Thursday, March 14, 2019

CPP/Ang Bayan: Editorial - Address the grievances of millions amid crisis

Propaganda Editorial from the English language edition of Ang Bayan posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines Website (Mar 7, 2019): Address the grievances of millions amid crisis

The social and economic conditions of the Filipino people continue to deteriorate unabatedly under the Duterte regime as a result of its burdensome policies. Their daily individual effort to survive is always a losing struggle. The Duterte regime throws them mere crumbs to scrounge on, while giving the big oligarchs all opportunity to amass wealth.

The prevailing conditions behoove the revolutionary forces to give attention to the urgent clamor of the broad masses for immediate and long-term solutions to their grievances, in order to forge their strength in millions and effectively advance their rights and well-being.

Millions of Filipinos are indignant over grossly intolerable conditions of joblessness, homelessness, low income, high prices, lack of basic utilities and social services, insufficient government subsidies, breakdown of public infrastructure, land grabbing and rural dislocation and other calamitous effects of the Duterte regime’s anti-poor policies. The number of people living in poverty continues to rise.

In the cities and town centers, the toiling masses suffer daily from lack of clean water, high electricity prices, dilapidated public transportation system and traffic, and rising costs of education, fuel and communications. These utilities have all been subjected to privatization and are being operated primarily to generate profits. Hundreds of thousands of urban homeless people are under threat of eviction from their shanties in the name of environmental cleanup even as destructive land reclamation is being carried out to satiate big business hunger for real estate.

Land-use conversion is being pushed vigorously to pave the way for the construction of dams, mining operations, tourism and energy and infrastructure projects, as well as for the expansion of plantations. This is coupled with further import liberalization of rice and other agricultural commodities which threaten local production and rural livelihood.

Unemployment continues to run high as job-creation dip to two-decade lows, resulting from years of declining domestic productivity. Everyday, thousands are compelled to go overseas to seek low-paying contractual employment.

The Duterte regime has become an unbearable burden on the Filipino people. It has fleeced the people with onerous taxes. It has acted incapable, inutile and indifferent to the demands of the people for measures to stem the decline of their standards of living.

Hundreds of billions of pesos of public money are pocketed by corrupt public officials through bribery and cuts and pork barrel allocations, siphoned to favored private businesses in the form of government projects and contracts, and squandered in large wasteful military purchases and operations. It is the super-rich oligarchs who aggrandize their wealth. They wallow in luxury and wasteful living in stark contrast to the hunger and extreme want of majority of the people.

In the face of the people’s seething discontent, the Duterte regime has implemented such measures as the so-called universal health care, conditional cash transfer, “land reform,” housing projects and other “welfare” programs. These are mere public stunts and palliatives which aim to obscure and perpetuate privatization and cutbacks in social spending, deregulation, rampant land conversion and other grievous neoliberal policies.

The Dutertes—consummate bureaucrat capitalists—and their allies, wish to perpetuate their power and privilege. The regime has declared all sorts of war to foment fascist zealotry and give the military and police vast powers to the detriment of democratic rights. Through despotic exercise of state power and violence, it has suppressed all forms of just opposition and stifle the people’s grievances.

Amid grave social and economic conditions in the country and callousness of the Duterte regime, the Filipino people have no other recourse but to collectively raise their voices and assert their demands. They must wield strength in numbers.

To advance the people’s democratic struggles, the Party calls on all activists to go deep among the masses in order to transform the people’s indignation into mass action. They must pay close attention to the most urgent concerns, attitude and aspirations of the people.

They must untiringly carry out one campaign after another to rouse and mobilize the masses with the aim of addressing and resolving the big and small problems that daily beset them. Regularly mount assemblies to discuss issues and give the people an opportunity to air their opinion. In the ongoing election campaign, make the candidates face the people with their demands.

Activists must take every opportunity to conduct propaganda, whether in small group discussion, leaflet distribution, or in soapbox speeches in street corners or aboard buses or jeeps. Transform communities, factories, workplaces, schools and so on into hubs of mass activism.

They must also be good in agitation and in rousing the people to take action in order to hold the reactionary government responsible for imposing burdensome taxes, preventing just wage increases, excessing borrowing of loans, sell-out of the country’s patrimony and other anti-poor measures under the neoliberal policy regime. They must further raise the people’s consciousness by exposing the regime’s subservience to imperialist financial and commercial interests.

The masses must be emboldened to assert their social and economic rights, as well as their democratic rights, in the face of heightened state suppressionana. They must expose the link between the rise of fascism with the social crisis, and the desperation of the ruling Duterte clique to prevent the people from rising up with clenched fists. The need for waging national democratic struggle must be made exceedingly clear.

They must help overcome the forces of disunity and disorganization and diligently work to build all forms of mass organization to represent the people’s interests and demands. Build local and national alliances on the basis of common sectoral and class issues, and mobilize the people in town-wide, province-wide, region-wide and nationwide demonstrations.

The prevailing situation favors the Party’s rapid growth. Party cadres must be able to effectively lead the practical work of activists by becoming models of indefatigable propaganda and organizing work among the masses. They should assiduously conduct ideological studies, assess, sum-up and always raise the level of practice. The advanced mass activists must be recruited promptly into the Party. We must build thousands of new Party branches, and strengthen and expand the existing ones.

By conducting persevering propaganda and organizing work, and by being attentive to the level of the people’s consciousness, the Party and all revolutionary forces can effectively rouse the masses to mount increasingly large mass actions. Considering how conditions in the country are like dry tinder, one spark can start a wildfire of mass resistance.

While strengthening the struggles for the people’s economic rights and well-being, they should also guard against reformism, economism, sectoralism and other tendencies which stymie the people’s revolutionary consciousness. The day to day struggles of the people must be linked to, be supportive of and help strengthen the people’s war.

[Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines and is issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and views on current issues. Ang Bayan comes out fortnightly and is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.]

CPP/Ang Bayan: Mar­so 2019, idi­nek­la­ra bi­lang “Bu­wan ng BHB”

Propaganda article from the Tagalog language edition of Ang Bayan posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines Website (Mar 7, 2019): Mar­so 2019, idi­nek­la­ra bi­lang “Bu­wan ng BHB”

Bi­lang pag­gu­ni­ta sa ika-50 ani­ber­sar­yo ng Ba­gong Huk­bong Ba­yan (BHB) sa da­ra­ting na Mar­so 29, na­na­wa­gan ang Par­ti­do Ko­mu­nis­ta ng Pi­li­pi­nas (PKP) noong Peb­re­ro 26 sa la­hat ng mga re­bo­lu­syo­nar­yong pwer­sa na idek­la­ra ang Mar­so 2019 bi­lang “Bu­wan ng BHB.” Pag­di­ri­wang ito sa la­hat ng mga ta­gum­pay at pag­su­long ng dig­mang ba­yan sa la­hat ng la­ra­ngan.

Hi­na­mon ng PKP ang mga re­bo­lu­syo­nar­yong pwer­sa na itang­hal ang tu­nay na huk­bo ng sambayanan sa te­mang “Isu­long ang dig­mang ba­yan hang­gang ta­gum­pay!” Tu­gon ito sa wa­lang-ha­bas na pa­sis­tang mga ata­ke ng re­hi­meng Du­ter­te at pa­pa­lub­hang ka­la­ga­yan ng ma­ma­ma­yan.

Ka­sa­bay ng pag­di­ri­wang, inaa­sa­han ang mga tak­ti­kal na open­si­ba ng mga yu­nit ng huk­bong bayan sa buong ban­sa upang ipag­tang­gol ang ka­ra­pa­tan ng ma­ma­ma­yan, kaakibat ang pagsusulong ng tu­nay na re­por­ma sa lu­pa at pagtatayo ng mga or­ga­ni­sa­syong ma­sa hang­gang sa mga or­ga­no ng ka­pang­ya­ri­hang pam­pu­li­ti­ka. Kaa­ki­bat din ang pag­pa­pa­ru­sa sa pi­na­ka­pu­sa­kal na mga ahen­te ng re­hi­meng Du­ter­te.

Sa ha­rap ng mga tang­ka ng re­hi­men na pi­gi­lan ang pag­la­ga­nap ng men­sa­he ng re­bo­lu­syo­nar­yong ar­ma­dong pa­ki­ki­ba­ka, ki­na­kai­la­ngang paig­ti­ngin ang kam­pan­yang pang-im­por­ma­syo­n, pang-eduka­syon at pampro­pa­gan­da upang ipa­la­ga­nap ang ka­was­tu­an ng pag­lu­lun­sad ng ar­ma­dong pakiki­ba­ka.

