Thursday, November 11, 2021

3 ‘exhausted’ BIFF members yield in NoCot

Posted to PTV News (Nov 11, 2021): 3 ‘exhausted’ BIFF members yield in NoCot (By Edwin Fernandez / Philippine News Agency)

Three BIFF fighters turn themselves in with their high-powered firearms to military authorities in Midsayap, North Cotabato on Wednesday (Nov. 10). The surrenderers, joined in this photo by their relatives, said they grew tired of fighting for a lost cause and just wanted to be with their families again. (Photo courtesy of 602Bde via PNA)

Tired of fighting for a futile cause, three members of the outlawed Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) operating in North Cotabato have peacefully yielded to officials in Midsayap, the military said Thursday (Nov. 11).

Col. Joven Gonzales, Philippine Army 602nd Brigade commander, said alias ‘Tongi’ and his two comrades, also identified only through their aliases ‘Shocks’ and ‘Marco,’ surrendered at their headquarters in Bgy. Salunayan on Wednesday afternoon.

“The trio also turned in two Barret sniper rifles and a 60 mm mortar launching pad,” Gonzales said.

He said the surrenderers all looked very exhausted and were yearning to see their families again soonest.

In a phone patch interview with reporters, Tongi said they will never go back to being rebels again. “Gusto na naming mamuhay ng mapayapa kasama ang aming pamilya at mahal sa buhay,” he said.

Gonzales said Lt. Col. Edgardo Vilchez Jr., the Army’s 34th Infantry Battalion commander, initiated the negotiation for the trio’s surrender.

Both Gonzales and Vilchez presented the surrenderers to Midsayap Mayor Romeo Araña also on Wednesday.

The mayor vowed to facilitate the three former rebels’ reintegration into mainstream society.

Araña said he is also currently coordinating with officials of the Bangsamoro Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) to provide livelihood assistance to former Moro combatants such as BIFF members who have opted to surrender peacefully.

The mayor and the two military officials also lauded the participation of local Moro Islamic Liberation Front field commander Abdullah Dats in convincing the surrendering BIFF combatants to start normal lives anew.

More than 100 BIFF fighters have surrendered to the Army’s 6th Infantry Division since September last year.

Geser Pamor Kopassus di Mata Dunia, Pasukan LLR Filipina yang Melakukan Operasi Trojan Horse Ini Miliki 10 Rahasia, Salah Satunya Ahli Terjun Bebas!

 Posted to Grid (Indonesia) (Nov 11, 2021): Geser Pamor Kopassus di Mata Dunia, Pasukan LLR Filipina yang Melakukan Operasi Trojan Horse Ini Miliki 10 Rahasia, Salah Satunya Ahli Terjun Bebas! (Annisa Dienfitri - Kamis)

[See Google English Translation below]

Philippine Army Ilustrasi Kopassus  Laporan Wartawan Grid.ID, Annisa Dienfitri

Grid.ID - Sejak dibentuknya Light Reaction Regiment (LLR), pamor Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus) harus turun peringkat di tingkat dunia.

Padahal Kopassus yang merupakan satuan elit Angkatan Darat kebanggaan Indonesia itu pernah menggemparkan dunia.

Ya, Kopassus pernah bikin seantero dunia bergidik saat melakukan operasi militer pembebasan sandera di Bangkok, Thailand.

Sayangnya, pamor Kopassus di dunia militer tergantikan dengan pasukan yang baru dibentuk yakni Light Reaction Regiment (LLR) di Filipina, tahun 2000 silam.

Akibatnya, Kopassus tidak lagi menjadi satu dari 20 pasukan paling ditakuti di dunia.

Melansir, LRR bukan pasukan yang terlihat di lapangan, bahkan tidak diakui secara terbuka oleh pemerintah.

Namun pasukan LLR memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga perdamaian dan ketertiban negara.

Baca Juga: Pantas Sang Putra Kesayangan sampai Dikawal 6 Anggota Kopassus Saat Promosi Film Terbaru, Ayah Iqbaal Ramadhan Ternyata Bukan Orang Sembarangan, Punya Jabatan Mentereng ini di BUMN

Bukan tanpa alasan mengapa keberadaan LLR sengaja dirahasiakan.

Melansir dari, terdapat sepuluh hal yang nyaris tidak diketahui tentang LRR.

1. Mereka dianggap sebagai Delta Force oleh orang Filipina.

Delta Force dan Navy SEAL Amerika telah dikenal luas dan dianggap sebagai operator khusus tingkat atas negara.

Di Filipina, LRR Filipina juga dianggap sebagai Delta Force versi negara karena spesialisasi mereka dalam operasi CT, dan tentu saja, untuk formasi mereka dengan penasihat Angkatan Darat AS.

2. Amerika Serikat (AS) mendanai pelatihan mereka.

LRR dibentuk pada tahun 2000, saat serangan teroris dan penculikan banyak terjadi di Filipina.

AS mendanai pelatihan mereka dan menyediakan tentara Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Darat untuk membantu mendirikan unit khusus ini.

Baca Juga: Dijodohkan dengan Pria Tajir Melintir, Begini Reaksi Nia Daniaty Saat Didesak Terima Pinangan Danjen Kopassus Ini

3. Anggota asli mereka adalah perwira bintara dari Scout Rangers dan Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Darat Filipina.

Anggota asli LRR dipilih sebagai perwira non-komisioner dari Scout Rangers dan Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Darat Filipina.

Mereka dilatih oleh Penasihat Militer Amerika dari Batalion nomor satu.

Tahun 2001, mereka menjalani pelatihan lanjutan dengan Amerika selama Latihan Balikatan dan secara resmi diaktifkan dua tahun kemudian.

4. Mereka berspesialisasi dalam kontra terorisme, penyelamatan, dan pengintaian khusus.

Unit khusus ini dibentuk setelah serangkaian serangan teroris dan penculikan.

Peran utama LRR adalah melakukan operasi CT untuk mendukung misi Angkatan Bersenjata Filipina.

Peran termasuk pengintaian insiden dan lokasi teroris, menghilangkan dan/ atau menangkap teroris (dan target bernilai tinggi lainnya, HVT), dan terlibat dalam penyelamatan sandera dan operasi pemulihan personel.

Mereka telah memainkan peran utama dalam pertarungan melawan Abu Sayyaf, ISIS-Philippines, dan gerakan jihad lainnya.

5. Mereka dilatih dalam pertempuran jarak dekat dan operasi penembakan.

Selain spesialisasi yang disebutkan di atas, LRR juga dilatih dalam pertempuran jarak dekat dan operasi sniping.

Selain itu, mereka juga merupakan kekuatan yang paling mampu untuk operasi militer di daerah perkotaan karena mereka dilatih oleh AFP dan dilengkapi oleh Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Darat AS.

Baca Juga: Menyusup Hutan Belantara Musuhnya Orang-orang Berilmu Hitam Inilah Misi Mencengangkan Kopassus Bebaskan Sandera di Hutan, Bawa Tiga Pendekar untuk Bentengi dari Ilmu Hitam

6. Mereka memiliki kemampuan terjun bebas dan perenang tempur militer.

Seperti pasukan unit khusus dari berbagai negara di dunia, LRR juga dilatih untuk kemampuan terjun bebas dan perenang tempur militer.

7. LRR sangat menekankan pada Skrining Psikologis.

Karena ini adalah kelompok khusus yang dilatih untuk tanggap krisis, individu yang akan bergabung dengan LRR harus menjalani pemeriksaan psikologis.

Ini untuk mengidentifikasi apakah kepribadian mereka sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk unit tersebut.

Misalnya, penembak jitu haruslah seseorang yang sangat sabar dan tidak mudah bosan.

