionary parties have responded to the UN secretary general’s call for a global ceasefire in order to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. In these countries, the revolutionary movement have their organizations attending to the economic and health needs of the people.

As a result of the pandemic, the vile character and failings of the world capitalist system are exposed. Even after the pandemic, the systemic crisis will continue and worsen in both imperialist and in nonimperialist countries. And the anti-people regimes and leaders in many countries will be held accountable and hated as enemies of the people not only for mishandling and aggravating the pandemic but for continuing an unjust system.

But wherever they exist, the revolutionary movements of the people will grow further in strength and will make advances. Where they do not exist, they will rise and wage revolutionary struggles. The world capitalist system will continue to be crisis-stricken economically and politically and its crimes will generate more favorable conditions for the rise of the revolutionary movement for national liberation, democracy and socialism.#

CPP/News: AFP dropped 84 bombs, fired cannons 395 times in Bukidnon since 2018

Propaganda news story posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Apr 8, 2020): AFP dropped 84 bombs, fired cannons 395 times in Bukidnon since 2018

APRIL 08, 2020

The AFP continues to waste hundreds of millions of pesos of people’s money in relentless aerial and artillery operations in the hinterlands of the Bukidnon province. According to the New People’s Army (NPA) in Bukidnon, it recorded at least 84 incidents of aerial bombardment since 2018, and 395 shelling of mountainous villages of Bukidnon.

For two years, the AFP has been dropping one bomb almost every week and firing their cannons every other day, according to Ka Dereka Magtanggol, NPA-Bukidnon spokesperson.

In February 2020, the AFP dropped bombs in the upland villages of Cabanglasan, San Fernando, Valencia City and Impasug-ong. An estimated P24,116,000 was spent for ammunition. In another round of aerial bombardment in Barangay Dumalaguing, Impasug-ong last February 18, at least 25 peasant families were forced to leave their homes for fear of their safety.

The bombings and artillery shelling are often carried out indiscriminately by the AFP. These cause widespread trauma among civilians.

Bukidnon is one of the poorest provinces in the country, ranked 68th among the total 80. The country’s biggest pineapple and banana plantations are found in the province. It is one of the AFP’s “priority areas” in its counterinsurgency campaign. In early 2019, the AFP relentlessly mounted “seamless boundary operations” in the border areas between Bukidnon, Agusan, Davao and Misamis Oriental.

In defense of the people, the NPA carried out scores of military actions in 2019. According to Magtanggol, at least 152 AFP troops were killed, while 94 were wounded in action.

She further said that the NPA was able to carry out 72 military actions amid the AFP’s intensive operations in the province. These include raids on the enemy encampment, ambuscades and partisan operations, grenade attacks and sniping operations, and blasting the enemy with command-detonated explosives.

Also, punitive actions were imposed against mining companies and plantations that destroy the environment and grab the lands of the Lumad and peasants.

CPP/News: AFP gambling, cockfighting in Zambo and MisOcc villages, as counterinsurgency intensify amid Covid-19 ceasefire

Propaganda news story posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Apr 8, 2020): AFP gambling, cockfighting in Zambo and MisOcc villages, as counterinsurgency intensify amid Covid-19 ceasefire

APRIL 08, 2020

Operating troops of the AFP in Zamboanga and Misamis Occidental have been reported going around villages and communities with no face masks, potentially exposing peasant and Lumad residents to Covid-19. In complete disregard of the residents’ health, the soldiers conducted gambling and drinking sessions, and even spearheaded cockfights in the communities amid the pandemic.

These soldiers are part of the hundreds of troopers of the AFP Western Mindanao Command (WesMinCom) who continue to defy the ceasefire orders of their commander-in-chief Rodrigo Duterte by proceeding with focused military operations in Zamboanga Peninsula Region and parts of Misamis Occidental beyond March 19.

Despite the unilateral ceasfire declaration issued by the GRP last March 19, Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana, commander of the WesMinCom ordered troops to conduct combat operations.

Thirty-seven (37) barangays are under intense military operations under the cover of “Covid-19 information drives.” Of 29 barangays in Kabasalan City, Zamboanga Sibugay, seven (7) are under occupation by elements of the 44th IB. The 10th IB has since hounded barangays in five municipalities of Misamis Occidental.

