Saturday, July 4, 2020

Curfew in Esszone extended until July 19

Posted to The Star Today (Jul 3, 2020): Curfew in Esszone extended until July 19

KOTA KINABALU (Bernama): The curfew in the waters off seven districts in the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (Esszone), which is supposed to end at 6pm Saturday (July 4), has been extended until July 19.

Sabah police commissioner Datuk Zaini Jass said with the extension, residents in the areas involved were not allowed to enter the waters and to stay home between 6pm and 6am during the curfew period.

"Others are also not allowed to enter or be in these areas during the stated period and time, ” he said in a statement here Friday (July 3).

He added that the areas involved were off the districts of Tawau, Semporna, Kunak, Lahad Datu, Kinabatangan, Sandakan and Beluran.

He said the curfew period was extended to ensure these waters were not infiltrated by militants who threatened the safety of international researchers conducting studies in the area, as well as tourists at the resort islands.

Zaini said based on information, the Abu Sayyaf militant group and those involved in kidnapping for ransom from the southern Philippines were still trying to infiltrate these waters to carry out kidnapping and transborder crime.

He said the curfew order was also to ease enforcement and monitoring on the movements of boats and for chalet operators and local fishermen to feel secure with the presence of security force vessels plying these waters.

"I also give the district police chiefs in the Esszone, the power to issue permits to eligible applicants for fishery activities or those with an urgent need to pass through the curfew areas, ” he added. - Bernama

How the Philippines could become a hotspot in the US-China rivalry

Posted to ASEAN Today (Jul 3, 2020): How the Philippines could become a hotspot in the US-China rivalry (By Niranjan Marjani)

Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte (right), pictured here with US counterpart Donald Trump. Photo: Karl Norman Alonzo and Robinson Niñal Jr. / Public domain

The Philippines’ decision not to end its Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the US hints at Duterte’s uncertainty over relations with the US and China.

Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte recently reversed his decision to terminate his country’s Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the United States. The move comes despite the fact that relations between the Philippines and the US have not been cordial in recent years as the Southeast Asian nation has grown closer to China.

China has promised to invest in the Philippines but these projects largely have yet to materialize. In addition, China has recently built two research stations on the Filipino-claimed Spratly Islands in the West Philippine Sea.

China’s encroachment on the Philippines’ territory forced Duterte to rethink his decision to step away from the US and drop the VFA. For the Philippines, relations with China and the US present a dilemma: a choice between economic development from Beijing—delayed, but still possible—and protection for its strategic interests from Washington.
Philippines-US relations have deteriorated over the past few years

The Philippines and the US have enjoyed close ties in economic and strategic areas over the years. Annual trade between the two has been around $15-20 billion for the past two decades and the US is the Philippines’ third-largest trading partner.

Strategically, the Philippines and the US have two agreements: the Mutual Defense Treaty and the VFA. The Mutual Defense Treaty of 1951 has facilitated the US military presence in the Philippines since the Cold War, with each country committed to defending the other in case of a foreign attack. The VFA of 1998 dictates the procedures the Philippines has to follow regarding US forces in the Philippines, including the entry and departure of US military personnel, the rights of US military personnel, criminal jurisdiction and more.

But Philippines-US relations started deteriorating when former US President Barack Obama expressed concerns about human rights abuses in the Philippines in 2016. Duterte criticized Obama’s comments and spoke about “breaking up” with the US. Following the spat, Duterte indicated the country would move closer to Russia and China. The US also refused to sell weapons to the Philippines, causing further friction.

The Philippines has continued to move closer to China, expressing support for China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Chinese development in the Philippines. In return for China’s promises of investment in the Philippines, Duterte kept his distance from the US.

But China’s investment projects in the Philippines failed to materialize. While China is the second-largest investor in the Philippines, many of its projects, like the Subic-Clark cargo train and the Trans-Mindanao Railway, have hit a rough patch. Projects like the Chico river pump irrigation plan and the Kaliwa dam have faced obstacles because of opposition over ecological impacts.

Chinese projects in the Philippines have also faced obstacles like red tape, unfavorable media coverage and resistance from the country’s defense establishments and judiciary. Following public pressure, Duterte announced a review of all Chinese projects in the country last year.

USS Ashland in the South China Sea. Photo: Naval Surface Warriors / CC BY-SA
China’s assertive actions have led the Philippines to rethink its stance on the VFA

China has made repeated incursions into waters claimed by the Philippines. In March, China launched two research stations on the Spratly Islands in the West Philippine Sea and Chinese fishing boats regularly enter the Philippines’ territorial waters. Duterte had earlier ignored these activities in an effort to attract Chinese investments.

China’s strategic activities in the South China Sea, coupled with the fact that China’s investments have not benefitted the Philippines, caused Duterte to reverse his decision to terminate the VFA.

The Philippines’ dilemma over the VFA could turn it into another hotspot for US-China tensions, on top of Vietnam and Taiwan. Recently, the US carried out a naval exercise in the West Philippine Sea to counter China’s plans to enforce an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the South China Sea.

Under Duterte, the Philippines is shifting back and forth between China and the US. His policies point towards more uncertainty, rather than balance, and may lead the country to become another focal point of the US-China rivalry.

Cops seize guns, explosive from NPA suspect in NoCot

From the Philippine News Agency (Jul 2, 2020): Cops seize guns, explosive from NPA suspect in NoCot (By Edwin Fernandez)

ARRESTED. A police officer reads the 'Miranda doctrine' to suspected New People’s Army rebel Ronilo Ansabo (center) after a law enforcement operation in Magpet, North Cotabato, on Thursday (July 2, 2020). Authorities found guns, explosives, and medical kits inside the suspect’s home. (Photo courtesy of DXND – Kidapawan)

Police authorities arrested early Thursday a suspected member of the communist New Peoples’ Army (NPA) and seized from him two firearms and a homemade explosive during a law enforcement operation in Magpet, North Cotabato.

Major Judge Barotas, Magpet police chief, said the arresting team--backed by soldiers from the Army’s 72nd Infantry Battalion-- swooped down the house of Ronilo Ansabo and his wife Leleth in Barangay Mahongkog, Magpet, around 5 a.m. to serve warrants for their arrest.

“The couple was suspected to be members of the NPAs Guerilla Front 53 operating in the mountains of North Cotabato and part of Davao del Sur and Davao City near Mt. Apo, the country’s highest peak,” Barotas said in his report to the provincial police office.

Police said Ansabo did not resist arrest but his wife, who has an arrest warrant for murder charges, managed to escape before the authorities arrived.

Police said they found in the suspects' house a rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun, an improvised shotgun, ammunition for M16 rifle and shotgun, and components of the homemade bomb.

A medical box that contained first aid kits was also found inside the house, indicating that the medicine is used to treat wounded rebels.

Ansabo is currently being detained at the Magpet municipal police office to face charges for illegal possession of firearms and explosives.

Former rebels stage ‘revolt’ vs CPP-NPA

From the Manila Bulletin (Jul 3, 2020): Former rebels stage ‘revolt’ vs CPP-NPA (By Mike Crismundo)

BUTUAN CITY – As a show of revolt, close to 50 former New People’s Army (NPA) rebels and the Communist group’s local militia ng bayan (MB) conducted a peace rally with the entire village of Kasapa Uno in the far-flung municipality of Loreto, Agusan del Sur.

Shown in photo 2 are the former communist-New People’s Army rebels burning the communist flag while photo 1 are the former rebels, along with the NPA militias, UGMO members and the entire Kasapa Uno village in Loreto town, Agusan del Sur province, who conducted peace rally against the CPP-NPA on Wednesday, July 1, 2020. (10th ID-PAO/Mike U. Crismundo/Manila Bulletin)

The former rebels were also supported by the members of the Communist group’s Underground Mass Organization or UGMO, a political organization of the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines)-NPA, as they conducted their peace rally at the covered court of Kasapa Uno of that same municipality on Wednesday, July 1.