Hi­ni­mok ng PKP ang la­hat na lu­mik­ha ng mga pa­ha­yag, mga pos­ter at brochu­re sa rek­rut­ment, mag­su­lat ng mga tu­la, kan­ta at kwen­to, gu­ma­wa ng mga pain­ting at iba pang lik­hang si­ning, at mag­lun­sad ng mga de­monstra­syo­n. Mak­si­mi­sa­hin ang in­ter­net at social me­dia pa­ra ipalaganap ang re­bo­lu­syo­nar­yong tung­ku­lin ng BHB. Pa­si­nu­nga­li­ngan ang “teroristang” pagbabansag ng re­hi­meng US-Du­ter­te at ipa­ki­ta kung si­no ang tu­nay na te­ro­ris­ta.

Pag­ka­ka­ta­on ang buong bu­wan ng Mar­so pa­ra hi­ka­ya­tin ang pi­na­ka­ma­ra­ming ma­sang ak­ti­bis­ta kap­wa sa ka­lun­su­ran at ka­na­yu­nan na su­ma­pi sa BHB, ulit-u­li­tin at ipa­la­ga­nap ang panawagan: “Pag­ling­ku­ran ang sam­ba­ya­nan! Pag­ling­ku­ran ang re­bo­lu­syo­n!” Ga­yun­din, ga­mi­tin ang pagdi­ri­wang pa­ra pa­taa­sin ang ka­pa­si­dad ng mga Pu­lang ku­man­der at man­di­rig­ma sa larangan ng ide­o­lo­hi­ya, pu­li­ti­ka at or­ga­ni­sa­syo­n.

“Big­yang-di­in na­tin ang pag­pu­pun­ya­gi at op­ti­mis­mo ng ma­ma­ma­yang Pi­li­pi­no sa pag­su­su­long ng dig­mang ba­yan tu­ngo sa mas ma­ta­ta­as na an­tas at pa­pa­la­pit sa pag­ka­mit ng ga­nap na tagumpay,” pag­ta­ta­pos ng PKP.

[Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines and is issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and views on current issues. Ang Bayan comes out fortnightly and is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.]

CPP/Ang Bayan: 16 ar­mas, na­kum­pis­ka sa CL at ST

Propaganda article from the Tagalog language edition of Ang Bayan posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines Website (Mar 7, 2019): 16 ar­mas, na­kum­pis­ka sa CL at ST

DALAWANG MAGKASUNOD NA ­ak­syong mi­li­tar ang ini­lun­sad ng mga yu­nit ng Ba­gong Huk­bong Ba­yan (BHB) sa Bu­lacan at Min­do­ro Ori­en­tal noong Peb­re­ro 25 at 26. Na­ka­sam­sam di­to ang mga Pulang man­di­rig­ma ng 16 ar­mas at pag­ka­pa­ra­li­sa ng isang kum­pan­yang ma­pang­wa­sak sa kalikasan.

Bu­lacan. Ma­ta­gum­pay na ni­reyd ng BHB-Bu­lacan ang upi­si­na at de­tatsment ng Se­raph Secu­rity Agency (SSA) sa Ba­ra­ngay San Isid­ro, San Jo­se Del Mon­te City, Bu­lacan noong Peb­re­ro 25, alas-7:14 hang­gang alas-9 ga­bi. Na­kum­pis­ka ng BHB ang 12 ma­ta­as na ka­lib­reng ba­ril, dalawang pis­to­la, mga ba­la at pi­tong Icom ra­dio.

May­ro­ong ma­hi­git 40 ar­ma­dong gwardya at ma­ton ang SSA na nag­si­sil­bing pwer­sang panseguridad ng Aya­la Lands at Bang­ko Sentral ng Pi­li­pi­nas (BSP). Inaa­gaw ng mga ito ang mahi­git 700 ek­tar­yang lu­pa­in ng mga mag­sa­sa­ka at ka­tu­tu­bong Du­ma­gat at Re­mon­ta­dos. Ayon kay Ka Jo­se Del Pi­lar ng BHB-Bu­lacan, sa pa­ma­ma­gi­tan ng SSA, kun­di ti­na­ta­kot ay pwer­sa­hang bi­ni­bi­li ng Aya­la Lands at BSP sa na­pa­ka­mu­rang ha­la­ga ang mga sa­ka­han at lu­pa­ing ni­nu­no ng mga re­si­den­te. Re­sul­ta ni­to, ma­hi­git 200 pa­mil­ya na ang na­pa­la­yas sa na­tu­rang ba­ra­ngay.

Oriental Mindoro. Pi­na­ra­li­sa ng BHB-Min­do­ro ang ope­ra­syon ng Sta. Cla­ra Po­wer Cor­po­ra­ti­on (SCPC), isang ma­pa­ni­rang kum­pan­ya sa mi­na at ener­hi­ya, noong Peb­re­ro 26, ban­dang alas-3 ng ha­pon sa Ba­ra­ngay Malvar, Naujan, Oriental Min­do­ro. Pi­na­ra­li­sa ng BHB ang batching plant ng kum­pan­ya at 44 pi­ra­so ng ma­ha­ha­la­gang heavy equip­ment ka­bi­lang ang isang backhoe, limang trak na bigfoot, da­la­wang pay­loa­der, isang crus­her at isang ce­ment mixer. Nakumpiska rin ng mga ope­ra­ti­ba ang isang pis­to­lang 9mm, isang shot­gun at wa­long Icom radio.

Si­na­bi ni Ka Ma­da­ay Ga­sic, ta­ga­pag­sa­li­ta ng BHB-Min­do­ro, na ang na­tu­rang ak­syon ay tu­gon sa pa­na­wa­gan ng ma­ma­ma­yan ng Min­do­ro pa­ra sa ka­ta­ru­ngan bun­sod ng ma­tin­ding pin­sa­lang da­la ng pro­yek­tong hydro ng SCPC sa Naujan at Baco sa na­tu­rang pru­bin­sya. Noong bag­yong “No­na” ng 2015, ma­hi­git 3/4 ng po­pu­la­syon ng pru­bin­sya ang naa­pek­tu­han du­lot ng tu­luy-tu­loy na pag­tot­ro­so pag­pa­pa­sa­bog ng SCPC sa mga ka­bun­du­kan. Nag­re­sul­ta ito sa mga pag­gu­ho at pagbaha ng pu­tik. Ma­hi­git 10 re­si­den­te ang na­ma­tay at lam­pas P2.5 bil­yong-ha­la­ga ng produk­to at ka­ga­mi­tan sa ag­ri­kul­tu­ra ang na­si­ra.

Ha­bang isi­na­sa­ga­wa ang ak­syo­n, ti­ni­pon ng mga Pu­lang man­di­rig­ma ang mga mang­ga­ga­wa ng SCPC at pi­na­li­wa­na­gan tung­kol sa da­hi­lan ng pa­ma­ma­ru­sa.

[Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines and is issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and views on current issues. Ang Bayan comes out fortnightly and is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.]

CPP/Ang Bayan: Mga me­nor-de-e­dad, ili­gal na ina­res­to ng AFP

Propaganda article from the Tagalog language edition of Ang Bayan posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines Website (Mar 7, 2019): Mga me­nor-de-e­dad, ili­gal na ina­res­to ng AFP

Da­la­wang me­nor-de-e­dad na es­tud­yan­te ang ili­gal na di­na­kip at idi­ne­ti­ne ng mga sun­da­lo ng 88th IB sa Sit­yo Sang­gia­po, Ba­ra­ngay Si­nu­da, Ki­tao­tao, Bu­kid­non noong Peb­re­ro 18. Si­na Loujean Anti­an Lum­ba­tan, 17, es­tud­yan­te sa Si­nu­da High Scho­ol, at Ara Mystica Anti­an Pangcat, 10, es­tud­yan­te ng Ca­ba­lan­si­han Ele­men­tary Scho­ol ay ina­res­to ng mga sun­da­lo ban­dang alas-11 ng uma­ga nang wa­lang da­hi­lan. Hang­gang alas-11 ng ga­bing iyon ay iti­na­go si­la sa loob ng kam­po.

