Friday, July 26, 2024

Al-Barka, Basilan declared ASG-free

From GMA Regional TV (Jul 24, 2024): Al-Barka, Basilan declared ASG-free (By Alwen Saliring)

Photo via 101st Infantry Brigade

The town of Al-Barka in Basilan was declared free of the presence of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

According to the military, Al-Barka has a long history of violence involving the ASG but government forces were able to suppress the ASF influence and presence in the town.

The 101st Infantry Brigade said the declaration of the town as ASG-free marked a significant step towards lasting peace and progress.

“The collective efforts of the local government, security forces, and the community serve as a beacon of hope and resilience, paving the way for a brighter future,” 101st Infantry Brigade said.

During the ceremony, some residents surrendered seven firearms, including an M1 Garand rifle and pistols. The turnover of guns showed the town’s commitment to peace and the desire to move forward in building a safer and more secure environment for the generations to come.

The event was attended by local government leaders, police and military officials, and members of the 114th Base Command of the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces-Moro Islamic Liberation Front and Jihada Mindanao Command of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).

The military urged the residents to ensure that peace and development will be sustained in the town.

Other areas in the province that have been declared ASG-free include the towns of Lantawan, Akbar, Ungkaya Pukan, and Lamitan City.

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