On top of the operations, a squad of the 44th IB ransacked the house of a Lumad peasant named Boy Tupaw on the last week of March. The soldiers robbed Tupaw of his money and even fired shots at his chickens.

On the night of April 1, the 44th IB attacked four members of the New People’s Army in Sitio Sikatuna, Barangay Natan, Diplahan in Zamboanga Sibugay while gathering supplies. “The AFP clearly violated Duterte’s declaration for a [Suspension of Offensive Military Operations] SOMO and [Suspension of Offensive Police Operations] SOPO,” Ka Mario Jose, spokesperson of the NPA in Zamboanga Peninsula stated.

“The militarist regime has unleashed the recently baked ‘Bayanihan laban sa Covid-19’ as the new face of martial rule,” added Ka Mario.

CPP/NPA-Central Panay: Pahayag angot sa Natabo nga Inaway sa So. Agilan, Panuran, Lambunao, Iloilo

NPA-Central Panay propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Apr 8, 2020): Pahayag angot sa Natabo nga Inaway sa So. Agilan, Panuran, Lambunao, Iloilo

APRIL 08, 2020

Buluhaton sang traidor ang gihimio nga pag-atake sang mga pwersa sang AFP sa isa ka yunit sang NPA idalum sang Jose Percival Estocada, Jr. Command kahapon nga adlaw Abril 7, 2020 sa So. Agilan, Barangay Panuran, Lambunao, Iloilo takna alas 5:45 sang aga. Maathag nga wala nagasunod ang pwersa sang 301st Brigade sa ginmandu nga ceasefire sang ila Commander-in-Chief kag Presidente nga si Duterte.

Ang natabo nga inaway sa So. Agilan, Panuran, Lambunao akto sang pagdepensa sa bahin sang NPA. Nagalunsar ang NPA sang kampanya kontra-Covid-19 sa amo nga lugar nga nagalakip sang pagpangatag flyers angot sa Covid-19, pag-istorya sa pumuluyo agud mapaintindi kag matudluan kon paano makalikaw sa balatian, paghibalo sang ila mga problema nga gintuga sang lockdown kag paglubad sini nga problema upod sa ila kag pagpanawagan sang mapagsik nga pagpananum bilang panghansa sa posible malawigan nga epekto sang krisis. Ang pwersa sang AFP ang nanulong sa ginabasehan sang NPA gani natabo ang inaway. Ginaathag namon nga wala sang NPA nga napatay o napilasan sa inaway kabaliskad sang ginalibod nga kabutigan ni Col. Pancito. Wala man sang nabilin nga bisan ano nga armas. Tama na nga binutig, Col. Pancito, nagalaba na ang ilong mo. Ang maathag, isa ka army ang napatay kag may pilason pa base sa nakita sang mga pumuluyo sa lugar.

Wala siguro ang AFP sang mapensaran nga pwede ibulig sa pumuluyo kaangot sa problema sa Covid-19 amo nga naglunsad sila asang operasyon sa binukid sang Lambunao bisan may ceasefire sa paghingamo nga maka-score sang daku batuk sa NPA. Apang napaslawan ang ila patraidor nga buhat. Samtang istrikto nga ginauntat sang NPA ang paglunsar sang mga taktikal nga opensiba sa pagsunod sa ceasefire nga ginmandu sang amon mataas nga kumand kag CPP, nakahanda kami nga magdepensa batuk sa pag-atake sang AFP kag PNP nga nagabutang sa pumuluyo kag amon mga kaupod sa katalagman.

Wala namon ginakalipay ang natabo nga inaway sa panahon nga nagpangatubang ang pumuluyo sang grabe nga kapurauton kag nagaluntad ang separado nga mga deklarasyon sang ceasefire sang GRP kag CPP-NPA. Ginapakita sang 301st Brigade nga ginabalewala nila ang diwa sang makatawo nga pagpakig-isa sa bug-os nga pumuluyong Pilipino sa pag-atubang sa kahalitan kag katalagman sang Covid-19. Wala man ini nagapakita sang maayo nga senyales sa bahin sang AFP sa pagtib-ong sa pagpadayon sang istoryahanay pangkalinungan.