Nang pun­ta­han ng mga ma­gu­lang at kaa­nak sa kam­po, ta­ha­sang iti­nang­gi ng mga sun­da­lo na ha­wak ni­la ang da­la­wa at iti­na­boy ang mga nag­ha­ha­nap. Ayon sa sa­lay­say ng mga bik­ti­ma, nang mis­mong pa­na­hong iyon ay pi­nag­ba­ban­ta­an si­la ng mga sun­da­lo na hu­wag mag-i­ngay. Ma­ta­pos ni­to, di­na­la ang mga bik­ti­ma sa pu­nong him­pi­lan ng 88th IB sa Ma­ra­mag kung saan ipi­nai­la­lim si­la sa ma­tin­ding in­te­ro­ga­syo­n. Ha­pon na ng Peb­re­ro 19 nang pa­ka­wa­lan si­la ng mga sun­da­lo.

Terorismo sa Negros

Patuloy na binibiktima ng mga armadong pwersa ng rehimen ang mga sibilyang residente ng Negros. Dagdag sa mga paglabag ng mga sundalo at pulis ang mga kaso ng intimidasyon, panununog at iligal na pag-aresto. Pangunahing mga sala­rin ang mga sundalo ng 94th IB at tauhan ng Philippine National Police (PNP) Regional Office 7.

Intimidasyon. Hi­na­rang ng mga ele­men­to ng 94th IB noong Mar­so 9 ang ma­hi­git 400 de­le­ga­do ng isang hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an mis­si­on na nag­la­la­yong ala­min ang ka­la­ga­yan ng mga ko­mu­ni­dad na ka­sa­lu­ku­yang inoo­ku­pa at pi­nag­ha­ha­si­kan ng te­ror ng mga ar­ma­dong pwer­sa ng es­ta­do sa Gui­hul­ngan City, Neg­ros Ori­en­tal. Bi­nuo ang de­le­ga­syon ng iba’t ibang or­ga­ni­sa­syon at por­ma­syong nais ma­kii­sa sa mga bik­ti­ma ng mga pa­sis­ta at mga ma­la-“Tok­hang” na ata­ke ng mga tro­pa ng 94th IB at ng PNP sa mga re­si­den­te ng Gui­hul­ngan sa ta­bing ng Synchro­nized Enhanced Ma­na­ging of Po­lice Ope­ra­ti­ons (SEMPO) o Oplan Sau­ron.

Ang pi­na­ka­hu­ling naiu­lat na ka­so ng ata­ke ng 94th IB ay ang pag­su­nog sa ba­hay ni Ti­soy Pa­si­na­bo sa Sit­yo Pa­nag­tu­gas, Ba­ra­ngay Tri­ni­dad sa na­tu­rang lung­sod noong Peb­re­ro 24, da­kong alas-3 ng ma­da­ling araw. Ka­bi­lang ang mag-a­nak ni Pa­si­na­bo sa 87 re­si­den­te na na­tu­lak na mag­bak­wit noong Ene­ro 28 da­hil sa wa­lang ha­bas na pang­gi­gi­pit sa ka­ni­la ng mga sun­da­lo.
Pan­sa­man­ta­lang tu­mu­tu­loy sa San Car­los City, Neg­ros Occi­den­tal ang mga bak­wit. Na­ki­ta­an ng mga duk­tor ang mga bik­ti­ma ng mga pa­la­tan­da­an ng tro­ma da­hil sa ta­kot at pa­ngam­bang idi­nu­lot ng nag­pa­pa­tu­loy na ope­ra­syong mi­li­tar sa ka­ni­lang mga ko­mu­ni­dad. Sa isang pa­na­yam, ikin­wen­to ng isang ma­tan­dang ba­ba­eng re­si­den­te ng Sit­yo Ka­si­ngan na hin­di si­ya ma­ka­tu­log mu­la nang du­ma­ting ang mga sun­da­lo.

Militarisasyon. Iniulat ng mga residente na noong Pebrero 21-24, umabot sa 110 sundalo at pulis ang umokupa sa mga sityo ng Ta­ba­logo at Malatanglad sa Barangay Bud­lasan, Canlaon City, Negros Orien­tal. Nagdulot ng takot sa mga resi­den­te ang pagbabahay-bahay na mga ­sundalo at pag-iimbestiga.

Iligal na pag-aresto. Noong Peb­re­ro 22, alas-2 ng ma­da­ling araw, ili­gal na ina­res­to ng pi­nag­sa­nib na mga tro­pa ng 94th IB, PNP-Cri­mi­nal Inves­ti­ga­ti­on and De­tecti­on Gro­up at Special Acti­on Force, sa pa­ngu­ngu­na ni PS/Insp. Ru­ben E. Ver­bo Jr., ang limang si­bil­yan sa Ba­ra­ngay Bud­la­san, Can­­­­la­on City, Negros Oriental. Kinilala ang mga biktima na sina Guillermo Casipong Sr., 62, mga anak niyang sina Jerome at Gui­llermo Jr., Emilio Mahinay, Fran­cing Maribong. Ha­bang ini­im­bes­ti­ga­han, ti­nu­tu­kan ng mga sun­da­lo ng ba­ril sa ulo at pi­nag­ban­ta­ang pa­pa­ta­yin si Ma­hi­nay. Ka­sa­lu­ku­yang na­ka­de­ti­ne ang mga bik­ti­ma sa Can­la­on City Po­lice Sta­ti­on. Sa Ma­bi­nay, ili­gal ding ina­res­to noong Peb­re­ro 15 ang li­der mag­sa­sa­kang si Nim­rod Ba­lan­sag ng KAUG­MA­ON-Ki­lu­sang Mag­bu­bu­kid ng Pi­li­pi­nas (KMP). Ang mga ina­res­to ay pa­wang si­nam­pa­han ng ga­wa-ga­wang mga ka­song il­le­gal pos­ses­si­on of fi­re­arms.

Sa pa­ha­yag ng KMP noong Mar­so 3, ki­nun­de­na ni­to ang pag-a­rang­ka­da ng mga pa­sis­tang ata­ke la­ban sa mga mag­sa­sa­ka sa pru­bin­sya na isi­na­sa­ga­wa sa ila­lim ng Me­mo­ran­dum Order 32 ng re­hi­meng US-Du­ter­te na por­mal na nag­pai­la­lim sa buong Isla ng Neg­ros sa wa­lang ta­ning na pag­ha­ha­ring mi­li­tar. Na­na­wa­gan ito ng in­de­pendyen­teng im­bes­ti­ga­syon hing­gil sa pag­ga­mit ng AFP at PNP sa Oplan Sau­ron bi­lang ka­sang­ka­pan sa pag­la­bag ng ka­ra­pa­tang-tao.

Samantala, mariing kinundena ng mga progresibong organisasyon, tagapagtanggol sa karapatang-tao, akademiko, abugado, mamamahayag at taong-simbahan sa Ca­gayan de Oro ang malisyosong pag-uugnay ng AFP sa kanilang mga kasama sa Bagong Hukbong Bayan at Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas. Ang naturang listahan ay inilabas ng 4th ID noong Pebrero.

[Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines and is issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and views on current issues. Ang Bayan comes out fortnightly and is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.]

CPP/Ang Bayan: Mga nars, luma­ban sa di maka­ta­ong ka­la­ga­yan sa pagga­wa

Propaganda article from the Tagalog language edition of Ang Bayan posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines Website (Mar 7, 2019): Mga nars, luma­ban sa di maka­ta­ong ka­la­ga­yan sa pagga­wa

WELGA ANG BANTA ng mga nars at mang­ga­ga­wang pang­ka­lu­su­gan sa Univer­sity of San­to To­mas Hos­pi­tal (USTH) sa Ma­ni­la City la­ban sa di-ma­ka­ta­ong ka­la­ga­yan sa pag­ga­wa sa loob ng os­pi­tal.

Daing ng mga nars, da­hil ku­lang sa emple­ya­do ang os­pi­tal ay na­pi­pi­li­tan si­lang gu­mu­gol ng mas ma­ha­bang oras sa pag­ga­wa. Da­hil di­to ay apek­ta­do ang ka­li­dad ng ka­ni­lang ser­bi­syo. Ani­la, ma­yor­ya sa ka­ni­la ay nag­tat­ra­ba­ho ng hang­gang 12 oras ka­da araw.

