Saturday, April 30, 2022

RTF-ELCAC 3 vows to sustain role to end communist insurgency

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 29, 2022): RTF-ELCAC 3 vows to sustain role to end communist insurgency (By Lade Jean Kabagani)

Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr., Cabinet Officer for Regional Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict and Presidential Adviser for Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (File photo)

The Regional Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (RTF-ELCAC) for Central Luzon vowed to sustain its critical role in putting an end to the decades-long communist insurgency.

Presidential Adviser for Peace, Reconciliation and Unity, Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr., said the decisiveness and whole-of-nation approach of the RTF-ELCAC in implementing peace initiatives have resulted in significant results for the peace process.

Galvez, who is also the RTF Central Luzon’s Cabinet Officer for Regional Development and Security (CORDS), said among the milestones of the anti-insurgency task force were the dismantling of guerrilla fronts, surrendering of communist mass organizations, as well as keeping safe the youth and marginalized sectors against the communists’ deceptions and illegal recruitment.

On top of these, Galvez said developments in the countryside have been pushed while socio-economic gains have continued because of the improved security conditions in the region.

“The milestones achieved, which we consider our contribution to the national government’s overall efforts towards ending the local communist armed conflict, is not merely the success of the RTF. Rather, this is a success of all our partner institutions which have played key roles in our intensive peace and security campaign,” Galvez said in a recent virtual meeting of the RTF-ELCAC for Central Luzon.

Galvez said the RTF-3 vowed to continue to sustain the government’s localized peace engagements and peace-building initiatives until President Rodrigo Duterte’s term ends on June 30.

“While the RTF has faced a lot of challenges as we implement our crucial mandate, I believe that we have managed to rise above these difficulties because of our steadfast resolve and commitment to our mission,” he said.

“Moving forward, let us sustain our localized peace engagements and peace-building work, as we implement a comprehensive transformation program that will cut across all levels of society,” he added.

Galvez urged the Central Luzon’s RTF-ELCAC member-agencies to “continue bridging the gaps in all our initiatives so that they will have a greater impact among the people we serve.”

He encouraged former rebels to partake in pushing for a peaceful nation and sustain the socio-economic gains of addressing the communist insurgency in the country.

End ties with Reds, Panelo urges Robredo

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 30, 2022): End ties with Reds, Panelo urges Robredo (By Ruth Abbey Gita-Carlos)

Senatorial aspirant and former chief presidential legal counsel Salvador Panelo (File photo)

Former chief presidential legal counsel and now senatorial aspirant Salvador Panelo on Saturday urged presidential candidate and Vice President Leni Robredo to end her links with left-leaning groups.

He lamented that Robredo has opted to "sleep with the enemy" of the state, referring to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

“How can a candidate in the national elections, a presidential one for that matter, without admitting, [accept] to collaborate with the extreme left who has been waging a war against the government to wrest power with an obsolete ideology," he said in a press statement on Saturday.

"Steer clear of the far left," Panelo urged Robredo.

Panelo said Robredo’s ties with communists was confirmed by the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict and former New People's Army (NPA) rebels themselves who have opted to return to the fold of the law.

Despite the Robredo camp's persistent denials, Panelo said the sudden increase in the attendees of their campaign sorties was "questionable".

"The sudden increase in the number of attendees in Robredo’s campaign rallies was allegedly due to the participation of members affiliated with the front organizations of communist terrorist groups as they have mobilized their members to attend," he said.

On April 23, the grand rally of Robredo, running mate Senator Francis Pangilinan, and senatorial lineup gathered some 412,000 in Pasay City, according to spokesperson Barry Gutierrez.

Panelo said it is obviously a desperate move to catch up with UniTeam’s Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. and Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, who consistently top all surveys by wide margins.

He said the Marcos-Duterte tandem is unbeatable, given the overwhelming support from the various political groups, including the ruling party, Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban).

"The win of BBM-SARA cannot be contradicted. Not only the numbers of every survey are all the same, but also nobody can deny the fact that the tandem enjoys massive support from the grassroots and their local government officials," Panelo said.

Panelo, part of PDP-Laban's official senatorial slate, said the ruling party alone counts the biggest number of incumbent officials nationwide supporting Marcos and Duterte.

“It is only a matter of time and ensuring the turnout of support will be converted into votes, then the fight is already over,” he said.

The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

MILF renews commitment vs. anti-personnel mines

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 30, 2022): MILF renews commitment vs. anti-personnel mines (By Lade Jean Kabagani)

VOW. Moro Islamic Liberation Front Chair and Bangsamoro Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim assures to uphold the commitment to the total ban on anti-personnel mines during a dialogue with non-government organization Geneva Call Philippines on April 25, 2022. He said they will ensure the protection of civilians from armed conflicts and will continue to respect the international humanitarian law. (Photo courtesy of Geneva Call Philippines)

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) renewed its pledge to ensure the protection of all civilians from armed conflict and respect the international humanitarian law under the signed Deed of Commitment (DoC) for Adherence to a Total Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines (APMs).