8. Mereka menghabiskan enam bulan dalam pelatihan kontra-terorisme mereka setelah diterima sebagai bagian dari LRR.

Anggota unit khusus ini harus menjalani pelatihan khusus serangan bedah kehidupan, operasi penyelamatan sandera, dan misi aksi langsung.

Karena sebagian besar kursus mereka adalah pola dari Pasukan Khusus Amerika, mereka harus melakukan modifikasi tertentu agar sesuai dengan aturan Filipina.

9. Mereka terkenal dengan Operasi Kuda Troya (Trojan Horse).

Jika Anda sudah familiar dengan epos Troy, maka konsep Trojan Horse bukanlah hal baru bagi Anda.

LRR dikenal dengan operasi trojan horse, dimana mereka berpura-pura menjadi warga sipil biasa dan menyamar menjadi wanita sebelum akhirnya membunuh target bernilai tinggi.

10. Mereka beraksi selama Pengepungan Marawi dan Zamboanga, serta pembunuhan teroris Abu Sayyaf di Bohol.

Meskipun tidak sering disebut di media arus utama, LRR sangat aktif selama serangan teroris ini.

Mereka juga terlibat dalam Operasi Abadi Kebebasan-Filipina, Operasi Anti-gerilya melawan Tentara Rakyat Baru, Pengepungan Semenanjung Manila, Keamanan APEC Filipina 2015, dan Operasi Gabungan Haribon dengan Grup Operasi Khusus Angkatan Laut Filipina selama Pengepungan Marawi.

Google Translation

Shifting the prestige of Kopassus in the eyes of the world, the Philippine LLR Troop that carried out this Trojan Horse operation has 10 secrets, one of which is a freefall expert!
Annisa Dienfitri - Thursday, 11 November 2021 | 16:27 WIB
Grid.ID - Since the establishment of the Light Reaction Regiment (LLR), the prestige of the Special Forces Command (Kopassus) has had to drop its ranking at the world level.

In fact, Kopassus, which is the elite unit of the Indonesian Army, once shocked the world.

Yes, Kopassus once made the whole world shudder when conducting a military operation to free hostages in Bangkok, Thailand.

Unfortunately, the prestige of Kopassus in the military world was replaced by the newly formed troops, namely the Light Reaction Regiment (LLR) in the Philippines, in 2000 ago.

As a result, Kopassus is no longer one of the 20 most feared troops in the world.

According to, the LRR is not a visible force on the ground, nor is it openly acknowledged by the government.

However LLR troops play an important role in maintaining the peace and order of the country.

Also read: No wonder the beloved son was escorted by 6 Kopassus members during the promotion of the latest film, Iqbaal Ramadhan's father turned out to be not a random person, having this classy position in BUMN

Not without reason why the existence of LLR is deliberately kept secret.

Launching from, there are ten things that are barely known about LRR.

1. They are considered as Delta Force by Filipinos.

The American Delta Force and Navy SEALs are widely recognized and considered the nation's top-level special operators.

In the Philippines, Philippine LRRs are also considered the country's version of the Delta Force due to their specialization in CT operations, and of course, for their formation with US Army advisers.

2. The United States (US) funds their training.

LRR was formed in 2000, when terrorist attacks and kidnappings were common in the Philippines.

The US funds their training and provides Army Special Forces soldiers to help set up these special units.

Read also: Matched with a twisted man, this is Nia Daniaty's reaction when urged to accept the proposal of the Danjen Kopassus

3. Their original members were non-commissioned officers of the Scout Rangers and Philippine Army Special Forces.

The original members of the LRR were selected as non-commissioned officers of the Scout Rangers and Philippine Army Special Forces.

They were trained by American Military Advisers from the number one Battalion.

In 2001, they underwent follow-up training with the Americans during the Balikatan Exercises and were officially activated two years later.

4. They specialize in counter terrorism, rescue and special reconnaissance.

This special unit was formed after a series of terrorist attacks and kidnappings.

LRR's primary role is to carry out CT operations in support of the Philippine Armed Forces' mission.

Roles include reconnaissance of terrorist incidents and locations, eliminating and/or capturing terrorists (and other high-value targets, HVTs), and engaging in hostage rescue and personnel recovery operations.

They have played a major role in the fight against the Abu Sayyaf, ISIS-Philippines, and other jihadist movements.

5. They are trained in close combat and shooting operations.

In addition to the specialties mentioned above, the LRR is also trained in close combat and sniping operations.

In addition, they are also the most capable force for military operations in urban areas as they are trained by the AFP and equipped by the US Army Special Forces.

Also Read: Infiltrating the Wilderness The Enemy of People with Dark Arts This is an astounding mission for Kopassus to free hostages in the forest, bring three warriors to fortify the dark arts

6. They have the ability to freefall and military combat swimmers.

Like special unit troops from various countries in the world, the LRR is also trained for the ability to freefall and military combat swimmers.

7. LRR places great emphasis on Psychological Screening.

As this is a special group trained for crisis response, individuals who will join the LRR must undergo a psychological examination.

This is to identify whether their personality matches what is needed for the unit.

For example, a sniper should be someone who is very patient and doesn't get bored easily.

8. They spent six months in their counter-terrorism training after being accepted as part of the LRR.

Members of this special unit must undergo special training in life surgery assault, hostage rescue operations, and live action missions.

Since most of their courses were patterns from the American Special Forces, they had to make certain modifications to fit the Philippine rules.

9. They are famous for Operation Trojan Horse (Trojan Horse).

If you are already a familiar with the Troy epic, then the Trojan Horse concept is nothing new to you.

LRR is known as trojan horse operations, where they pretend to be ordinary civilians and disguise themselves as women before finally killing high-value targets.

10. They acted during the Siege of Marawi and Zamboanga, as well as the assassination of the Abu Sayyaf terrorists in Bohol.

Although not often mentioned in the mainstream media, the LRR was very active during these terrorist attacks.

They were also involved in Operation Perpetual Freedom-Philippines, Operation Anti-guerrilla against the New People's Army, Siege of Manila Peninsula, APEC Philippines Security 2015, and Joint Operation Haribon with the Philippine Navy Special Operations Group during the Siege of Marawi.

Indonesia to award PHL Defense chief for rescue of 8 kidnapped fishermen

Posted to the Business World (Nov 11, 2021): Indonesia to award PHL Defense chief for rescue of 8 kidnapped fishermen

INDONESIA is conferring a peace medal to the Philippine’s head of national defense for the rescue of eight Indonesian fishermen kidnapped by the Islamic State-linked Abu Sayyaf group in 2019.

Defense Secretary Delfin N. Lorenzana will be the first Filipino to receive the Medali Perdamaian or Medal of Peace, to be given by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

The House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Affairs approved a resolution Thursday allowing Mr. Lorenzana to accept the recognition.

Under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, government officials would need approval from Congress before receiving awards, presents, office, or title from any foreign government.

Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary Nathaniel G. Imperial told the committee that the acceptance of the award would help cement bilateral ties between the Philippines and Indonesia.

The two countries, which are geographically closest through the Philippine’s Sulu province and Indonesia’s Sulawesi, have been conducting joint sea activities, including security trainings, in the Celebes Sea.

“It will be a great honor for Secretary Lorenzana to be the first ever Filipino to receive the prestigious Medal of Peace from no less than the president of Indonesia in recognition of his stewardship and leadership on rescue of Indonesians,” Mr. Imperial said.

He also asked the committee to grant similar approval for former Armed Forces of the Philippines chief Cirilito E. Sobejana and the rescue team who are expected to receive the same award from Mr. Widodo.