 Sa ka­sa­lu­ku­yan may 965 na emple­ya­do ang os­pi­tal kung saan 579 ay mi­yembro ng un­yon. Noong Pebrero 11, mayorya ng mga kasapi ng unyon ay bumoto pabor sa welga. Nag­ha­in si­la ng no­tice of stri­ke sa De­partment of La­bor and Employ­ment (DOLE) ma­ta­pos bi­gong mag­ka­sun­do ang un­yon at ad­mi­nistra­syo­n.

Ini­ha­yag din ng un­yon na nag­pa­pa­tu­pad ng kontraktwa­li­sa­syon ang USTH. Pi­nag­ba­ba­yad din ang mga ka­ta­tang­gap pa la­mang na emple­ya­do ng trai­ning fee na nag­ka­ka­ha­la­ga ng P5,000-P7,000.

Sa­man­ta­la, isang pra­yer vi­gil na­man ang idi­na­os ng mga mang­ga­ga­wa ng Orga­niza­ti­on of Za­gu Wor­kers (ORGANIZA) noong Peb­re­ro 19 sa ha­rap ng upi­si­na ng Za­gu Food Cor­po­ra­ti­on upang tu­tu­lan ang pang­wa­wa­sak ni­to sa ka­ni­lang un­yon at kontra-mang­ga­ga­wang mga pa­ta­ka­ran ng kum­pan­ya. Ka­ma­kai­lan ay nag­ha­in ng no­tice of stri­ke ang ORGANIZA sa Na­tio­nal Conci­lia­ti­on and Me­dia­ti­on Board.

Sa Baguio City, nalantad ang malaking kakulangan ng mga inspektor ng DOLE para tiyakin na tumutupad ang mga kumpanya sa pagtiyak ng kalusugan at kaligtasan ng mga manggagawa. Sa may 20,000 negosyo sa syudad, mayroon lamang 16 na mga labor inspektor, na siya ring nakatalaga sa buong rehiyon. Sa buong bansa, 800 na inspektor lamang ang mayroon para sa mahigit 900,000 negosyo.

[Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines and is issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and views on current issues. Ang Bayan comes out fortnightly and is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.]

CPP/NDF-Bicol: Hinggil sa Red-Tagging ng Rehimeng US-Duterte sa mga Progresibong NGOs

NDF-Bicol propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Mar 14, 2019): Hinggil sa Red-Tagging ng Rehimeng US-Duterte sa mga Progresibong NGOs

Maria Roja Banua
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
March 14, 2019

Walang katotohanan ang paratang ng rehimeng US-Duterte at mga alipures nito laban sa mga progresibo at sibilyang organisasyon. Hindi ginagamit ng CPP-NPA-NDFP, sa Kabikulan at sa buong bansa, ang anumang non-government organization, sa loob at labas ng bansa, upang makakuha ng suporta para sa rebolusyonaryong aktibidad. Mga lehitimong organisasyong tumitindig para sa demokratikong interes ng mamamayan ang pinararatangan ng pasistang rehimen na may kaugnayan sa rebolusyonaryong kilusan. Kabilang dito ang Kilusang Mayo Uno, isang organisasyon ng mga manggagawa; Karapatan, organisasyong tagapagtaguyod ng karapatang-tao; at Ibon Foundation, isang prestihiyosong insitusyong pananaliksik.

Ang malawakang red-tagging sa mga guro, kabataan-estudyante, kagawad ng midya, abugado, tagapagtaguyod ng karapatang-tao, taong-simbahan, propesyunal, manggagawa at magsasaka ay desperadong taktika ng lahat ng mga papet na rehimeng nagpapakana ng tirano, awtokratiko at diktador na paghahari sa pamamagitan ng pasismo. Noong 2017, 600 pangalan ng mga kilalang personalidad, kabilang na ang ilang upisyales ng United Nations, ang binansagang terorista ni Duterte. Noong Oktubre 2018 naman, ipinakalat ni Duterte at ng kanyang mga alipures ang sabwatan umano ng ilang mga organisasyon at ng rebolusyonaryong kilusan upang pabagsakin ang kanyang rehimen. Katawa-tawang maging ang Jollibee Food Corp. ay kasabay sa listahan ng mga ‘destabilizers’ na ilinabas ng kanyang anak na si Paolo Duterte.

Ang masahol pa, ang pambabansag na ito ay ginagawang tuntungan ng militar at pulis upang maghasik ng sukdulang pasismo at atakehin ang mamamayan. Sa paglakas ng kilusang pagpapatalsik laban kay Duterte, lalo siyang nag-uulol sa pagwawasiwas ng marahas na armadong panunupil laban sa mga makabayang organisasyon at kritiko ng kanyang pasistang gubyerno upang takutin ang malawak na hanay ng mamamayan at pigilan ang tuluy-tuloy na paglalantad at paniningil sa mga krimen ng kasalukuyang rehimen. Sa Negros, ipinatupad ang mapandumog na Oplan Sauron na tumarget sa mga lider ng organisasyong masa at kanilang mga kapamilya. Umabot sa pito ang biktima ng ala-Tokhang na estilong ‘pinatay dahil nanlaban’.

Marka ang pasismo ng reaksyunaryong estadong patuloy na nabibigo sa pag-apula ng makabayan at rebolusyonaryong sentimyento ng mamamayan. Sa Kabikulan, bigo pa rin ang 9th IDPA na durugin ang rebolusyonaryong armadong pwersa kung kaya nagkakasya na lamang sila sa pag-atake sa sibilyang populasyon. Sa kabila ng pagpapakalat ng mga gawa-gawang balita ng labanan, pagpaparada ng mga pekeng surrenderees at paglikha ng mga kaganapang magbibigay-matwid sa pinatinding militarisasyon, wala kahit isang larangang gerilya ang napadapa ng mga berdugong militar. Tuluy-tuloy na nakapaglulunsad ang mga yunit ng NPA ng mga batayang taktikal na opensiba at koordinadong aksyong yumayanig sa hanay ng AFP, PNP at kanilang mga ahente.

Nananawagan ang NDF-Bikol sa mamamayang Bikolano na labanan ang red-tagging, pananakot, panggigipit at malawakang pagtugis ng rehimeng US-Duterte sa mga lehitimong organisasyon ng iba’t ibang sektor. Labanan ang ala-Martial Law na pagsikil sa karapatan ng mamamayang mag-organisa at magpahayag ng pagtuligsa sa mga neoliberal, anti-demokratiko at maka-imperyalistang patakaran ng rehimen. Singilin ang rehimeng US-Duterte sa patung-patong na krimen nito laban sa sambayanan at labanan ang kontra-mamamayang gera.

CPP/NPA-Central Negros: Masupog nga Ahente Militar sa Guihulngan, Ginsilotan sang NPA

NPA-Central Negros propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Mar 15, 2019): Masupog nga Ahente Militar sa Guihulngan, Ginsilotan sang NPA

JB Regalado
NPA-Central Negros (Leonardo Panaligan Command)
New People's Army
March 15, 2019

Patay nga ginsilotan sang NPA si Johny Albino, 49 anyos kag tumandok sang sityo Nabanwagan, Brgy. Trinidad, Guihulngan City, Oriental Negros sadtong Marso 14, 2019 alas 8:20 sang gab-i sa nasambit nga lugar.

Si Albino masupog nga ahente sang 94th IBPA sa Brgy. Trinidad, Guihulngan nga masami nagareport sa mga hulag sang NPA sa Candalanon CAFGU detachment diin dira man nahamtang ang Peace and Development Team sang 94th IBPA. Duha na ini ka bes nga ginpaandaman si Johny sa iya mga kalakasan kontra-hublag gikan pa sadtong tuig 2015. Sa baylo nagsupog pa ini panahon nga nag-abot ang PDT sang 94th IBPA sa lugar sadtong Septyembre 2018. Si Johny Albino ang isa sa mga masupog nga makinarya sang 94th IBPA kag PNP sa pagpatigayon sang maduguon nga SEMPO/Oplan Sauron sadtong Disyembre 27, 2018. Nag-utas ini sang kabuhi sang 6 tanan ka sibilyan kaangay ni Reneboy Pat kag 5 pa ka iban, malapit 50 ang ilegal nga ginpang-aresto kag ginpangpriso, madamo sang pamilya ang nagbakwit kag nadislokar sa ila mga puluy-an kag pangabuhian kag pagsunog sang mga kabalayan sang mga mangunguma kaangay sang balay ni Tisoy Pasinabo sadtong Pebrero 24, 2019 alas 3:00 sa kaagahon sa sityo Panagtugas, Trinidad, Guihulngan.

