Tuesday, November 27, 2012

142 new privates add to 3ID strength

From the Philippine Information Agency (Nov 27): 142 new privates add to 3ID strength

Graduation and induction ceremonies officially completing the 19-week training on the Candidate Soldier Course (CSC) of 142 new privates were held last Nov. 23 at the 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) of the Philippine Army based at Camp Macario Peralta, Jr. in Jamindan town. The graduates also received their service M-16 armalite rifle in a ceremonial entrustment of firearms which was highlighted by the participation of invited civilian guests during the graduation activity. “Your oath comes with great sacrifice, you will sacrifice your freedom to ensure the sovereignty of the land, your treasure so that others may enjoy an environment of peace and security and your lives so that others may live,” 3ID commander Major Gen. Jose Z. Mabanta, Jr. told them. “Today you will set out as advocates of peace and protectors of the people and the state,” he added. The new privates were among the 833 applicants for Class 295-12 who underwent a 12-week rigid training on basic military course and seven weeks of jungle warfare operations course. Privates refers to the lowest rank in the military organization. During the ceremony, outstanding graduates were given certificates and proficiency awards based on their mental and physical performance in the course duration. For his part, Binggawan, Iloilo mayor Mattt P. Palabrica who was the graduation guest speaker underscored the importance of local government units (LGUs) support and assistance in any peace effort as he pledged to help any peace initiative as long as it is within the bounds of law. “Your profession may cost your life, so please take care of your body and soul” Palabrica reminded the new soldiers. Qualified for the CSC are bona fide Filipino citizen, single, 18 – 26 years old, at least high school graduate with skills; must be single; physically and mentally fit, no pending cases in court, and passed the aptitude test among others.


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