CPP/Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis: Bungkalan bilang panlaban sa gutom at pandemya

Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis (Tagalog edition) posted to the PRWC Newsroom Website (Nov 11, 2021): Bungkalan bilang panlaban sa gutom at pandemya

Kinakaharap ng mga manggagawang-bukid sa Negros ang Tiempo Tigkiriwi (panahon na nakatigil ang paggigiling ng tubo) simula sa buwan ng Hulyo hanggang Nobyembre kada taon. Nitong nagdaang dalawang taon, dagdag nilang naging pasanin ang kahirapang dulot ng pandemyang Covid-19.

Sa Barangay Mabinungahon (hindi tunay na pangalan), kolektibong hinarap ng nagkakaisang mga magsasaka at manggagawang bukid ang hamon ng tigkiriwi at pinsala ng Covid-19. Naging matatag nilang sandigan ang pagtutulungan at pagkakaisa na nabuo mula sa karanasan at tagumpay ng nauna nilang mga bungkalan. Nagsama-sama sila sa pagbubungkal ng lupa bilang sagot sa kagutuman at pandemya.

Simula nang ipataw ang lockdown, naging halimbawa hindi lamang ng kolektibo, kundi pati ng sustenableng pagsasaka ang bungkalan sa Mabinungahon. Nagkaisa ang mga magsasaka rito na sikaping hindi mabakante ang kanilang bukid sa pamamagitan ng “crop rotation.” Sa bawat siklo ng pagtatanim at anihan, gumagawa ang kanilang mga komite ng plano kaugnay sa susunod na itatanim. Nakalaan at nakahanda ang mga binhi at iba pang pangangailangan. Sistematikong inihahanay ang mga gawain at pagbabahagi sa mga kasapi batay sa nakatakdang panahon.

Sa pagtutulungan ng mga upisyal at kasapi, pinaunlad ang mga sakahan alinsunod sa sustenableng agrikultura. Nangunguna sa itinatanim yaong mapagkukunan ng pagkain para sa mga benepisyaryo at segundaryo ang pananim na pambenta o mapagkunan ng kabuhayan. Pangunahing mga produkto sa bukid ang palay, saging, kamoteng kahoy, mais, kamote, mani at mga gulay. Hindi lamang sariling mesa ng mga kasapi ang nabiyayaan ng pagkain, kundi pati na rin ang mga wala o kulang ang lupang sakahan.

Sa pagsimula ng pandemyang Covid-19, nalimita ang paglabas at pagpasok ng mga residente sa lugar, kahit para sa pagbili ng batayang mga pangangailangan. Naging puhunan ng komunidad ang kanilang ani at nagsilbi itong sentro ng palitan. Naipapalit nila ang kanilang aning halamang ugat ng isda, tuyo, karne at iba pa. Naging bagsakan din ito ng saging at kamoteng kahoy na dinadala sa mga palengke sa kalapit na mga bayan.

Nahikayat ang mas maraming magsasaka na sumapi sa organisasyong masa dahil sa sistema ng pagbabahaginan ng mga produkto, rekurso at serbisyo sa pagitan ng mga myembro nito. Nakabebenepisyo sa bahagi ng ani ang mga magsasaka, kapwa ang mga kasapi o di kasapi, katumbas ng mga araw na ginugol nila sa bungkalan. Umiiral ang dagyaw-alayon (mutwal na pagtutulungan) kung saan nagpapalitan ang mga magsasaka ng lakas-paggawa at serbisyo.

Bahagi ng trabahong kinakailangang gampanan ay ang paghahanda sa lupa mula sa pag-aararo, pangalawang pag-aararo, paggawa ng tudling para mataniman, pagtanggal ng mga damo hanggang sa pagtanim, pagbubunot ng damo, pag-abono at pag-ani. Ang buong organisasyon ang magbebenepisyo sa kita sa produksyon sa anyo ng pondo at ibinabahagi sa mga komite sa edukasyon, produksyon, kalusugan, pangkagipitan, at inilalaan bilang kapital para sa pagpapaunlad ng produksyon, at iba pang mga benepisyo .

Para makapalitaw ng mga kagamitan sa pagsasaka na kinakailangan sa pagbungkal ng lupa, nagsikap ang mga upisyal na makakuha ng ayuda at pinansyal na tulong na libreng ipinamamahagi ng lokal na mga gubyerno.

(Halaw sa Ang Paghimakas, pahayagang masa sa isla ng Negros, Oktubre 2021.)

[In the face of the rapidly changing political and economic situation in the Philippines, as well as around the world, the newspaper Ang Bayan publishes daily news and analysis on key issues facing the proletariat and the Filipino people, as well as the oppressed people among others. Here you will find the latest news and articles of Ang Bayan.]

CPP/Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis: 9 na kaswalti ng AFP sa Negros, pinagtatakpan ng 3rd ID

Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis (Tagalog edition) posted to the PRWC Newsroom Website (Nov 11, 2021): 9 na kaswalti ng AFP sa Negros, pinagtatakpan ng 3rd ID

Pinalalabas ng 3rd ID na dalawang sundalo lamang at hindi siyam ang napaslang sa nag-ooperasyong pinagsanib na pwersa ng 62nd IB at 79th IB sa pinakahuling ambus ng BHB sa Negros Occidental. Apat lamang din umano ang nasugatan. Naganap ang ambus sa Barangay Quintin Remo, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental noong Nobyembre 3.

Sa ulat ng yunit ng BHB, siyam ang kumpirmadong sundalong nasawi sa labanan. Maraming iba pa ang nasugatan nang tambangan ang mga tropa ng AF₱ sa hangganan ng Sityo Nakuruhan at Maluy-a. Nasamsam din ng mga Pulang mandirigma ang dalawang armas.

Gawi na ng AFP na itanggi o itago ang tunay na bilang ng kanilang kaswalti sa mga labanan nito sa BHB. Marami nang mga sagupaan, kapwa depensibo at opensibo, kung saan nakapipinsala ang mga yunit ng BHB ng maraming bilang ng mga sundalo. Hindi inaamin ng AFP ang totoong pangyayari para palabasing palagian silang superyor sa mga labanan.

Sa kaso ng Negros, nagpakita pa ang 3rd ID ng mga kagamitang “nasamsam” umano mula sa BHB sa naging engkwentro.

Ayon kay Ka JB Regalado, ang mga tropa ng sundalo ay higit isang buwan nang nag-ooperasyon sa mabundok na bahagi ng Binalbagan, Isabela, Moises Padilla, Guihulngan, at La Libertad na lubhang nakaaapekto sa kabuhayan at buhay ng masa. Nakaranas ang mga komunidad ng red-tagging, panghaharas, at paninindak mula sa mga sundalo.

“Dahil dito, naghahangad ang masa ng hustisya para sa mga krimen ng mga sundalo. Ang huling ambus ay isa sa marami pang tugon sa hangad na ito ng masa,” sabi ni Regalado.

“Ang lumulubhang krisis ng malakolonyal at malapyudal na naghaharing sistema…ay nagiging matabang lupa para sa marami na sumapi sa BHB,” pagtatapos ni Regalado.

[In the face of the rapidly changing political and economic situation in the Philippines, as well as around the world, the newspaper Ang Bayan publishes daily news and analysis on key issues facing the proletariat and the Filipino people, as well as the oppressed people among others. Here you will find the latest news and articles of Ang Bayan.]

CPP/CIO: MAD implosion

Propaganda statement posted to the PRWC Newsroom (Nov 11, 2021): MAD implosion


There is an ongoing MAD (Marcos-Arroyo-Duterte) implosion. The alliance of the worst icons of fascism in the country is locked in factional conflict with the main camps jockeying for political dominance with none willing to bow to the other. Negotiations are furious as the deadline for the final lineup of 2022 election candidates approaches. It remains to be seen whether they can come up with an amicable arrangement. This is, however, unlikely as power-hungry tyrants never trust one another.