Agud mapadayon ang pagpatuman sang ceasefire sa mansig bahin sang AFP kag NPA, dapat untaton sang 301st Brigade ang operasyon nga ginalunsasr subong sa binukid sang Lambunao. Kon indi nila ini paghimuod kag magpadayon sila sa paglagas sa mga yunit sang NPA, wala kami sang mahimo kundi magdepensa. Magapadayon ang amon nga yunit sa pagtutok sang amon pagpaninguha nga makabulig sa pumuluyo batuk sa Covid-19, kag tani, ano man ini ang himuon sang 301st Brigade.

CPP/NPA-Abra: COVID-19 Lockdown at Militarisasyon, unti-unting pinapatay ang mamamayan ng Abra! — NPA-Abra

NPA-Abra propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Apr 9, 2020): COVID-19 Lockdown at Militarisasyon, unti-unting pinapatay ang mamamayan ng Abra! — NPA-Abra

APRIL 09, 2020

Hindi lang isang malaking dagok sa sistema ng kalusugan ang COVID-19. Dahil sa kasalukuyang ipinapatupad ni Duterte na “enhanced community quarantine” sa buong Luzon, na sa esensya ay pananalasa ng batas militar, tahasang nilalabag ng mamamatay-taong rehimen ang batayang karapatan ng mga mamamayan para mabuhay.

Pagkitil sa kabuhayan ng mamamayang Abrenio

Ang probinsya ng Abra, na may isang kumpirmadong kaso ng COVID-19, ay kasalukuyang nakasailalim sa kapangyarihan ng mga militar at pulis. Walang kahihiyang pinapaypayan at sinasamantala ng gubyerno ang COVID-19 pandemic upang pumaloob ang mamamayan sa mga militaristang hakbang na pilit pinapalabas bilang mga tanging lunas sa COVID-19.

Ipinapatupad ngayon ang walang-saysay na lockdown sa bawat barangay at bayan sa buong Abra. Dahil dito, ipinagbabawal ang paglabas ng mga bahay para magtrabaho at pagpapasada ng mga pampublikong transportasyon. Pinagbabawalan din ang mga magsasaka na pumunta sa kanilang mga palayan at uma. Isang malaking hambalos ito sa masang magsasaka na kasalukuyan nang dinadanas ang krisis ng kakulangan ng bigas.

Pahirapan ang paglabas ng mga masa upang makabili ng mga pagkain at iba pang pangangailangan mula sa mga sentrong bayan. Nauubusan ng benta ang mga maliliit na store sa mga sityo na sinasandigan ng mga tao. Hindi rin makapagbenta ang mga masa ng kanilang tindang mga gulay kahit sa katabing barangay lamang. Nilimitahan sa P2,000 ang maaaring bilhin.

Sa Lacub, pinapahinto pati ang trabaho ng mga minero at pilit na pinapabalik sa baryo upang di-umano’y mag-quarantine kahit pa walang mga sakit ang mga minero.

Sa gitna ng pagpipilay ng gobyerno sa kabuhayan, wala itong mga kongkretong hakbang upang matugunan ang pangangailangan ng mamamayan. Limos na 1-2 kilong bigas lamang bawat pamilya ang kanilang ipinamahagi, malayong sasapat sa pangangailangan para sa isang buwang lockdown. Mas lalong nagiging bulnerable ang mamamayan sa anumang sakit ngayong hinahayaan ng gubyerno na sila’y kulang sa pagkain, nutrisyon at medikal na atensyon.

Nagpapatuloy na karahasan ng militar sa kanayunan

Isang malaking kabulastugan ang deklarasyong unilateral ceasefire ng GRP upang di umano’y iprayoritisa ang banta ng COVID-19. Hindi nagpull-out at sa halip ay nadagdagan pa ang mga nag-ooperasyong mga tropa ng 24th IBPA sa mga bayan ng Malibcong at Lacub.

