Thursday, July 1, 2021

Philippines: Mindanao Displacement Dashboard, May 2021 - Issue No. 81

Posted to the Relief Web (Jul 1, 2021): Philippines: Mindanao Displacement Dashboard, May 2021 - Issue No. 81

Protection Cluster UNHCR 
Posted 1 Jul 2021 
Originally published 1 Jul 2021
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As of the 31st of May, an estimate total number of 30,180 families (154,835 individuals) are currently displaced in Mindanao. Those displaced can be classified into three main groups, depending on the length of displacement:

Group A: 742 families (3,629 individuals) remain displaced out of 1,513 families displaced within the month;

Group B: 6,730 families (39,713 individuals) remain displaced, and have been protractedly displaced for more than 30 days but less than 180 days; and

Group C: 22,708 families (111,493 individuals) remain displaced and have been protractedly displaced for more than 180 days. Those classified under Group C are concentrated in five main areas:

  • Zamboanga City: 781 families (3,905 individuals) still displaced due to Zamboanga siege in September 2013.
  • Lanao del Sur 17,446 families (87,230 individuals) still displaced due to Marawi siege in May 2017.
  • Bukidnon: 224 families (927 individuals) still displaced due to armed conflict between Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and New People’s Army (NPA) since June 2018.
  • Northern Mindanao: 29 families (145 individuals) still displaced due to STS Vinta (Temblin) in December 2017, 14 families (62 individuals) still displaced due to Typhoon Falcon in July 2019. 96 families (480 individuals) due to AFP vs. NPA armed conflict in Iligan City in June 2020.
  • BARMM Island Provinces: 902 families (4,500 individuals) still displaced due to armed conflict and crime & violence since August 2017.
  • Davao del Sur: 1,436 families (5,344 individuals) and Cotabato province: 1,780 families (8,900 individuals) due to earthquakes.
  • In May 2021, an estimate total number of 1,513 families (7,479 individuals) were displaced in Mindanao due to natural disasters (5,310 individuals), armed conflict (1,654 individuals) and crime and violence (515 individuals).

Indonesia Belum Terima Notifikasi Soal Anak WNI yang Disiapkan Jadi “Pengantin” oleh Abu Sayyaf

From the Voice of America Indonesia Service (Jul 1, 2021): Indonesia Belum Terima Notifikasi Soal Anak WNI yang Disiapkan Jadi “Pengantin” oleh Abu Sayyaf (By Fathiyah Wardah)

Juru bicara Abu Sayyaf Abu Sabaya, kanan depan, terlihat bersama kelompok ekstremis bersenjatanya. (Foto: AP)

Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia (KJRI) Davao belum memperoleh pemberitahuan resmi dari pemerintah Filipina tentang bocah WNI yang disebut akan dipersiapkan oleh Abu Sayyaf untuk menjadi pengebom bunuh diri atau “pengantin”.  

JAKARTA (VOA) —Surat kabar Manila Bulletin melaporkan bahwa operasi gabungan militer dan polisi Filipina terhadap kelompok Abu Sayyaf pada pekan lalu berhasil menyelamatkan seorang anak Indonesia, bernama Aisyah.

Dia adalah anak dari pasangan Rullie Rian Zeke dan Ulfa Handayani Saleh, pengebom bunuh diri gereja katedral di Pulau Jolo, selatan Filipina pada 2019.

Penyergapan dilakukan di Kota Patikul, Sulu. Dalam operasi tersebut anggota Abu Sayyaf bernama Sawi, yang berada di bawah kendali seorang pemimpin bernama Arnah Patit, berhasil ditembak mati.

Wilayah pesisir Kota Jolo, Provinsi Sulu, Pulau Mindanao di selatan Filipina, yang menjadi basis kelompok militan Abu Sayyaf, 31 Agustus 2016. (Foto: AFP)

Kepada VOA, Konsul Jenderal Indonesia di Kota Davao, Filipina Selatan, Dicky Fabrian, menjelaskan hingga saat ini pihak Konsulat jenderal Republik Indonesia (KJRI) Davao belum memperoleh pemberitahuan resmi dari pemerintah Filipina.

Dia menambahkan pihaknya mendapat kabar mengenai bocah Indonesia itu dari rilis terbuka yang diumumkan militer Filipina.

"Berbicara mengenai notifikasi resmi dari pemerintah Filipina, sampai hari ini belum ada ke kita. Kita dapat beritanya dari sumber terbuka bahwa ada WNI (warga negara Indonesia) yang ditahan atau diselamatkan oleh aparat keamanan Filipina atas nama Aisyah, perempuan, umur katanya 13 tahun," kata Dicky.

BACA JUGA: 9 Perempuan Terkait Abu Sayyaf Ditangkap di Filipina

Dicky mengaku belum memperoleh informasi apakah Aisyah yang diselamatkan aparat keamanan Filipina itu adalah anak Indonesia yang dipersiapkan oleh Abu Sayyaf untuk menjadi pengebom bunuh diri.

Menurut Dicky, KJRI Davao sudah mengirimkan permintaan akses kekonsuleran untuk menemui Aisyah, tetapi sampai sekarang permintaan tersebut belum dipenuhi.

Berdasarkan rilis dari militer Filipina, lanjut Dicky, Aisyah sekarang ini berada dalam perlindungan militer Filipina di Provinsi Sulu. Aisyah adalah adik dari Cici yang sudah ditahan pihak berwenang Filipina terkait kegiatan terorisme.

Polisi Filipina bersenjata mengawal warga negara Indonesia, Muhamad Sofyan ketika mereka meninggalkan rumah sakit di kota Jolo, Provinsi Sulu, di selatan pulau Mindanao pada 17 Agustus 2016, setelah dia melarikan diri dari para penculiknya, kelompok Abu Sayyaf. (Foto: AFP)

Kepada militer Filipina, Cici mengaku sebagai warga negara Malaysia. Namun, pihak keamanan merasa yakin Cici merupakan warga negara Indonesia.

Dicky menambahkan dirinya sudah bertemu Cici di Kota Zamboanga. Dia mengaku orang Indonesia. Dia membenarkan bahwa orang tuanya, yaitu Rullie Rian Zeke dan Ulfa Handayani Saleh, adalah pelaku bom bunuh diri di katedral di Jolo dua tahun lalu. Ibunya bernama Ulfa Handayani Saleh dari Makassar dan ayahnya bernama Rullie Rian Zeke, orang Padang.

Kepada Dicky, Cici bercerita bahwa ibunya mengajaknya bersama dua adiknya, Aisyah dan Abdullah, ke Filipina untuk bertemu ayah mereka. Cici sekarang ini berumur 17 tahun.

Mereka berempat pergi ke Filipina sekitar 2017 atau 2018 dan transit lebih dulu di Malaysia. Di negara jiran itu, Cici dipaksa menikah dengan pria Indonesia bernama Andi Baso.

Mereka berlima lantas pergi ke Filipina Selatan melalui jalur tidak resmi dan tiba di Jolo. Di sanalah Cici bersama ibu dan dua adiknya, Aisyah serta Abdullah, bertemu ayah mereka. Namun Cici dan suaminya, Andi Baso, tinggal terpisah dengan orang tua Cici. Ayah dan ibu Cici bersama Aisyah dan Abdullah menetap di lokasi lain.

Dengan alasan ingin mengambil uang untuk pulang ke Indonesia, orang tua bersama kedua adiknya pergi meninggalkan Cici dan suaminya. Itulah kali terakhir Cici bertemu mereka hingga mendapat kabar orang tuanya tewas setelah melakukan serangan bom bunuh diri di Jolo.

BACA JUGA: Dibantu Filipina, Malaysia Tangkap Militan Abu Sayyaf

Dicky mengaku belum mengetahui nasib Abdullah, adik bungsu dari Aisyah. Sebab di dalam rilis yang dilansir militer Filipina tidak disebutkan mengenai Abdullah.

Pengamat terorisme dari Universitas Indonesia Muhammad Syauqillah mengatakan pihak berwenang Indonesia harus mengevaluasi secara langsung tentang kadar radikalisme Aisyah sebelum memutuskan apakah akan dikembalikan kepada keluarganya di Indonesia atau tidak.

"Setiap warga negara Indonesia, apapun itu kebijakannya, perlu ada penilaian dari aparat keamananb kita, dalam konteks ini adalah BNPT (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme) dan Densus 88. Jadi perlu dinilai dulu (kadar radikalisme Aisyah) sebelum diputuskan langkah selanjutnya," ujar Syauqillah.