The Marcoses, the most moneyed of the factions, presently appear to dominate the alliance’s electoral plans. Ferdinand Jr. has established himself at the head of their pack and has committed himself as candidate for president. They are openly pushing to have Sara Duterte run his as vice president. Funds are flowing from the billions of pesos stashed away by the Marcoses to dominate the elections and buy political loyalties.

But the plan all along of the Dutertes is to have Sara Duterte run as president. They are playing up conflicts within the Duterte camp to make it appear that the daughter is independent and different from the father. This is a desperate bid to lend the Dutertes a fresh face, after it has been splattered with blood for the thousands killed over the past six years and tarnished by large cases of corruption.

Duterte wants to remain on top of the reactionary political heap. This goes along with the ambitions of Sara Duterte whose Davao reign show her to be a minidictator, who like father, has perpetuated her rule through sheer terror and billions of pesos of infrastructure projects funneled by her father to Davao City, and not much by political brilliance. Sara Duterte’s plan is boosted by support from Gloria Arroyo whose faction has enjoyed privilege under Duterte’s rule with cabinet positions, control of congress and corruption schemes.

Duterte mistrusts the Marcoses. For six years, Duterte just allowed the Marcos election protest for the vice presidency to rot in the Supreme Court. He knows what the Marcoses are capable of, had Bongbong become his vice president. And having failed the Marcoses, the Dutertes fear that the Marcoses will do the same to them.

On the other hand, the Marcoses mistrust Duterte, knowing how he failed them, despite his declarations of devotion to Marcos and the hero’s burial given the dictator. Having waited for six years, Bongbong is not likely to allow himself to run under a Duterte. But he is also wary how Duterte might play the disqualification case before the Comelec against him.

It is clear that the MAD alliance is now in the middle of furious negotiations and arm-twisting. Hundreds of billions of pesos worth of power and privilege are at stake. This is causing cracks in the MAD alliance to widen between mutually ambitious and distrusting factions.

While Duterte may want to secure his alliance with the Marcoses and Arroyos, the option of doing away with all matters of negotiations, setting aside the elections altogether and declaring martial law to establish a fascist dictatorship, remains on the table.

CPP/CIO: Surface Steve Abua!

Propaganda statement posted to the PRWC Newsroom (Nov 10, 2021): Surface Steve Abua!


The Party joins in the demand for state forces to surface peasant organizer Steve Abua who was last seen in Barangay Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga. We hold the National Task Force-Elcac (NTF-ELCAC), Duterte’s state terrorist forces, specifically the 7th Infantry Division of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) responsible for the abduction of Abua.

The abduction of Abua forms part of the continuing state terrorist attacks against the patriotic and democratic forces who are resisting the US-Duterte fascist regime and its reign of terror, corruption and national treachery. State forces have resorted to such criminal tactics in a desperate but futile attempt to destroy the will of the people to fight back and defend their rights and interests.

The abduction of activists and organizers has long been a dirty and brutal tactic employed by the 7th ID taught by its former commander, the butcher Gen. Palparan. Recall the Gen. Palparan was convicted in September 2018 for the abduction and killing of activists Sherlyn Cadapan and Karen Empeño.

Kalinaw News: 6 CTG Members Neutralized Anew in Eastern Mindanao Command’s Intensified Military Ops

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 11, 2021): 6 CTG Members Neutralized Anew in Eastern Mindanao Command’s Intensified Military Ops

NSFA, Panacan, Davao City – In a bid to end the local communist armed conflict by 2022, Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMinCom), under the leadership LtGen. Greg T. Almerol, directed its units to intensify their focused military operations which again led to the neutralization of six members of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) in the first week of November 2021.

Out of the six neutralized CTG members, two were killed and four surrendered to EastMinCom’s 401st Brigade (401st Bde), 701st Bde, 66th Infantry Battalion (66th IB), 48th IB, 39th IB, and 73rd IB on separate occasions.

The two fatalities were identified as alias Joseph and alias Kaykay, members of Regional Sentro de Grabidad, who were killed in an encounter with the troops of the 401st Bde and its support units at Purok 4, Barangay Villa Undayon, Bayugan City, Agusan Del Sur on November 7, 2021.

A high-ranking CTG member identified as Jocy Villaruel Papasin alias Domai, the Front Secretary of Guerrilla Front 18, Sub-Regional Committee 2, Southern Mindanao Regional Committee, also surrendered to the troops of the 66th IB under the 701st Bde during an armed clash at Sitio Yauri, Marayag, Lupon, Davao Oriental on November 7, 2021. Alias Domai decided to yield as she is currently five-months pregnant, prompting the troops to immediately give her first aid prior to bringing her to the nearest hospital for further medical evaluation.

EastMinCom troops were also able to diminish the CTG’s firepower through seizure and recovery of firearms from the same focused military operations such as four AK47 rifles with 15 magazines and around 800 rounds of ammunition, an M16 rifle with magazine, a Garand rifle, and a Cal. 38 revolver, among others.

LtGen. Almerol lauded the troops for the accomplishments, saying that these are crucial to the attainment of EastMinCom’s campaign for peace and development in Eastern Mindanao. He also commended the troops for painstakingly adhering to the standards of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law even as the CTG has no qualms about violating these international treaties for the sake of advancing their violent agenda.

“Your unwavering passion and determination to pursue the remaining communist terrorists make our vision of an insurgency-free country closer to its realization,” LtGen. Almerol said, stressing further that EastMinCom will remain relentless and aggressive in its military operations in order to put an end to the local communist armed conflict.

The EastMinCom Commander also reiterated his appeal to the remaining CTG leaders and members to stop fighting the government and instead choose the path of peace by laying down their arms and embracing the government’s offer through the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program.

LtGen. Almerol also thanked the people from the Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) for their increased cooperation with the troops and other government agencies in the facilitation of peace and development projects in their communities.

EastMinCom has already neutralized a total of 1,858 CTG members from January 1 to November 9, 2021 wherein 66 were killed, 117 were captured, 519 surrendered, and 1,127 others withdrew their support from the CTG. More than 500 firearms were also recovered by the troops through operations and surrender of CTG members while a total of 177 hideouts were discovered in the same period.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: Joint efforts of Government Security Forces and Community Leaders steered the surrender of BIFF combatant, 60mm mortar in North Cotabato

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 11, 2021): Joint efforts of Government Security Forces and Community Leaders steered the surrender of BIFF combatant, 60mm mortar in North Cotabato

CAMP SIONGCO, Maguindanao – A former combatant of Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Brgy. Salunayan, Midsayap, North Cotabato on November 9, 2021. The surrenderer, identified as alias Omar, belonging to the BIFF – Karialan Faction was made possible through the joint efforts of Midsayap Local Government Unit, Midsayap police forces, community leaders and 34th Infantry Battalion.

Lieutenant Edgardo Vilchez Jr, Commanding Officer of 34IB disclosed that alias Omar was accompanied by Commander Abdullah Dhats, Field Commander 105th BC, BIAF-MILF when he voluntarily surrendered at the Headquarters of 34IB bringing along a 60mm mortar.

Joint Task Force Central and 6th Infantry Division Commander Major General Juvymax Uy lauded the efforts of the Local Government Unit of Midsayap and the government security forces who facilitated the surrender. “We genuinely recognize our partner stakeholders, especially the Local Chief Executives and community leaders, in your long-drawn efforts and contributions in the prevention, transforming and countering violent extremism in your area. The surrender of the former rebel is an indication that the stronghold of the BIFF is continuously weakening as more of their members are now returning to the folds of law.” Maj. Gen. Uy added.

