Monday, June 17, 2024

PH resupply vessel collides with CCG vessel at Ayungin Shoal

From Palawan News (Jun 17, 2024): PH resupply vessel collides with CCG vessel at Ayungin Shoal (By Gerald Ticke)

BRP Sierra Madre on Ayungin Shoal in the WPS. (PN file photo)

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the National Task Force on the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) have yet to issue a statement regarding the alleged collision between a Philippine resupply vessel and a China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel at Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea early Monday morning, June 17.

According to the CCG, they implemented “control measures” after the Philippine resupply vessel “illegally entered” the waters near Ayungin Shoal and violated International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. The CCG further alleged that the Philippine vessel “deliberately approached the Chinese ship in an unprofessional manner,” leading to the incident.

Sealight Director Ray Powell posted on X that at least three CCG vessels were spotted near Ayungin Shoal, operating without broadcasting detectable automatic identification signals (AIS), commonly referred to as “running dark.”

In addition to the collision incident, Powell noted that the Chinese maritime militia vessel Qiong Sansha Yu 0010 intercepted the PCG patrol ship BRP Bagacay at 8 a.m., approximately 20 nautical miles southeast of Ayungin Shoal. Following the interception, both vessels were observed heading southwest.

The PCG vessel subsequently turned north towards an area with a significant number of Chinese maritime militia vessels, possibly to assist the resupply vessel.

Tensions at Ayungin Shoal have been escalating due to China’s unilateral declaration to arrest “foreigners” who “trespass” in the territory it claims.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) declined to discuss the incident or the “operational details on the legal humanitarian rotation and resupply mission at Ayungin Shoal, which is well within our EEZ.”

AFP Public Affairs Officer Col. Xerxes Trinidad emphasized that the AFP will not entertain the CCG’s “malicious and misleading claims,” which aim to divert the issue in the West Philippine Sea.

“The main issue remains to be the illegal presence and actions of Chinese vessels within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, which infringes on our sovereignty and sovereign rights. The continued aggressive actions of the CCG are escalating tensions in the region,” Trinidad said in a statement sent to the media.

China admits it blocked a supply mission to BRP Sierra Madre on Ayungin Shoal

From Palawan News (Jun 17, 2024): China admits it blocked a supply mission to BRP Sierra Madre on Ayungin Shoal

The Chinese foreign ministry disclosed today that it stopped a resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre on Ayungin Shoal, but blamed the Philippines at the same time for the collision that occurred between its China Coast Guard (CCG) ships and the country’s supply vessels.
“On June 17, one supply vessel and two speed boats of the Philippines, without permission from the Chinese government, intruded into waters near Ren’ai Jiao in China’s Nansha Qundao in an attempt to send materials, including construction materials, to the military vessel illegally grounded at Ren’ai Jiao. China Coast Guard took necessary control measures to stop the Philippine vessels in accordance with the law. The maneuvers at the scene were professional, restrained, justified and lawful,” Lin Jian, a spokesman from the Chinese foreign ministry said Monday.

The Department of National Defense (DND) has yet to give an account about how the collision happened, but denounced China’s narrative of the incident as “deceptive and misleading.”

In a statement it released, Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. said the DND through the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will “exert our utmost effort in order to fulfill our sworn mandate to protect our territorial integrity, sovereignty, and sovereign rights” in WPS, particularly the Philippine exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

“It should now be clear to the international community that China’s actions are the true obstacles to peace and stability in the South China Sea,” Teodoro said.

For its part, the U.S. Embassy in Manila released a statement denouncing China’s action, even stating that the collision led to “bodily injury” on the part of one of the Philippine supply boat’s crew.

“The United States condemns the PRC’s aggressive, dangerous maneuvers near Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal, which caused bodily injury, damaged Philippine vessels, and hindered lawful maritime operations to supply food, water, and essential supplies to Philippines personnel within the Philippines exclusive economic zone. We stand by our allies in support of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific,” U.S. Ambassador MaryKay Carlson stated in a social media post.

The incident happened as China recently enacted its law, allowing CCG vessels to use deadly force to assert its claim over the entire South China sea, which it claims to be its own.