Pasukan Gabungan Sulu Filipina mengamankan kawasan di mana mereka bentrok dengan kombatan kelompok militan Abu Sayyaf di Provinsi Sulu, selatan Filipina, 31 Mei 2019. (Foto: AP)

Syauqillah menambahkan kasus yang menimpa Aisyah mirip sejumlah keluarga Indonesia lainnya yang mengajak anggota keluarga mereka ke Suriah untuk berjihad. Setelah ISIS jatuh di Irak dan Suriah, Filipina Selatan menjadi tempat baru untuk berjihad bersama keluarga seperti dilakoni oleh orang tua Aisyah.

Menurut Syauqillah, pelibatan keluarga dalam berjihad sudah berlangsung lama sejak era Jamaah Islamiyah. Namun, sekarang ini anggota keluarga, seperti istri dan anak, juga dilibatkan dalam lakukan serangan teror atau bom bunuh diri. [fw/ft]

Asia Watch: Another kingpin down

 Posted to the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council Website (Jun 30, 2021): Asia Watch: Another kingpin down (By Michael Shannon)

Key militants killed in southern Philippines (Source: Joint Task Force Sulu)

Security forces in Southeast Asia retain an impressive capability to pick-off or jail leaders of jihadist groups, but emptying the well from which they emerge remains a more difficult challenge.

A nephew of the Islamic State (IS) leader in the Philippines and an Abu Sayyaf commander accused of beheadings were among four militants killed by security forces in a dawn raid on June 13 in the southern Sulu islands.

Among those killed was Al-Al Sawadjaan, a suspected bomb maker and the youngest brother of Mundi Sawadjaan, the Philippines military told local media. Both men are nephews of the Abu Sayyaf commander and IS leader in the Philippines Hatib Hajan Sawadjaan.

The Sawadjaans have been blamed for orchestrating bomb attacks in Jolo, Sulu’s main city, including a bombing in August 2020 that left 14 dead and an attack by two Indonesian suicide bombers at Jolo’s cathedral in January 2019 that killed 23 people.

The prized scalp claimed in the raid was Injam Yadah, an Abu Sayyaf militant notorious for a string of high profile abductions and beheadings. Yadah was accused of being involved in snatching eight Indonesian fishermen in waters off Malaysia in January 2020. Three were immediately released, one was executed in October 2020 and four were rescued by Filipino troops in March 2021. He was also linked to the kidnapping in 2015 of two Canadian tourists who were later beheaded after a ransom payment deadline passed.

The Abu Sayyaf is now believed to number about 200 militants, operating largely out of Sulu and the nearby island of Basilan. Although it is believed to be split into two factions, it remains under the nominal leadership of Hatib Hajan Sawadjaan, who has not been heard from since last year.

There is speculation that Hatib died in a clash with the military, but his body has never been found, which raises questions about the apparent leadership void of IS-aligned groups in the region.

The killing of five Abu Sayyaf fighters in a shootout in the Malaysian state of Sabah in May points to a group under pressure – dispersing into small units, even crossing into foreign jurisdictions to evade the Philippines military. The gunfight in Beaufort, a district in western Sabah, occurred more than a week after police arrested eight Abu Sayyaf suspects and 29 others from the same area after a tip-off from Philippine authorities.

The Malaysian police operations illustrate the crucial role that cross-border and inter-agency intelligence sharing play in countering the activities of militant groups. In 2017, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia launched trilateral patrols aimed at preventing acts of piracy and kidnappings at sea along their common maritime boundaries.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Government’s drive to limit the influence of Islamist radicalism risks negative implications for democratic governance, argues a new report from the Jakarta-based Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC).

The report examines the trajectory of the campaign against extremism from its origins as a reaction to the mass mobilisation in 2016, which brought down the then Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (AKA “Ahok”) on spurious blasphemy charges, to the current drive against the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), an Islamist vigilante group.

The downfall of Ahok, a protégé of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, galvanised the President’s view that extremist Islamist groups had to be reined in. The banning of FPI and Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia, the largest and most visible of such groups, headlined a series of moves to deny “radical”, anti-democratic ideologies access to state institutions.

The IPAC report argues that the definition of radical is “overly broad” and could potentially include any government critics, with no appeal mechanism for those identified. The report also questions the involvement of the military in some aspects of the campaign, arguing it could signal a return to a more political role.

The downfall of the FPI has been striking. Once afforded a large measure of police and military protection for its vigilante-style attacks on “vice”, its excesses have prompted an increasingly hardline response from the Widodo Government.

Its firebrand Islamic cleric leader, Habib Rizieq, was sentenced in May to eight months in prison for encouraging people to attend mass gatherings in violation of COVID-19 protocols. Rizieq returned to Indonesia in November from self-imposed exile in Saudi Arabia, pledging to lead a “moral revolution”, with the aim of consolidating hardline Islamic groups against the Widodo Government.

An estimated 50,000 supporters swamped him at Jakarta airport, while two other large gatherings brought things to a head. A clash in December between FPI members and police left six of Rizieq’s bodyguards dead, and Rizieq’s arrest followed soon after. By February, the FPI had been formally banned and most of the group’s top leadership was behind bars.

Opinion: New rebel groups in Mindanao

Opinion piece in the Manila Times (Jul 1, 2021): New rebel groups in Mindanao (By Ruben D. Torres)

IN my column last Friday, I wrote about the seemingly unending quest for peace in Mindanao. I wrote in part:

"Compounding the problems that threaten the fragile peace in Mindanao is the alleged dissatisfaction of a significant number of MILF combatants who feel that they have not benefited from the peace agreement."

Last Monday, Commander Jordan Salibo Tayuan sent me a letter to say that another rebel group is gaining adherents from the dissatisfied elements in both the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Jordan is in command of the 8th Infantry Division of the MNLF. Although he claims he still recognizes the leadership of Chairman Nur Misuari, it is becoming clear that his division is organizing and operating independently from the MNLF central command.

Only a few months after the peace agreement was signed by the government and the MNLF in 1996, I learned that some combatants were disillusioned and, in fact, had left this Muslim rebel organization. Those who did not accept the peace agreement and those who did not approve of Misuari running for governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, or ARMM, bolted out of the MNLF and joined the MILF.

With the disgruntled former MNLF and MILF combatants, Jordan now claims more than 12,000 followers in Sulu and Central Mindanao. He claims that there are still others wanting to join. Understandably, he did not mention in his letter how many and what kind of weapons his group now has. I have no independent verification of Jordan's claims even as I know of Jordan's organizing abilities.

In 2017, I met Jordan in Kuala Lumpur where I was attending the Asean Trade Union Council meeting. Over coffee, he told me some of his disagreements with MNLF Chairman Misuari but gave no hint that he was organizing a breakaway group. It is only in his letter to me this week that Jordan admitted that he is now leading an organization that is separate from both the MNLF and the MILF. Yet, he is still using the title "Commander of the 8th Infantry Division of the MNLF."

I am unaware of the name of his organization or its ideology. So far, he has not come out with any political agenda. He is, however, much concerned with the "violence being perpetrated by armed groups like the Abu Sayyaf, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and Islamic State, which are getting support from other countries."

Commander Jordan gives an indication of his crusade against corruption and I quote: "Some politicians are just hungry for power and practice the culture of corruption that drains government coffers intended for development and livelihood of the hapless and marginalized sectors of society."

If it is of some solace, Jordan said in his letter that "our fervent hope [is] that our country will be in complete peace, harmony and prosperity"... and he "urges the government to come out with a comprehensive solution to the protracted conflict to bring all remaining remnants of all separatist groups."

He added, "My men in the 8th MNLF Infantry Division desire very much to attain peace and emphasize to them the beauty of living in a society free from fear of violence and persuade them with their families in peace and economic prosperity."

I salute Commander Jordan for advocating in a troubled region "peace, harmony and prosperity." Some may say that it is an anachronism for a commander of an infantry division of a rebel army to talk about peace, harmony and economic prosperity. It is not. Even rebels who are fighting for lofty ideals get tired of war.

The first time I met with the rebel leader Chairman Nur Misuari at the Davao Insular Hotel in September 1995 after more than 20 years of not having seen each other, I noticed he had rashes all over his face and arms. I asked him what caused the rashes. He told me he had traveled all the way from Sabah, Malaysia aboard his kumpit and his rashes were the result of getting wet by sea water and then the sun drying the skin. To meet me, he had traveled for more than two weeks crossing the Sulu Sea. I told him that being a rebel, one not only has to contend with the police and military but with nature as well. He agreed with me but added that at times nature can be crueler.