The former combatant will undergo debriefing and processing of livelihood assistance/packages from government programs to help him start his new and peaceful life and be a part of the mainstream society.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: Army’s 89IB rescues child warrior in San Fernando, Bukidnon

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 10, 2021): Army’s 89IB rescues child warrior in San Fernando, Bukidnon

A 13-year old female minor was rescued by troops of 89th Infantry Battalion and barangay officials of San Jose, San Fernando, Bukidnon on November 09, 2021.

The minor was identified as Ellen Mansumuy-at alyas Ela and a resident of Sitio Nalubas, Brgy Palma Gil, Talaingod, Davao del Norte. Alyas Ela is a child combatant and member of SRGU, SRC5, SMRC. It was reported that alyas Ela escaped from the CPP-NPA Terrorists group led by Ida Marie Montero alyas Mandy, the secretary of SRC5, SMRC. Said CNTs were evading the on-going Focused Military Operations being conducted by the 1003rd Infantry Brigade, 10th Infantry Division in San Fernando, Bukidnon.

During the initial assessment, Alyas Ela suffered from hunger, fatigue, stress and psychological trauma that she incurred when she was in the armed struggle. She disclosed that her six (6) year old brother, Joseph, is currently also with the CNTs.

Lieutenant Colonel Donald P Gaffud, Battalion Commander of 89th Infantry Battalion strongly condemns the continuous heinous act of the CNTs in destroying the future of Filipino children. This is a clear violation of the International Humanitarian Law wherein recruitment of minors to armed struggle is strictly forbidden.

Ellen Mansumuy-at alyas Ela is currently in the custody of 89th Infantry Battalion after being coordinated with the Social Welfare Development Office of Talaingod, Davao del Norte for proper counseling.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: CGPA welcomes ICRC delegates

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 10, 2021): CGPA welcomes ICRC delegates

FORT BONIFACIO, Metro Manila – The Commanding General Philippine Army (CGPA), Lt. Gen. Andres C. Centino, welcomed the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) delegates as they rendered a courtesy call on the CGPA at Headquarters Philippine Army, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila, on November 8, 2021.

Ms. Zita Crener and Ms. Karin Etter exchanged formalities with the CGPA as he discussed the facilities assigned to Persons Deprived of Liberty and their status while under the custody of the Army.

The CGPA also assured the ICRC delegates of the Army’s adherence to the International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law.

“It has been an honor working alongside the International Committee of Red Cross as we keep the peace and secure our nation against the atrocities of the enemies. Rest assured that the Philippine Army puts the welfare of the people in all our operations,” Lt. Gen. Centino said.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: LGU of Impasugong, Army turn-over Ka Oris’ cremated remains to family

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 10, 2021): LGU of Impasugong, Army turn-over Ka Oris’ cremated remains to family

CAMP EVANGELISTA, Cagayan de Oro City – The Local Government Unit of Impasugong in Bukidnon in close coordination with the 4th Infantry (Diamond) Division turned over the cremated remains of Jorge Madlos alias Ka Oris to his family today, November 9, at the Municipal Hall of Impasugong, Bukidnon.

Hon. Anthony A. Uy, the Mayor of Impasugong, formally turned over the cremains of Ka Oris to his younger brother, Rito Madlos, in a short and simple ceremony witnessed by LGU employees and personnel of the Army’s 8th Infantry Battalion of the 403rd Infantry Brigade, 4ID and personnel from Impasugong Municipal Police Station.

Rito Madlos, who travelled all the way from Surigao City early dawn today, was designated by surviving Madlos siblings as the authorized family member to claim Ka Oris’ cremated remains. He was accompanied by his driver.

Before the turn-over, the LGU of Impasugong offered a mass for the eternal repose of the soul of Madlos and also provided in the form of cash aid. Mayor Uy expressed his sympathy to the Madlos family stressing that human beings have their own choices and deserved to be prayed for when they pass away even for the most wanted NPA Commander Ka Oris.

“Among gipaabot ang kinasing-kasing nga pagasubo sa pamilya Madlos. Ang lokal na panggamhanan sa Impasugong kauban ang kasundaluhan ug kapulisan naningkamot nga mahatagan ug desenti ug plastar nga papahulayan ang patayng lawas ni Mr Jorge Madlos”, Mayor Uy said. (The LGU of Impasugong together with the Philippine Army and the PNP endeavored to provide a decent and appropriate final resting place for the remains of Mr. Jorge Madlos)

In his message addressing LGU employees and personnel of the AFP and PNP, Rito Madlos conveyed his sincere gratitude to the LGU Impasugong especially to Mayor Uy and the Philippine Army particularly the 8IB for the proper treatment and warm welcome as well as in facilitating the said ceremonial turn-over. He added that he had mixed emotions on the death of his older brother Jorge whom he saw for the last time last 2014.

“We already offered his life to the God Almighty. His time is up. We cannot deny that he is a fugitive. I say this in fairness to everyone, in fairness to your service, pasalamat ako gihapon kay luyo sa iyang pagka-fugitive, inyu gihatagan sya ug serbisyo na di nakita sa among pamliya. On behalf of Madlos family of Surigao del Norte and so with my family affiliates in Surigao, I am very thankful to all these efforts that you showed to us, salamat salamat kaayu ninyo”, Rito Madlos emotionally said.

The LGU of Impasugong facilitated the processing and release of the death certificate to Rito Madlos while certificate of the cremation and authority to cremate is made available upon request.

Meanwhile, Mayor Uy also led the turn-over of the cremated remains of Eighfel Dela Peña alias Pika/Maui to her mother, Normelita Dela Peña, at the Mayor’s Office in the Municipal Hall of Impasugong, Bukidnon on Monday, November 8.

Dela Peña’s remains was brought to her hometown in San Luis, Agusan Del Sur. Likewise, the LGU of Impasugong provided cash assistance and two (2) sacks of rice to the Dela Peña family.

In a statement, Major General Romeo S Brawner Jr, Commander of 4ID, thanked the LGU of Impasugong under Mayor Uy in extending support and assistance.

He said that with the cremains of Ka Oris and Ka Pika finally turned-over to their respective families, he hoped it will put closure on issues raised on their deaths and let them rest in peace.

“Once again, our sincerest condolences to the bereaved families of Jorge Madlos and EIghel Dela Peña. True to our commitment in respecting human rights consistent with the rule of law and in abiding with the existing COVID19 protocols and guidelines, the remains were now properly turned-over to their respective families. Though your AFP claimed victory and that justice has been served for the people, we offer our prayers to them, may their souls rest in peace”, MGen Brawner Jr said.

He also urged the CPP-NPA-NDF to stop saving face and create lies to deceive the people, instead they must own to their sins and hold their leaders and members accountable and responsible for all the crimes and injustices they have committed for the longest time against our people.

“We are confident that the Madlos and Dela Pena families will not allow the remains of their loved ones be used and dragged by the CPP-NPA-NDF’s propaganda. We appeal to them to let Jorge Madlos and EIghel Dela Peña finally rest in peace. Your 4ID will now move forward. We need to push further, there is still so much work that needs to be done. We shall continue to focus on the most important and still daunting task ahead, the end-game of the local communist armed conflict”, MGen Brawner Jr added.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: NTF-ELCAC efforts result in NPA Terrorists’ surrender to LGU, Army in T’Boli Town

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 9, 2021): NTF-ELCAC efforts result in NPA Terrorists’ surrender to LGU, Army in T’Boli Town

T’Boli, South Cotabato (SC) – Alias Kat-Kat (true name withheld for security reasons), member of Platoon West, SRC MUSA (GF 73) operating in T’Boli and Lake Sebu, formally surrendered to 11th Special Forces Company (Riverine) (11SFC(R)), 5th Special Forces Battalion (5SFBn) and to T’Boli Mayor, Dibu S. Tuan today at barangay Edwards, Tboli, South Cotabato. Alias Kat-Kat surrendered one (1) US M1 Cal.30 Carbine (folding stock) rifle with SN: 1339557 with one (1) magazine and three (3) rounds of cartridge Cal.30 ammunition.