“The regulations are rolled out by China Coast Guard to enforce China’s Coast Guard Law, standardize the administrative law-enforcement procedures of Coast Guard agencies and better uphold order at sea. It is consistent with universal practices,” the Chinese spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF WPS) likewise condemned China’s actions that disrupted the AFP rotation and resupply (RORE) mission to BRP Sierra Madre with “illegal and aggressive actions” of its maritime forces.

The NTF WPS stated that the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), CCG, and China Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels engaged in dangerous maneuvers, including ramming and towing.

It added that despite the illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions by the Chinese maritime forces, our personnel remained calm, showed “restraint and professionalism,” refrained from escalating the tension, and carried on with their mission.

“We strongly condemn the illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions of the PLA-N, CCG, and CMM. Their actions put at risk the lives of our personnel and damaged our boats, in blatant violation of international law, particularly the United Nations Charter, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 2016 Arbitral Award,” the NTF WPS said in a separate statement released also on Monday evening. (with reports from Gerald Ticke and Celeste Anna Formoso)

China Coast Guard: Philippine supply ship bumped Chinese ship at Ayungin Shoal

From Rappler (Jun 17, 2024): China Coast Guard: Philippine supply ship bumped Chinese ship at Ayungin Shoal (REUTERS)

China Coast Guard says the vessel deliberately and dangerously approached the Chinese ship in an unprofessional manner, resulting in a collision

BEIJING, China – A Philippine supply ship dangerously approached a Chinese ship resulting in a slight collision after it illegally intruded into waters adjacent to the Second Thomas Shoal or Ayungin Shoal in the South China Sea, the Chinese Coast Guard said on Monday, June 17.

The Philippine transport and replenishment ship ignored China’s repeated solemn warnings, the China Coast Guard said in a statement.

The guard said the vessel deliberately and dangerously approached the Chinese ship in an unprofessional manner, resulting in a collision. The statement made no mention of injuries or damage to either vessel.

For months, China and the Philippines have traded accusations over dangerous maneuvers and collisions at Ayungin Shoal, an atoll in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

Several incidents have happened when the Philippines deploys resupply missions for Filipino soldiers living aboard an aging warship there deliberately run aground to protect Manila’s maritime claims.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, a conduit for more than $3 trillion of annual ship-borne commerce, including parts claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.

China had previously warned the Philippines about intruding into its territorial waters and the country has issued new rules, which went into effect on June 15, that would enforce a 2021 law allowing its coastguard to use lethal force against foreign ships in waters that it claims.

The new rules allows China’s coastguard to detain suspected trespassers without trial for 60 days. –


Philippines: We’ve never agreed to China’s Ayungin proposals

View from Manila: PH, US, Japan, and Canada sail WPS as China’s ‘scare tactics’ kick in

From Rappler (Jun 17, 2024): View from Manila: PH, US, Japan, and Canada sail WPS as China’s ‘scare tactics’ kick in (By BEA CUPIN)

(2nd UPDATE) The Philippine government does not immediately respond to China's claim of a collision near Ayungin Shoal

MANILA, Philippines – The weekend passed without tension in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), as China’s much talked-about coast guard “regulation” against trespassers in Chinese waters kicked in on Saturday, June 15.

The Philippines is unhappy with China’s directive to its coast guard. The National Security Council spokesperson branded it as China’s “scare tactics;” Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro said it was a “provocation” of “international concern” and a “breach of international peace;” and President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said it was an “escalation” that was “worrisome.”

But there was little news as Saturday and Sunday rolled by.

Queries from Philippine media went unanswered and no reports of incidents surfaced – until early Monday, June 17, when the China Coast Guard claimed that a collision took place in waters close to Ayungin Shoal, where the BRP Sierra Madre has stood watch since 1999.