The former rebels and villagers displayed streamers and banners, saying they were revolting against the CPP-NPA, and condemning its acts of terrorism.

With the help of the teams of the Community Support Program (CSP) of the Army’s 60th Infantry Battalion (60th IB), 48 NPA, MB and UGMO members joined the entire village of Kasapa in protesting and declaring that the CPP-NPA as “persona non grata” or unacceptable in their place.

The uprising was also manifested in a resolution they issued that was aimed at condemning the violations of the CPP-NPA of human rights, the killing of their relatives, recruitment of minors, robbery, and arson, among others.

Prior to the peace rally, they attended a three-day peace-building seminar.

CPP/NDF-Sison: Duterte seals his political doom by signing law of state terrorism

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  Duterte seals his political doom by signing law of state terrorism


JULY 04, 2020

At the peak of his narcissistic arrogance and greed for political power and ill-gotten wealth, Duterte has signed into law the bill of state terrorism that he had railroaded together with his servants in both houses of Congress, mostly beneficiaries of the rigging of the 2019 elections. This law of state terrorism nullifies the basic democratic rights of everyone and anyone of the social activists and critics of his regime whom he targets as his opponent and whom he can arrest, torture, kill or detain and dispossess on the basis of mere suspicion.

We are now in the last act of a tragedy in which a local tyrant gets elected to the presidency and becomes a hubris-afflicted national tyrant, a traitor trying to serve two competing imperialist powers, a mass murderer of tens of thousands of the impoverished people, a gangster who has gained a monopoly of the drug trade and a plunderer stealing more public money than any of his predecessors in four years of sitting as president.

Duterte is driven to realize his scheme of fascist dictatorship by his fear of trial and punishment either by the people’s court of the revolutionary movement for his so many grievous crimes against the Filipino people or by the International Criminal Court for his brazen violations of human rights and for his bloody crimes against humanity. He seeks to enjoy impunity without end by either keeping himself in power beyond 2022 or picking his successor and protector.

The law of state terrorism that he has signed exceeds the qualified powers of the commander-in-chief in the 1987 Constitution and practically nullifies the Bill of Rights and all related human rights provisions. By signing this unconstitutional and anti-democratic law he has already obtained unlimited powers, exceeding those in the martial law declaration of 1972 which enabled Marcos to impose fascist dictatorship on the people for 14 years.

Duterte has done the worst at the expense of the Filipino people. But it is fine that he does so at a time when the broad masses of the people and the broadest range of patriotic forces of the people have manifested their resolute and militant opposition to the accumulated crimes of tyranny, treason, butchery and plunder committed by the Duterte ruling clique and at a time when the people are outraged by the regime’s militarist and repressive lockdowns, the nondelivery of food and other forms of assistance, the gross malversation of public funds and the railroading of the law of state terrorism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Duterte could not have chosen a better time than now to seal his political doom. He and his ruling clique are thoroughly isolated as the enemy of the people. He has become notorious as a physically, mentally and morally deranged person, addicted to Fentanyl and now subject to dialysis treatment three times a week. But in terms of ability to rule, even with the use of his subalterns, he is already cramped now and in his remaining years by the unprecedentedly worsened crisis of the domestic ruling system and the world capitalist system.

He has bankrupted the economy and his own government. All the ills of the semicolonial and semifeudal society, including unemployment and mass poverty, are rapidly worsening. The regime does nothing but to escalate oppression and exploitation. Thus, there is widespread and deepgoing social discontent among the workers, peasants and the middle social strata. This is fuelling the people’s democratic revolution through protracted people’s war.

With the crisis of the US and world capitalist surpassing that of the so-called Great Recession that started with the financial crisis of 2008 and that of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Duterte regime cannot borrow enough resources and time from foreign banks to cover the widening budgetary and trade deficits and mounting foreign debt service. There is no way for Duterte to fullfil his promise to Trump on November 13, 2017 that he would destroy the revolutionary movement of the Filipino people.

The signing of the law of state terrorism is quite similar to the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in 1971 in serving as conclusive proof that Duterte now, like Marcos in 1971, was on an incorrigible and irrevocable course of fascist dictatorship and as clear signal for the revolutionary movement as well as the legal democratic forces of the Filipino people to be ready for a life-and-death struggle against such a monstrous regime.

The Duterte regime and its loyalists try to disarm the people by blaring out that the law of state terrorism would be applied selectively by the Duterte-led civilian-military with executive and judicial powers. But it is a law of unlimited state terrorism, which guarantees absolute power and absolute corruption for the benefit of the fascist dictator and his clique of cronies and generals. We can expect that the law will be used for mass arrests and mass murder and for the grabbing of properties of the Duterte rivals within the oligarchy as well as the properties of the lower classes who are vulnerable to extortion by military and police officers at all levels.

If the Filipino people and the broad range of patriotic and democratic forces are to learn from the preparation and realization of the Marcos fascist dictatorship, they must intensify all legal and political efforts to oppose the law of state terrorism which has practically installed and entrenched the Duterte fascist dictatorship. At the same time, those who are in imminent danger of arrest, detention or murder are expected as in 1971 to retreat into the underground in the cities and in their home provinces and be ready for integration with the armed revolutionary movement in the countryside.

The Kabataang Makabayan is a prime example of legal mass organization making an orderly retreat from legal struggle to armed revolutionary struggle when it was the prime target of state terrorism in 1971. This orderly retreat resulted in the increase of the membership of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Red fighters of the New People’s Army from the level of a few hundreds to 4,000 by the 1974. The state terrorism of Marcos inflicted great suffering on the people but unwittingly goaded the people to strengthen and intensify the armed resistance of the people.

The anti-communist terrorists headed by Duterte have boasted that they could destroy both the CPP and NPA by launching bloody campaigns of suppression in both cities and countryside against all persons suspected of either being members or allies of these revolutionary forces. They do not understand certain points like the armed revolution thriving because of oppressive and exploitative conditions and because the revolutionary forces can grow far beyond the knowledge of enemy spies by means of revolutionary education, mass work and campaigns of mass struggle.

The counterrevolutionaries and even their US imperialist masters do not understand that the CPP under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is completely different from the Communist Party of Indonesia which was an open and legal party thoroughly exposed to the enemy intelligence services from 1951 to the year 1965 of anti-communist massacres. And right now, to kill just one communist the armed thugs of Duterte would have kill 100 to 1000 suspects, including some of their own relatives who like to study in the University of the Philippines and join the patriotic and progressive organizations.

The current strength of the patriotic and progressive organizations, which is now at least in the hundreds of thousands, is a far cry from the much smaller strength of KM in 1971, which had only 15,000 members nationwide. The anticommunist terrorists are acting like idiots by trying to compel an already huge legal democratic movement to go underground and wage armed resistance and satisfying themselves with false claims of having decimated the revolutionary forces by forcing or bribing them to surrender or get killed under the law of state terrorism and actually using such false claims to corrupt themselves by stealing public money for fake surrenders, fake projects and fake operations.

In 1971 the CPP had only 2000 members and increased from only a few scores in1968 to hundreds in the course of small-scale people’s war in Tarlac and Isabela in 1969-1970, a period when the Task Force of 5000 troops could not nip in the bud the few squads and armed propaganda teams of the NPA. But the police and military breaking up peaceful mass demonstrations in Manila and other cities in effect delivered thousands of mass activists to the CPP and NPA from 1969 to 1972. By 1974 the CPP had 4000 members who were educated, trained and deployed as revolutionaries on a nationwide scale.

Now, the CPP has many tens of thousands of members and the NPA has thousands of full time Red Red fighters, assisted by the people’s militia and self-defense units of revolutionary mass organizations, in thousands of barangays, hundreds of municipalities and 74 provinces in more than 110 guerrilla fronts. They have well-developed mass organizations of various types and have organs of political power which constitute the people’s democratic government.

