Saturday, July 13, 2024

CPP/Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis: Makabayan coalition to field 12 senatorial bets

Ang Bayan Daily News & Analysis (English edition) propaganda article posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) PRWC Website (Jul 11, 2024): Makabayan coalition to field 12 senatorial bets

This article is available in Pilipino

July 11, 2024

Dubbed the “People’s Opposition,” the Makabayan coalition announced yesterday, July 10, its plan to field 12 senatorial candidates in the 2025 election.

“In the significant fight in the 2025 election, Makabayan is ready to field not just one, or two senators but a whole slate of patriotic and progressive candidates who will promote a comprehensive national-democratic program that will meet the aspirations of the Filipino people for development for the all, respect for rights, and full national sovereignty,” the coalition declared.

Makabayan said the factions of the ruling class ignore the people’s suffering. “At its core, the Marcoses and Dutertes are the same, they only pursue personal interests,” it said.

Makabayan accepts the challenge to represent the interests of ordinary citizens in the Senate.

“At a time when the people need a genuine Opposition that will present a real alternative to change, we are ready to assume this role,” Makabayan said. “The opposition of the people that is needed now is not only a matter of contesting the sitting administration but opposition to the existing system ruled by and benefited by the minority political dynasties, big business, landlords and imperialists.”

Makabayan slate will be composed of those who are “not corrupt, and not protectors of the few.”

“They are not from wealthy clans or political dynasties,” the coalition said. They will come from sectors that have long been deprived of their voices in Congress.

“We are ready to work with individual candidates who are united in the issues of land reform, wage increases, national industrialization, strengthening national sovereignty, defending human rights, fighting corruption and promoting peace talks,” it said.

Rep. France Castro earlier announced her intent to run for the Senate on June 26 under Makabayan. “I accept the challenge of my fellow teachers,” she said. “It’s time for a teacher in the Senate!” the teachers’ call to their ranks and to the people.

[Retired Analyst Note: Seeing references to the MAKABAYAN Coalition on this Communist Party of the Philippines Website is a clear indication that the group is a CPP political umbrella front organization. If you were to state that publicly, the group would vehemently deny the accusation and accuse you of engaging in "red tagging," a pejorative term intended to scare/intimidate critics from identifying the true colors of CPP affiliated above ground legal front organizations.

Makabayang Koalisyon ng Mamamayan (Makabayan) (English: Patriotic Coalition of the People) is a coalition of twelve party-lists political parties in the Philippine House of Representatives. It was founded on April 16, 2009. The bloc consists mostly of pro-Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) groups that adhere to the "NATDEM" or National Democratic ideological view as espoused by the National Democratic Front of Philippines (NDFP) the political wing of the CPP.

Political organizations affiliated with the Makabayan bloc include the following party-list political entities:

Bayan Muna (Nation First)
Teachers: Alliance of Concerned Teachers
Workers and peasants: Anakpawis (Toiling Masses)
Women: GABRIELA (General Assembly Binding Women for Integrity, Reform, Equality, Leadership and Action) Women's party
Youth: Kabataan (Youth)
Indigenous people: Katribu (Tribesmen)
Migrants: Migrante (Migrants)
Children's rights: Akap-bata (Childcare)
Government employees: COURAGE (Confederation for Unity Recognition and Advancement of Government Employees)
Drivers: Piston
Green party: Kalikasan
Bicolano people: Aking Bikolnon

Other associated groups include:

Peasants: Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (Peasant Movement in the Philippines, KMP)
Women: Amihan (National Federation of Peasant Women)
Agriculture: UMA (Unyon ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura, Union of Agricultural Workers)
Workers: Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Movement, KMU)
Youth and Students: Anakbayan, College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP), League of Filipino Students (LFS), National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP)
Artists: Karatula - Kabataang Artista para sa Tunay na Kalayaan (Youth Artists for Genuine Freedom), Christian: SCMP - Student Christian Movement of the Philippines
Fisherfolk: Pambasang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya Pilipinas (National Force of Fisherfolk Movement in the Philippines, PAMALAKAYA)
Religious: Promotion of Church People's Response (PCPR), Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP)
Health Workers: Health Alliance for Democracy (HEAD)
Scientists: Agham- Advocates of Science and Technology for the People
Teachers: Congress of Teachers and Educators for Nationalism and Democracy (CONTEND)
Cultural Workers: Concerned Artists of the Philippines (CAP), Sinagbayan
Indigenous People: Kalipunan ng mga Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas (KAMP)
Human Rights Defenders: KARAPATAN - Advancement for the Advancement of People's Rights
Lawyers: National Union of People's Lawyers (NUPL)
Urban poor: Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap (KADAMAY)

The Philippine military considers all of these groups as CPP front organizations.]

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