Misuari asked me if, having been a rebel myself, I had endured much hardship. Yes, I said, but compared to your more than 20 years of rebel life, mine was a just a small fraction. I was a rebel for only a few years, being the victim of the false prophecies of Karl Marx and Lenin, while he was fighting for justice for his people.

I recall the words of the wife of Nur Misuari, Loida, whom I met at that 1995 meeting. "You know, Ruben, we are tired of this more than 20 years of war." Her words gave me hope that the peace negotiations would be successful. Not only because a rebel's life is extremely difficult but because even rebels know that "every war must end in peace."

[Ruben Torres was labor secretary in the Corazon Aquino administration and executive secretary to former president Fidel Ramos. At present, he is the general secretary of the Asean Trade Union Council. His email address is Follow him @RubenDTorres4.]

Japan, Philippines to hold first joint air force exercises

From Rappler (Jul 1, 2021): Japan, Philippines to hold first joint air force exercises

The air-to-air bilateral training in humanitarian and disaster relief will take place July 5 to 8 at Clark Air Base

The air forces of Japan and the Philippines will hold their first-ever joint exercises next week, Japan's embassy in Manila said on Thursday, July 1, in a further sign of deepening defense ties between the two countries.

The air-to-air bilateral training in humanitarian and disaster relief, which Japan's embassy described as a "significant milestone" for joint defense cooperation, will take place from July 5 to 8 at Clark Air Base, formerly a US military facility in the northern Philippines.

The exercises will include a Japanese C-130H cargo aircraft and its personnel which together with Philippine airmen will simulate delivery of relief goods in isolated areas.

"Japan and the Philippines are both natural disaster-prone countries and there are so much we can share on disaster relief operations for saving lives," Major Mizuno Masaki, unit commander of the Japanese Air Self Defence Force, said in a statement.

US allies Japan and the Philippines have both been at odds with China over the conduct of its vessels and aircraft in the East and South China Seas.

The announcement comes as other allies of the United States take greater steps to preserve freedom of navigation and overflight in the region, including navy patrols, amid growing Chinese militarization.

Japan came to the aid of the Philippines after the devastation caused by super typhoon Haiyan in 2013, which killed over 6,000 people and left hundreds of thousands families homeless.

Japan and the Philippines signed an agreement to forge closer defence ties in January 2015, and the two countries has since conducted 17 joint naval drills.

Japan has also transferred defense and technology equipment that could help the Philippines' boost patrols in the South China Sea.

EastMinCom to have 5 new commanders

From the Mindanao Times (Jul 1, 2021): EastMinCom to have 5 new commanders (BY RHODA GRACE SARON)

THE Eastern Mindanao Command will soon get five new commanders when the change of command takes place next week.

This was after President Rodrigo R. Duterte approved the recommendation of the Armed Forces for the Philippines chief of staff, Board of Generals based on Republic Act 8186, identifying 10 generals and senior officers who are set to get appointed to key positions in the military.

Those who are set to get deployed to the EastMinCom, based on the letter of the President to Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, are Major General Romeo Brawner Jr. as the new commander of the 4th Infantry Division based in Camp Edilberto Evangelista, Barangay Patag, Cagayan de Oro city who will replace Lieutenant General Andres Centino; Brigadier General Nolasco Mempin, 1003rd Infantry Brigade commander, will be reassigned as the new assistant commander of 10th Infantry Division; Colonel Consolito Yecla, Task Force Davao commander who will replace Mempin as commander of 1003rd Infantry Brigade; Colonel Darren Comia, outgoing chief of staff of the Civil Relations Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who will replace Yecla at the TFD; and, Colonel Adonis Ariel Orio, to be assigned as new 402nd Infantry Brigade commander under the 4th ID.

Brawner, a member of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Makatao Class of 1989 was recently named as first deputy chief of staff for Financial Management, an office which was activated in December. He previously served as commandant of cadets of the PMA, commander of the 103rd Brigade during the liberation of Marawi City, and chief of AFP Public Affairs Office. He also served as spokesperson of EastMinCom.

Brawner said he will assume the new post on July 5.

A member of the PMA Bigkis Lahi Class of 1990, Mempin, who will serve his new post starting July 6, was assigned TFD commander in August 2017. He also served as chief of Governance and Strategy Management Office of the 10th Infantry Division (ID) and commander of the 78th Infantry Battalion under the 8th ID.

Yecla, of Banga, South Cotabato is a member of PMA Tanglaw-diwa Class of 1992, and served as secretary of the Joint Staff of the Armed Force of the Philippines (AFP).

Comia, who has yet to receive the formal letter, was also a former commander of the 16th Infantry Battalion and was designated as the assistant chief of staff for Civil-Military-Operations (CMO) of the 2nd Infantry Division.

Both Yecla and Comia are set to assume their new posts on July 8.

Military honors for fallen Negrense pilot

From the Visayan Daily Star (Jul 1, 2021): Military honors for fallen Negrense pilot (BY GILBERT P. BAYORAN)

Military honors being accorded to the remains of Air Force pilot, Maj. Eraño Belen, who died in a helicopter crash June 23 in Tarlac* 3ID DPAU photo

The Army’s 3rd Infantry Division accorded the late Air Force Maj. Eraño Belen with military honors when his remains arrived at the Bacolod-Silay Airport in Silay City, Negros Occidental yesterday.

The remains of Belen, a native of Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental, was flown in by an Air Force C-130 cargo plane.

Belen, valedictorian of the Philippine Military Academy Class 2010, and his wife live in Brgy. Alijis, Bacolod City.

He was among the six fatalities when a newly-acquired Philippine Air Force Black Hawk combat utility helicopter crashed during a night flight training in Capas town, Tarlac on June 23.

Belen will be buried on July 4 at the Heaven’s Gate Memorial Gardens in Talisay City, Negros Occidental, Maj. Cenon Pancito, 3rd Infantry Division spokesperson, said.*

‘General’ nabbed with guns, ammo

From the Visayan Daily Star (Jul 1, 2021): ‘General’ nabbed with guns, ammo (BY GILBERT P. BAYORAN)

The assorted high-powered guns and ammunition seized during an entrapment operation in Hinigaran, Negros Occidental Tuesday* NOCPPO photo

Assorted high-powered guns with ammunition were recovered from a retired police officer, who claimed to be a “general”, during an entrapment operation at Rizal Street in Brgy. IV, Hinigaran, Negros Occidental on June 29.

Demosthenes Fernandez, 58, of Villa Angela Subdivision in Brgy. Villamonte, Bacolod City, was nabbed by combined forces from the Hinigaran police, troopers of the 2nd Negros Occidental Police Provincial Mobile Force Company, and intelligence operatives of the Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office.

Fernandez, a widower, was apprehended after selling a 9mm Ingram automatic pistol to Maj. Jake Barila, Hinigaran police chief, the police said.

More firearms, including M16 and M14 assault rifles, a 40 caliber pistol, another 9mm Ingram automatic pistol, a .38 caliber revolver, and a 9mm pistol, assorted ammunition and magazines of the confiscated firearms, numerous identification cards, a PNP badge, and buy-bust money were seized by the police during his arrest.

Barila said the suspect introduced himself as General Fernandez, and had been texting and calling him about the illegal drug trade in Hinigaran.

The suspect later told him that he was selling an Ingram automatic pistol for P60,000, Barila said.

This prompted Barila to coordinate with the 2nd NOCPMFC for an operation, with him as the poseur buyer, he added. Fernandez is now detained at the custodial facility of the Hinigaran Police Station.

Marawi siege veteran is new commander of 4th Infantry Division

From MindaNews (Jul 1, 2021): Marawi siege veteran is new commander of 4th Infantry Division (By FROILAN GALLARDO)

Then Brig. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. at Kampo Ranao in Marawi City. MindaNews file photo by BOBBY TIMONERA

A veteran of the Marawi siege has been appointed as chief of the 4th Infantry “Diamond” Division (4ID), the unit mainly responsible for counterinsurgency in Northern Mindanao and Caraga Region.

MGen Romeo Brawner Jr. will assume command on Monday, July 5, at the Alcoseba Hall of the 4ID headquarters in Camp Edilberto Evangelista, this city.

Brawner will replace MGen Andres Centeno, who has assumed command of the Philippine Army.

“Only a few are invited and even the media presence is limited,” 4ID spokesperson Maj Rodulfo Cordero Jr. said.