Bangud sang wala basehan nga mga report ni Johny Albino sa militar, napilitan naman nga nag-undang sa pag-eskwela ang malapit 100 nga mga kabataan bunga sang kahadlok bangud sang pagpanghingabot sa ila kabuhi upod sa ila mga ginikanan.

Indi pagsundon ang mga kontra-pumuluyo kag kontra-hublag nga kahimuan ni Johny Albino. Ang mga biktima magpangita gid sang hustisya dira sa proseso sang rebolusyonaryong korte sang pumuluyo. Samtang ang NPA magapatigayon gid sang nagakaigo nga silot sandig sa kabug-aton sang imo/inyo nakomiter sandig sa pagpamatbat sang rebolusyonaryong korte sang pumuluyo.

CPP: On the plan to set-up National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Mar 14, 2019): On the plan to set-up National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict

The plan to set-up “National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict” shows the Duterte regime is using counter insurgency as pretext to exercise de-facto martial law powers nationwide civilian officials are under pressure to “operate” by the AFP under pain of being red-tagged, as well as by threats of being included in Duterte’s made-up narco list. Local government officials and the entire bureaucracy are being made to bow to the military. The aim is to silence all legit opposition to Duterte’s corruption and power abuse and make everyone fall in line to his authoritarian regime. This is part of Duterte’s scheme to rig the May elections to favor his candidate as preparation for establishing a “federal system” as facade for his fascist dictatorship.

As a counter-insurgency measure the so-called Task Force will fail to stop the continued advance of the armed struggle. Duterte’s task force is a cesspool of corruption where he gives top military officials the chance to dip their corrrupt fingers and get their share under Duterte’s bureaucrat capitalist rule.

NDF: Duterte’s preconditions to peace negotiations are crazy and clownish mouthing of the same rubbish

Jose Maria Sison propaganda statement posted to the National Democratic Front Philippines (NDFP or NDF) Website (Mar 14, 2019): Duterte’s preconditions to peace negotiations are crazy and clownish mouthing of the same rubbish

Statement by Prof. Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant

March 14, 2019

Duterte must be crazy or clowning in reiterating the preconditions he made so many times before. My educated guess is that the CPP, NPA and the people would rather intensify their revolutionary armed struggle than submit themselves to such silly and humiliating preconditions

The preconditions amount to having the armed revolutionary movement commit political suicide before even going to the negotiating table and submit itself to surrender talks and possible slaughter in the venue offered by Duterte. He is practically mouthing the same rubbish by repeating preconditions that he dished out so many times before.

Duterte has no intention of engaging the NDFP in serious peace negotiations. He continues to be hell-bent on keeping the peace negotiations terminated and on imposing a fascist dictatorship on the Filipino people. He has been escalating the abduction, torture and murder of suspected revolutionaries and even mere critics of his treasonous, brutal, corrupt, misogynist, inflation-generating and mendacious regime.

It must be obvious to the people that the Duterte regime is spending huge amounts of public and private money in the billions of pesos to pay for all sorts of propaganda, including unbelievable poll surveys, fake news by official agencies and troll armies, TV-radio ads, ubiquitous tarpaulins, paid crowds and so on in order to misrepresent his losing candidates as winners.

At the same time, the regime is engaged in all kinds of mass intimidation, including red tagging of bishops, priests, social activists, teachers, journalists, lawyers, human rights advocates and legal oppositionists and the actual escalation of murders by the Duterte death squads in the style of Oplan Tokhang.

Duterte is conspicuously on the path of fraud and terrorism in the current electoral campaign period. He controls the Comelec and the military and he is openly boasting though in veiled terms that he will use these to get the number of senators needed to railroad the charter change for a bogus kind of federalism and to counter the possibility of his being prosecuted for genocide and other massive human rights violations before the International Criminal Court.

All people who stand for national sovereignty, democracy, social justice, real development and decency must do their best to expose the evil character of the Duterte regime, to defeat its candidates in the May elections, to rise up against it when it undertakes its scheme of using fraud and terrorism against the parties and candidates of the opposition. Remember that the Marcos fascist regime in 1986 fell precisely because it used fraud and terrorism to fake the results of the 1986 elections.

WESTMINCOM: JTF Central awards outgoing IMT in Maguindanao

Posted to the Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM) Website (Mar 14, 2019): JTF Central awards outgoing IMT in Maguindanao

The Joint Task Force Central awarded on March 12 the International Monitoring Team Mindanao Mission 13 Malaysia for their support rendered to the Philippine troops during their one-year deployment in Southern Philippines.

Major General Dato Hj Mohd Nazir Bin Hj Mami and 14 other IMT members received the Gold Cross and the Military Merit Medals from Major General Cirilito Sobejana, JTF Central Commander.

The awarding was held at the Hall of Flags in Camp Siongco, Awang, Datu Maguindanao following an arrival honor accorded to Major General Nazir on Tuesday.

Major General Nazir expressed all praises for the warmth and the hospitality accorded to him and to his team by the Kampilan troopers.

He also mentioned that his experience was one of a kind since the challenges in southern Philippines is quite different and special.

“Today, we give honor to the people who supported and worked with us for an entire year. We give due recognition to their untiring effort in reinforcing us as we fulfill our mandate to maintain peace and order in Central Mindanao,” said Major General Sobejana.

The JTF Central Commander expressed his gratitude to the IMT for the professionalism that it has shown.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant General Arnel Dela Vega, commander of the Western Mindanao Command, said, “The monitoring team from Malaysia was instrumental in helping the Philippine government realize its aspirations for security and development to thrive in Mindanao.”

“The WestMinCom recognizes the support extended by the team in our peaceful mechanisms to end armed conflicts in the regions. We want to extend our profuse gratitude to the men and women who worked with us with dedication for the past year,” he added.

WESTMINCOM: Troops intercept watercraft with ammonium nitrate off Simusa Island

Posted to the Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM) Website (Mar 15, 2019): Troops intercept watercraft with ammonium nitrate off Simusa Island

Military troops intercepted a motorized bangka loaded with 38 sacks of ammonium nitrate in the waters off Simusa Island yesterday afternoon, March 14.

Personnel of 83rd and 84th Inshore Boat Companies, Inshore Boat Battalion, on a seaborne patrol at 5:45pm yesterday, intercepted the watercraft boarded by four passengers off Simusa Island en route to Basilan.

Initial investigation disclosed that the ammonium nitrate originated from Laminusa Island in Siasi, Sulu and would be transported to Basilan.

Marine troops towed the bangka towards the Tactical Command Post of Marine Battalion Landing Team-1 on Simusa Island for disposition.

Subject individuals were presented to Colonel Armel Tolato, Philippine Marine Ready Fleet Sulu Commander.

They will undergo a custodial debriefing at MBLT-1 TCP before their turnover to the Banguingui Municipal Police Station for disposition and filing of appropriate charges.

Lieutenant General Arnel Dela Vega, commander of Western Mindanao Command, said naval and marine troops boost their maritime patrols to secure the waters of Western Mindanao.

“Sailors and marines operate in maritime areas of Western Mindanao to curb smuggling and other illegal activities that affect the security and development in Mindanao,” he added.

WESTMINCOM: 2 Maute fighters dead; rifles, grenades seized as military offensives ensue in Lanao

Posted to the Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM) Website (Mar 15, 2019): 2 Maute fighters dead; rifles, grenades seized as military offensives ensue in Lanao

Military offensives ensued, scoring two enemy deaths and seizure of rifles and grenades of Maute fighters in Lanao del Sur on March 14.

Soldiers of 49th Infantry Battalion heavily engaged 10 Daesh-inspired Maute fighters while scouring Barangay Dinaigan, Tubaran at 5:04pm yesterday.

The gunfight ensured for an hour and 30 minutes, resulting in deaths of two Maute fighters, whose remains were retrieved from the encounter site by the engaged troops.

Soldiers further seized two Caliber 5.56 rifles with an M203 Grenade Launcher, a Caliber .45 pistol, hand and rifle grenades, pieces of ammunition, and a bandolier.

On March 11, Abu Tahir and Abu Jihad died in the combat operations 55th Infantry Battalion in Barangay Calaludan, Pagayawan, Lanao del Sur.

