Saturday, June 22, 2024

CPP/Ang Bayan: Correspondence//Rectification movement in Negros amid intense military operations

Propaganda article from the English language edition of Ang Bayan posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Philippine Revolution Web Central (PRWC) Website (Jun 21, 2024): Correspondence//Rectification movement in Negros amid intense military operations

This article is available in Pilipino

June 21, 2024

Amid uninterrupted military terrorism and fascist repression in Negros, Party cadres and members in the island ardently carry out the Central Committee’s call in December 2023 to launch the rectification movement.

Revolution, the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of the Philippines, and the writings of Comrade Jose Maria Sison were used as practical references in gatherings, meetings, assessments, analyses and summings-up of inter-related revolutionary activities in all guerrilla fronts on the island. The entire revolutionary movement on the island achieved positive results from this. Identifying the weaknesses from the collective analysis of practical matters and revolutionary work was accelerated, especially weaknesses in the armed struggle that had a negative impact on overall progress.

In the first quarter of 2024, the Party in Negros reviewed the 22-year comprehensive summing-up of its revolutionary experience in the region from the Second Great Rectification Movement started up to 2016. This became the basis for the comprehensive summing up of the Party in the island for its ideological, political and organizational work for the year 2017-2022, and for identifying and rectifying various forms of errors and weaknesses.

In implementating the rectification movement, responsible Party cadres were assigned as instructors in the study movement. Amid heavy enemy attacks on guerrilla bases, collective studying of Party documents about the first and second rectification movements were continuously conducted. The active participation of students from younger and older cadres and members further vitalized the studies within New People’s Army units up to the local Party units. They collectively studied the Central Committee and Negros Island Regional Committee statements on the Party’s 55th anniversary.

A concentrated session in the Party’s Basic Course was also launched for NPA activists and new recruits. In the study of Imperialism, emphasis was given on the current crisis resulting in widespread wars instigated by the imperialist-US in its allied countries, especially in the intense US-China rivalry and its concrete impact on the Filipino people. In addition, the Party’s one-year program in each guerrilla front was assessed. Criticisms and self-criticisms, as well as individual assessments were conducted within the NPA.

Ka Marga said “in the revolution, we must be resolute in studying the basic principles, persevere in analyzing the objective situation and, above all, aiming for a breakthrough in the strengthening of tactical offensives to seize weapons from enemy.”

Ka Dayan, one of the instructors, said facilitating the studies further enhanced her knowledge of the Party’s basic principles. While Ka Victor, one of the senior cadres of the Party from the IDKP, said the rectification campaign made him recall events in the history of the Party and the revolution.

“We are urged by challenging times and contradictions. Dont’ be afraid. Genuine freedom is not a mere figment of our imagination, but can be achieved by arousing, organizing and mobilizing the masses to resist!” said Ka Yan, one of the younger student cadres.

The Party in Negros island also calls on all NPA units to persevere with recovery, consolidation and expansion work. We need to reach places we have long neglected, especially those places we have yet to reach. Party committees were also tasked to guide the dedicated advancemenent of the masses in anti-feudal and anti-fascist campaigns in the countryside and link and elevate it to the level of anti-imperialist and anti-fascist campaigns in the cities for them to achieve their democratic interests.

Above all, we must conduct successful tactical offensives and seize weapons from the fascist enemy using correct guerrilla warfare tactics, techniques and actions.

[Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines and is issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and views on current issues. Ang Bayan comes out fortnightly and is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.]

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