“I realized that the Communist Terrorist Groups who recruited me were just fooling me. They promised that if I fight the government, my family and I can have a better life but it did not happen,” alias Kat-kat, said.

Kat-kat, a member of the T’Boli and Tasaday tribe, also cited the T’Boli LGU’s Local Task Force on Ending Local Communist Armed Conflict (LTF-ELCAC) activities and serbisyo caravans became a factor in his decision to surrender because he realized that the government is a partner and not an enemy of the tribe.

Mayor Dibu S. Tuan said that the surrender of alias Kat-kat is an indicator that the T’Boli’s implementation of the LTF-ELCAC serbisyo caravans and delivery of basic services in the conflict-affected areas are effective. He also urged other NPA Terrorist to peacefully surrender in order to have a conflict-free and more developed T’Boli town in the years to come.

T’Boli LGU headed by Mayor Tuan provided the surrenderree with an immediate cash assistance of ten thousand pesos (P10,000) worth of cash and two sacks of rice. The surrenderee will also be applied in the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) in the province of South Cotabato to undergo profiling and validation to be qualified to receive firearms remuneration, livelihood assistance, deradicalization programs and other benefits to help him go back to the mainstream society.

Mayor Tuan said that the LGU of T’Boli will continue to urge members of Communist Terrorist Groups to surrender and will provide the necessary support for those who are willing to choose the path towards genuine peace.

Meanwhile, the 5th Special Forces Battalion will continuously work with the LGUs from the provincial to barangay level to reach out to those who wanted to surrender. The unit also lauds the South Cotabato Province and its towns in effectively implementing the plans, programs and activities of the NTF-ELCAC.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: 4 communist terrorist group members yield in Sultan Kudarat

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 9, 2021): 4 communist terrorist group members yield in Sultan Kudarat

Camp Navarro, Calarian, Zamboanga City – November 10, 2021

Four members of the communist terrorist group laid down their arms and returned to the folds of the law Tuesday afternoon, November 9, 2021. They were identified as a.k.a. Norman, a.k.a. Roger, a.k.a. Daniel, and a.k.a. Alpha.

Surrendered personalities were members of the LGU1, West Daguma Front, Sub Regional Committee Daguma, Far South Mindanao Regional Committee. They submitted themselves to the military at the 37th Infantry Battalion headquarters in Barangay Tibpuan, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat.

“We are always willing to welcome all those who wish to come out and join the mainstream society,” said Maj. Gen. Juvymax Uy, Commander of Joint Task Force Central.

The former rebels handed over one cal. 22 rifle, one 12-gauge pistol, one cal. 45 Colt M1911 pistol, and one rifle grenade. They are currently undergoing custodial debriefing facilitated by the 37IB.

“I commend the troops of the Joint Task Force Central under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Juvymax Uy for this recent accomplishment. The series of surrenders of the communist terrorists and other enemies of the state manifests that we are gaining ground thus let us continue to exert our best efforts to win their hearts and convince them to join us in our journey towards peace and progress here in Mindanao,” said Maj. Gen. Alfredo Rosario, Jr., Commander of Western Mindanao Command.

It can be recalled that last November 3 eight members of the Far South Mindanao Regional Committee also surrendered to the troops of the 7th Infantry Battalion in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat. Their documents are now being processed for their enrolment to the livelihood program of the government.

From January 2021 to date, a total of 108 communist terrorists have surrendered to the armed forces in Central Mindanao. The JTF Central encourages the remaining combatants to end their armed struggle peacefully.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: Army’s 89IB and Local Government Unit Converged in Empowering and Mentoring the Future Leaders of Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte

Posted to Kalinaw News (Nov 9, 2021): Army’s 89IB and Local Government Unit Converged in Empowering and Mentoring the Future Leaders of Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte

SANTO TOMAS, DAVAO DEL NORTE – Forty-six deserving youths from the different barangays of Santo Tomas completed the 4-day Youth Leadership Summit (YLS) with the theme “Batan-ong Madasigon, Ang Kaugmaon Malambuon” from November 3-6, 2021 held at Santo Tomas National High School, Brgy Tibal-og, Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte.

Series of lectures and interactive discussions focusing on governance, relevant issues in the community, roles of the youth in peace and development, awareness on prohibited drugs and criminality, disaster risk management, environmental awareness and topics on youth infiltration were delivered by selected subject matter experts to the participants. The participants also undergone meditation by candle lighting and spiritual enlightenment. It was then stirred up with a rifle firing experience for them to gain self-confidence and to remain composed despite the pressures and disturbances.

To support the activity’s aim in raising awareness on the deceptions of the communist terrorist group (CTG), Daniel Louise CASTILLO @STEVEN, former Political Instructor of GF55, SRC5, SMRC (a fourth year college UP Diliman student prior joining the NPA) shared his testimony on how he was being deceived by the CTGs who once snatched and destroyed his future and how it was built again after he went back to the mainstream of society.

LTC DONALD P GAFFUD INF (GSC) PA, Battalion Commander, 89IB encouraged the youth to be part of the solution of the prevailing issues and problems in their respective communities. He also thanked the LGU of Sto. Tomas headed by Hon. Mayor Ernesto Evangelista for making the YLS possible.

The 1003rd Brigade through COL MARION T ANGCAO INF (MNSA) PA, Deputy Brigade Commander recognized the effort of the LGU under the leadership of Hon Ernesto Evangelista, Municipal Mayor for supporting the advocacy of the Philippine Army to protect and educate the youth against the deceptive propaganda and recruitment of the CTGs. He also urged the youth not to set aside what they have learned but to utilize the learnings being the future leaders of the nation and hope of the future.

Meanwhile, the LGU of Santo Tomas duly represented by Atty Elisa Lapiña, Municipal Administrator left the remarkable advice to the participants that, “If you are given a CHANCE to make a difference to the life of others, DO IT. If you were given a POSITION to make difference, SERVE IT”. Furthermore, she challenged the participants to be true leaders in their respective communities who will always choose the hard right over easy wrong and to stand firm until the municipality will no longer be stronghold venue of the CTG’s extortion and rest haven.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Contact us:]

Ka Oris’ cremated remains turned over to family

From the Philippine News Agency (Nov 11, 2021): Ka Oris’ cremated remains turned over to family

CREMATED REMAINS. The remains of ranking New People's Army leader Jorge Madlos alias "Ka Oris" are turned over to his brother Rito Madlos in a ceremony witnessed by the local government, military, and police officials in Impasugong, Bukidnon on Thursday (Nov. 9, 2021). Rito, who traveled from Surigao City, was designated as the authorized family member to claim Ka Oris' cremated remains. (Photo courtesy of 4ID)

CAMP EVANGELISTA, Cagayan de Oro City - The local government unit (LGU) of Impasugong, in close coordination with the 4th Infantry (Diamond) Division (4ID), turned over the cremated remains of Jorge Madlos alias "Ka Oris" to his family on Thursday at the Impasugong town hall in Bukidnon.