Kasakukuyan nilang inookupa ang mga barangay ng Mataragan, Duldulao, Gacab, Umnap, Buanao at Lat-ey sa bayan ng Malibcong at mga barangay sa Lacub. Alala ng mamamayan, maaaring kontaminado ng sakit ang mga sundalong nagmula sa labas ng Abra.

Isinasailalim nila ang mamamayan sa 24 oras na curfew. Bantay-sarado ang bawat kilos ng mga masa at ngayon ay itinuturing na krimen ang paglabas ng bahay para maghanap ng pagkain. Nagpapatuloy din ang malisyosong pambinbintang ng mga militar sa mga masa bilang mga suporter ng NPA at kasapi ng Milisyang Bayan at iligal na pagpapasurender sa kanila sa kampo ng 24th IB.

Sa magkahiwalay na insidente noong ika-30 ng Marso, dalawang sibilyang taga Malibcong ang hinold ng ilang oras, inimbestigahan at sinaywar ng Bravo Coy ng 24th IB. Ang isa ay tinutukan pa ng baril na naghahanap lang sana ng mauulam habang magpapastol lang sana ng kalabaw ang isa pang sibilyan. Kulang na nga ang bigas, tigas-mukhang nakihati pa ang mga tropa ng militar sa ani ng mamamayan.

Ginamit rin nila ang mga opisyales ng mga munisipyo at baranggay para sa implementasyon nila ng pamumulis sa mamamayan. Isa sa mga halimbawa nito na nakapangngangalit ay ang ginawang pagkulong ng Mayor ng Abra sa 3 magkakapamilya sa kulungan ng aso dahil sa paglabag sa curfew.

Ang kamakailang pahayag ni Duterte na “walang awa-awa” sa mamamayan, ay nangangahulugan ng kanyang pagbitiw sa kanyang pananagutan at responsibilidad na tiyakin at pangalagaan ang kapakanan ng sambayanang Pilipino. Tahasang ibinubuyangyang niya ang sarili bilang kaaway ng mamamayan. Wala siyang pakialam kung may mamamatay sa gutom. Wala siyang pakialam kung dumami pa ang kaso ng COVID-19 sa bansa. Tanging interes niya, ang kanyang absolutong diktadurang paghahari.

Sa mamamayang Abrenio, wala tayong ibang pagsasandigan kundi ang ating sariling lakas. Marapat na buuin ang malawak at mahigpit na pagkakaisa upang labanan ang lockdown sa buong Abra. Sama-samang igiit na hindi kailanman solusyon ang food blockade, checkpoints, curfew at operasyong militar sa banta ng COVID-19 at igiit na maibigay ang marapat na serbisyong medikal at food relief. Palayasin ang mga nag-ooperasyong tropa ng 24th IB sa mga komunidad na nagpapalala ng gutom, hirap, takot at alala sa mamamayan.

Higit sa lahat, patalsikin ang brutal na diktadurang US-Duterte! Hindi tayo dapat matakot na labanan ang COVID 1. Lalong hindi tayo dapat matakot sa isang kriminal na presidente. Makatwiran na ibuhos ng lahat ng mamamayan at rebolusyonaryong pwersa ang kanilang lakas upang di na siya makapagpalawig pa sa kapangyarihan hanggang sa maitayo ang isang lipunang tunay na maglilingkod sa sambayanan.

CPP/News: AFP is on ceasefire violation streak, attacks NPA conducting Covid-19 info drive in Iloilo

Propaganda news story posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Apr 9, 2020): AFP is on ceasefire violation streak, attacks NPA conducting Covid-19 info drive in Iloilo

APRIL 09, 2020

The Armed Forces of the Philippines is on a ceasefire violation streak after attacking members of the New People’s Army in Iloilo. This is the nth time that government troops attacked the NPA despite a GRP unilateral ceasefire declaration issued last March 19.

Troopers of the 301st Brigade fired at a unit of the NPA-Central Panay (Jose Percival Estocada, Jr. Command) in the early hours of April 7 at Sitio Agilan, Barangay Panuran, Lambunao. The 301st Brigade is led by Col. Marion Sison.

The NPA and its medical officers were conducting an information drive in the said area. “[We] were distributing flyers about Covid-19, explaining the disease to the villagers and how to prevent contracting it,” NPA-Central Panay said in a statement.