Other Stories

China Coast Guard: Philippine supply ship bumped Chinese ship at Ayungin Shoal

China Coast Guard says the vessel deliberately and dangerously approached the Chinese ship in an unprofessional manner, resulting in a collision

G7 leaders express serious concern over situation in East and South China Seas

'We continue opposing China’s dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia in the South China Sea and its repeated obstruction of countries’ high seas freedom of navigation,' G7 leaders say

Rappler Talk: The Balangay returns to the West Philippine Sea

Catch the interview with expedition leader Art Valez and members Jody Navarra and Ted Esguerra on June 12

What did the Philippines have to say about that? With radio silence for more than 12 hours.

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea Commodore Jay Tarriela, among the Philippines’ talking heads in all things related to the WPS, said they were “not in a position to provide any details on this issue” since the PCG was not involved. He would later clarify that the PCG only provided support, upon the military’s request.

The AFP’s first (and only) statement by late afternoon had been that it would not “discuss operational details on the legal humanitarian rotation and resupply mission at Ayungin Shoal.” It added: “We will not dignify the deceptive and misleading claims of the China Coast Guard. The main issue remains to be the illegal presence and actions of Chinese vessels within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, which infringes on our sovereignty and sovereign rights. The continued aggressive actions of the CCG are escalating tensions in the region.”

Finally on Monday evening, the National Security Council issued a statement accusing China of “ramming and towing” Philippine vessels on a resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre off Ayungin.

The delayed response is a strange turnaround from previous months, when the PCG would be quick to send to media videos and photos of any incidents in the West Philippine Sea – much to the chagrin of the embedded media, who did not have access to internet out at sea.

The AFP, at one point, even went a step further – sending, through official media group chats, near real-time videos and photos of a resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal.

In early June, the AFP and PCG released two-week old videos of how the Chinese harassed an aerial resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal and a medical evacuation from the shoal. Even then, those releases were preceded by Chinese media claiming that Filipino soldiers pointed their guns at the Chinese.

So what happened to Manila’s transparency initiative this time?

Allies cross the WPS

China Coast Guard claims aside, it seems that there was still a flurry of activities in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the South China Sea over the weekend.

From June 16 to 17, Philippine, US, Japanese, and Canadian vessels sailed the Philippine EEZ, which Manila calls the West Philippine Sea. It’s the first time for the Royal Canadian Navy to join a multilateral sail in the West Philippine Sea.

The four vessels – the Philippine Navy’s BRP Andres Bonifacio, the US Navy’s USS Ralph Johnson, the Royal Canadian Navy’s HMCS Montreal, and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s JS Kirisame – held “activities and maritime maneuvers to test and validate the interoperability of our armed forces’ doctrines, tactics, techniques, and procedures,” according to the United States.


The Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, Philippine Navy, US Navy, and Royal Canadian Navy sail the West Philippine Sea together during a Multilateral Maritime Cooperative Activity (MCA) from June 16 to 17, 2024.

The Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, Philippine Navy, US Navy, and Royal Canadian Navy sail the West Philippine Sea together during a Multilateral Maritime Cooperative Activity (MCA) from June 16 to 17, 2024.

The Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, Philippine Navy, US Navy, and Royal Canadian Navy sail the West Philippine Sea together during a Multilateral Maritime Cooperative Activity (MCA) from June 16 to 17, 2024.

The Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, Philippine Navy, US Navy, and Royal Canadian Navy sail the West Philippine Sea together during a Multilateral Maritime Cooperative Activity (MCA) from June 16 to 17, 2024.

The Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, Philippine Navy, US Navy, and Royal Canadian Navy sail the West Philippine Sea together during a Multilateral Maritime Cooperative Activity (MCA) from June 16 to 17, 2024.

Japan and Canada are at different stages of negotiations with the Philippines to conclude visiting forces-like treaties, or the terms to which their soldiers would adhere when stepping on Philippine soil (and vice versa). The Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) with Japan is in the final stages of negotiation.

Canada, fresh off the signing of an agreement on defense, is also eyeing a Visiting Forces Agreement with the Philippines.