Cordero said this is in line with the anti-COVID-19 protocols being practiced in Camp Edilberto Evangelista amid the surge of infections in the city.

Cagayan de Oro has been placed under modified enhanced community quarantine, the second strictest government quarantine measure due to the surge.

Cordero said Gen Cerilito Sobejana, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines will preside the turnover ceremonies on Monday.

Brawner used to be the spokesperson and deputy commander of the military task force Ranao fighting the ISIS-aligned militants who attacked Marawi City in 2017.

He later took over the command of the 103rd Infantry Brigade based in Marawi as the military launched operations to flush out the remaining militants.

A native of Kiangan, Ifugao province, Brawner belongs to Philippine Military Academy “Makatao” Class 1989.

He became the Commandant of Cadets at the academy after it was rocked by a hazing scandal in 2019.

He then became the AFP Deputy Chief of Staff for Financial Management until his designation as 4ID commander.
(Froilan Gallardo/MindaNews)

Retired Army colonel gunned down in GenSan

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): Retired Army colonel gunned down in GenSan (By Richelyn Gubalani)

Google map of General Santos City

GENERAL SANTOS CITY – Police have launched a deeper investigation into the killing here on Thursday of a retired Army officer-turned real estate developer.

Col. Gilberto Tuzon, city police director, said investigators are looking into possible angles behind the murder of retired Army Col. Elicardo Cabangal, 70, the owner of the homegrown Dragon De Oro Real Estate Development.

He said Cabangal was inside their house at 13 Sebastian St., Paradise Subdivision in Barangay City Heights when he was shot at close range by unidentified suspects around 12:09 p.m.

He said the suspects reportedly fled from the scene towards an undetermined direction onboard a silver-gray Toyota Avanza.

Cabangal sustained two gunshot wounds to his back and was declared dead on arrival in a nearby hospital, he said.

Responding scene-of-the-crime operatives recovered at the site two spent shells from an M16 Armalite rifle.

Tuzon said the manhunt operations are ongoing against the suspects in coordination with police and other law enforcement units in Region 12 (Soccsksargen).

“Our investigation units are currently gathering vital information and witnesses that could help determine the motive and the identity of the suspects,” he told reporters.

Cabangal is the first victim of gun-related killing this month in the city.

From January to June, a total of 27 shooting incidents were recorded in the city, mostly perpetrated by motorcycle-riding suspects.

Bacarro named new Solcom chief

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): Bacarro named new Solcom chief (By Priam Nepomuceno)

Maj. Gen. Bartolome Bacarro (Photo from SCOUT Ranger Facebook page)

Medal of Valor awardee, Maj. Gen. Bartolome Bacarro, will take over as the new commander of the Southern Luzon Command (Solcom) later this month.

Bacarro will replace Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr. who will mandatorily retire from the service on July 26.

This was confirmed by Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana when asked by reporters to confirm whether Bacarro was selected for the post by President Rodrigo R. Duterte.

"Yes," he said in a message late on Wednesday.

Bacarro was awarded the Medal of Valor "for acts of conspicuous courage, gallantry, and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty" during an encounter with New People's Army (NPA) rebels in Isabela in 1991.

Asked on whether Parlade will continue on his role as one of the spokespersons of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF ELCAC), Lorenzana said he has no idea yet as the military officer already resigned from the body.

"He has resigned from the NTF ELCAC many weeks ago. Whether he will be hired by the NTF ELCAC after his retirement or will he consider it, I have no idea," he said.

Parlade is known for his tough stance against the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army and its allies.

"For those asking on the resignation of Gen. Parlade as spokesman of NTF-ELCAC, please get confirmation from Secretary (Hermogenes) Esperon, the Executive Director of NTF ELCAC," Lorenzana said in a separate message.

Bacarro, a member of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Class of 1988, assumed as 2nd Infantry Division commander last April.

Prior to the appointment, he was the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Internal Auditor. Bacarro also served as the commandant of the Cadet Corps of the PMA in Baguio City.

In 2019, he and then PMA superintendent Lt. Gen. Ronnie Evangelista resigned from their positions over command responsibility due to the hazing death of Cadet Darwin Dormitorio. Bacarro and Evangelista were charged but later cleared by government prosecutors for lack of probable cause.

Four PMA cadets and three PMA Station Hospital officers are currently facing charges before a Baguio City court over the incident.

Tight selection process

Meanwhile, Lorenzana said Bacarro went through a rigorous selection process by the AFP Board of Generals and was found fit to assume a higher position in the AFP.

This came after Cagayan de Oro 2nd District Rep. Rufus Rodriquez's appeal to recall the appointment of the military official as Solcom commander.

"On the unfortunate death of Cadet Darwin Dormitorio, Maj. Gen. Bacarro was cleared by the Baguio City Prosecutor’s Office of any responsibility for lack of probable cause," Lorenzana said in a statement Thursday.

He added those responsible for the death of Dormitorio are now facing criminal charges.

"It would be an injustice to Maj. Gen. Bacarro if he is prevented from moving up in the ladder of command for something that he did not commit," Lorenzana said.

He also expressed confidence that Bacarro will perform outstandingly as the Solcom commander.

Parlade quits as NTF ELCAC spox but will continue fight vs. Reds

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): Parlade quits as NTF ELCAC spox but will continue fight vs. Reds (By Priam Nepomuceno)

Southern Luzon Command (Solcom) chief, Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade, Jr. (File photo)

Less than a month to retirement, Southern Luzon Command (Solcom) chief, Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade, Jr., on Thursday confirmed that he has already tendered his resignation as one of the spokespersons of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF ELCAC) but said he will continue defending the country against the threats posed by communist terrorist groups.

"I have submitted my letter of resignation addressed to the President almost a month ago. I want to ease the pressure on the NTF ELCAC principals who are being questioned by legislators for designating me as spokesman despite my being in the active service. There are so many legal bases justifying my role in NTF ELCAC as constitutional but I will not belabor myself with those,"
he said in a statement.

Parlade said he is happy with the development that the NTF ELCAC now has civilian NTF spokespersons who shall carry on the fight passionately and with conviction.

However, despite his resignation as NTF ELCAC spokesperson and pending retirement from the military service on July 26, Parlade said he will continue to defend the country against the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA) and its allied organizations.

"Even then, I want to assure our critics and naysayers that I am not running away from this fight. As a citizen of this country it behooves me to continue with my patriotic duty to defend our country and end the 52 years onslaught of the CPP-NPA terrorists, whatever legal way I can," he added.

The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

"Retirement does not mean the end of my advocacy. In fact, this is a new beginning, sans the prohibitions imposed on public servants. You will be hearing more of citizen Antonio Parlade Jr,” he said. “Ngayon pa na patapos na sila? (Not now when their end is so near).”

Parlade is known for his being vocal or his tough stance against the CPP-NPA and its allies.

The outgoing Solcom chief, a member of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Class of 1987, is scheduled to retire on July 26 after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 56.

He will be replaced by 2nd Infantry Division commander Maj. Gen. Bartolome Bacarro, a Medal of Valor awardee, and a member of PMA Class of 1988.

Duterte accepts Parlade’s resignation as NTF-ELCAC spox

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): Duterte accepts Parlade’s resignation as NTF-ELCAC spox (By Azer Parrocha)

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (File photo)

President Rodrigo Duterte has accepted the resignation of Army Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr. as spokesperson of the government’s anti-insurgency task force, Malacañang said on Thursday.

Parlade submitted his resignation as spokesperson of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) “a month ago” to ease pressure on the task force’s leaders who are being questioned by lawmakers.

“Tinanggap po ang resignation ni Gen. Parlade as spokesperson of NTF-ELCAC (Gen. Parlade’s resignation as spokesperson of NTF-ELCAC has been accepted). So that’s what I was able to confirm from [Defense] Secretary [Delfin] Lorenzana,”
Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said in a press briefing in Iloilo City.

Parlade, who is also Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Southern Luzon Command chief, is set to retire on July 26 when he reaches the mandatory age of 56.

In a statement, Parlade said he is happy with the development that the NTF-ELCAC now has civilian NTF spokespersons who shall carry on the fight passionately and with conviction.

However, despite his resignation as NTF ELCAC spokesperson and pending retirement from the military service on July 26, Parlade said he will continue to defend the country against the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA) and its allied organizations.

Several lawmakers earlier called for the defunding the NTF-ELCAC’s PHP19 billion budget and reallocate its funds to Covid-19 response after the alleged profiling and red-tagging of organizers of community pantries by police personnel.