The commitment follows a dialogue with Geneva Call Philippines, a neutral and impartial non-governmental organization that engages in with Armed Non-State Actors (ANSA), to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the DoC signing with the MILF on April 25.

In an email to the Philippine News Agency on Saturday, the Geneva Call said the DoC anniversary “highlighted the success of MILF’s commitment to respect international humanitarian norms”.

The Geneva Call hopes the gains of the DoC “will inspire other armed movements across the world to undertake similar commitments to protect civilians”.

It said the DoC allows ANSA to pledge to respect specific humanitarian norms and "be held accountable for their commitments as armed groups, otherwise excluded from signing international treaties prescribing humanitarian norms".

During the dialogue, MILF Chair Ahod Balawag Ebrahim said Moro’s adherence to the DoC remains.

Ebrahim, also the Chief Minister of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), assured they will continue “to uphold the DoC to the highest degree”.

“We hold on to that DoC so dearly and we hope that more groups across the world adhere to the Geneva Call. We are one with the Geneva Call in prioritizing the protection of civilians,” Ebrahim vowed.

In the earlier days of the DoC signing, BARMM Senior Minister Abdulraof Macacua recalled that some MILF members rejected the commitment as it would limit their means to protect and defend their camps.

“But we properly explained to them that it is not only our enemies who will suffer, but also their families, the civilians, and fellow Bangsamoro,” he said during the dialogue.

In 2000, the Geneva Call supported MILF’s efforts to uphold humanitarian norms.

Since then, it has assisted MILF members to incorporate the DoC into their code of conduct with various technical advice and training conducted.

A complete package of communication materials was also handed over to the MILF members, making sure they will understand the content of the Deed.

As a result of the Geneva Call’s verification missions, MILF members willingly cooperated, and provides regular reports and explanations to allegations of non-compliance to the Deed and demonstrated accountability in implementing their commitment.

BARMM Senior Minister Abdulraof Macacua (Photo courtesy of Geneva Call Philippines)


Macacua had assured the MILF will be part of the government’s efforts to convince other ANSA to refrain from using landmines.

Alex Virtanen, Geneva Call’s head of mission for the Philippines and Thailand, hopes that that MILF will inspire other ANSA “to make and abide by similar commitments”.

“MILF having this rich experience have very important roles to promote this kind of compliance, beyond BARMM, and beyond the Philippines,” Virtanen said in his e-mail.

Alex Virtanen, Geneva Call’s head of mission for the Philippines and Thailand (Photo courtesy of Geneva Call Philippines)

Banning APMs

The MILF, through its representative, lawyer Lanang Ali, signed the Geneva Call’s original DoC during an upsurge of conflicts in 2000.

On April 7, 2002, the group signed the revised DoC on a “Total Ban of APMs” in Maguindanao.

The DoC was received and signed by the Canton of Geneva on April 25, 2002.

Five years earlier, the international community adopted the 1997 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention prohibiting the acquisition, production, stockpiling, and use of the weapons.

More than 160 states are party to the APM Ban Convention that went into effect in 1999.

The Philippines also has Republic Act 9851, An Act Defining and penalizing Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide, and Other Crimes Against Humanity, Organizing Jurisdiction, Designating Special Courts and for Related Purposes, since 2009.

A provision under Section 4 states that combatants are prohibited from using APMs as it can cause "superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering or which are inherently indiscriminate.”

NTF-ELCAC 'crowning glory' of Duterte admin

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 30, 2022): NTF-ELCAC 'crowning glory' of Duterte admin (By Lade Jean Kabagani)

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (File photo)

The Regional Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict in Western Visayas (RTF6-ELCAC) has praised President Rodrigo Duterte for his strong commitment to put an end to the 53-year-old insurgency perpetrated by the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army -National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF).

Prosecutor Flosemer Chris Gonzales, RTF6-ELCAC spokesperson, on Saturday said the creation of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) under Executive Order No. 70, serves as the “crowning glory of the Duterte Administration.”

“The NTF-ELCAC stands on the platform of good governance, public accountability, and bringing the basic social services and the much-needed infrastructure projects to the communities that have been overlooked and neglected for so long,” Gonzales said in a statement.

He added that the NTF-ELCAC addresses the core issues and concerns “that have fueled dissent and discontent among our poorest of the poor that has been the breeding ground for exploitation and recruitment by the CPP-NPA-NDF communist terrorist organization.”

Three years into effect, Gonzales said the NTF-ELCAC’s "whole-of-nation" approach has allowed the deprived far-flung communities in the countryside to be "liberated from the clutches” of the communist terrorist groups.