What would these agreements do? They would make participation in existing joint exercises, such as the US and Philippines’ Balikatan, easier. They would also pave the way for new bilateral exercises between, say, the Philippines and Japan, or the Philippines and Canada. –

US, Canada, Japan, and Philippines conduct exercises in South China Sea

From Rappler (Jun 17, 2024): US, Canada, Japan, and Philippines conduct exercises in South China Sea (REUTERS)

The US Pacificsays the maritime cooperative activity aims at 'upholding freedom of navigation and overflight, reaffirming the four nations' commitment to bolstering regional security and stability'

MANILA, Philippines – The United States, Canada, Japan, and the Philippines conducted a two-day joint maritime exercise in Manila’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea, the US Pacific Fleet said on its website on Monday, June 17.

The maritime cooperative activity was aimed at “upholding freedom of navigation and overflight, reaffirming the four nations’ commitment to bolstering regional security and stability,” the US Pacific Fleet said.

It involved four warships and a series of maritime maneuvers to test and validate the interoperability of our armed forces’ doctrines, tactics, techniques, and procedures, it added.


View from Manila: PH, US, Japan, and Canada sail WPS as China’s ‘scare tactics’ kick in

In April, the Philippines conducted joint maritime activity with Japan, Australia, and the United States.

Other Stories

China Coast Guard: Philippine supply ship bumped Chinese ship at Ayungin Shoal

China Coast Guard says the vessel deliberately and dangerously approached the Chinese ship in an unprofessional manner, resulting in a collision

G7 leaders express serious concern over situation in East and South China Seas

'We continue opposing China’s dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia in the South China Sea and its repeated obstruction of countries’ high seas freedom of navigation,' G7 leaders say

Taiwan is not seeking war with China, defence minister says

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan is not seeking war with Beijing, and its policy is to build up a defensive, multi-level deterrence capability to make it harder

The Philippines has turned to countries supportive of its claims in the South China Sea to counter what Manila regards as the increasing aggressiveness of China, which claims almost the entire strategic waterway.

Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam have competing claims of sovereignty in portions of the South China Sea, a passage through which $3 trillion in goods move every year.


‘Ramming and towing’: Philippines says China disrupted mission to Ayungin Shoal

Posted to Rappler (Jun 17, 2024): ‘Ramming and towing’: Philippines says China disrupted mission to Ayungin Shoal

(1st UPDATE) The Philippines says China 'put at risk the lives of our personnel and damaged our boats'

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines’ National Security Council (NSC) said Monday evening, June 17, that China used “dangerous maneuvers, including ramming and towing,” to disrupt a routine resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea.

The statement came more than 12 hours after the China Coast Guard, in a statement, claimed a collision took place between Philippine and Chinese vessels off the waters of Ayungin Shoal.

“The People’s Liberation Army-Navy (PLA-N), China Coast Guard (CCG), and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels engaged in dangerous maneuvers, including ramming and towing. Despite the illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions by the Chinese maritime forces, our personnel showed restraint and professionalism, refrained from escalating the tension, and carried on with their mission,” said the NSC in its statement.

At least once a month, the Western Command conducts a rotation and resupply mission to bring crucial provisions to soldiers who are stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre for months at a time. The rusting World War II vessel, which ran ground on purpose in 1999, serves as a Philippine military outpost in those waters.

Other Stories

China Coast Guard: Philippine supply ship bumped Chinese ship at Ayungin Shoal

China Coast Guard says the vessel deliberately and dangerously approached the Chinese ship in an unprofessional manner, resulting in a collision

G7 leaders express serious concern over situation in East and South China Seas

'We continue opposing China’s dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia in the South China Sea and its repeated obstruction of countries’ high seas freedom of navigation,' G7 leaders say

Rappler Talk: The Balangay returns to the West Philippine Sea

Catch the interview with expedition leader Art Valez and members Jody Navarra and Ted Esguerra on June 12

The NSC, without going into detail, said China’s “illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions” during the mission “put at risk the lives of our personnel and damaged our boats, in blatant violation of international law, particularly the United Nations Charter, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the 2016 Arbitral Award.”

“The Philippines is committed to pursuing peaceful and responsible actions in accordance with international law. It is our expectation that China, as a member of the international community, would also do the same,” added the NSC.
China: ‘Justified, lawful’

China disputed the NSC’s claim.

In a press conference in Beijing, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian claimed that Chinese “maneuvers at the scene were professional, restrained, justified and lawful.”