Forced to defend themselves and the villagers, the NPA fired countershots and safely withdrew from the incident. According to reports, one soldier died and some others were wounded.

“While [we] strictly cease launching tactical offensives in accordance with the ceasefire declared by the CPP, we are prepared to defend against AFP and PNP attacks,” added NPA-Central Panay.

According to the Red fighters, they were discussing problems posed by the military lockdown and possible collective production in anticipation of the widespread effect of the health crisis.

“Our units will continue efforts to help the people against Covid-19, whatever the 301st Brigade does,” ended NPA-Central Panay.

AFP-CRS: CGPA commends 44IB, 6SFBn operations against ASG

Posted to the Armed Forces of the Philippines-Civil Relations Service (AFP-CRS) Facebook Page (Apr 7, 2020):  CGPA commends 44IB, 6SFBn operations against ASG

The Commanding General, Philippine Army commends the troops of the 44th Infantry Battalion and 6th Special Forces Battalion in their successful operations against the Abu Sayyaf Group.

#AFPyoucanTRUST #Covid19PH, #WeHealAsOne, #BeatCovi19

[The Civil Relations Service (CRS) is the unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) that engages the public through its public information and community relations programs “to create a favorable atmosphere between the community and the AFP. The CRS is the equivalent of the Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs units of the US Army.]

AFP-CRS: 46IB foils ambush of Communists-NPA-Terrorists to CoViD-19 frontliners in Samar

Posted to the Armed Forces of the Philippines-Civil Relations Service (AFP-CRS) Facebook Page (Apr 8, 2020):  46IB foils ambush of Communists-NPA-Terrorists to CoViD-19 frontliners in Samar

Elements of the 46th Infantry (Peacemakers) Battalion (46IB), 8th Infantry Division (8ID), Philippine Army successfully foiled an attempt by the
CPP-NPA Terrorists (CNTs) to conduct an ambush against the government forces in the vicinity of Brgy. Hubasan, Calbiga, Samar on April 6, 2020.

#AFPyoucanTRUST #Covid19PH, #WeHealAsOne, #BeatCovi19

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'N 46IB FOILS AMBUSH OF CNTS TO COVID-19 FRONTLINERS IN SAMAR "We are that concerned citizen alerted our troops about anti personnel mines planted by the NPA. This is laid to frontliners as all our troops are conducting COVID-19 prevention efforts. This could have harmed or killed the civilians passing by the said trail." LTC RHOMEL LANGCAUON INF (GSC) PA Commanding Officer, Infantry Battalion, 8ID,PA RTF ELCAC NTF ELCAC #AFPyoucanTRUST CRSAFP'

[The Civil Relations Service (CRS) is the unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) that engages the public through its public information and community relations programs “to create a favorable atmosphere between the community and the AFP. The CRS is the equivalent of the Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs units of the US Army.]

AFP-CRS: LTC Langcauon: "We will continue to protect the people of Samar from the terroristic acts of the NPA...."

Posted to the Armed Forces of the Philippines-Civil Relations Service (AFP-CRS) Facebook Page (Apr 8, 2020):  LTC Langcauon: "We will continue to protect the people of Samar from the terroristic acts of the NPA...."

"We will continue to protect the people of Samar from the terroristic acts of the NPA such as the planting of IED during this Covid 19 crisis. We thank the people for their help and we call on them to unite against all forms of terrorism"- Colonel Camilo Z. Ligayo, Commander,
801st Infantry Brigade

Image may contain: possible text that says 'ব "We will continue to protect the people of Samar from the terroristic acts of the NPA such as the planting of anti personnel mines during this Covid 19 crisis. We thank the people their help and we call them to unite against all forms of terrorism. LTC RHOMEL R LANGCAUON INF PA Commanding Officer, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8ID PA 46IB Foils Ambush Frontliners Calbiga, Samar RTF ELCAC VIII NTF ELCAC $ #AFPyoucanTRUST CRSAFP'

[The Civil Relations Service (CRS) is the unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) that engages the public through its public information and community relations programs “to create a favorable atmosphere between the community and the AFP. The CRS is the equivalent of the Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs units of the US Army.]