Impasugong Mayor Anthony A. Uy formally turned over the cremains of Ka Oris to his younger brother, Rito Madlos, in a short and simple ceremony witnessed by LGU employees and personnel of the Army's 8th Infantry Battalion of the 403rd Infantry Brigade, 4ID, and personnel from Impasugong Municipal Police Station.

Rito, who traveled from Surigao City early Thursday dawn, was designated by the surviving Madlos siblings as the authorized family member to claim Ka Oris' cremated remains. He was accompanied by his driver.

Before the turnover, the LGU of Impasugong offered a mass for the eternal repose of the soul of Madlos and also provided cash aid. Mayor Uy expressed his sympathy to the Madlos family stressing that people have their own choices and deserve to be prayed for when they pass away, even for a most wanted New People's Army (NPA) commander like Ka Oris.

"Among gipaabot ang kinasing-kasing nga pagasubo sa pamilya Madlos. Ang lokal na panggamhanan sa Impasugong kauban ang kasundaluhan ug kapulisan naningkamot nga mahatagan ug desenti ug plastar nga papahulayan ang patayng lawas ni Mr Jorge Madlos. (The LGU of Impasugong together with the Philippine Army and the PNP endeavored to provide a decent and appropriate final resting place for the remains of Mr. Jorge Madlos)", Mayor Uy said.

In his message addressing LGU employees and personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP), Rito conveyed his sincere gratitude to the Impasugong LGU, especially to Mayor Uy and the Philippine Army particularly the 8IB, for the proper treatment and warm welcome, as well as for facilitating the ceremonial turnover. He added that he had mixed emotions about the death of his older brother whom he saw for the last time in 2014.

“We already offered his life to the God Almighty. His time is up. We cannot deny that he is a fugitive. I say this in fairness to everyone, in fairness to your service, pasalamat ako gihapon kay luyo sa iyang pagka-fugitive, inyu gihatagan sya ug serbisyo na di nakita sa among pamliya. On behalf of the Madlos family of Surigao del Norte and so with my family affiliates in Surigao, I am very thankful for all these efforts that you showed to us, salamat salamat kaayu ninyo”, Rito emotionally said.

The LGU of Impasugong facilitated the processing and release of the death certificate to Rito, while the certificate of the cremation and authority to cremate was made available upon request.

Meanwhile, Mayor Uy also led the turnover of the cremated remains of Eighfel Dela Peña alias Pika/Maui to her mother, Normelita Dela Peña, at the mayor’s office on November 8.

Dela Peña’s remains were brought to her hometown in San Luis, Agusan del Sur. Likewise, the LGU of Impasugong provided cash assistance and two sacks of rice to the Dela Peña family.

In a statement, Major General Romeo S Brawner Jr, commander of the 4ID, thanked the LGU of Impasugong for extending support and assistance.

He said with the cremains of Ka Oris and Ka Pika finally turned over to their respective families, he hoped it will put closure on the issues raised on their deaths and let them rest in peace.

“Once again, our sincerest condolences to the bereaved families of Jorge Madlos and EIghel Dela Peña. True to our commitment to respecting human rights consistent with the rule of law and in abiding with the existing COVID19 protocols and guidelines, the remains were now properly turned over to their respective families. Though your AFP claimed victory and that justice has been served for the people, we offer our prayers to them, may their souls rest in peace”, Brawner said.

He also urged the Communist Party of the Philippines-NPA-National Democratic Front of the Philippines to stop saving face and creating lies to deceive the people, and instead own to their sins and hold their leaders and members accountable and responsible for all the crimes and injustices they have committed for the longest time against the people.

“We are confident that the Madlos and Dela Peña families will not allow the remains of their loved ones to be used and dragged by the CPP-NPA-NDF’s propaganda. We appeal to them to let Jorge Madlos and EIghel Dela Peña finally rest in peace. Your 4ID will now move forward. We need to push further, there is still so much work that needs to be done. We shall continue to focus on the most important and still daunting task ahead, the end-game of the local communist armed conflict”, Brawner added.

Leni must do immersion to grasp NTF-ELCAC gains: youth group

From the Philippine News Agency (Nov 11, 2021): Leni must do immersion to grasp NTF-ELCAC gains: youth group (By Alexander Lopez)

Vice President Leni Robredo. (File photo)

A youth group in Caraga Region on Thursday urged Vice President Maria Leonor “Leni” Robredo to undergo immersion in the grassroots to see the impact of the undertakings implemented through the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC).

Propelling Our Inherited Nation Through our Youth (POINTY) Inc., through a regional member of its Board of Trustees Girlie Tiambong, issued the challenge after Robredo, who is running for president in the 2022 national and local polls, said she would abolish the NTF-ELCAC if elected to the country's highest post.

Tiambong, a member of the Mamanwa tribe from Alegria, Surigao del Norte, told the Philippine News Agency on Thursday that the NTF-ELCAC has shielded the youth, especially those living in indigenous people (IP) communities, from the influence and recruitment of the communist New People’s Army (NPA) members.

“We were able to forge partnerships with the different line agencies of the government, the Philippine Army and the Philippine National Police, through the NTF-ELCAC in reaching far-flung IP communities to save our young generation from NPA recruitment, and have provided them with alternatives, through the different programs and services of the government, to ensure their good future,” Tiambong said.

She noted that in her town of Alegria, five IP communities are considered as geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas or GIDAs.

The NTF-ELCAC is the prime mover of Executive Order No. 70 (EO 70) which mandates the implementation of a whole-of-nation approach in bringing government programs and services to the remotest communities, including those in the Caraga Region.

She said that the convergence of the different agencies, with the support of the local TF-ELCACs in the regional, provincial, and municipal levels, has brought government services right to the communities that were once considered inaccessible and deprived of basic services for years due to the presence of the communist rebels.

“The youth also benefited directly from the convergence of services as their awareness was raised through the different information drives that the NTF-ELCAC facilitated in the communities. The NTF-ELCAC, the agencies, and we in POINTY saved hundreds of youths in Caraga Region from the recruitment of the rebels,” Tiambong said.

She also emphasized that the NTF-ELCAC has given IP communities a new perspective of government services.

“(In the past), the agencies usually ask the tribes and their leaders to go down to the centers to listen to lectures on government programs and services then they send them back to their communities. Now, under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, through the EO 70 and the NTF-ELCAC, people from various government agencies go to remote communities not only to provide services but to immerse and grasp the real situation of the people,” Tiambong said.

Glynmer Jamito, a member of the board of trustees of POINTY Agusan del Norte, also echoed Tiambong’s call to Vice President Robredo.

“She needs to (go) down to the communities to see and feel how the NTF-ELCAC and the EO70 made significant changes in the lives of the people, especially the youth,” Jamito said.

He added that NTF-ELCAC interventions, through its provincial task force in Agusan del Norte, have greatly helped the POINTY reach out to more members of the youth.

“We are glad of extending our programs and services to remote communities in the province and saving a more young generation from the influence of the NPA rebels. We were able to enter the communities, stayed there for days to do sharing, discussions, and information drives through the help and support of the Provincial Task Force ELCAC, the Army and government agencies,” Jamito said.

POINTY, Inc. is a nationwide youth organization - through its regional, provincial and municipal affiliates - that promotes peace and engages government agencies through collaborations in facilitating programs and services to the youths.