According to him, “one [Philippine] supply vessel and two speed boats” tried to reach Ayungin Shoal “in an attempt to send materials, including construction materials” to the BRP Sierra Madre.

In a separate statement that was sent to the media minutes before the NSC’s, Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro said the AFP would “resist” China’s “dangerous and reckless behavior in the West Philippine Sea.”

“Their behavior contravenes their statements of good faith and decency… It should now be clear to the international community that China’s actions are the true obstacles to peace and stability in the South China Sea,” he added.

Ayungin Shoal, also called Second Thomas Shoal, is a flashpoint for tensions between the Philippines and China. The feature is just over 100 nautical miles away from mainland Palawan and is within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

China claims almost all of the South China Sea, including the West Philippine Sea, which includes the Philippine EEZ.

Resupply missions to Ayungin Shoal are often tense and sometimes dangerous. China has used its coast guard water cannons against Philippine vessels in an attempt to block them.

In late May 2024, for instance, China tried to disrupt an aerial resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre. Video from the Philippines showed Chinese personnel aboard rubber boats trying to grab supplies meant for Filipino soldiers. That same day, China tried to block a medical evacuation to bring soldiers from Ayungin to mainland Palawan.

FACT CHECK: Philippines didn’t receive nuclear-capable frigates from Japan

Posted to Rappler (Jun 11, 2024): FACT CHECK: Philippines didn’t receive nuclear-capable frigates from Japan

There have been no announcements from the defense departments of either country regarding the supposed acquisition

Claim: Japan has delivered nuclear-capable frigates to the Philippines to bolster the Philippine Navy’s capabilities.
Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The YouTube video containing the claim was posted on June 6, 2024, and has garnered 10,670 views, 197 likes, and 10 comments as of writing.

The title of the video states: “China Shocked! Japanese Nuclear Capable Frigate for the Philippine Navy Arrives!”

The bottom line: The Philippines has not received nuclear-capable frigates from Japan. There have been no announcements or reports from the defense departments of the Philippines or Japan. Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force has also not issued a statement about the supposed acquisition.

The opening seconds of the video show clips from the 2023 Maritime Training Activity Sama Sama, a multilateral exercise involving the Philippines, the United States, Australia, France, Japan, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The full video was posted by the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service of the US defense department. The video does not make any mention of Tokyo offering nuclear-capable frigates to Manila.

Maritime issues: The video was posted amid tensions in the South China Sea. The Philippines’ allies, including Japan, have condemned Beijing’s continued rejection of a 2016 arbitral ruling invalidating its sweeping claims over the entire waterway. 

In April 2024, the US, Japan, and the Philippines held their first trilateral leaders’ summit, where they announced plans to hold joint military activities to “improve interoperability and advance maritime security and safety” in the Indo-Pacific amid growing concerns over China’s increased aggression in the region.

In May, the Philippines announced that it was set to receive five 97-meter multi-mission response vessels from Japan. The Philippine Coast Guard expects to receive the ships between 2027 and 2028.

Fact-checked: Rappler has fact-checked similar claims on the Philippines receiving military equipment from other countries:

FACT CHECK: PH did not receive 12 AV-8B Harrier aircraft from NATO allies
FACT CHECK: No reports of PH acquiring 2 decommissioned UK frigates
FACT CHECK: Australia not giving decommissioned ship to PH

For legitimate news on Philippine military acquisitions, check the Department of National Defense’s official website, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter) accounts. – Katarina Ruflo/

[Katarina Ruflo is a Rappler intern. She is pursuing a degree in political science with a major in international relations and foreign service at the University of San Carlos, Cebu.]

FACT CHECK: No reports of ‘dozens of warships’ headed to West PH Sea

Posted to Rappler (Jun 17, 2024): FACT CHECK: No reports of ‘dozens of warships’ headed to West PH Sea

Reverse image search reveals that the photos were originally taken in June 2017 in the Sea of Japan during routine training exercises by the US and Japan

Claim: Dozens of warships sent by different countries are headed to the West Philippine Sea.
Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The Facebook page “Military Reborn,” which has over 43,000 followers, posted the photos on June 14. As of writing, the post has accumulated 22,000 reactions, 5,400 comments, and 6,900 shares.