Definitely, they have a bigger and wider welcoming capacity for the integration of the urban mass activists compelled by the law of state terrorism to join the armed struggle and mass work in the countryside. These activists trained in armed struggle in the countryside can be sent back in the short run to the cities to operate against the enablers and enforcers of state terrorism in every branch of the reactionary government and in the long run as cadres and commanders leading regular mobile forces to seize power in the cities.

Before and soon after becoming president, Duterte boasted of wishing to become the “first Left and socialist president of the Philippines”. But he was being duplicitous, he was already already under orders by US imperialism through his pro-US military advisers to unleash an all-out war against the armed revolutionary movement.

He was completely impervious to the good advice given to him by his peace-minded advisers that he could engage the NDFP, the CPP and NPA in a just peace agreement with a substantive agreement on genuine land reform and national industrialization to be financed by the trillions of US dollars worth of oil and gas that can be extracted from the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines in the West Philippine Sea.

But what has Duterte, the bloody and greedy moron, done against such good advice. He preferred to stay in the good graces of Trump by promising to destroy the armed revolution with strictly military means and deliver charter change allowing US and other foreign corporations the unlimited right to own land, natural resources, public utilities and all other businesses.

At the same, he preferred to monopolize the illegal drug trade in collaboration with the Chinese criminal triads and to beg from China high-interest loans and overpriced infrastructure projects in exchange for cuts for himself and his Davao-based Chinese cronies and for laying aside the 2016 judgment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in favor of the Philippines against China.

The last four years of Duterte’s rule has been characterized by treason, tyranny, butchery, plunder and bankruptcy of the economy and his government. The last two years of every one of his presidential predecessors were normally lameduck years for proven failure to solve the problems of foreign monopoly capitalism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism and the inadequacy of time to make up for lost time.

Now, this traitor, tyrant, butcher, plunder and incompetent Duterte thinks he can use his last two years in power to use state terrorism and fascist dictatorship to rule beyond 2022 and pick his own successor. The Filipino people and all patriotic and progressive forces—including those who uphold the 1987 Constitution of the reactionary government against state terrorism—ought to rise up, fight for the national and democratic rights of the people and oust the Duterte regime as soon as possible.###

CPP/NDF-Negros: NDF-Negros: Fiercely resist Duterte’s open state fascism!

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  NDF-Negros: Fiercely resist Duterte’s open state fascism!


JULY 04, 2020

Choosing to be oblivious and playing deaf, the US-Duterte regime signed the Anti-Terror Law yesterday, July 3. The collective clamor has been resounding ever since its railroading in congress, and it will only be more intense as the state is expected to step up its all-out attacks. All the democratic forces, resolute in defending their rights, are poised for an even fiercer resistance against the worsening dictatorship.

The Sagay 9 massacre, Oplans Sauron 1 & 2, all the SEMPO-like operations and state terrorism through red-tagging, illegal arrests and extrajudicial killings that have transpired in Negros since the implementation of MO 32 and EO 70 were but a dress rehearsal of the war Duterte is bent on unleashing against the people.

Prior to the said bill, Negros Island has been a lab rat for his tyrannical schemes, evident until now. Recently, Aldong Davao was illegally arrested, Jerry Catalogo was brutally murdered, and militarization in the countryside have been engulfed with fascism, such as the torture of farmers in Tayasan and Himamaylan, and the ransacking of homes in Canlaon. At least 90 have been killed in the administration, with hundreds more being illegally arrested, harassed, and thousands being terrorized in their communities.

Along with that, the military and police have arrested thousands nationwide, threatened dissent by harassing and detaining protesters and the displaced, and even have betrayed their own ranks like what transpired in the murder of 4 AFP intelligence officers by the PNP in Sulu. The Anti-Terror Law will only worsen the culture of impunity. What Duterte and his cohorts have rehearsed in Negros, Bicol and Samar will be blitzkrieg the entire country,

The Anti-Terror Law is a representation of state neglect at its worst. Soaring prices and unemployment continue to plague the Negrosanon especially that the tiempo muerto has been earlier this year, due to the lockdown. Drivers and workers are being laid off.The corruption-laden Social Amelioration Program which has proven to be a band-aid solution. Youth and students are deprived of their right to education as “distance learning” is an expensive and difficult for them, and even their underpaid teachers. The mass media has been threatened to either cooperate or be silenced, as manifested in the ABS-CBN shutdown and Rappler’s CEO Maria Ressa’s conviction. Healthcare workers and frontliners are sacrificing themselves to a pandemic with no end in sight. Fisherfolk are falling prey to Chinese ships after our country’s sovereignty was sold. OFWs are exposed and hundreds have died. Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs) are prone to hunger and death such as what happened with Michelle Silvertino. Businesses are closing due to bankruptcy. Even AFP-PNP rank-and-file troops deaths are increasing because they are being exposed to the pandemic. Mass testing is yet to be implemented, if at all. In short, the Filipino people are being ignored and left to die if not killed by the tyrannical government.

Despite the glaring need of addressing the pandemic’s socio-economic repercussions, Duterte has only chosen to ignore the Covid-19 crisis. Instead, he has his focus on ballooning foreign debt from his masters in US and China, for corruption and strengthening his grip on his mercenary AFP-PNP through the procurement of war materials. He expects a massive backlash due to his open state fascism, and is gearing up his troops to protect his interests as the Filipino people are piling up anger due to his inability to address their needs. His terrorism will only allow an even bigger united front. As he cements his dictatorship, he has unwittingly united all the democratic sectors determined to oust him from his rule.

Our aspirations to fight for our democratic rights and a just and lasting peace is attainable if we arouse, organize, and mobilize the masses. NDF-Negros enjoins farmers, fisherfolk, workers, the urban poor, women, youth and students, teachers and the academe, artists and cultural workers, the national minorities, healthcare workers and frontliners, the mass media, patriotic professionals, displeased military and policemen, enlightened landlord and businessmen in the opposition, and the entire Filipino people in their millions, to resist fiercely resist open state fascism and depose the tyrant Duterte and dismantle his military rule. ###

CPP/NPA-Negros Island: Rehimeng US-Duterte Nagpatay sang Demokrasya kag Kahilwayan sang Pumuluyong Pilipino

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  Rehimeng US-Duterte Nagpatay sang Demokrasya kag Kahilwayan sang Pumuluyong Pilipino


JULY 04, 2020

Mabaskog nga ginakondenar sang Mount Cansermon Command-New People’s Army ang pagpirma ni Presidente Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte sang kontra-pumuluyo nga Anti-terrorism Bill kahapon Hulyo 3, 2020 sa pihak sang malaparan nga pagpamatok sang pumuluyong Pilipino.

Inutil kag iresponsable ang rehimeng US-Duterte. Wala sang desaysibo nga sabat ang ini nga rehimen agud solbaron ang nagalala nga krisis sang pandemya nga COVID-19 sa pungsod. Wala man ini sang sinsiridad sa pagsolbar sang ugat sang lapnagon nga kaimulon kag gutom bunga sang kawad-on sa trabaho sang 15% nga sahing mamumugon kag kawad-on sang duta nga palangabuhian sang 75% nga sahing mangunguma.

Ang pagpasar ni Digong Duterte sang kontra-terorismo nga hagna, dugang nagpa-antus sa pumuluyong Pilipino. Tanda ini sang pasismo sang estado sa pagpatay sang demokrasya kag kahilwayan sang pumuluyong Pilipino sa pungsod. Dugang ini nagkurit sang mahigko nga rekord sa maragtas sang pungsod dulot sang mga nagliligad nga rehimen.