Among the legacies of the Duterte’s anti-insurgency task force were the return of the thousands of CPP-NPA-NDF members to the folds of the law; the dismantling of communist armed fighters and the mass base supporters in the mountains; and facilitated the reintegration of the surrenderers into the “mainstream society.”

Despite many challenges and adversities, Gonzales said the NTF-ELCAC is “winning the peace for the Filipino people.”

“We, the men and women of the RTF6-ELCAC, stand tall and stand proud, for having been given the privilege and the opportunity to answer the call of duty, above and beyond what is expected of each and every one of us,” he added.

The RTF6-ELCAC also vowed to continue the gains of the Duterte administration in terms of pushing for long-lasting peace and developments in the country.

“For the first time in our nation's history, a President has stood up to the challenge of ending the 53-year-old local communist armed conflict. Not by force of arms alone. But by bringing the entire government bureaucracy to converge on a single, unified goal of bringing good governance to the Filipino people and in the process, address the root causes of the insurgency, thereby winning the peace by winning the hearts and minds of the Filipino nation,” the statement said.

The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

The Anti-Terrorism Council also formally designated the NDF as a terrorist organization on June 23, 2021, citing it as “an integral and inseparable part” of the CPP-NPA that was created in April 1973.

PH, Malaysian armies renew cooperation

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 29, 2022): PH, Malaysian armies renew cooperation (By Priam Nepomuceno)

RENEWED COOPERATION. Commanding General of the Philippine Army Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. (right) and Malaysian Chief of Army Gen. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose Bin Mohd Zain show copies of the renewed Terms of Reference between the two armies at the Philippine Army headquarters in Fort Andres Bonifacio on April 28, 2022. Ties between the Philippine Army and its Malaysian counterpart go back to September 1994 when the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on Defense Cooperation. (Photo courtesy of the Philippine Army)

The Philippine Army and the Malaysian Army renewed the terms of reference (TOR) for their cooperation, reaffirming the strong bond between the two countries.

“Our converging security interests, our shared sense of Asean identity, and our common vision of a more stable and peaceful Southeast Asia are the pillars by which this Terms of Reference stands,”
PA chief Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. said in a statement Thursday night.

Ties between the Philippine Army and its Malaysian counterpart go back to September 1994 when the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Defense Cooperation.

The Philippines and Malaysia formed the Combined Committee on Defense Cooperation which led to the creation of the Malaysia-Philippine Military Cooperation Working Group and the Malaysia-Philippine Army Working Group.

The TOR, renewed by Brawner and Malaysian Chief of Army Gen. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose Bin Mohd Zain at the Philippine Army headquarters in Fort Bonifacio last April 28, lays out the groundwork for future bilateral activities between the two armies.

Brawner said the renewal showed the resilient ties between the two armies.

“It also articulates our desire to enhance and complement each others’ military capabilities in specified areas in the spirit of friendship and brotherhood, and lastly, it is a testament to our wavering commitment to promoting regional peace and stability consistent with the Asean Charter,” Brawner said.

The Malaysian military official is in the country to attend the 2022 edition of the Asian Defense and Security, the Philippines’ biennial flagship defense and security exhibition which started in 2014.

Brawner also awarded the "Combat Kagitingan Badge" to Zamrose following the TOR renewal.

OPAPRU, MNLF renew commitment to healing, reconciliation

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 28, 2022): OPAPRU, MNLF renew commitment to healing, reconciliation (By Lade Jean Kabagani)

The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) renewed their continuing commitment to pushing social healing and reconciliation efforts within the Bangsamoro areas.

With this, OPAPRU officials joined the MNLF community members in an “Iftar” or breaking the long-day fasting of Islam believers during the holy month of Ramadhan in Camp Yusop Jikiri in Sulu province, as part of its series of solidarity and confidence-building initiatives.

In the activity dubbed "Ramadan 2022 for MNLF Communities”, OPAPRU aims to send its sincere commitment to the peace process within the Moro community.

The Iftar, participated by the people in MNLF communities, is festively celebrated with the meal eaten by Muslims after sunset during Ramadan.

MNLF Deputy Chief of Staff and Commander Tahir Usman thanked the OPAPRU for joining their community, especially during this holy month.

Brig. Gen. Buenaventura Pascual, a member of GPH Coordinating Committee, hands over a token of appreciation to MNLF Deputy Chief of Staff and Commander Tahir Usman as an expression of trust and brotherhood between the national government and the MNLF in this undated photo. (Photo courtesy of OPAPRU)

The OPAPRU is also implementing other confidence-building initiatives for the MNLF communities under the signed peace agreements. It aims to sustain the gains of pushing for genuine and long-lasting peace in the country.