The post features two photos purportedly depicting a fleet of ships allegedly en route to the West Philippine Sea.

The same Facebook page has also made similar posts asserting that various countries are dispatching battleships to the West Philippine Sea

Other Stories

FACT CHECK: Philippines didn’t receive nuclear-capable frigates from Japan

There have been no announcements from the defense departments of either country regarding the supposed acquisition

FACT CHECK: Report of US surfacing 3 submarines near China is from 2010

The YouTube video misrepresents news of the US Navy surfacing three submarines simultaneously as happening recently amid heightened tensions in the South China Sea

The facts: Contrary to the claim, the ships shown in the post were not recently deployed to the West Philippine Sea; nor were they sent by various countries. A reverse image search shows that the photos are from 2017 and feature ships from the Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group and Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group fleets operated by the US, alongside ships from the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The images were originally captured on June 1, 2017, in the Sea of Japan during routine training exercises by the US and Japan aimed at improving “interoperability and readiness to provide stability and security for the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.”

One of the photos in the post was even used in an article published by the US Naval Institute Website entitled, “Navy, Lawmakers Debate How to Best Leverage, Protect Shipbuilding Industry” in 2018.

No reports: There are no verified reports of a significant number of battleships arriving in the West Philippine Sea on June 14, the date when the Facebook post was published.

According to the US Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, the most recent naval activity involving a US Navy ship in the Philippine Sea during this timeframe was on June 14, when the US Navy’s 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge conducted a maneuvering exercise with the French Navy during the Valiant Shield 2024 military exercises.

Maritime issues: The misleading Facebook post and other similar claims have circulated in recent months as the Philippines held various military exercises with allies like the US, Japan, and Australia and sought to strengthen defense ties with other countries amid ongoing maritime tensions with China.

China continues to bolster its presence in the South China Sea, rejecting a 2016 arbitral ruling striking down its sweeping claims over the disputed waterway. 

(READ: [EXPLAINER] South China Sea: Why are China and Philippines tensions heating up?)

Rappler has previously debunked false claims related to the South China Sea issue:

FACT CHECK: Report of US surfacing 3 submarines near China is from 2010
FACT CHECK: No Indian army deployment to West Philippine Sea
FACT CHECK: 2024 Balikatan not aimed at expelling Chinese ships from South China Sea

– Jerry Yubal Jr./

[Jerry Yubal Jr. is a graduate of Aries Rufo Journalism fellow of Rappler for 2023-2024. This fact check was reviewed by a member of Rappler’s research team and a senior editor.]

VP security group celebrates first graduate batch

From the Mindanao Times (Jun 17, 2024): VP security group celebrates first graduate batch (By RHODA GRACE SARON)

 THE VICE Presidential Security and Protection Group (VPSPG) commemorated a momentous occasion today, June 17, 2024, with the graduation of its inaugural VIP Protection Course (VIPPC) Class-01 in Panacan.

Following 63 days of intensive training, 46 graduates – 41 men and 5 women – were formally recognized during the ceremony.

Colonel Raymund Dante P. Lachica, VPSPG Commander, presided over the event, which underscored the graduates’ dedication and commitment.

In his message to the graduates, Col. Lachica emphasized the core principles that will guide them throughout their service: integrity, professionalism, and selflessness.

He urged them to consistently embody these values in safeguarding the nation’s leaders.

“As you embark on your careers,” Colonel Lachica stated, “I encourage you to carry forward the values of integrity, professionalism, and selflessness that have been ingrained in you during this training program.”

The graduates were commended for their exceptional performance throughout the program, demonstrating a high level of preparedness for their crucial roles in protecting the country’s leaders.

“I extend my heartfelt congratulations once again to the graduates of VIPPC Class-01,” concluded the commander. “You have completed this program with distinction, and I have full confidence that you will continue to uphold the highest standards of excellence in your service to our nation’s leaders,” he added.

The VPSPG remains steadfast in its commitment to providing top-notch security and protection to the vice president and her immediate family, ensuring their safety with unwavering professionalism and dedication.