Pasista kag diktador ang rehimeng US-Duterte. Wala kinalis ang ini nga rehimen sa diktador rehimeng Marcos sa paglapak sang tawhanon nga kinamatarung tubtob sa lapnagon nga pagpamatay para sa kaugalingon nga interes kag luho. Nagpatuman sang martial law sa pag-ipit kag paglagas sang mga aktibista, mga patriotiko-demokratikong pwersa kag mga kritiko sang administrasyon agud busalan kag pahipuson. Nagpatay sang “press freedom” kaangay sang paghingabot ni Duterte sa ABS-CBN gamit ang National Telecommunication Commission, Senado kag Kongreso.

Tuyo sang rehimeng US-Duterte nga magpabilin sa poder gamit ang pasismo sang estado paagi sa AFP kag PNP lamang hinabunan ang iya pagka-inutil paagi sa pagpalapnag sang mga “fake news” pabor sa nasambit nga administrasyon.

“Tegring papel” ang rehimeng US-Duterte. Wala sa ila mapintas nga mga kamot ang matuod nga kahilwayan kag demokrasya sang pungsod kundi ara sa mabaskog nga paghiliusa sang malapad nga pumuluyo Pilipino kadungan sa paglunsar sang madinalag-on nga taktikal nga opensiba sang Bag-ong Hangaway sang Banwa sa absoluto nga pagpamuno sang Communist Party of the Philippines.

Magpasakop sa New People’s Army kag rumpagon ang rehimeng US-Duterte!

CPP/NPA-Negros Island: End imperialist control in the country! — NPA-Negros

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  End imperialist control in the country! — NPA-Negros


JULY 04, 2020

The fake “Fil-Am Friendship Day” between the Philippines and imperialist United States should not be celebrated. The celebration is deemed for a hypocritical friendship since we have been enslaved by imperialist US for decades through implementing worsening neoliberal policies, unfair treaties and subservience of previous pseudo-democratic regimes and all-out fascist regimes of Marcos then and Duterte now. It has only resulted in massive land-grabbing, squeezing and exploitation of labor power, the disrespect and destruction of the properties and resources of the country, and terrorizing of the broad masses.

Before imperialist US granted fake independence to the Philippines, it has made sure that the country is tied in unfair treaties and buried in unpayable debt to hold its government by the neck and control and dictate it as it pleases in the economic, political, military, cultural, and foreign relational spheres.

Even Duterte’s puppetry to the US has intensified as he tries to save face as he is being viewed more of a liability than an asset as he has flopped in implementing US foreign policy in the country as evident in China’s meddling. He desperately signed the Anti-Terrorism Law which has aims to end the revolutionary movement in the country based on the counter-insurgency program of terrorist US.

In the onslaught of Covid-19, his militarist lockdowns, special powers and additional foreign loans to sponsor his fascism has been the answer of the Duterte regime in the emergency crisis that the country now faces. These corrupt and neglectful ways have buried even more the wide exploited masses in extreme poverty and hunger. Amid this, Duterte has pushed the imposition of insufferable and pro-imperialist foreign policies in economy such as the bogus jeepney modernization, additional taxes, inaccessible “distance learning” of DepEd and the taking over of the private sector of government responsibilities still based on neoliberalism.

In Negros, at least 328,000 families of sugar cane hacienda and mill workers fear of being dislocated and unemployed due to the threat of the Sugar Import Liberalization program of the puppet government to allow imported sugar to enter the local market. Aside from that, to maintain himself in power, he has given leeway to his allied landlords and bureaucrat capitalist to control and monopolize lands and properties in Negros. He has also implemented bloody policies such as Memo Order 32 and Executive Order 70. The brutal Duterte regime has killed Negrosanons through hunger and bullets where at least 90 have been victims of his all-out war in the context of counter-insurgency, which will surely intensify in the passing of Anti-Terrorism Law.

These policies reveal that until now, imperialist US has oppressed the country’s resources and labor force for its own interest. Freedom has only really been granted to the landlords, big capitalists and bureaucrat associates that continue to prey upon the masses.

Indeed, the masses are revolted by the rotten US-Duterte regime. Thus imperialist US is viewed as an enemy as it continues to be a parasite to the Philippines resulting to the chronic crisis of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system. As the global capitalist crisis license, US power is swaying and being rivalled by China in its control for the globe. Genuine independence cannot be established so long as there is a foreign power influencing our economic, political, military, cultural, and foreign relational fields. The justness of armed revolution remains as the sole solution to set the Filipino people free. The 51 years of revolution waged by the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) aims to liberate the masses of farmers, workers, and other democratic sectors to establish the government of the people with a socialist perspective, based on justice, free from oppression and exploitation of imperialist US, China, and any other country for that matter. ###

CPP/NPA-Negros Island: Tapuson ang imperyalista nga paghari sang rehimen US-Duterte sa pungsod!

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  Tapuson ang imperyalista nga paghari sang rehimen US-Duterte sa pungsod!


JULY 04, 2020

Peke kag indi nagakadapat nga saulugon ang adlaw sang pag-abyanay ukon “Fil-Am Friendship Day” sa tunga sang Pilipinas kag imperyalistang Estados Unidos. Makabig nga isa ka ipokrito ang pag-abyanay nga ginasaulog subong sang estado bangod pila ka dekada na kita nga gina-ulipon sang imperyalistang US paagi sa pagpatuman sang nagalala nga patakaran neoliberal, indi patas nga mga kasugtanan kag pagpakatuta sang mga nagpakuno-kuno nga mga demokratiko kuno nga mga rehimen nga nag-agi kag lantaran nga kontra-demokratiko nga rehimen ni Marcos sadto kag Duterte subong. Nagresulta lamang ang ini nga paghitabo sa malapnagon nga paghugakom sang kadutaan, pagpuga kag pagpanghimulos sang kusog-pangabudlay, pagpagusa kag pagkaguba sang manggad kag rekurso sang pungsod kag pagterorisa sa malapad nga pumuluyo.

Antes pa ginpalapnag sang imperyalistang US ang peke nga kahilwayan sa Pilipinas, ginpaseguro sini nga mahigot ang pungsod sa mga indi alalangay nga kasugtanan kag ilubong ini sa indi na mabayaran nga utang agud nga mauyatan sa liog ang renda sang gobyerno kag kontrolon kag mapasunod ini sa ano man nga dikta sa patag sang ekonomiya, politika, militar, kultura kag relasyon pangluwas.

Mangin si Duterte, tuman nga naglala ang pagpakatuta sa US agud padayon nga magpahamot sa iya amu bangud ginalantaw na lamang ini nga isa ka problema kag wala pulos tuga sang mga paslaw sini nga pagpatuman sang mga maki-dumulu-ong nga patakaran sa pungsod. Gani desperado ini nga ginpirmahan ang Anti-Terrorism Law nga may katuyu-an nga tapuson an nagabaskog nga rebolusyonaryo nga kahublagan sa pungsod base gihapon sa kontra-insurhensya nga programa sang iya amu nga terorista nga US.

Sa pagtupa sang pandemya nga Covid-19, ang militarista nga lockdown, espesyal nga gahum kag dugang nga utang pangluwas para sa pasismo ang nangin sabat sang papet nga rehimen Duterte sa malala nga krisis kag emerhinsya nga gina-atubang subong sang pumuluyo. Ini nga mga korap kag pabaya nga tikang ang dugang naglubong sa malapad nga sahing pigos sa tuman nga gutom kag kaimulon. Sa tunga sang sini nga kahimtangan, todo-larga nga ginaduso kag gin-imposar ni Duterte ang mga paantus kag maki-dumulu-ong nga mga polisiya sa ekonomiya kaangay sang peke nga modernisasyon sa mga dyip, dugang nga buwis, negosyo kag indi serbisyo nga “distance learning” sang DepEd kag ang pagpasa sang mga responsibilidad sini sa pribado nga sektor sa diin nakabase gihapon sa balayon sang neoliberalismo.