Troops of 55IB also seized a carbine rifle of engaged Maute fighters on Monday.

“We are advancing upon the enemy target with deliberate offensives, hitting and inflicting heavy casualties on Maute fighters,” said Lieutenant General Arnel Dela Vega, commander of Western Mindanao Command.

Meanwhile, three soldiers died while three more are missing in action in yesterday’s gunfight.

Troops transported the remains of slain soldiers to Iligan City for proper disposition.

“We console with the families of our departed comrades, who fought valiantly and paid the ultimate sacrifice. We lost not only brave warriors but comrades who served the nation with such devotion,” added Lieutenant General Dela Vega.

“We are more motivated to continue the fight against spoilers of peace and progress in Mindanao,” he said.

WESTMINCOM: Troops facilitate the settlement of the Ampatuan-Sangki clan dispute in Central Mindanao

Posted to the Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM) Website (Mar 15, 2019): Troops facilitate the settlement of the Ampatuan-Sangki clan dispute in Central Mindanao

Through the efforts of the troops of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion, the long-term dispute between the clan of Bai Mariam Sangki and Mastor Ampatuan a.k.a Datu Item finally came to an end in a settlement held at Barangay Maganoy, Datu Abdullah Sangki, Maguindanao on Saturday (March 9, 2019).

After a series of deliberate planning and coordination, Datu Abdullah Sangki, Maguindanao Mayor Mariam Sangki finally met with Mastor Ampatuan, the 106th Base Commander of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, to make amends and patch up their long time issues and differences.

It can be recalled that their conflict resulted to unnecessary rido, occasional firefight, and shooting incidents among their supporters.

“This initiative of Lieutenant Colonel Alvin G. Iyog, Commanding Officer of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion is well appreciated not only by my family, but also by all those people who got involved in the misunderstanding,” said Mayor Sangki.

They finally concluded their dissent through a serious dialogue, in the name of peace and reconciliation.

The momentous event was supported by 6th Civil-Military Operations Battalion representative Major Aslim M. Ulangkaya and Bai Rebecca Ampatuan.

Rebecca’s son married a woman from the Sangki clan.

“Today, the people in Barangays Kayakaya, Dimaampao and Old Maganoy had felt the peace in the community and bracing for the imminent progress and development as an outcome of the cessation of violence and hostilities that plagued the area for a long period,” said Lieutenant Colonel Iyog.

“This is a continuing effort of the brigade to settle existing rido among the MILF brothers and the people of Maguindanao. We truly embrace the primacy of the peace process because we strongly believe that war is not an option to settle misunderstandings,” Brigadier General Robert C. Dauz, Commander 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade said.

“To end the culture of violence and to uphold the peace and security within the community, communication and understanding are the basic weapons,” said Major General Cirilito E. Sobejana, Commander of the Joint Task Force Central.

Major General Sobejana commended the troops of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion and the other troops involved in promoting peace and unity in the community.

“If you want to make peace, you have to work with your enemy and cultivate peace and harmony with all,” Major General Sobejana added.

“Family feuds ignite armed struggles. Ending these feuds in Mindanao will breed harmony and will empower communities to converge for peace and economic stability,” said Lieutenant General Arnel B. Dela Vega, commander of the Western Mindanao Command.

Authorities monitoring foreigners embedded with local terror groups

From the Manila Bulletin (Mar 15, 2019): Authorities monitoring foreigners embedded with local terror groups

GENERAL SANTOS CITY – Authorities have intensified intelligence monitoring of alleged foreign terrorists, who pass themselves as Filipinos while embedded with local terrorist groups operating in Mindanao.

An intelligence official working for the government’s counter-terrorism agency said they have retrieved documents purportedly issued by concerned government agencies that showed that the suspected foreign terrorists were issued with Philippine birth certificates by submitting spurious documents.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the issuance of the certificates of birth for foreign nationals was allegedly facilitated by their local contacts within the local terror groups.

“Vetting the face value of the birth certificates, the documents are officially registered with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA),” the official noted.

He said this has caused alarm for security forces, which have been pursuing foreign terrorists who are embedded with local ISIS-inspired terror groups in Mindanao.

Early this week, government forces intensified military operations in the major strongholds of ISIS-inspired Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters in Maguindanao which resulted in the death of at least 17 terrorists, including a suspected Arab national.

The official said the registration of the birth certificates, which were issued to suspected foreign terrorists, was traced to the laxity on the government’s procedure in admitting late registrants who apply for birth certificates.

Local civil registrar Dexter Imperial admitted that personnel of the Local Civil Registry (LCR) lack the technical capability to verify and validate documents which were submitted to their office by the applicant as requisites before the issuance of the birth certificate.

He said the required documents in the application of birth certificate include baptismal certificate and form 137 school credential which are not subjected to diligent validation and verification.

“The applicants are not also required to personally appear before the office of the Local Civil Registry,” Imperial said.

Marifi De Asis, PSA supervising statistical analyst, stressed that all data and documents submitted to their office by the LCR were presumed to be authentic.

She said the documents submitted to their office by the LCR are encoded into the PSA database which serves as the government’s official reference in the issuance of birth certificates for local citizens.

PSA and LCR officials assured to closely coordinate with security and law enforcement officials to help them validate and verify spurious documents submitted surreptitiously required for the issuance of birth certificate.

Body of alleged foreign fighter recovered in Maguindanao

From the Manila Bulletin (Mar 15, 2019): Body of alleged foreign fighter recovered in Maguindanao

The military claimed that one of the two bodies recovered following the three-day surgical operation complemented by the ground troops in the areas of Salibu-Pagatin-Mamasapano and Shariff Aguak all of Maguindanao is believed to be a foreigner.

It was recalled that at least 20 bandits of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and the Daesh-Inspired terror group were neutralized during the military operations.

The bodies of two of those casualties were recovered in Brgy Inaladan, Shariff Saydona Mustapha by the troops of 40th Infantry Battalion, and one of which belong to a foreigner believed to be an Arab.

Accordingly, on March 12, 2019 while the troops of the 40th IB were conducting combat clearing operation supported by air and artillery fires in Brgy. Inaladan, they encountered an undetermined number of terrorist group.

The operation resulted to the neutralization of BIFF members 17 of whom were identified as Abdul Karim Kadil, Yusop Lakiman, alias Paks/Pagal, Yusop alias Bastardo, Musa alias USA, Dungadong alias Dong, Hamer Lakiman, Alladin Bagundong, Baser Abdula, Muhalidin Akob, Ansare Mukalir, Datokan Masala, Mutasir Manap, Kage Manap, Duang Ali , Mubarak Antoling, and Yusop Kadir.

Ground troops also reported that there were parts of the human body have seen in the encounter site and recovery of war paraphernalias and Anti-Personnel Mines.

On the other hand, one government trooper was killed while 11 others were wounded.

The neutralization of a foreign national significantly reduces the capability of the terror group on training and manufacturing of Anti-Personnel Mines.

“Soldiers of the 6th ID have been vigilantly guarding the entire Central Mindanao in order to constrict the firefight in specific engagement areas and continue to pursue the remnants of the terror group,” he added.

Sandiganbayan affirms criminal charges vs. Misuari

From the Mindanao Examiner (Mar 14, 2019): Sandiganbayan affirms criminal charges vs. Misuari

THE SANDIGANBAYAN has affirmed the criminal charges against former rebel leader Nur Misuari over allegations of anomalous purchases of educational materials when he was governor of the defunct Muslim autonomous region.

The Third Division of the Sandiganbayan junked Misuari’s motion to dismiss all the charges against him, denying all allegations of graft and malversation of public funds.

But the Sandiganbayan found probable cause against the former Libyan firebrand and said trial can now proceed to allow both parties to present their case. “The court must stress that a comprehensive consideration of the merits of the prosecution’s evidence and the defense’s arguments, as to the alleged weakness thereof, is premature at this point and better left to trial on the merits,” it said.

Nur Misuari (Mindanao Examiner Photo)

Misuari is being accused of giving undue advantage to White Orchids, CPR Publishing House and MBJ Learning Tools for the procurement of textbooks in 2000 and 2001.

In a report by GMA News, it quoted Misuari as arguing that he cannot be held liable for a transaction that pushed through when he is no longer ARMM governor. Misuari said the payments to CPR Publishing took place in July 2004, MBJ Learning in December 2003, and for White Orchids in July 2004 and September 2005, all of which were covered by the incumbency of former regional governor Parouk Hussin since his term expired on September 30, 2001.