Army chief to Armor Division: Sustain assets for territorial defense

From the Philippine News Agency (Jun 17, 2024): Army chief to Armor Division: Sustain assets for territorial defense (By Priam Nepomuceno)

Philippine Army commander Lt. Gen. Roy Galido (Photo courtesy of the Philippine Army)

MANILA – Philippine Army (PA) commander Lt. Gen. Roy Galido has reminded officers and personnel of the service's Armor Division to continue to be relevant by properly maintaining all defense assets.

Galido made the call during the division's 48th anniversary celebration on June 15, the PA said in a news release on Monday.

"The Army Chief, in his keynote remarks, emphasized the importance of staying relevant as well as the proper sustainment of the Armor Division’s defense assets which are crucial in the Army’s shift to territorial defense operations," it added.

Galido also committed to implementing policies that would help retain the division's highly skilled manpower tasked to maintain and operate the PA's defense assets.

He said his guidance is anchored on three basic principles -- changing one’s mindset, changing one’s lifestyle, and changing the way of doing things for the betterment of the organization.

The Armor Division is the unit tasked to operate and maintain the Army's armored fighting and armored reconnaissance vehicles, light tanks, and other support assets.

Deceptive, misleading, AFP says of China's latest allegation in SCS

From the Philippine News Agency (Jun 17, 2024): Deceptive, misleading, AFP says of China's latest allegation in SCS (By Priam Nepomuceno)

Philippine Navy vessel BRP Sierra Madre (File photo)

MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Monday said it will not dignify China's latest allegation that a Filipino ship illegally entered its waters and collided with one of its coast guard vessels.

"The AFP will not discuss operational details on the legal humanitarian rotation and resupply mission at Ayungin Shoal, which is well within our EEZ (exclusive economic zone)," AFP public affairs office chief Col. Xerxes Trinidad said in a message to reporters. "We will not dignify the deceptive and misleading claims of the China Coast Guard (CCG)."

The presence and actions of Chinese vessels within the Philippines' EEZ that infringe on Manila's sovereignty and sovereign rights remain the main issue, the AFP official said.

Trinidad also stressed that the CCG's continued aggressive actions escalate tensions in the region.

The CCG claimed that a Philippine replenishment ship illegally entered waters near Ren'ai Reef (Chinese name of Ayungin Shoal) on Monday, forcing them to take appropriate actions against the Filipino vessel.

Ayungin Shoal is a submerged reef in the Spratlys Islands in the South China Sea (SCS).

The BRP Sierra Madre, which serves as an outpost of the Philippine Navy, is grounded in Ayungin since 1999.

Lawmaker seeks probe into Pentagon’s 'secret' anti-Covid vax drive

From the Philippine News Agency (Jun 17, 2024): Lawmaker seeks probe into Pentagon’s 'secret' anti-Covid vax drive (By Zaldy De Layola)

VACCINATION. A health worker prepares a Covid-19 booster vaccine at a health center in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental in this undated photo. House Deputy Minority leader and ACT Teachers party-list Rep. France Castro on Monday (June 17, 2024) called on Congress to investigate the expose' that the United States’ Pentagon ran a secret anti-vaccination campaign during the Covid-19 pandemic as previously reported by Reuters. (Photo by Judy Flores Partlow)

MANILA - House Deputy Minority leader and ACT Teachers party-list Rep. France Castro on Monday called on Congress to investigate the expose' that the United States’ Pentagon ran a secret anti-vaccination campaign during the Covid-19 pandemic as previously reported by Reuters.

“It is imperative that we ascertain the extent of the damage caused by this secret campaign and hold those responsible accountable. The Philippines was one of the areas targeted by this operation, and therefore, it is our duty to safeguard our nation's sovereignty and protect our people's health,” the party-list solon said.

This revelation by Reuters is deeply concerning and requires immediate investigation, she added.

“Through the use of fake social media accounts impersonating Filipinos, the campaign spread anti-vaccine messages, specifically targeting China's Sinovac vaccine,” she said.