Pregnant NPA leader surrenders in Davao Oriental

From the Philippine News Agency (Nov 11, 2021): Pregnant NPA leader surrenders in Davao Oriental (By Che Palicte)

MEDICAL CHECK-UP. Ranking communist leader Jocy Villaruel Papasin, alias Domai, the secretary of the New People's Army's Weakened Guerrilla Front (WGF) 18, Sub-Regional Committee 2 (SRC2) Southern Mindanao Regional Committee (SMRC), undergoes a medical check-up after surrendering to the 66th Infantry Battalion on November 7, following a clash by her group with military troopers in Barangay Calapagan, Lupon, Davao Oriental. It was found out during the check-up that she was five months pregnant. (Photo courtesy of 701B)

A ranking pregnant leader of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Davao Oriental has surrendered to the military following a recent clash in Lupon, Davao Oriental, an Army official here said Thursday.

In an interview, Capt. Mark Tito, the spokesperson of the Army’s 10th Infantry Division (10ID), said
the surrenderer, Jocy Villaruel Papasin alias Domai, was the secretary of the Weakened Guerilla Front (WGF) 18, Sub-Regional Committee 2 (SRC2) Southern Mindanao Regional Committee (SMRC).

Tito said Domai's group clashed with troopers of the Army’s 66th Infantry Battalion (IB) under the 701st Infantry Brigade (Bde) in Sitio Yauri, Barangay Calapagan, Lupon on November 7, which later resulted in communist terrorists scampering to various directions and abandoning her.

“She (Domai) voluntarily surrendered. She did not fight back and was left behind by her comrades,” he told the Philippine News Agency.

Domai was immediately given first aid by the troops and subsequently moved to Mati City for further medical evaluation where she was found to be pregnant.

Recovered from the encounter site were an M653 rifle loaded with 15 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition, an improvised 12-gauge shotgun, two fully loaded magazines for Glock pistol, and personal belongings.

Tito said the surrender of Domai was cited as one of the accomplishments of the National Task Force in Ending Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) in destroying NPA formations in Davao Oriental.

He added that Domai revealed that she always thought about surrendering due to the difficulties and physical exhaustion they experienced from unrelenting government troops’ operations, which made it impossible for them to hide among the masses who had previously supported them.

“The loss of their mass base’s support is also one of her reason for going back to the folds of the law. She is now under the custody of the 66IB that is now processing her requirements to avail of the government’s Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (ECLIP),” Tito said.

Col. Oliver Maquiling, the 701Bde commander, said the surrender of Domai was a major setback for the armed rebel group.

“The sharp, timely, and purposive civil-military operations made the WGF 18 lose its balance in areas where they are hiding,” he said.

Meanwhile, Maj. General Ernesto Torres Jr., the 10ID commander, lauded the troops for the newest achievement and attributed its success to the NTF- ELCAC, local officials, and the people.

“Ka Domai mirrors the present collective general state of the confronted communist terrorist threat organizations within the 10ID area of responsibility where all are on the verge of defeat, their members ready to give up at any moment,” he said.

The Communist Party of the Philippines-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

The National Democratic Front has been formally designated as a terrorist organization by the Anti-Terrorism Council on June 23, 2021, citing it as “an integral and separate part” of the CPP-NPA created in April 1973.

Rural areas to suffer from NTF-ELCAC budget cut: Lorenzana

From the Philippine News Agency (Nov 11, 2021): Rural areas to suffer from NTF-ELCAC budget cut: Lorenzana (By Priam Nepomuceno)

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana (Presidential photo)

The decision of senators to cut a significant portion of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict's (NTF-ELCAC) proposed budget for the Barangay Development Project (BDP) for 2022 shows their lack of appreciation of the hardships being experienced by those living in remote communities.

"The move by the Senate Finance Committee to cut the Barangay Development Program (BDP) budget by PHP24 billion shows their lack of appreciation of the plight of our folks in the remote barangays," Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in a statement Thursday.

This came after the Senate slashed the proposed PHP28.12 billion budget of the task force to just PHP4 billion for 2022.

Senator Sonny Angara, Senate Finance Committee chair, said they took the bulk of the NTF-ELCAC's budget and realigned to fund pandemic response programs.

"Their act was supposed to punish the NTF, but in effect, they are punishing the poor people who would have benefited from the infrastructure and social services projects under the BDP. The previous BDP funds were all disbursed through the LGUs (local government units)," Lorenzana said.

Earlier, the NTF-ELCAC said it is allocating PHP20 million each for 1,406 barangays cleared of communist terrorist influence under its Barangay Development Project (BDP) this coming 2022.

The PHP20 million allocated per barangay will be spent for BDP core projects like farm-to-market roads, school buildings, water and sanitation systems, livelihood programs, and health stations.

Meanwhile, Lorenzana said Vice President Leni Robredo's call to abolish the NTF-ELCAC over concerns that it could be used to launch a campaign similar to the anti-illegal drugs program "Oplan Tokhang" is misplaced.

"The NTF has been implementing its mandate for the past two years and we have not received any complaints from the target barangays," he said.

Lorenzana also said the NTF-ELCAC is already implementing a whole-of-nation approach to address the “root causes" of insurgency.

"VP Robredo may consider inviting the NTF-ELCAC for a dialogue so she can be enlightened on the inter-agency body's mission," he added.

Dionardo Carlos is next PNP chief

From Rappler (Nov 10, 2021): Dionardo Carlos is next PNP chief (By JAIRO BOLLEDO)

(1st UPDATE) Carlos is the PNP's current 4th in command. He is a former PNP spokesperson under then-chief Ronald Dela Rosa.

Lieutenant General Dionardo Carlos, the current chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Directorial Staff, was named as the next PNP chief on Wednesday, November 10.

Carlos’ appointment was confirmed by Malacañang on Wednesday. The PNP’s current 4th in command will formally replace outgoing General Guillermo Eleazar during the Change of Command Ceremony this week.

Eleazar had served as the PNP chief for six months – from his appointment in May until he reached his mandatory retirement age of 56 this month. Carlos is the 27th PNP chief and the seventh under President Rodrigo Duterte.

Carlos served as PNP spokesperson under then-PNP chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa. He served as the spokesperson from August 2016 until January 2018. He was later assigned to head the PNP Aviation Security Group.

Later on, Carlos was appointed as the director for Integrated Police Operations (DIPO) Visayas. Upon Eleazar’s appointment last May, he ordered a revamp in the PNP’s hierarchy.

Carlos was then appointed as the PNP’s fourth in command as Chief Directorial Staff.

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque, said in a statement that Malacañang was confident with Carlos as the new chief of the 220,000-strong police.

“We are confident that Gen. Carlos will continue making the PNP a professional, capable and reform-oriented organization that we envision it to be,” Roque said.

According to Interior Secretary Eduardo Año, who oversees the police, President Rodrigo Duterte’s decision to appoint Carlos was guided by “cautious consideration.”

“The President’s decision placing PLtGen Carlos at the helm of the PNP is guided, as always, by cautious consideration of a candidate’s seniority, merit, track record, and service reputation,” Año said. “We expect the new PNP Chief to hit the ground running and intensify efforts to counter illegal drugs, fight criminality, and end the communist armed conflict in the country.”

In a statement, outgoing PNP chief Eleazar said Carlos is qualified as the next PNP chief.

“General Carlos possesses all qualifications for the position, and President Duterte found him tailor-fit for the criteria he wants for the Chief PNP,” Eleazar said.

"General Carlos has this position cut out for him based on his seniority, track record and professional competence,” the outgoing PNP chief added.

The new PNP chief belongs to the Philippine Military Academy Maringal Class of 1988. With his appointment, the Maringal is now the ruling class in the military and the police.

His classmates include, Armed Forces of the Philippines chief of staff General Jose Faustino Jr., Army chief Lieutenant General Andres Centino, Air Force chief Lieutenant General Allen Paredes, and Navy chief Vice Admiral Adeluis Bordado.

Carlos will serve until his retirement on May 8, 2022.