Last May, NTF-ELCAC vice-chair and National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon announced that six more officials to join PCOO Undersecretary Lorraine Marie Badoy and Parlade as co-spokespersons of the task force.

The six new spokespersons are:

*Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya - Local Government Affairs, Barangay Development Program, International Engagement;

*Presidential Human Rights Committee Secretariat (PHRCS) Undersecretary Severo Catura - International Affairs, Peace Process, Human Rights Concerns;

*Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Undersecretary Jose Joel Sy Egco - Mass Media Engagements, Fact-Checker;

*Department of Transportation (DOTr) Assistant Secretary Celine Pialago - NTF-ELCAC Public Affairs and Information, Youth Concerns;

*National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Caraga regional director lawyer Marlon Bosantog - Legal Affairs, Indigenous Peoples Concerns; and

*NCIP’s Gaye Florendo - Assistant Spokesperson on NTF-ELCAC Public Affairs and on Indigenous Peoples Concerns.

4 police execs reshuffled

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): 4 police execs reshuffled (By Christopher Lloyd Caliwan)

Four police officials were included in the latest reorganization in the Philippine National Police (PNP).

In an order, PNP chief, Gen. Guillermo Eleazar reassigned Integrity Monitoring Enforcement Group (IMEG) chief, Brig. Gen. Thomas Frias, as executive officer of the Directorate for Integrated Police Operations in Eastern Mindanao (DIPO-EM).

Replacing Frias as IMEG director is Brig. Gen. Flynn Dongbo, formerly deputy director of the Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM).

Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. Omega Fidel, deputy director of the Directorate for Research and Development (DRD) replaced Dongbo as DIDM deputy director.

Brig. Gen. Honorio Agnila from the DIPO-EM replaced Fidel as deputy director of the DRD.

The revamp took effect on Thursday.

Lacson lauds Parlade’s commitment to end insurgency

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): Lacson lauds Parlade’s commitment to end insurgency (By Benjamin Pulta)

Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr.’s commitment to end the decades-long problem of insurgency in the country is unquestionable, Senator Panfilo Lacson said Thursday.

Lacson said Parlade had informed him of his resignation as one of the spokespersons of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF ELCAC) more than a month ago when the latter paid him a courtesy visit.

"I thanked and commended him even as that resignation was still subject to the approval of higher authorities," he said in a statement. "There is no question about his passion to do his role in ending the longest-running insurgency in Asia, and I still believe that the NTF-ELCAC is a long overdue solution to the water lily tactical maneuvers being employed by the CPP-NPA (Communist Party of the Philippines - New People's Army) to maintain their influence over previously cleared barangays."

Lacson also agreed that “without infrastructure, livelihood, and social development interventions by the national government after all successful counter-insurgency operations by our security forces in clearing those barangays of the NPA presence, it can only result in a Sisyphus-like situation with no clear solution in sight."

The Albay-born Parlade, who is set to retire next month, said he submitted his letter of resignation to President Rodrigo Duterte a month ago as he wanted to ease the pressure on the NTF-ELCAC principals who are being questioned by legislators for designating him as spokesperson despite his still being in active service as chief of the Southern Luzon Command.

“I am happy that there are now six more civilian NTF spokespersons who shall carry on the fight passionately and with conviction. Retirement does not mean the end of my advocacy. In fact, this is a new beginning, sans the prohibitions imposed on public servants. You will be hearing more of citizen Antonio Parlade Jr.," he said.

V. Luna hospital chief named AFP's 1st female Surgeon General

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): V. Luna hospital chief named AFP's 1st female Surgeon General (By Priam Nepomuceno)

AFP Surgeon General, Col. Fatima Claire Navarro (Photo courtesy of AFP)

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Thursday announced the appointment of Col. Fatima Claire Navarro as its first female Surgeon General.

“The AFP congratulates Col. Navarro as she assumes one of the most critical positions that will lead the military organization in the comprehensive delivery of health services to our soldiers and our people,” AFP chief-of-staff, Gen. Cirilito Sobejana, said in a statement.

President Rodrigo R. Duterte approved Navarro's appointment on June 28 following the recommendation of the AFP Chief of Staff and the Board of Generals.

Navarro took over as the 56th Surgeon General in a ceremony held on Wednesday in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.

Her assumption of office coincided with the retirement ceremony of her predecessor, Col. Nelson Pecache, who retired after 30 years in the military service.

"I dream of an AFP health service that the soldiers can rely on and that the Filipino people can continue to count on. An AFP health service that will save lives, heal wounds and continuously give hope,” Navarro said.

The new Surgeon General is the former head of the Victoriano Luna Medical Center (VLMC) and has served as chair of the Hospital Infection Control Committee from 2009 to 2020.

She was designated as the Deputy Commander of the AFP Regional Task Force National Capital Region Comprehensive and Responsive Elements (RJTF NCR CARE) upon the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic.

Navarro led the task force in providing operational support to the National Task Force against Covid-19.

As a resident of the VLMC, she has earned numerous awards within and outside the AFP circle.

Most notable of these awards were the 1997 UST Medical Alumni Association “Young Researcher’s Award”, 1997 Philippine Medical Association 1st prize in Inter-hospital Research Contest, 1998 Philippine Association of Military Surgeons (PAMS) Most Outstanding Resident for Research.

In 2016, she was awarded the PAMS Award for Excellence. Navarro will now take on the task as the Special Medical Adviser of the Secretary of National Defense and the AFP chief on all medical and health matters affecting the military organization.

The Office of The Surgeon General is currently leading the AFP’s vaccination efforts and operations to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. It exercises technical supervision over all medical treatment facilities and other units of medical service in the AFP.

“With her outstanding track record in medical research and studies, I am confident that Col. Navarro will continue to elevate the AFP’s ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of our members and our citizens against the threats of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Sobejana said.

US official hopeful for ‘satisfactory’ VFA pact

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 1. 2021): US official hopeful for ‘satisfactory’ VFA pact (By Joyce Ann L. Rocamora)

‘SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENT’. US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires John Law speaks with the media during the US Independence Day celebrations at the embassy in Manila on Thursday (July 1, 2021). Law said the US is hoping for a 'satisfactory arrangement' with the Philippines for the continuation of the Visiting Forces Agreement. (PNA photo by Joyce Ann L. Rocamora)

The United States is hoping for a "satisfactory arrangement" with the Philippines for the continuation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).

US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires John Law, in an interview on the sidelines of the American Independence Day celebrations at the embassy on Thursday, said “the VFA is very important.”

“We support it and we're hopeful that we can arrive at a satisfactory arrangement to continue that," Law told reporters.

He stressed that the US-Philippines alliance is more than one agreement and he remains optimistic about the nations’ relations, which also marked its 75th anniversary this year.

"The US-Philippines alliance is more than a defense agreement as well and so we have always had enormous faith in the future of US-Philippines relations and alliance," Law said. "While we'll continue to work very hard to restore the VFA, we'll continue to do everything that we can to continuously strengthen and reinforce the Mutual Defense Treaty. But the US-Philippine alliance, I believe, is in the hearts of our people so I think it's going to continue."

On June 14, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. announced that President Rodrigo Duterte suspended the abrogation of the VFA for another six months “while he studies and both sides further address his concerns regarding particular aspects of the agreement."

Not part of negotiations

Law also confirmed that the US has approved the potential sale of F-16 fighter jets and missiles to the Philippines.

"We understand that the Philippine Defense Department is studying and considering what it would like to do in terms of its overall modernization plan and on all aspects of that, and the F-16s will be included in that. The US stands ready to cooperate with the Philippines as US equipment is deemed the most appropriate for Philippine Armed Forces," he told reporters.

Law said the US government would welcome the opportunity to further strengthen the "interoperability and cooperation" between the US and Philippine militaries but clarified it was never part and "absolutely unrelated" to the negotiations to renew the VFA.

The VFA, a 1998 security pact, lays out the terms and conditions on the entry and visit of US military troops for military exercises and other approved activities to the Philippines.

Last month's suspension was the third time that Duterte extended the termination's postponement.

The first was in June 2020, and the second was in November 2020.

CPP: On the centennial of the once great Communist Party of China

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 1, 2021): On the centennial of the once great Communist Party of China

JULY 01, 2021

The Filipino working class joins the Chinese proletariat and people in commemorating the 100th anniversary of the once great and correct Communist Party of China (CPC) by reaffirming our adherence to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and the necessity of waging socialist revolution to end all forms of exploitation and oppression, and rejecting modern revisionism and the restoration of capitalism in China.