Sa Negros, nagakahangawa ang ara sa 328,000 nga pamilya sa mga mamumugon sa tubo kag sentrales nga madislokar kag madulaan sang pangabuhi-an bangod sa ginaduso nga pagpatuman sang Sugar Import Liberalization nga programa sang papet nga gobyerno sa diin tuyo nga magpasulod sang mga kalamay halin sa gwa sang pungsod. Agud mapabilin ang iya kaugalingon sa poder, ginahatagan sini sang ligwa ang iya mga kahimbun nga agalon mayduta kag burukrata kapitalista nga magkontrol kag magmonopolyo sang malagpad nga kadutaan sa Negros kag magpatuman sang madinugu-on nga kasugu-an kaangay sang Memo Order 32 kag Executive Order 70. Ginapatay sang berdugo nga rehimen Duterte ang pumuluyong Negrosanon sa tuman nga gutom kag bala sa diin indi magnubo sa 90 ang biktima sang iya todo-gyera sa idalum sang kontra-insurhensya nga kampanya, nga mas naglala pa ilabi na sa pagpasa sa Anti-Terrorism Law.

Ginpakita man sang ini nga mga tratado nga tubtob subong nagahuthot sa rekurso sa pungsod kag kusog-pangabudlay sa pumuluyo ang imperyalistang US para sa ila nga interes. Ang kahilwayan yara lang sa tunga sang mga agalon mayduta, dalagku nga kapitalista kag mga burukrata nga kasosyo sa diin padayon nga nagapanghimulos sa masang pigos.

Gani, ginakangil-aran na sang malapad nga pumuluyo ang garuk nga rehimen US-Duterte. Amo nga kaaway ang pagkabig nila sa imperyalistang US kay ini ang padayon nga nagahimulos sa Pilipinas nga nagtuga sang malala nga krisis bunga sang malakolonyal kag malapyudal nga sistema. Tuga sang pangkalibutanon nga krisis sang kapitalista, halos indi na makabutwa ang imperyalistang US kag yara ini subong sa malisod nga kahimtang bangud ginahangkat ini sang China sa iya pagkontrol sa kalibutan.

Indi matukod ang matuod nga kahilwayan mintras nahigot ang pungsod sa dumulu-ong nga impluwensya sa patag sang ekonomiya, politika, militar, kultura, kag relasyong pangluwas. Nagpabilin nga makatarunganon nga ang armadong rebolusyon ang ultimo nga solusyon agud mahilway ang pungsod. Ang 51 ka tuig nga pagsulong sang rebolusyon sang Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) tuyo nga hilwayon ang masang mangunguma, mamumugon, kag iban pa nga demokratiko nga sektor agud matukod ang gobyerno sa pumuluyo nga may sosyalistang perspektiba, pag-alalangay, hilway sa panghimulos kag pagpamigos sang dumuluong nga US, China, kag iban pa. ###

CPP: Wage all forms of protest and resistance to junk Duterte’s Terror Law and end the regime of state terrorism

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  Wage all forms of protest and resistance to junk Duterte’s Terror Law and end the regime of state terrorism

JULY 04, 2020

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the rest of the democracy-loving Filipinos in condemning Rodrigo Duterte for the signing of Republic Act 11479, inappropriately titled Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. Duterte signed the law in contempt of widespread opposition by broad democratic sectors of Philippine society as well as international human rights advocates.

In the guise of fighting terrorism, Duterte has appropriated powers that contravenes basic civil and political rights and extends the authority of the president as stipulated by the reactionary 1987 constitution. He and his Anti-Terror Council have impinged on judicial powers and can now subject anyone it designates a “terrorist” to arrest and 16-24 day detention.

Duterte and his security officials have peddled the law on state terrorism on claims that it will help their fight against the New People’s Army, which is a revolutionary army, not a terrorist organization. In fact, there is nothing in Duterte’s state terror law that will stop the growth of the NPA which continues to gain in strength because of widespread social injustice and national oppression, especially landlessness, poverty and military abuses in the countryside. On the contrary, worsening state terrorism will only drive more and more people to join the NPA.

The real aim of Duterte’s terror law is to terrorize and cow the people. It will serve as an instrument of widespread state terrorism. Providing a vague and overly broad definition of terrorism, the law gives Duterte vast powers and prerogative to designate as “terrorist” or “terrorist supporters” anyone who criticizes, opposes, defies or challenges his regime. This will put on steroids the red-tagging campaign against progressive and democratic forces, including unionists, peasant leaders, social activists, human rights advocates, stalwarts of the Moro people’s rights, environmentalists, opposition parties, journalists, lawyers and others. Duterte’s law on state terror is bound to further worsen abuse of power by state forces which are notorious for committing extrajudicial killings, surveillance and unlawful arrests and other gross violations of human rights under Duterte’s fake drug war, war against the Moro people and war of suppression in the guise of anticommunism and counterinsurgency. In the countryside, Duterte’s fascist terrorist forces have committed murders and massacres, aerial bombings, abductions and other abominable crimes. With the signing yesterday of Duterte’s Terror Law, the last brick of his House of Tyranny is complete. Through legal fiat, the entire country is now under Duterte’s complete dictatorial rule. It bolsters Duterte’s scheme of fascist dictatorship and ambition of extending his now 4-year rule to an eternal reign of state terrorism, corruption and national treachery.

Duterte’s Terror Law tears away whatever is left of the ruling state’s trappings of democracy. With a rubberstamp Congress, a compliant Supreme Court, a puppet Comelec/Smartmatic, and now with extraordinary power, Duterte has now placed the entire reactionary government under his virtually unquestioned authority and limitless power.

Duterte signed the Terror Law while the country faces Covid-19 pandemic and the regime’s failed militarist response. This has justly roused the Filipino people’s indignation, especially the workers, the urban semiproletariat and pettybourgeoisie, who have suffered the most from Duterte’s militarist lockdown measures and lack of health response. Duterte has displayed utter lack of concern and utter incompetence in leading the country to overcome the pandemic. By prioritizing the Terror Law, Duterte has caused his further isolation.

With the Terror Law, Duterte is poised to use the full powers of the fascist state against the people, in the same manner that Marcos used martial law to suppress all democratic forces. In the face of these threats, the people must be ready to defend their legal rights. At the same time, they must be prepared to fight wisely. They can employ clandestine methods to protect and preserve the people’s organizations, as well as online precautions to fight and defeat state terrorist surveillance and all-out attacks once the full force of the law is unleashed. Undoubtedly, however, Duterte’s acts of state terrorism will only ignite greater resistance.

The Party is one with the Filipino people in their fight against Duterte’s Terror Law. It urges all well-meaning people in the bureaucracy, military and police to abandon the rotten regime. The Party calls on the international community to withdraw recognition of the Duterte’s regime of state terror.

The Party encourages the Filipino people to stand up, get organized and unite in a broad front, and vigorously resist Duterte’s Terror Law and fight for their democratic rights. The time to be quiet and timid is over. They must wage street marches and protest and all other forms of resistance in their numbers in order to muster enough strength to clamor for the scrapping of Duterte’s Terror Law and demand his resignation and the ouster of his regime of state terrorism.

The Party also directs the New People’s Army to support the people’s resistance against Duterte’ Terror Law by defending the people against the state terrorist forces. While the NPA continues to exert efforts at extending health and economic services to the people amid the Covid-19 pandemic, its units and Red fighters must heed the people’s aspiration for justice and mete out punishment against the fascist terrorists.

Junk Duterte’s Terror Law! Oust the US-Duterte regime!

CPP/News: Pulis na mastermind ng riding-in-tandem sa Iloilo, pinarusahan ng BHB

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  Pulis na mastermind ng riding-in-tandem sa Iloilo, pinarusahan ng BHB

JULY 04, 2020

Binigo ng isang yunit ng BHB si Police Master Sergeant Arnel Paurillo sa plano nitong lumahok sa isang krimen noong gabi ng Hunyo 15. Naghihintay noon si Paurillo sa dalawa pang operatiba ng Provincial Drug Enforcement Unit ng Iloilo Police Provincial Office (PDEU-IPPO) nang inabot siya ng mga Pulang mandirigma sa Barangay Teniente Benito, Tubungan, Iloilo.