‘Drop your guns, drop the drugs’, PRRD tells NPA, drug lords

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 28, 2022): ‘Drop your guns, drop the drugs’, PRRD tells NPA, drug lords (By Azer Parrocha)

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (File photo)

Drug smugglers and communist rebels should “drop” their drugs and guns if they want peace, President Rodrigo R. Duterte said Wednesday.

In a speech in Cordova, Cebu, Duterte said surrender is the only acceptable compromise with both drug smugglers and members of the New People’s Army (NPA), the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

“Kayong mga NPA, kayong mga drugista, you want peace? Magtrabaho ka lang then drop the gun. Kayong mga drugista, drop the drugs. Itapon mo ‘yan at wala ka talagang problema sa akin (You NPA, drug coddlers, you want peace? Just work then drop the gun. You drug lords, drop the drugs. Throw them away and you won’t have a problem with me),” he said.

He said that if they continue to resist arrest and fight back, law enforcement authorities would have no choice but to shoot and kill them.

“Destroy my country and our children, I will kill you. That is my mantra and that will still be my mantra in a few days when I go out of MalacaƱang,” he added.

Duterte again admitted that he was wrong with his self-imposed three to six months deadline on ending the country’s drug problem

He explained that it was only after he appointed now Senator Ronald de la Rosa, as police chief when he discovered that some police officers and officials were involved in the sale of drugs.

He, however, clarified that he did not order law enforcement officers to kill suspects who had their hands up or were on their knees.

“Wala akong inutusan na patayin mo naka hands up, nakaupo in surrender (I never ordered them to kill those with their hands up, those kneeling in surrender). That’s not the work of the police,” he added.

He said as long as drug smugglers would “behave” and “follow rules”, there would not be any problem.

Because his term as president is coming to an end, Duterte said drug addicts must be happy he would not be their problem anymore.

"It's a long journey but it ends with a sour note to some and maybe a relief pati sigurado ako nagapalakpak 'yung mga durugista ngayon (I'm sure drug addicts are clapping now)," he said.

He acknowledged that "there’s a time to be powerful and a time to be just a nobody."

"I used to — in the sky, the brightest star there was mine, shining brightly, and in a few days, I will be just a Rodrigo Duterte from Danao, Cebu," he added

Meanwhile, Duterte reiterated his call to the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) to investigate the killings of police officers involved in the conduct of legitimate anti-drug operations.

“Pag-aralan ninyo mabuti. Tanungin mo sino yung namatay at bakit patay ‘yan (Study it well. Ask who died and why they died),” he said.

The government is currently implementing a community-based drug rehabilitation program at the local level for drug surrenderers in need of treatment and rehabilitation.

It is also implementing the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) for NPA insurgents who will surrender to authorities.

In previous speeches, Duterte has expressed hope that the next administration would continue the government’s crackdown on drugs, crime, and terrorism.

The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

The Anti-Terrorism Council also formally designated the NDF as a terrorist organization on June 23, 2021, citing it as “an integral and separate part” of the CPP-NPA that was created in April 1973.

198 new officers urged to bolster Army’s operational capabilities

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 28, 2022): 198 new officers urged to bolster Army’s operational capabilities (By Priam Nepomuceno)

SEND-OFF. Philippine Army chief of staff Maj. Gen. Roberto S. Capulong talks to newly minted Army officers on Tuesday (April 26, 2022) at the Philippine Army Headquarters, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila. He said he expects them to lead and serve alongside their troops. (Photo courtesy of the PA)

A ranking Philippine Army (PA) official advised 198 newly-commissioned 2nd lieutenants to lead their troops well in the field during their send-off ceremonies last April 26.

“While we are continuously prioritizing the well-being of our personnel, as the Army’s soldier-warriors, you are expected to lead and serve alongside your troops,” PA chief-of-staff Maj. Gen. Roberto S. Capulong said in a statement Wednesday night.

Capulong, who represented PA chief Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. in the event, also told the new officers about the principles of servant leadership as they take on their new field assignments.

“Since the historic exigencies of the Zamboanga Siege in 2013 and Marawi Siege in 2017, the Philippine Army has been exemplifying an exceptional degree of victory against the various threats to our national security. Certainly, with the timely addition of our newest second lieutenants to the Officer Corps, therefore, I am expecting that you will bolster our operational and organizational capabilities as we endeavor to perform and transform as a world-class Army in service of the Filipino people,” he added.

A total of 190 new second lieutenants belong to Officer Candidate Course (OCC) “Nagsaniblahi” Class 55-2021 while eight others are from OCC Class 49-2017, OCC Class 53-2020, OCC Class 54-2020, and Officer Preparatory Course (OPC) Class 72-2020.

They have diverse academic and professional backgrounds ranging from education, criminology, accountancy, and psychology with some being cum laude and magna cum laude graduates, board passers, and civil service professionals.