Saturday, May 25, 2024

AFP to hold peace-geared seminars for job seekers in Laguna city

From the Philippine News Agency (May 23, 2024): AFP to hold peace-geared seminars for job seekers in Laguna city (By Zen Trinidad)

MEETING OF MINDS. San Pedro, Laguna Mayor Art Mercado meets with Lt. Col. Rolando Acido, commander of the 2nd Civil Military Operations (2CMO) Battalion, at the city hall on Wednesday (May 22, 2024). The military seeks a bigger role in supporting the city's economic development by conducting peace and order-oriented seminars for job-seekers and other community stakeholders. (Photo courtesy of 2CMO)

SAN PEDRO CITY, Laguna – Instructors from the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) 2nd Civil Military Operations (2CMO) Battalion will soon be conducting peace and order-oriented seminars for first-time job-seekers in this city in hopes of steering them away from communist rebels’ influence.

This plan came together as San Pedro is poised to be awarded the stable internal peace and security (SIPS) designation, a seal the AFP confers on jurisdictions that have been without significant rebel activity for at least one year.

In an interview on Thursday, Lt. Col. Rolando Acido, commander of 2CMO, said the military looks forward to contributing to the city’s economic development by promoting constructive relations between the workforce tripartite, which is composed of the government, employers and the labor force by upholding industrial peace.

The Army officer said there was a meeting of minds when officers of the AFP and the Philippine National Police held an engagement meeting with local government leaders at the city hall on Wednesday.

He disclosed that San Pedro Mayor Art Joseph Mercado gave his support for the proposal to conduct AFP-led seminars for prospective entrants to the workforce in venues to be determined by the local leader.

"By fostering an environment of enduring peace within the community and becoming the pioneer city in Laguna to achieve SIPS status, Santa Pedro City can unlock its full economic potential for the benefit of all its constituents," Acido said.

He explained that his office hopes to leverage the participation of the human resource departments of the various hiring enterprises in the city to ensure they have access to as many applicants as possible.

Additionally, it was also agreed upon during Wednesday’s meeting that the military would conduct similar seminars for other community stakeholders, including village representatives and the youth of San Pedro.

“The local government has generously offered venues and other necessary support, while the PNP and CMO will contribute by providing speakers and moderators,” Acido added.

He noted that Santa Pedro has remained devoid of violent terrorist incidents for over a year, and as such, the SIPS seal should be forthcoming.

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