The scope and reach of this campaign, Castro said, are alarming as Reuters identified over 300 fake accounts on X (formerly Twitter) that were created in the summer of 2020.

According to the lawmaker, the impact of this operation on public health cannot be overstated. Public health experts have rightfully criticized this campaign for endangering lives and undermining trust in vaccines, including those manufactured in the United States.

Moreover, the campaign contributed to vaccine hesitancy in the Philippines, a country where vaccine coverage was already limited, leading to unnecessary loss of lives, Castro said.

She said it is deeply concerning that the Pentagon overrode objections from US diplomats in Southeast Asia, who cautioned against such a campaign during a health crisis.

Castro emphasized the importance of transparency, truth, and ethical conduct, especially during a global health crisis. These matters are deeply concerning and demand immediate attention.

[Retired Analyst Note: ACT Teachers Party List  is a Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) political front and a member of the CPP-linked Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan (MAKABAYAN-Patriotic Coalition of the People). The ACT political party is a spin-off from the sectoral organization Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), a member of the main CPP-associated multisectoral umbrella front group, the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN-New Patriotic Alliance). All of these organizations/groups tow the CPP propaganda line and are rabidly anti-US/US military.]

Defense chief: AFP to resist reckless, illegal China behavior in WPS

From the Philippine News Agency (Jun 17, 2024): Defense chief: AFP to resist reckless, illegal China behavior in WPS (By Priam Nepomuceno)

Philippine Coast Guard (Photo courtesy of PCG)

MANILA – China's dangerous and reckless behavior in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) will "be resisted" by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), assured Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. Monday night.

He issued the statement after the China Coast Guard (CCG) claimed that a Philippine replenishment ship illegally entered Ren' ai Reef (Ayungin Shoal) on Monday, forcing its officers to take appropriate actions.

"Their behavior contravenes their statements of good faith and decency. We will exert our utmost in order to fulfill our sworn mandate to protect our territorial integrity, sovereignty and sovereign rights," Teodoro said.

The CCG alleged the Filipino ship ignored its warnings and approached Chinese ships unprofessionally, causing a collision.

Teodoro emphasized that it has been clear to the international community that China’s actions are the true obstacles to peace and stability in the South China Sea.

In a separate statement, the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) confirmed that Chinese "illegal and aggressive actions" have disrupted a routine rotation and resupply mission for troops manning the BRP Sierra Madre (LS-57) in Ayungin Shoal.

"The People’s Liberation Army-Navy, CCG and Chinese Maritime Militia vessels engaged in dangerous maneuvers, including ramming and towing. Despite the illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions by the Chinese maritime forces, our personnel showed restraint and professionalism, refrained from escalating the tension, and carried on with their mission," the task force said.

No other details were provided.

"The Philippines is committed to pursuing peaceful and responsible actions in accordance with international law. It is our expectation that China, as a member of the international community, would also do the same," the NTF-WPS said.

Army to continue assisting 425 displaced families inside CDO HQ

From the Philippine News Agency (Jun 17, 2024): Army to continue assisting 425 displaced families inside CDO HQ (By Nef Luczon)

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – The Philippine Army's 4th Infantry Division (4ID) will continue to assist in relocating 425 families inside its headquarters here who will be affected by a series of demolitions.

In a radio interview on Monday, Lt. Col. Francisco Garello, chief of the 4ID public affairs office, said that even before the scheduled demolition dates, the would-be affected families had been informed of the relocation plans since last year with the help of the city government and national agencies.

"Our commanders here have already reached out to CHUDD (City Housing and Urban Development Department) and DHSUD (Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development) to discuss possible relocation of qualified settlers," he said.

Garello said some residents inside the 4ID compound have volunteered to remove their houses, as demolition on two parcels of land will begin on June 18.

The demolition will resume after a court order dismissed the motion of some residents to halt the previous order of execution in demolishing several houses within the 4ID compound.

Mayor Rolando Uy has ordered CHUDD to set aside a city-owned lot for the 425 families that will be displaced in demolitions inside the military camp.

The houses inside the camp are covered in the reservation area under Presidential Proclamation No. 265, and the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the 4ID last year.