On the occasion of the CPC’s centennial, we recall the victories of the CPC in new democratic and socialist revolutions up to 1976 under the leadership of Mao Zedong and expose the grave conditions of the workers and peasants since the leadership of the CPC was seized by the modern revisionists who transformed the CPC to a party of the big bourgeoisie and state monopoly capitalists.

The 100-year history of the CPC can be principally divided into two: from its foundation in 1921 to 1976; and from 1976 onwards.

In its first 55 years, the CPC chartered the correct path of new democratic revolution, led the working class, built the worker-peasant alliance and unified the Chinese people, waged protracted people’s war and successfully led the Chinese people to victory in 1949 in which it China attained liberation from imperialist domination and overthrew the semicolonial and semifeudal state of big landlords and big bourgeois compradors.

The correct CPC established the people’s democratic government under proletarian leadership, completed land reform in around five years. It proceeded to step by step socialist transformation of agriculture through collectivization of production and the establishment of communes under which land was placed under collective ownership and surplus wealth was collectively administered to invest in comprehensive economic development and ensuring the people’s social needs.

Starting the late 1950s, the CPC proceeded from the basic socialization of the economy and led the Chinese people in strengthening the country’s industrial foundation and eliminate unemployment. In the Great Leap Forward, the central state led in building the heavy industries while light industrial production was established through decentralized efforts of regional state organs and communes. The peasant masses acted in their millions as a giant machine carving and changing the face of the Chinese countryside, and raising production through collective work combined with science and technological innovation. The people’s standards of living rose as the state expanded health, education, social and economic services, overcoming disease, malnutrition and illiteracy. Up to the 1970s, China achieved unprecedented advances in industry and manufacturing, producing machinery and other capital goods, as well as consumer goods for the people.

All throughout the period of socialist construction, the CPC undertook socialist education and cultural revolution to further raise the class consciousness of workers and expand democracy in order to transform relations of production, raise production and revolutionize the superstructure, especially during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Workers were mobilized to collectively lead and improve the work in factories through revolutionary committees combining the Party cadres, the mass organizations and the technical experts.

The Party led campaigns to eliminate bureaucratic corruption and waste by raising the socialist resolve and vigilance of workers and getting them involved in the affairs of the state. By integrating with industry and agriculture, science and education achieved important breakthroughs in research and innovation to raise production. A new revolutionary culture extolling the heroism of the people was developed and promoted. Led by Chairman Mao, the CPC and the Chinese people strengthened and consolidated the dictatorship of the proletariat and fought hard against modern revisionism and attempts to reverse the victories of the proletariat and people. It promoted proletarian internationalism and extended support for anti-imperialist struggles around the world.

For ten years from 1966, the Chinese proletariat and people waged the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in a vigorous struggle to defeat the attempts of the modern revisionists to seize the leadership of the CPC and upturn the victories of the socialist revolution. It proved the correctness of Mao’s theory of continuing revolution under proletarian dictatorship by waging cultural revolutions to fight modern revisionism, consolidate and advance socialism and prevent the restoration of capitalism.

The modern revisionists led by Deng Xiaoping took advantage of the weaknesses and shortcomings of the GPCR by splitting the Left and colluding with the Centrists to mount a counterrevolutionary coup after the death of Mao in 1976. They carried out the arrest and imprisonment or assassination of the stalwarts of Maoism and the GPCR. Key leaders of the modern revisionist including Liu Shaoqi were rehabilitated and placed in key positions. From 1976 onwards, the CPC would degenerate and would be completely transformed and dominated by the state capitalists and their private capitalist collaborators.

In the guise of building “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” the modern revisionists dismantled the communes and the agricultural collectives, forced the majority of peasants to fend for themselves in their small individual farm lots leading to loss of land, mass hunger and poverty.

In the name of efficiency, workers were disempowered and forced back to wage slavery and return to being mere cogs in the capitalist machinery. Decision-making concerning the running of state-owned factory became the exclusive prerogative of “cadres” and managers who exercised the right to fire workers, impose quotas or give bonuses. Chinese workers are made to toil under severe conditions of factory discipline where they are not allowed to organize genuine unions and prohibited from conducting strikes.

The dictatorship of the proletariat was dismantled and replaced with the dictatorship of the state monopoly bourgeoisie. The state capitalists, both government bureaucrats and high CPC functionaries, took over the social wealth created during the period of socialist construction and used this as capital for private capital accumulation. They collaborated with the US imperialists and other foreign monopoly capitalists to subject Chinese workers to extremely low wages and gross forms of exploitation in assembly-line factories in export processing zones, feed the giant capitalist state-owned corporations, expand the capitalist economy, develop technology and the means of production, and cause the worsening of the global crisis of capitalist overproduction.

Since the Dengist counterrevolutionary coup of 1976, all CPC cadres and members who supported the GPCR and the proletarian-socialist line of Comrade Mao have been removed from the CPC. The supporters of the biggest revisionist and capitalist-roaders Liu and Deng usurped leadership at every level. The state and private capitalists have been allowed to become CPC cadres and members since 1978. Thus, it is only a matter of time that the monopoly bourgeoisie in China will throw away the communist flag and abandon their socialist and communist pretensions, especially when the genuine communists reassert correct leadership and gain the support of the proletariat and people.

The monopoly capitalists at the helm of state-owned corporations and favored private corporations continue to accumulate bigger and bigger wealth in collusion with foreign big capitalists. From 388 last year, there are now 626 Chinese billionaires with $2.5 trillion between them, inching up to the United States’ 724. Of the 2000 biggest corporations in the world, 291 are Chinese, second only to the US with 591, and more than Japan. The biggest Chinese banks (the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, the Agricultural Bank of China and the Bank of China) are the biggest corporations in the world in terms of assets.

The state monopoly bourgeoisie expanded the Chinese economy to the detriment of the workers and peasants. There is massive unemployment of workers and economic displacement of peasants in the countryside. The urban slums have expanded tremendously. Education, health and social services are increasingly being privatized.

The CPC has abandoned the international proletarian cause. Instead, it is now engaged in export of capital, international usury and debt traps for underdeveloped countries and expansion of international spheres of investment and influence, overseas deployment of military forces and armed aggression beyond its territory. It uses finance capital to influence and direct the economic policy and control resources of smaller countries. It has trampled on Philippine sovereignty by constructing artificial islands in the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of the country to erect military facilities and claim marine and mineral resources.

Mao’s criticism of the Soviet Union in the late 1950s as a social imperialist–socialist in words, imperialist in deeds–can now be applied to China and the CPC itself. Despite the rhetoric of “socialism,” China has become a brazen imperialist power aiming to impose its ultranational aims on smaller and weaker countries, exploit cheap labor and plunder their raw materials to feed its giant industrial machine, and accumulate superprofits. It is engaged in rivalry with the US in the quest to divide the world to its favor.

Around the world, workers and people are waging various forms of struggle amid the insoluble crisis of the global capitalist system. Proletarian revolutionary forces are ever determined to build the communist parties as the advanced detachment of the proletariat in order to provide leadership in the upcoming new era of global resurgence of socialist and new democratic revolutions.

Just as in the rest of the world, the conditions in China are ever favorable to rouse the Chinese workers and peasants to wage revolutionary struggles. Chinese proletarian revolutionaries are bound to reestablish or build a new communist party based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and lead the Chinese working class and toiling people back to the path of socialist revolution and proletarian internationalism.

Commemorate the centennial of the once great Communist Party of China!

Recall the revolutionary deeds of the CPC and renounce its turn to modern revisionism and restoration of capitalism!

Strengthen the communist parties and bring about the resurgence of the socialist and new democratic revolutions!

Long live the proletariat and oppressed peoples!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Death to imperialism!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

CPP/NDF-MAKIBAKA: Limang taon ng kabiguan, ‘wag na dagdagan!—MAKIBAKA

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 1, 2021): Limang taon ng kabiguan, ‘wag na dagdagan!—MAKIBAKA


JULY 01, 2021

Limang taong pagkakaupo sa kapangyarihan ng pasistang rehimeng US-Duterte ay katumbas nang walang patumanggang pananabotahe sa ekonomiya, pagpapanikluhod sa dalawang nag-uumpugang imperyalistang kapangyarihan, higit na pagdurusa at pambubusabos sa sambayanang Pilipino. Mula sa kanyang kontra-mahirap na polisiyang Kontra-Droga, Anti-terror law hanggang sa puno ng korapsyon at bulok na ‘Covid-19 pandemic response’, ang ganid at pahirap na si Duterte ay walang ibang nais at hangad sa kanyang mamamayan kundi patayin sa hirap at dahas.