Pinarusahan si Paurillo matapos mapatunayan sa rebolusyonaryong hukuman na siya ay mastermind o utak sa likod ng mga pamamaslang ng “riding-in-tandem” sa Iloilo, ayon kay Ka Ariston Remus, tagapagsalita ng Napoleon Tumagtang Command ng BHB-Southern Panay. Dagdag ni Remus, pinaiimbestigahan din ng sina Police Major Gervinson G. Moyo, Chief ng Provincial Intelligence Bureau (PIB), PSSg John A. Samiana, PSSg Jovie Baconaje, PSSg Joseph Setier, PCpl Felfranz Lumahang, at Pat. Alkaid John Halanes. Sila ay mga upisyal at tauhan ng PDEU-IPPO.

Isa sa mga huling insidente ng pamamaslang ng “riding-in-tandem” sa Iloilo ay si Jose Reynaldo “Ka Jory” Porquia, na pinagbabaril hanggang mapatay noong Abril 30 sa Barangay Sto. Niño Norte, Villa Arevalo, Iloilo City. Si Porquia ay kilalang lider-aktibista mula pa noong diktadurang US-Marrcos hanggang sa panahon ng rehimeng US-Duterte.

CPP/NPA-Negros Island: NPA-AGC: Flores and AFP are illogical, Quiocson a legitimate target

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  NPA-AGC: Flores and AFP are illogical, Quiocson a legitimate target

JULY 04, 2020

“The enactment of revolutionary justice against Corporal Quiocson- is a valid action of the NPA against Quiocson and the AFP, as the 62nd IB are legitimate targets of the ongoing armed revolution. It is illogical of them to construe this as a human rights violation while they do not bat an eye to their monstrosities and actual human rights violations committed in Negros”, Ka Juanito Magbanua, NPA-Apolinario Gatmaitan Command Regional Spokesperson said in a press statement Saturday.

“They do not have the moral high ground to play the victim when the NPA has acted only legitimate targets while they have had killed at least 90 civilians in the island alone since their commander-in-chief Duterte sat in Malacañang. Their audacity to do such is an outright insult to the needless deaths they have caused in their brutal operations. This exactly is the kind of narrative that the Anti-Terrorism Law will allow: give leeway for state forces to legitimize killings of innocent civilians like what they did in Negros.”

“As for the allegations, personal properties of Quiocson were not stolen. It just so happens that the bag he was carrying along with him had the .45 caliber, magazines and bullets also had BIR papers, wallet with a P1061 content, and the squid he purchased. The NPA is strict in adhering to its discipline and will only keep the military materiel and is prepared to return his personal belongings. The circumstances of course did not allow for the SParu team to be meticulous of the bag’s contents but again, only the gun and ammunition will be kept as part of our strict code, while the other contents-+ will be returned promptly.”

“Furthermore, their appeal to emotion that he was a frontliner does not dismiss his case against the revolutionary movement. And even so, their militarist checkpoints and lockdowns have only brought us into this worsened state of the pandemic, while NPA areas have remained to be Covid-19 free. Their operations during the pandemic have been a smokescreen for their counterinsurgency measures while the NPA have conducted public health campaigns and emergency production along with revolutionary mass organizations”, ended Magbanua.

CPP/NDF-EV: AFP falsely tags slain farmer, arrested activists as NPA commanders to avail of Duterte bounty

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020):  AFP falsely tags slain farmer, arrested activists as NPA commanders to avail of Duterte bounty

JULY 04, 2020

The National Democratic Front in Eastern Visayas condemns the Armed Forces of the Philippines for the recent killing of a farmer in Northern Samar and illegal arrest of activists in Leyte amidst the escalating rights violations and anti-communist psy-war by state forces in the past weeks.

Elements of the 20th IB strafed the house of farmer Zalday Meraya in Barangay Bagacay, Palapag, last June 20, killing Meraya and critically injuring his daughter Jolina Calot.

The NDF-EV condemns 20th IB commander Lt. Col. Juan Gullem for maliciously Red-tagging Meraya and accusing him of being an “NPA leader” to avail of the P2 million bounty offered by Duterte for the heads of alleged NPA commanders. Last April, soldiers had already attempted to kill Meraya by firing at him and his son in Barangay Capacujan, Palapag.

The NDF-EV also condemns the illegal arrest of activist Alma Gabin and her husband Alvin Dagohoy in Tolosa, Leyte last June 11. The couple was taken from their house and were maliciously Red-tagged. Gabin was a student leader for Anakbayan at the University of the Philippines in Tacloban. She previously served as regional coordinator for Kabataan Party-list in Eastern Visayas and was its fifth nominee for the mid-term elections in 2013.

We call on the people to strongly condemn this spate of rights violations by the AFP. We echo the call of the Commission of Human Rights to seek indemnification for their victims. The people must condemn Lt. Col. Gullem and other military officials who engage in wholesale Red-tagging for their want of Duterte’s bounty. They must raise their voices and protest the worsening human rights situation in the country and form the broadest unity to oust the US-Duterte regime.

The NDF-EV also heeds the New People’s Army to launch mounting tactical offensives and punish the worst human rights violators among the AFP-PNP.#

CPP: China and US war games are raising tensions around the Philippines

Propaganda statement posted to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Website (Jul 4, 2020): China and US war games are raising tensions around the Philippines


JULY 04, 2020

The Communist Party of the Philippines strongly denounces imperialist superpowers for staging war exercises around the Philippines which are raising military tensions in both the western and eastern parts of the country.

Over the past week, the Chinese government staged a series of war exercises in the South China Sea. It flaunted its imperialist might in contested waters nearby areas within the Philippine territory. It is provoking military counteractions by countries whose territories and claims in the area are being impinged upon, as well as by the US whose military forces are deployed in the area. China bragged about conducting live-fire exercises and staging multiple target scenarios including the mock targeting of disputed islands and reefs within the area.

During the same time, personnel from two US aircraft carrier strike groups, the USS Nimitz and the USS Ronald Reagan, both floating military bases, conducted drills in the Philippine Sea to demonstrate its capability to mobilize “overwhelming force” against China. These war drills are being conducted on the pretext of defending “freedom of navigation” and aim to win over countries opposing China’s military aggression.

War exercises being conducted by the imperialist superpowers are part of their military positioning in the Asia-Pacific region to pursue their strategic geopolitical interests and power projection in the area.

The CPP urges the Filipino people to protest China and US military build-up and power projection in the surrounding seas of the Philippines and stand firm to defend Philippine sovereignty against military intervention by imperialist superpowers. They must demand the dismantling of China’s seven military facilities within the country’s territories, as well as the dismantling of US military facilities around Philippine military camps.

Kalinaw News: Six former communist terrorists returned to the mainstream of society

Posted to Kalinaw News (Jul 5, 2020): Six former communist terrorists returned to the mainstream of society (By 6th Infantry Division)

CAMP SIONGCO, MAGUINDANAO – Six former communist NPA terrorists, who surrendered to the 5th Special Forces Battalion under 601st Infantry Brigade yesterday, July 3, 2020, were presented in a simple ceremony at Provincial Governor’s Office in Koronadal City.

After a series of dialogues, the former rebels realized that they have been heavily exploited by communist NPA terrorists with their lies and evil motives. The surrenderers were all natives of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato.

They decided to abandon their armed struggle and submit themselves to the government with the assistance of the military.

Maj. Gen. Diosdado Carreon, Commander of 6th Infantry Division, with Brig. Gen. Roy Galido, Commander of 601st Infantry Brigade and Lt. Col. Randy Banaag, Commanding Officer, 5th Special Forces Battalion presented the returnees to South Cotabato Governor Reynaldo Tamayo, who is also the chairperson of Provincial Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC).

