Thursday, October 3, 2024

CPP/CPP-Cebu PC: Revolutionary salute to Ka Jude Rimando: Highest tribute to his life as a leading cadre of the revolutionary urban mass movement in Cebu

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Philippine Revolution Web Central (PRWC) Website (Sep 20, 2024): Revolutionary salute to Ka Jude Rimando: Highest tribute to his life as a leading cadre of the revolutionary urban mass movement in Cebu

CPP Cebu Provincial Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

September 20, 2024

July 26, 2024 | The revolutionary forces in Cebu pay the highest tribute and warmest salute to Ka Jude Rimando, one of Central Visayas’ leading revolutionary cadre whose life was dedicated to the service of the people and the revolution.

Ka Jude, known to comrades in Cebu as Ka Bing, answered the call for deployment from Luzon to Central Visayas in his mid-30’s armed with the revolutionary daringness and fervor that he is known for. A big part of his revolutionary life was spent in the region as a leading cadre of the revolutionary urban mass movement in Cebu. He led with enthusiasm as he pointed out areas for improvement and emphasized key-links as decisive factors for advancement. Ka Bing’s contribution to the region’s revolutionary practice will forever stay in our hearts and minds as an inspiration and a lesson.

Some 20 years ago and new to the region, he learned the bisaya language fast and eventually became fluent that one can never surmise that it is not his native tongue. He would engage in lengthy conversations with the masses about their life, their difficulties and how they survived. He knew the language of the masses and he immersed himself by living in communities of the poor.

In lieu of his underground mode of operation, he was stricter than most in observing security measures and would extend that discipline to other comrades. Ka Bing took to heart the importance of secrecy and fluidity in the urban setting thus evading the vicious enemy while he persist in his revolutionary tasks.

As a leading cadre in the peasant movement, he was instrumental in the recovery of areas that play an important role in Cebu’s task of supporting nearby islands. Ka Bing was likewise instrumental in various campaigns that pave the way to new organizing opportunities, expansion of new areas and the development of cadres and mass leaders. As a leading cadre of the revolutionary workers movement, he was a key figure in the successful nationally coordinated strike whose political gain is best seen in the number of workers who decided to do full-time organizing work after the strike. In a breakthrough experience post second rectification movement, he and his fellow organizers formed a party branch in one of Cebu’s strategic industry. It was a positive lesson of painstaking mass work that eventually led to union transformation which peaked with an overwhelming yes to strike. Ka Bing and his fellow organizers had planted seeds for the raising of the workers’ class consciousness from which succeeding organizers can take-off from.

To many comrades in Cebu, Ka Bing will be remembered as a comrade who towers because he is tall and big but not at all intimidating nor difficult to approach. He had his ways of making comrades comfortable in his presence, urging them to unleash their initiative and gain confidence in actual revolutionary practice. He was not the spoon-feed type. In fact, sometimes one would struggle to understand what he was saying. But there is always something in the way he formed a question or uttered a remark that would prompt comrades to ponder and assess or re-assess their practice. He facilitated learnings by always explaining the principles behind his observations and suggestions. Those who have worked with him find themselves referring to a conversation or an explanation that Ka Bing shared years ago that up to this day, facilitated a clearer and deeper understanding of revolutionary principles and practices. He is a mentor to many and had trained successors of the revolution who are now leading cadres.

With sadness, we grieve over Ka Bing’s death. We extend our condolences to his wife, his children and siblings. We hold the fascist state responsible for his death and will vow to hold liable all those with blood-debts against the people and the revolution.

To all of us, let us be reminded of death as described by comrade Jose Ma. Sison’s “What Makes A Hero”

“It’s not the manner of death
that makes someone a hero.
It is the meaning drawn
From the struggles against the foe.
There is the hero who dies in the battlefield.
There is the hero who dies of hunger and disease,
There is the hero who dies of some accident,
There is the hero who dies of old age.
Whatever is the manner of death,
There is a common denominator
A hero serves the people
to his very last breath.”

Salamat Ka Bing sa kinabuhi na imong gihalad sa masang nilupigan. Salamat sa imong dakong tampo sa rebolusyonaryong praktika sa Cebu. Bayani ka, dili ka malimtan.

With revolutionary fervor, we will transform Ka Bing’s death and those of other heroes into utmost resolve to advance the revolutionary work in Cebu and contribute to greater victories for the entire revolutionary movement.

Long live the heroes of the revolution! Onward with greater victories!

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