The issue of conspiracy is also non-existent, according to Misuari, as he was detained in Malaysia from December 2001 to January 2002 and for six years in the Philippines from 2002 to 2008. Misuari also said that he was in detention at the Philippine National Police-Special Action Force Training Center in Santa Rosa town in Laguna province when the private companies were paid.

However, the Sandiganbayan said Misuari “merely rehashed the same arguments regarding his alleged non-liability and lack of participation” in the case when it denied his motion to dismiss last year.

According to the report, the Sandiganbayan said it can only take note that Misuari was no longer ARMM governor when the payments were made, but stressed this cannot be the sole basis to dismiss the case at this stage.

“Granting that the Court may take judicial notice of the accused-movant’s years of incumbency as ARMM governor, the same does not necessarily result in his automatic exculpation given the existence of documents relating to the subject transactions which were allegedly signed by him during his incumbency,” the Sandiganbayan said.

Misuari had refused to enter a plea during his arraignment on February 26, prompting the anti-graft court to plead not guilty on his behalf.

Nur will return

Misuari, who is also accused of rebellion by authorities for the September 2013 deadly attack on Zamboanga City, is being protected from arrest by President Rodrigo Duterte.

Duterte, who admitted being a good friend of Misuari, the chairman of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), interceded to the police and military on behalf of Misuari, so he would be free to move around without any fear of being arrested.

He also admitted that he intervened to allow Misuari to travel abroad to attend two conferences of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Abu Dhabi and Morocco despite criminal charges against the MNLF leader.

“He came to see me to ask me to intercede in his behalf that he be given temporary pass to go out – kasi may kaso siya eh, ipi-preso siya dito – para maka-attend ng OIC,” Duterte said.

Duterte assured the public that Misuari would return after the conferences this month.

“So I told the military and the police, hayaan ninyo na at babalik ‘yan. He is not a fugitive, he is a revolutionary. And you know what? That guy will always come back. It would be an insult to his person if he is buried in another land. Babalik dito ‘yan, dito magpakamatay,” he said.

While Duterte is protecting Misuari, local government leaders and residents of Zamboanga are demanding justice for the deadly siege that left over 200,000 people without homes following weeks of street battles between security and MNLF forces that killed and wounded some 300 civilians.

Zamboanga raided twice

It was the second time that MNLF forces raided Zamboanga. In November 2001, Misuari’s loyal forces also attacked Zamboanga and left dozens of civilians dead and wounded. Heavily-armed MNLF gunmen also took hostage over 100 civilians, including women and children, and used them as shield and pawn so they can escape to Basilan and Sulu provinces.

In 2016, Mayor Beng Climaco banned all MNLF rallies in Zamboanga City following attempts by Misuari’s group to hold a peace caravan. “I am giving you a categorical no, you must not disturb Zamboanga anymore. If you want to come up with your rally, make it in your area, Zamboanga will not welcome a rally by MNLF, not at this time because you still have to be accountable with the killings and devastations we are suffering from,” Climaco said.

“The destruction wrought by the 2013 siege continues to linger, as internally displaced persons – both Muslims, Christians and Lumads, most of whom are those who eluded the conflicts in Sulu and Basilan – have suffered the brunt of the MNLF attack in Zamboanga,” Climaco said.

Misuari signed a peace deal with Manila in September 1996 ending decades of bloody war. After the peace agreement was signed, Misuari became the governor of the Muslim autonomous region. But despite the peace accord, there was a widespread disillusionment with the weak autonomy they were granted.

Under the peace agreement, Manila would have to provide a mini-Marshal Plan to spur economic development in Muslim areas in the south and livelihood and housing assistance to tens of thousands of former rebels to uplift their poor living standards.

Misuari’s loyal forces and former MNLF rebels, who joined the Philippine Army following the peace accord, attacked a key military base in Sulu’s Jolo town and civilian targets in Zamboanga in 2001 in an effort to stop the government from calling an election in the autonomous region where Misuari wanted to be a perpetual governor.

Misuari then escaped by boat to Malaysia, where he had been arrested and deported to the Philippines and was eventually pardoned and released by then President Gloria Arroyo in exchange for MNLF support to her election bid as well as her allies in the Senate and Congress in 2004. He also ran thrice for governor in Sulu even while under detention, but lost miserably.

Opinion: Army Day

Opinion piece from the Commonsense column by Marichu A. Villanueva in the Manila Times (Mar 14, 2019): Army Day

On March 22 the Philippine Army observes its 122nd founding anniversary at their headquarters in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. The highlight of their anniversary would be having no less than their Commander-in-chief, President Rodrigo Duterte, to join them for the traditional trooping of the lines and directly address the uniformed men and women of the Philippine Army.

As one of the three major service commands of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the Philippine Army comprises more than half of the 140,000-strong uniformed personnel. Currently, Lt.Gen. Macairog Alberto is its Commanding General. Alberto belongs to the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Class 1986.

On this occasion, we deemed it timely to highlight the Filipino Army men and women – celebrating their anniversary theme “122 Years of Heroism, Securing the Land” – as our featured subject of discussions during this week’s Kapihan sa Manila Bay news forum.

We invited key officers in charge of the Philippine Army’s civil-military operations (CMO) to our Kapihan sa Manila Bay at Cafe Adriatico in Remedios Circle last Wednesday. Joining us in the conversations were Lt.Col. Demy Zagala, public affairs chief of the Philippine Army, along with Col. Patricio Ruben P. Amata, General Staff College (GSC, Infantry), and assistant chief of staff for CMO G7PA and Col. Facundo O. Palafox IV CAV (GSC) PA Regiment Commander CMO Regiment.

Amata belongs to PMA Class 1993 while Palafox comes from PMA Class 1990. Zagala is a proud product of military training from the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). Regardless of where they got their military training, the three Army officers attested to the “meritocracy” principle as the basic guide followed in the matter of promotions at the AFP.

On a personal note, I first came to know Zagala who once served in the Presidential Security Group (PSG) where he was one of the junior officers among the close-in security to former president Joseph Estrada. When he graduated associate bachelor in political science in 1990 from Dela Salle University, Zagala was the ROTC Corp Commander. He was commissioned in the reserve force of the Army in 1991 until he was subsequently called to active duty a few months later.

Zagala is actually an Army brat. He followed his father’s entry into the Army who was also a product of ROTC when he was called to active service during World War II in our country. In fact, his late father, Maj.Gen. Rafael Zagala served as Army Commanding General from 1971 to 1976 until he retired from the military service.

During our Kapihan sa Manila Bay news forum, Zagala echoed the call for the restoration of ROTC requirement in colleges and universities. Zagala believes the ROTC is the best training ground for young Filipinos to develop the sense of nationalism, patriotism, discipline, leadership, and most especially, the love for country and people. “That’s why, we here, we feel that ROTC can contribute more to selfless service, more towards nation building rather than the individual,” Zagala cited.

Thus, he felt sad that the name of the ROTC has been unjustly dragged in the killing of a freshman college student – an incident that had nothing to do at all with the ROTC, except that the suspect was once an officer of ROTC in the past. This was the reported killing of freshman Willy Amihoy at the campus dormitory last Monday by alleged assailant Elmer Decilao who was identified as ROTC Corps Commander at the Iloilo State College of Fisheries (ISCOF) in 2017.

No less than the Commission on Human Rights declared the incident had nothing to do with ROTC based on their own investigation of the case.

The military denounced obvious propaganda attempt by left-leaning groups to misinform the public by linking the incident to the ROTC and put it in bad light.

The ROTC program, they pointed out, remains focused on making responsible citizens and patriotic citizens out of the country’s young men and women who are interested to become future officers of the AFP.

In fact, no less than President Duterte has been urging the 18th Congress to pass a law to make ROTC mandatory anew in all colleges and universities. The President’s strong push for mandatory ROTC came in the wake of continuing threats of communist insurgency in the country that has reached school campuses as recruitment grounds for young cadres of the New People’s Army (NPA).

At one point in time last year, President Duterte even announced he might issue an Executive Order that would implement this mandatory ROTC. This would amend an existing law that made the ROTC program optional since 2002. A bill reinstituting the mandatory ROTC for Grades 11 and 12 students in all public and private schools nationwide, authored by House deputy speaker Batangas Rep. Raneo Abu, has been approved on second reading last Feb. 6. Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian authored its counterpart bill in the Senate.