AFP-CRS: Be wary of donating to reds in the guise of CoViD-19 aid

Posted to the Armed Forces of the Philippines-Civil Relations Service (AFP-CRS) Facebook Page (Apr 9, 2020): Be wary of donating to reds in the guise of CoViD-19 aid

#AFPyoucanTRUST #Covid19PH, #WeHealAsOne, #BeatCovid19

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '08APRIL BE WARY OF DONATING TO REDS IN THE GUISE OF COVID-19 AID "While we trying suppress the spread of Covid-19, 19, again, let's watch out for these who are front organizations of the CPP. They have mobilized again their network generate funds to assist communities. Bayan Muna is talking about help from Cuba and other solidarity partners that are actually good if put to appropriate use. LTGEN ANTONIO G PARLADE JR AFP Commander, Southern Luzon Command AFP O CRSAFP #AFPyoucanTRUST'

[The Civil Relations Service (CRS) is the unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) that engages the public through its public information and community relations programs “to create a favorable atmosphere between the community and the AFP. The CRS is the equivalent of the Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs units of the US Army.]

AFP-CRS: 3ID slams NPA for attacking soldiers conducting CoViD-19 awareness in Lambunao, Ilo-ilo

Posted to the Armed Forces of the Philippines-Civil Relations Service (AFP-CRS) Facebook Page (Apr 9, 2020): 3ID slams NPA for attacking soldiers conducting CoViD-19 awareness in Lambunao, Ilo-ilo

#AFPyoucanTRUST #Covid19PH, #WeHealAsOne, #BeatCovid19

[The Civil Relations Service (CRS) is the unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) that engages the public through its public information and community relations programs “to create a favorable atmosphere between the community and the AFP. The CRS is the equivalent of the Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs units of the US Army.]

AFP-CRS:103rd Infantry Brigade launches loudspeaker operations in Dvao City and Dvao del Norte

Posted to the Armed Forces of the Philippines-Civil Relations Service (AFP-CRS) Facebook Page (Apr 9, 2020): 103rd Infantry Brigade launches loudspeaker operations in Dvao City and Dvao del Norte

#AFPyoucanTRUST #Covid19PH, #WeHealAsOne, #BeatCovid19

Image may contain: 1 person

[The Civil Relations Service (CRS) is the unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) that engages the public through its public information and community relations programs “to create a favorable atmosphere between the community and the AFP. The CRS is the equivalent of the Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs units of the US Army.]

WESTMINCOM: BIFF members yield in Maguindanao

Posted to the Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM) Facebook Page (Apr 9, 2020): BIFF members yield in Maguindanao

Seven active members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) under Bungos Faction yielded at the Headquarters of the 7th Infantry (Tapat) Battalion in Barangay Midtimbang, Datu Angal Midtimbang, Maguindanao on April 6, 2020.

The surrenderors were identified as: Commander Naot Palaguyan, a.k.a. Abu Hamdan; a.k.a. Akbal Abpi; a.k.a. Jimmy Angkana; a.k.a. Nguda Sangkina; a.k.a. Tato Tio; a.k.a. Aries Abdul; and a.k.a. Danga Pindaliday, they are relatives residing in Barangays Darampua and Angkayamat, Sultan Sa Barongis.

"They were members of the BIFF under “Bungos Factions” operating in the provinces of Maguindanao and Cotabato. Said group was held responsible for the bombing incidents in Tacurong City and Cotabato City that inflicted fatal casualties," said Ltcol Romel Valencia, Commanding Officer, 7th Infantry Battalion.

The surrenderors handed over one homemade Cal. 50 rifle “Barit”; one homemade Garand rifle; one homemade Thomson; one homemade shotgun; one homemade Uzi.

"Our troops conduct series of intensified stakeholder engagement to encourage the remaining terrorists to surrender and cooperate with the government," said Maj. Gen. Diosdado Carreon, Joint Task Force Central commander.

Said surrenderors revealed that they opted to return to the folds of law due to the hardships, abuses, and discriminations from their commanders.

They were also tired of running and hiding from the government forces who continuously pursue them.