Nilulubos ni Duterte ang lahat ng paraan para makapanatili at makapagkonsolida ang kanyang diktadura. Nabubuyangyang ang pagkakabitak-bitak ng naghaharing-uri, mula sa kanilang hanay na nagsasalba ng sarili at naghahabol ng malaking porsyento sa hatian ng yaman ng bansa.

Ang kanilang paghahabol na makapanatili sa pwesto ay malinaw na takot sa galit ng mamamayang maniningil sa kanila! Tulad ng mga hinalinhan nito, si Duterte ay magbabayad sa kanyang mga sala at mapapatalsik sa kanyang kinauupuang trono. Ang mga darating na buwan ay lalong kritikal ngunit nasa paborableng panig ang pagtatagumpay ng rebolusyon. Kaya tumpak na isanib ng kababaihan ang lakas nito sa papaigting na armadong rebolusyon!

Mabuhay ang nakikibakang mamamayan!
Mabuhay ang pambansa-demokratikong rebolusyon!
Makibaka! ‘Wag matakot!

CPP/CIO: Bringing back Alsa Masa will result in more rights abuses

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 1, 2021):  Bringing back Alsa Masa will result in more rights abuses


JULY 01, 2021

In pushing for the arming of groups to supposedly fight the New People’s Army, what Philippine Pres. Rodrigo Duterte and Interior Sec. Eduardo Año wants is to bring back the Alsa Masa vigilante group of the late 1980s which was notorious for extrajudicial killings, abuse of power and terrorizing civilians in Agdao, Davao City.

In the 1980s, the AFP pushed for the formation of fanatical vigilante groups in line with the US-doctrine of “low intensity conflict” purportedly to pit the civilian community against the NPA. This systematized and intensified efforts to form different types of armed vigilantes supported by the AFP which was used under Marcos’ martial law.

These anti-communist fanatical groups were responsible for brutal massacres and killings of people on the pretext of fighting the NPA. Many of the victims were social activists, community organizers as well as priests and religious people.

Bringing back Alsa Masa-like armed vigilante groups will surely result in more abuses of human rights and attacks against civilians. This will only serve to further boost the murderous spree of the state security forces under Duterte’s order. It will surely be used by Duterte and his minions as a weapon in the upcoming 2022 elections.

As history has shown, organizing these armed vigilante groups, mostly composed of anti-social and criminal elements linked to the military and police, will fail to stop the growth of the New People’s Army (NPA) and the people’s resistance. If any, it will only further rouse the people to take up arms to defend themselves against the armed oppression of Duterte’s terrorist state.

With the recent acquisition of firearms, the AFP has now a surplus of rifles and other weapons, which Duterte now wants to use to provision to his fanatical armed vigilantes. If Duterte succeeds in his plan, the NPA will have an additional target for its tactical offensives in order to take these weapons away from the hands of the fascists and put them to good use to defend the people.

Kalinaw News: WestMinCom holds brigade commanders’ forum on small arms and light weapons

Posted to the Kalinaw News Website (Jul 1, 2021): WestMinCom holds brigade commanders’ forum on small arms and light weapons

Camp Navarro, Calarian, Zamboanga City – July 1, 2021The Western Mindanao Command hosted the Brigade Commanders’ Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) on July 1, 2021.

Said activity was initiated by the Joint Normalization Committee (JNC) under the Government of the Philippines (GPH) which is responsible for developing a program to reduce and manage the SALW of individuals and groups in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

Lt. Gen. Jose Faustino, Jr., Commander of Joint Task Force Mindanao; Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, Jr., Commander of Western Mindanao Command; Gov. Jim Hataman-Salliman of the Province of Basilan; and Mr. Ariel Hernandez, Chairman, Joint Normalization Committee, Government of the Philippines were among the dignitaries present.

Mr. Hernandez, the Chairman of the JNC presented an overview of the SALW program and the updates on its implementation.

According to Mr. Hernandez, the SALW program aims to restrict the movement and manage the number of loose firearms in the communities, which is one of the main causes of violence in far-flung areas.

“The OPAPP forged a partnership with the provincial local government units of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi for the implementation of the program on SALW,” said Mr. Hernandez.

In Basilan, nine of its 11 municipalities already pledged support for the implementation of the program on SALW through the signing of Memorandum of Understanding.

Gov. Hataman-Salliman said the success of the implementation of the program on SALW in Basilan is attributable to the collective efforts and the good relationship established between the security sectors (AFP, PNP) and the local government units.

The Brigade Commanders’ Forum was also attended physically by Rear Admiral Toribio Adaci, Jr., Commander of Naval Forces Western Mindanao; Brig. Gen. Domingo Gobway, Commander, Joint Task Force Basilan; Brig. Gen. Francisco Ariel Felicidario III, Chief, AFP Peace and Development Office; Brig. Gen. Antonio Nafarrete, WestMinCom Deputy Commander for Admin; and other military officers. Other participants attended through Zoom Video Teleconferencing.

In his message, Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr. said the armed forces are committed to reduce and manage the small and light weapons of individuals and groups in the Bangsamoro region.

“Peace is not served in a silver platter. Peace is a gift, but we have to work hard to achieve it and we have to involve everybody mirroring the template of the “whole-of-nation approach”,” said Lt. Gen. Vinluan, Jr.

The activity was held at the Eisenhower Hall in Camp Navarro, Calarian, Zamboanga City.

In his remarks, Lt. Gen. Faustino said capacitating and empowering the LGUs are great moves because they are the key solution to the existing problem.

“We have to go beyond our core competency which is warfighting and reach out to the communities,” Lt. Gen. Faustino further said.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: High-powered firearms seized in Misamis Orientalf clash

Posted to the Kalinaw News Website (Jun 30, 2021): High-powered firearms seized in Misamis Orientalf clash

CLAVERIA, Misamis Oriental- Two firearms were seized during a clash between the Communist Terrorist Groups (CTGs) and troops under 58th Infantry Dimalulupig Battalion at Sitio Langguyod, Brgy Libertad, Gingoog City, June 29, 2021.

The firefight lasted for about 15 minutes and troops seized one carbine and one M16 rifle, as well as subversive documents.

The said encounter occurred at around 04:45 in the afternoon in the hinterlands of Gingoog’s Barangay Libertad, as troops responded to the reports of concerned civilians about the presence of armed rebels in their community attempting to extort food and threaten people.

“The encounter is a result of the continuous and active efforts to impede enemy activities,” stated Lt. Col. Ricky L Canatoy, Commanding Officer of the 58th Infantry Battalion. We urge the remaining CTG members to lay down their arms and live a peaceful and normal life, avoiding unnecessary death. The Army, on the other hand, will not hesitate to use force against peacebreakers and other threat groups who will continue to utilize terrorism.”

Lt. Col. Canatoy also expressed his appreciation to the locals for their cooperation with the government. “The local population’s active engagement is critical in the government’s campaign to stop the local communist armed conflict. From providing timely and accurate information about the NPA’s presence in the community to providing direct services to the community, everything is done with the community in mind.”

Kalinaw News: 505 CTG Members and Supporters Withdraw Membership and Support from CPP-NPA-NDF Weeks after Absalons’ Death

Posted to the Kalinaw News Website (Jun 30, 2021): 505 CTG Members and Supporters Withdraw Membership and Support from CPP-NPA-NDF Weeks after Absalons’ Death

CAMP ELIAS ANGELES, Pili, Camarines Sur-In just two weeks, a total of five hundred five members and supporters of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) yielded to the government in Masbate province expressing their strong distaste of the recent heinous crimes committed by communist insurgents.

The mass surrenderers are comprised of one regular New People’s Army (NPA) member; 221 Sangay ng Partido sa Lokalidad (SPL) members; 95 Militiang Bayan (MB) members; 36 Barangay Revolutionary Committee (BRC) members; 84 Ganap na Samahang Masa (GSM) members; 12 Grupong Pang-organisa sa Barrio (GPB) members; 44 Grupong Balangay (GB); and 12 supporters. They are from the municipalities of Palanas, Dimasalang, Masbate City and Mobo, all of Masbate province.

They surrendered from June 18-28, two weeks after the tragic death of FEU football player, Kieth Absalon and his cousin Nolven caused by CTG’s bombing in Barangay Anas, Masbate City.