Former rebel brought along with them 2 M16 rifles, 2 M14 rifles, 1 carbine rifle, one 9mm pistol with ammunition and magazine.

The former rebels will be enrolled to the government’s reintegration program known as Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP), to help them start a new life and become productive citizen of the country.

In his message, Governor Tamayo expressed his full commitment to support the mandates of the provincial ELCAC to eradicate the influence of communist terrorist groups to achieve a lasting peace, progress and prosperity in the whole province.

“We will intensify our campaign to entice more CNT members to surrender and live in a peaceful life together with their families. We will ensure that all benefits intended for the surrenderees will be processed accordingly as they will be incorporated to the mainstream society, ” Maj. Gen. Carreon said.

The surrenderers are now on the process to avail the E-CLIP of the government facilitated by the provincial ELCAC of South Cotabato.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: JTFC soldiers foil attack on government’s infra project in Sultan Kudarat

Posted to Kalinaw News (Jul 5, 2020): JTFC soldiers foil attack on government’s infra project in Sultan Kudarat (By 6th Infantry Division)

CAMP SIONGCO, Maguindanao — Troops of 37th Infantry Battalion, under 603rd Infantry Brigade, foiled a communist NPA terrorists (CNT) attempt to attack and burn heavy equipment of a construction firm currently undertaking a road-concreting project in Brgy. Hinalaan, Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat on June 30, 2020.

Soldiers securing the government flagship project clashed with around 30 CNTs who approached the construction site even with the presence of civilian workers.

Firefight broke-out at 2:30 p.m. while the soldiers held their ground at the project site preventing the terrorists from getting close. The latter scampered 40 minutes later to different directions after more troops arrived and maneuvered.

One soldier was slightly wounded from a shrapnel, while there could be more wounded among the terrorists based from the traces of blood found at the encounter site. Parts of M16 rifles and various ammunition were also recovered during clearing operation.

The troops identified the group under the West Daguma Front headed by Datu Gawa Gantangan and Glenn Sakudal a.k.a. Dennis belonging to Far South Mindanao Region.

According to Lt. Col. Allen Van Estrera, Commanding Officer of 37th IB, the CNT harassment was intended to pressure the construction company, JANMERC Construction, to give in to their extortion demands or protection money.

“The demands were repeatedly denied by the management. The terrorists were also disrupting the completion of the road project as it will provide easy access of government services in the geographically isolated communities in this upland barangay were NPA members try to infiltrate,” Lt. Col. Estrera said.

Brig. Gen. Wilbur Mamawag, Commander of 603rd Infantry Brigade said that the sustained vigilance of 37th IB troops have established a secured environment which allows the implementation of government projects reach the far-flung barangays to benefit the less-privileged and isolated communities.

Meanwhile, Joint Task Force Central Commander Maj. Gen. Diosdado C. Carreon said that troops remained on high alert following an incident of torching heavy equipment by the CNT last June 15 in Lake Sebu, South Cotabato.

“We will not let our guards down and we will do our utmost effort to prevent the CNT from their treacherous activities to sabotage government and private projects,” Maj. Gen. Carreon stressed.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: Army denounce NPA’s continued use of landmines despite IHL ban

Posted to Kalinaw News (Jul 5, 2020): Army denounce NPA’s continued use of landmines despite IHL ban (By 4th Infantry Division)

BANCASI, Butuan City – The 402nd Infantry (Stingers) Brigade denounced the CPP-NPA Terrorist (CNT) continued use of Anti-Personnel Mines even though the International Humanitarian Law and other international and local laws explicitly banned and prohibited its use after troops of 23rd Infantry (Masigasig) Battalion under the operational control of the 402nd Brigade discovered a CTG landmine cache at the far-flung areas of Brgy Maasin, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur on June 23, 2020.

Said discovery clearly manifested that the CNTs is continuously disrespecting and violating the regulations prohibiting the use of anti-personnel mines (APMs). This act can pose extreme danger to innocent civilians or even to government troops alike Since the start of the year, a total of thirty four (34) anti-personnel mines were recovered within the 402nd Brigade Area of Responsibility.

The recent discovery of the troops under 23rd Infantry (Masigasig) Battalion of the CNT explosive components cache composed of eleven (11) containers of Ammonium Nitrate, two (2) blasting caps and one (1) roll of firing wire that can produce more than sixty (60) Anti-Personnel Mines (APM), were proof that said group has been deliberately disregarding the International Humanitarian Law and has no regard on the safety of the civilians that might be hurt by these devices.

Brigadier General Maurito L Licudine, 402nd Brigade Commander said, “The CNTs are placing these mines along the roads and areas where they thought government troops will pass. They did not think and consider that this roads or areas are also being used by innocent civilians that will surely become victims of their doing”.

Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (or Mine Ban Convention), adopted in 1997. More than 150 countries have joined this treaty.

Similarly, the Ottawa Treaty, also known as the “Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention”, which took effect on March 1, 1999, prohibits the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of AP landmines. In the Philippine laws, APM is a violation of the Republic Act 9851 or “An Act Defining and Penalizing Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity, Organizing Jurisdiction, Designating Special Courts, and for Related Purposes.”

“We are saddened by the continued use of APMs by the CNTs. Even in conflict, we must also respect the laws governing its. It is sad that this group has no respect with the rules and regulation concerning the use of landmines at the expense of the innocent civilians. We call on the CNT to stop these inhumane tactics that jeopardizes the safety of our people,” BGen Licudine said.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: New battalion commander, chief of office installed in 6ID

Posted to Kalinaw News (Jul 5, 2020): New battalion commander, chief of office installed in 6ID (By 6th Infantry Division)

CAMP SIONGCO, Maguindanao – The 38th Infantry Battalion and the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Civil-Military Operation (CMO) has a new Battalion Commander and Chief respectively, in a turn-over ceremony last June 30 (Tuesday) at 602nd Infantry Brigade Headquarters, Camp Lucero, Brgy. Nasapian, Carmen, North Cotabato.

Maj. Gen. Diosdado C. Carreon, Commander of 6th Infantry Division, presided the traditional Military ceremony where Lt. Col. Carlo A. Ferrer relinquished his post as the Commanding Officer of the 38th Infantry (We Clear) Battalion to Lt. Col. Edgardo L. Vilchez Jr.

Lt. Col. Ferrer was subsequently installed as the Assistant Chief of Staff for CMO, G7 replacing Lt Col. Guillermo T. Mabute who will be designated as the Officer in Charge of the 6ID Admin and Logistics Detachment at Headquarters Philippine Army Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, Metro Manila.

“To Lt. Col. Ferrer, it would definitely be not easy considering the work load in store. This might be a tough task for you but I know that through your experiences, you can manage,” Maj. Gen. Carreon said.

“To Lt. Col. Vilchez Jr., make use of this opportunity to show what you’ve got. I know you are worthy for the position so I expect you to take charge and perform your utmost best,” the Commander added.

The Commander also thanked Lt. Col. Mabute for his dedication for the past 8 months that has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of the Command’s mission as he carefully managed the challenges of the job as G7, which resulted to an excellent popular support within the area of operation.

After the turn-over ceremony of the 38IB, a ceremonial send off ceremony followed as they will be deployed to their designated area of responsibility in the Municipalities of Maasim and Kiamba, both of Sarangani Province, as the unit has finished its retraining program that lasted for 3 months. The unit was previously based at Brgy. Taviran, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao functioning as a Cadre Battalion and now reverted/reconfigured as a maneuver Battalion.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Kalinaw News: Community Support Program gets boost from MisOr, AgNor LGUs

Posted to Kalinaw News (Jul 4, 2020): Community Support Program gets boost from MisOr, AgNor LGUs (By 4th Infantry Division)

BUENAVISTA, Agusan del Norte – Local government units initiated the send-off of military troops from June 29 to July 01, 2020 in Gingoog City, Magsaysay, Carmen and Nasipit.