"Congratulations to the officers and men of the JTF Central," said Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana, WestMinCom commander.

"We are gaining grounds, let us sustain the momentum," he added.

The successful surrender was facilitated by the troops of the 7IB in collaboration with former Mayor Datu Nathaniel Midtimbang who provided Immediate Cash Assistance to the surrenderors.

Subject personalities will be provided with all sorts of assistance in their reintegration.


6th Infantry Division - Kampilan 601 Infantry - Unifier Brigade - 602nd "Liberator" Brigade 603 Persuader Brigade 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade Unang Marinong Brigada Team Tabak Joint Taskforce Basilan HARIBON TEAM Magbalantay Cmo 11 Infantry Division "Alakdan Troopers" Gagandilan Siete 1102 Infantry "ganarul" Brigade 1st BCT Aegis Kwatromarinobrigada SuluJtf Tawi Tawi Indomalphi Joint Task Force Zamboanga Joint Task Force Zamboanga Virtual Center Unbeatable Ranger Battalion Matatag Battalion Tow Westmin Cmo Tow Westmin Pio Naval Forces Western Mindanao Cmou Western Mindanao Katapatan Pangkatihan-Dagatan 33rd Infantry Makabayan Battalion 57th Infantry Masikap Battalion 1st Mechanized Lakan Battalion 90th Infantry Bigkis Lahi Battalion Seventh Infantry Tapat Battalion Reliablecmo R Section 6IB Redskin 37IB - Conqueror Battalion 40 Infantry "Magiting" Battalion 2nd Mechanized Infantry-MAKASAGBattalion OnlyOurBest MbltFive 38th Infantry "We Clear" Battalion Arvin John Gullos Encinas Breathe Heart Ruel Casanes @Ar-ar Galvez Afman Rosales Jr. Antriosanjh Espenida Nenea Sancus Princy Necessitas La Independencia Filipinas

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and indoor

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, people playing musical instruments and indoor

WESTMINCOM: 78th Anniversary of Valor Day

Posted to the Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM) Facebook Page (Apr 9, 2020): 78th Anniversary of the Valor Day


6th Infantry Division - Kampilan 601 Infantry - Unifier Brigade 602nd "Liberator" Brigade 603 Persuader Brigade 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade Unang Marinong Brigada Team Tabak Joint Taskforce Basilan HARIBON TEAM Magbalantay Cmo 11 Infantry Division "Alakdan Troopers" Gagandilan Siete 1102 Infantry "ganarul" Brigade 1st BCT Aegis Kwatromarinobrigada Sulu Jtf Tawi Tawi Indomalphi Joint Task Force Zamboanga Joint Task Force Zamboanga Virtual Center Unbeatable Ranger Battalion Matatag Battalion Tow Westmin Cmo Tow Westmin Pio Naval Forces Western Mindanao Cmou Western Mindanao Katapatan Pangkatihan-Dagatan 33rd Infantry Makabayan Battalion 57th Infantry Masikap Battalion 1st Mechanized Lakan Battalion 90th Infantry Bigkis Lahi Battalion Seventh Infantry Tapat Battalion Reliablecmo R Section 6IB Redskin 37IB - Conqueror Battalion 40 Infantry "Magiting" Battalion 2nd Mechanized Infantry-MAKASAGBattalion OnlyOurBest MbltFive 38th Infantry "We Clear" Battalion Arvin John Gullos Encinas Breathe Heart Ruel Casanes Ar-ar Galvez Afman Rosales Jr. Antriosanjh Espenida Nenea Sancus Princy Necessitas La Independencia Filipinas

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '78th Anniversary of the Valor Day the commemorating marking courage and nation in the Day forefathers' for Philippine liberty. History bonded The recounting earned them surmounting every notwithstanding diversity, against trials and endured and the test but time. adversaries Filipino people the past and out conviction own ways, unsung this time, shall combat Coronavirus Disease 19 united our Let this outbreak not and the to patriotism work miracles and contagion. everyone Your soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines, join you fight but are nor true and committed servants you. nating labanan ang COVID-19 upang muli tayo Maraming salamat po. makabangon.'