It was former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who signed Republic Act (RA) 9163, or the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act that made ROTC no longer prerequisite in the collegiate curriculum. RA 9163, signed on Jan. 23, 2002, allowed college students to choose between ROTC, Literacy Training Service and Civil Welfare Training Service as part of their required National Service Training Program. The law made the NSTP mandatory for all college students while the mandatory ROTC program it replaced covered male students only.

RA 9163 gained impetus at the height of emotional outburst over the murder of Mark Chua, a University of Santo Tomas (UST) student and cadet who exposed alleged illegal exactions practiced by certain ROTC officers in their campus. His body was later found floating in the Pasig River on March 18, 2001. In 2004, a Manila court found ROTC cadet Arnulfo Aparri Jr. guilty of killing Chua. He was sentenced to death although this was downgraded to life imprisonment without parole when the death penalty was subsequently abolished in 2006.

Though it was just one incident, it unfortunately sent to oblivion an entire program of ROTC that produces our future Army men and women.

Sison again says Duterte’s demands to resume peace talks unacceptable

From the Business World (Mar 14, 2019): Sison again says Duterte’s demands to resume peace talks unacceptable


COMMUNIST PARTY of the Philippines (CPP) founder Jose Maria C. Sison on Thursday again said President Rodrigo R. Duterte’s conditions for the resumption of peace talks are unacceptable.

“Duterte must be crazy or clowning in reiterating the preconditions he made so many times before,” said Mr. Sison in a statement.

Last weekend, Mr. Duterte asked the New People’s Army, the armed wing of the CPP, to give up their arms and cooperate with the government’s land reform program.

The exiled communist leader also accused Mr. Duterte of being “on the path of fraud and terrorism in the current electoral campaign period.”

He said, “It must be obvious to the people that the Duterte regime is spending huge amounts of public and private money in the billions of pesos to pay for all sorts of propaganda… to misrepresent his losing candidates as winners.” — Vince Angelo C. Ferreras

Military accuses rebels of using humans as shields

From the Sun Star-Cagayan de Oro (Mar 14, 2019): Military accuses rebels of using humans as shields

SUSPECTED New People's Army (NPA) rebels allegedly used residents as shields to escape in a fight against government troops, the military said.

Colonel Maurito Licudine, 402nd Infantry Brigade commander, said NPA rebels belonging to Guerilla Front 4A-North Central Mindanao Regional Committee allegedly held and threatened civilians of Barangay Lower Olave, Buenavista town, Agusan del Norte to keep them silent. The military said some children were traumatized because of the incident on March 9.

Licudine said exposing the civilians to danger is a violation of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

"But we appreciate the still overwhelming support of the people in tipping-off the presence of these CNTs. This is a clear indication that the people are already fed-up of the CNTs’ (Communist NPA terrorists) decades long of banditry and extortion," Licudine said.

"It is not too late. I urge the NPAs to lay down their arms and return back to the folds of the law to avoid suffering the same fate. There is still hope to start a new life together with their families. The NPAs can avail the government’s Enhanced- Comprehensive Local Integration Program," he added.

After the brief encounter, troops recovered anti-personnel mine, firearms, and several subversive documents of the NPA.

Two M1 carbine (defaced serial numbers), one calibre .22 rifle, one air gun, one anti-personnel mine, one C-4 explosive, 25 meters firing wire, one blasting cap, three cartridges 40mm HE, one hand grenade, two binoculars, one monocular, one pistol holster, five cellular phones, assorted belongings, assorted medicines, and backpacks were among those found.

US, Philippine Armies exchange best techniques for training working dogs

From the US Army Website (Mar 11, 2019): US, Philippine Armies exchange best techniques for training working dogs

Filipino military members are taught a U.S. method of firearm desensitization training with their dogs on March 6, 2019 at Camp Aquino. They wait for the gunfire to observe their dogs reaction to the noise. Salaknib is an annual, bilateral exercise sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific and hosted by the Philippine Army, contributing to and enhancing U.S. and Philippine defense readiness and tactical interoperability while strengthening multinational relationships.

Filipino military members are taught a U.S. method of firearm desensitization training with their dogs on March 6, 2019 at Camp Aquino. They wait for the gunfire to observe their dogs reaction to the noise. Salaknib is an annual, bilateral exercise sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific and hosted by the Philippine Army, contributing to and enhancing U.S. and Philippine defense readiness and tactical interoperability while strengthening multinational relationships. (Photo Credit: Spc. Elizabeth E. Johnson )

CAMP AQUINO, Philippines -- The U.S Army and Soldiers from the Philippine Army's K9 Battalion trained together on March 6, 2019 during exercise Salaknib to learn each other's military working dog training techniques. Training together like this allows U.S. forces and host countries to build lasting partnerships and prepare to work together on real missions.

"The Subject Matter Experts allow us to exchange ideas and some best practices as to how the programs are managed," said U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Ivan Alvira, the plans section Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge with the 8th Military Police Brigade. "We can compare notes on how they manage their programs and how we manage ours and then take back those suggestions and maybe make adjustments in the way that we do things."

Each team has been open to new ideas and training tools in learning ways to make their programs better. Even with language barriers and time constraints, everyone involved has benefited by working together.

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Michael Holmes, the plans NCO with the 520th Military Working Dog Detachment explained how good it has been working with the Philippine military. "I have absorbed their information as well and I'm going to be able to take that back to my counterparts back in the states."

The Philippine army enjoyed working alongside the U.S. Army and was happy with the lessons they received.

"We are lucky to have Sgt. 1st Class Alvira and Staff Sgt. Holmes conducting lectures pertaining to canine operations," said Philippine Army Maj. Christopher C. Manimtim with the K9 Battalion. "And also to share some of the best practices not only for the U.S. army but for the Philippine soldiers."

Sharing ideas and training tools does not just benefit the canine programs, but also the military as a whole. It creates a familiarity with another's branch of service which helps in times of need. Working together to share tips on how to better military programs, helps everyone by creating and strengthening bonds.

"Anytime that you're interacting with a partner, your building on readiness; you're building on interoperability," Alvira added. "It's allowing us to build trust and confidence in the abilities of both nations. So anytime that you can interact with another nation in an exercise such as Salakinib or Balikatan, it allows us to get better as a joint force."

Both sides become strengthened as a team in many ways. Everyone has shared a lot of new concepts and methods; and hope to expand their training and work together for many years.

Staff Sgt. Michael Holmes, the MWD Plans NCO from the 520th Working Dog Detachment, teaches an American training technique to desensitize Philippine dogs to the sound of gunfire on March 6, 2019, at Camp Aquino. The dogs learn not to panic at the sound of gunfire to ensure safety of their handlers and those around them. Salaknib is an annual, bilateral exercise sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific and hosted by the Philippine Army, contributing to and enhancing U.S. and Philippine defense readiness and tactical interoperability while strengthening multinational relationships.

Staff Sgt. Michael Holmes, the MWD Plans NCO from the 520th Working Dog Detachment, teaches an American training technique to desensitize Philippine dogs to the sound of gunfire on March 6, 2019, at Camp Aquino. The dogs learn not to panic at the sound of gunfire to ensure safety of their handlers and those around them. Salaknib is an annual, bilateral exercise sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific and hosted by the Philippine Army, contributing to and enhancing U.S. and Philippine defense readiness and tactical interoperability while strengthening multinational relationships. (Photo Credit: Spc. Elizabeth E. Johnson)

Filipino military members are taught a U.S. method of firearm desensitization training with their dogs on March 6, 2019 at Camp Aquino. The dogs are praised after hearing the gunfire to encourage positive reactions to the noise.

Filipino military members are taught a U.S. method of firearm desensitization training with their dogs on March 6, 2019 at Camp Aquino. The dogs are praised after hearing the gunfire to encourage positive reactions to the noise. (Photo Credit: Spc. Elizabeth E. Johnson )

Zeus, a K9 from the Philippine military, demonstrates a proper search and point for a hidden object on March 6, 2019 at Camp Aquino. The handler let the dog loose to find the item, which the dog was quickly able to locate and point out to his handler.

Zeus, a K9 from the Philippine military, demonstrates a proper search and point for a hidden object on March 6, 2019 at Camp Aquino. The handler let the dog loose to find the item, which the dog was quickly able to locate and point out to his handler. (Photo Credit: Spc. Elizabeth E. Johnson )