Lt. Col. Siegfried Felipe Awichen, Battalion Commander of 2nd Infantry Battalion (2IB) attributed the continuous withdrawal of support of CTG members and supporters from CPP-NPA-NDF to the effective joint operations of Army and PNP as well as the conduct of Community Support Program (CSP) in the identified guerrilla bases in the 3rd District of the province.

Through CSP operations, residents can openly raise their concerns as well as the underlying issues and problems of their communities to the CSP team which the latter refers to the concerned government agencies for immediate solution.

The CSP is now reinforced by the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s (DILG) Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) under the Whole-of-Nation Approach (WONA) which rolls out different programs and projects including the Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP) which funds several developmental projects like the on-going constructions of the local access roads in Sorsogon.

Meanwhile, Col. Aldwine Almase, Brigade Commander of the 903rd Infantry Brigade believed that if the CTG refuse to stop their terrorism, they will lose all their members who can longer bear the guilt of causing so much devastation to the lives of their victims.

“Napipilitan lang naman ang mga miyembro nila na pumatay at magsagawa ng mga iligal na aktibidad dahil tinatakot sila ng kanilang mga lider. Kaya naman pinupuri natin ang mga surrenderers na ito na naglakas-loob na abandonahin ang CTG at talikuran ang mga karumal-dumal na krimen ng teroristang grupo laban sa mga sibilyan, sa gobyerno at sa bayan,” Col. Almase said.

On the other hand, MGEN GENRY A ROBINSON JR PA, Commander of the Joint Task Force Bicolandia (JTFB) is confident that positive developments will continue in Masbate after Masbateños witnessed how gruesome CTG can be.

“This is a good indication that if Masbate, a breeding ground of communist insurgency years ago, can take a stand against CTG and achieve this kind of success, the remaining five provinces of Bicol can do so. Furthermore, to the remaining CTG members especially those who are part of the NPA, SPL and MB, follow the footsteps of these surrenderers. ‘Wag ninyong hayaang matulad kayo kay Roberto Emaas na nasugatan sa engkwentro kamakailan lamang tapos iniwan ng kaniyang mga kasamahan hanggang sa tuluyang namatay. Wake up and together, let us unite to make Bicol a peaceful and progressive home,” MGen. Robinson said.

He also encouraged the Bicolanos to support the full-blown implementation of the Whole-of-Nation Approach (WONA) which aims to efficiently deliver basic goods and services to the Filipinos, promote peace and good governance.

Aside from the snowballing of surrenderers in Masbate, conduct of peace rallies and declaration of CTG as persona non-grata in various Barangays and towns continues—a manifestation of Masbateños undying support to the government’s all-out war against communist insurgency.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: 505 members and supporters of NPA yield to the government of Masbate province

Posted to the Kalinaw News Facebook Page (Jun 30, 2021): 505 members and supporters of NPA yield to the government of Masbate province

505 members and supporters of NPA yield to the government of Masbate province expressing their strong withdrawal of the membership heinous crimes committed by communist insurgents.

Full Story:
#PhilArmy #ARMY124 #ParaSaBayan

505 NPA Members and Supporters Withdraw Membership and Support from CPP-NPA-NDF Weeks after Absalons’ Death

CAMP ELIAS ANGELES, Pili, Camarines Sur-In just two weeks, a total of five hundred five members and supporters of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) yielded to the government in Masbate province expressing their strong distaste of the recent heinous crimes committed by communist insurgents.

The mass surrenderers are comprised of one regular New People’s Army (NPA) member; 221 Sangay ng Partido sa Lokalidad (SPL) members; 95 Militiang Bayan (MB) members; 36 Barangay Revolutionary Committee (BRC) members; 84 Ganap na Samahang Masa (GSM) members; 12 Grupong Pang-organisa sa Barrio (GPB) members; 44 Grupong Balangay (GB); and 12 supporters. They are from the municipalities of Palanas, Dimasalang, Masbate City and Mobo, all of Masbate province. They surrendered from June 18-28, two weeks after the tragic death of FEU football player, Kieth Absalon and his cousin Nolven caused by CTG’s bombing in Barangay Anas, Masbate City.

Lieutenant Colonel Siegfried Felipe Awichen, Battalion Commander of 2nd Infantry Battalion (2IB) attributed the continuous withdrawal of support of CTG members and supporters from CPP-NPA-NDF to the effective joint operations of Army and PNP as well as the conduct of Community Support Program (CSP) in the identified guerrilla bases in the 3rd District of the province.

Through CSP operations, residents can openly raise their concerns as well as the underlying issues and problems of their communities to the CSP team which the latter refers to the concerned government agencies for immediate solution. The CSP is now reinforced by the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s (DILG) Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) under the Whole-of-Nation Approach (WONA) which rolls out different programs and projects including the Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP) which funds several developmental projects like the on-going constructions of the local access roads in Sorsogon.

Meanwhile, Colonel Aldwine Almase, Brigade Commander of the 903rd Infantry Brigade believed that if the NPA refuse to stop their terrorism, they will lose all their members who can longer bear the guilt of causing so much devastation to the lives of their victims.

“Napipilitan lang naman ang mga miyembro nila na pumatay at magsagawa ng mga iligal na aktibidad dahil tinatakot sila ng kanilang mga lider. Kaya naman pinupuri natin ang mga surrenderers na ito na naglakas-loob na abandonahin ang CTG at talikuran ang mga karumal-dumal na krimen ng teroristang grupo laban sa mga sibilyan, sa gobyerno at sa bayan,” Colonel Almase said.
On the other hand, Major General Henry A Robinson Jr, Commander of the Joint Task Force Bicolandia (JTFB) is confident that positive developments will continue in Masbate after Masbateños witnessed how gruesome NPA can be.

“This is a good indication that if Masbate, a breeding ground of communist insurgency years ago, can take a stand against NPA and achieve this kind of success, the remaining five provinces of Bicol can do so. Furthermore, to the remaining CTG members especially those who are part of the NPA, SPL and MB, follow the footsteps of these surrenderers. ‘Wag ninyong hayaang matulad kayo kay Roberto Emaas na nasugatan sa engkwentro kamakailan lamang tapos iniwan ng kaniyang mga kasamahan hanggang sa tuluyang namatay. Wake up and together, let us unite to make Bicol a peaceful and progressive home,” Major General Robinson said.

He also encouraged the Bicolanos to support the full-blown implementation of the Whole-of-Nation Approach (WONA) which aims to efficiently deliver basic goods and services to the Filipinos, promote peace and good governance. Aside from the snowballing of surrenderers in Masbate, conduct of peace rallies and declaration of NPA as persona non-grata in various Barangays and towns continues—a manifestation of Masbateños undying support to the government’s all-out war against communist insurgency.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: Philippine Army, LGU Dingalan hold service caravans in remote villages in Aurora

Posted to the Kalinaw News Website (Jun 30, 2021): Philippine Army, LGU Dingalan hold service caravans in remote villages in Aurora

BALER, Aurora- In order to bring closer to the people, the local government unit (LGU) of Dingalan and the 91st Infantry “Sinagtala” Battalion, 7th Infantry “Kaugnay” Division Philippine Army conducted a “Serbisyo Caravan” in a remote village of Barangay Tanawan covered court, Dingalan, Aurora on Monday, June 28, 2021.

Lieutenant Colonel Reandrew P. Rubio, commander of 91st IB said in an interview that as part of the government efforts to end the local communist armed conflict, the personnel of Alpha Company of 91st IB led by Lt. Col. Valentino P. Zarcon-Battalion Executive Officer provided security and man-power assistance together with the personnel of Signal Battalion led by Sergeant Jarwin T. Monzon during the conduct of Serbisyo Caravan headed by Mayor Shierwin H Taay, different head Offices of LGU and other agencie.

During the activity the 91st IB offered services to the populace of Barangay Tanawan such as Free Hair Cut to 30 individuals, appliances repair to 11 individuals, Blood Pressure consultation to 22 individuals after which distribution of 50 pieces of Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) leaflets and 50 pieces leaflets of army recruitments were conducted in the said activity.

Ltc Rubio assured residents that the government will continue to support the program benefitting the people of Aurora. “Our government is committed and serious to bring the hope to our people
in the development process conducted by our troops. We are in full support to the whole-of-nation approach embodied in Executive Order 70, which formed the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), and led to the adoption of a National Peace Framework,” he said.

The battalion commander also said that serbisyo caravan will always be conducted in the different municipalities in the province.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]