The Community Support Program (CSP) troops are composed of soldiers from the 402nd Infantry Brigade and the Philippine National Police (PNP) who will prevent communist terrorists from exploiting the communities in the Conflict-Affected Areas (ConAAs) of the above-mentioned towns.

They will identify and address the issues that the Communist New People’s Army Terrorists (CNTs) use to continue to agitate the people into going against the government.

“We will work with you in your communities not only to address the security and peace concerns but also to assist and facilitate the delivery of government services,” said Lt. Colonel Julius Cesar C. Paulo, the Acting Commanding Officer of 23rd IB who expressed gratitude to the mayors for their trust and support to the CSP teams.

Many people manifested their support for the CSP by signing onto the “Wall of Commitment” during the series of Send-Off Ceremony. During the activities, the chief executives of the said towns conveyed their support to the program and expressed their trust to the teams as they expect them to work as partners for peace of the LGUs.

The mayors said that the LGUs are ready to provide support to the CSP teams to attain peace in communities where they work. They added that all must share to the unified efforts to end the local communist armed conflicts caused by the CNTs.

Winning the war against insurgency, they added, can only be achieved through combined efforts of all sectors and stakeholders.

[Kalinaw News is the official online source of information on the pursuit for peace in the Philippines This website is a property of the Civil-Military Operations Regiment, Philippine Army located at Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Contact us:]

Arrest of Balingasag 7 draws condemnation from indigenous groups

From the often pro-CPP online publication the Davao Today (Jul 2, 2020): Arrest of Balingasag 7 draws condemnation from indigenous groups

DAVAO CITY, Philippines — Lumad organizations and their advocates are calling for the immediate release of the seven Lumad who were arrested in a raid in Balingasag, Misamis Oriental and are facing what they claim as trumped-up charges of illegal possession of firearms and explosives.

Refuting police report that the detained Lumad are New People’s Army (NPA), the Kalumbay Regional Lumad Organization in Northern Mindanao said the “Balingasag 7” are staunch defenders of their ancestral lands.

Arrested were Pilutong Langka, Pablita Hilogon, Reynaldo Ayuma, Dandi Hilogon, Bambi Hilogon, Padod Ayuma, and Glenn Hilogon.

Kalumbay said in their statement that authorities that conducted the raid allegedly planted firearms in the houses of the Lumad to justify the arrest. Similar “dirty tactics” were used to arrest members of other leaders and members of Lumad and peasant organizations in the region, the group added.

READ: Seven Lumad Arrested, Tagged as NPA In Misamis Oriental

Kabataan Party-list Northern Mindanao also belied the authorities’ claim, saying they had met these Lumad who staged a campout at the Provincial Capitol grounds in Misamis Oriental from 2018 to 2019 because of militarization that displaced them from their village. The group witnessed how the Lumad were “disregarded” by the local government on their appeal to pullout the military troops from their communities.

Kabataan Partylist Northern Mindanaoabout a week ago


Mariing kinukundena ng Kabataan Partylist-Northern Mindanao ang ginawang ilegal na pag-aresto sa pitong (7) kapatid natin na Lumad ngayong ika-26 ng Hunyo at ang pag-presenta sa kanila bilang kasapi ng New People’s Army (NPA). Ayon sa ulat ng Kalumbay-NMR, bandang alas 3 ng madaling araw ay ni-raid at dinakip ng mga tauhan ng CIDG, AFP at PNP kasama ang opisyales ng Sitio Tugas-Tugason, Barangay Blangko, Balingasag, ...See More

Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 8 people, text that says 'PALAYAIN SI DATU REYNALDO Patuloy na isinusulong ni DATU REYNALDO AYUMA ang karapatan ng kanyang tribu sa kanilang yutang kabilin (ancestral land) #FreeDatuReynaldo #FreeBalingasag7 #FreeDatuJomorito'
Image may contain: 7 people, text
Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting, text that says 'KABATAAN PARTYLIST-NORTHERN MINDANAO Hasama ang mga bakwił na Lumad ng Sitio Camansi. Barangay Banglay Lagonglong. Misamis Oriental #FREEBALINGASAG7 #FREEDATUREYNALDO POLITICALPRISONERS'

The Balingasag 7 are charged with violating Republic Act 10591 for illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and others with violation of Republic Act 9516 for illegal possession of explosives, said Lt. Noel Oclarit, deputy team leader of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-10 in Misamis Oriental.

The seven are transferred to the provincial jail and will face the complaint raised to the local court, Clarit added.

Oclarit claimed an intelligence report alleged that Langka is an NPA fighter known as “Ka Rex.”

More attacks with Anti-terror bill

Sandugo, a national alliance of Moro and Indigenous People, denounced the arrest of Balingasag 7 and said this could worsen if the Anti-Terrorism Bill becomes a law.

“Even without the bill, our constitutional rights to freedom of speech, information, and dissent have repeatedly been violated by government forces with impunity. We are certain that the Anti-Terror Bill will only further embolden such abuses of power,” the group said.

Bayan Muna Rep. Eufemia Cullamat, a Manobo Lumad, also noted that there have been a series of abuse and arrest against members of progressive groups in the country amid the looming threat of ATB, heavily criticized due to its “unconstitutional” provisions.

“Pag naisabatas ang Terror Bill, lalo pang lalala ang pandarahas ng estado sa mga Lumad, magsasaka, LGBTQ+, at iba pang progresibong grupo. Itigil ang pagyurak sa karapatan naming mga katutubo (If the Terror Bill becomes a law, it will worsen the attacks of the state on the Lumad, farmers, LGBTQ+ and other progressive groups. Stop trampling the rights of the indigenous people),” Cullamat said.

President Rodrigo Duterte urged Congress to pass the Anti-Terrorism Bill early this June by certifying it as an urgent legislation, despite criticisms from the opposition and legal experts and professors on its provisions. The bill will lapse into law on July 9 unless the president vetoes it.

The International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL) demand an independent investigation on the arrest to deliver “justice and accountability”, as they expressed strong concern to this “new wave of State-sponsored crimes to the people.” — With reports from Ken Cagula and Jigger Jerusalem (

Army, rebels clash in Hamtic

From Panay News (Jul 4, 2020): Army, rebels clash in Hamtic (By Ruby Silubrico)


Personnel of the Philippine Army (PA) clashed with members of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) in Barangay Igbucagay, Hamtic, Antique yesterday.

Lieutenant Colonel Joel Benedict Batara, commander of the PA’s 61st Infantry Battalion (IB) under the 3rd Infantry Division, said his
troops were riding a truck bound for San Joaquin, Iloilo to augment the number of men securing the border points in the town when an improvised explosive device exploded on their way around 12:30 a.m.

A gunfight between the soldiers and rebels then followed for two minutes before the insurgents retreated.

“Takot sila na baka ma-corner sila that’s why they immediately withdrew,” said Batara.

He added that one of his men, a Private First Class, was slightly hit by the explosion on his upper right eyebrow but immediately returned to work after receiving medical treatment.

The 61IB already deployed more soldiers to Hamtic to run after the rebels.

Major Cenon Pancito III, 3ID spokesperson, said the reason why the rebels launched the attack to soldiers was to prove that the NPA is still strong.

“Gusto nila magpahiwatig na malakas sila pero alam naman natin na kaunti nalang sila. We are now heading towards our goal. Kaunti nalang at makkaamit na natin ang tagumpay against the rebels,” said Pancito.

‘Dead soldier robbed by rebels’

From the Visayan Daily Star (Jul 4, 2020): ‘Dead soldier robbed by rebels’

An Army soldier, who was mercilessly killed by communist rebels on July 1 in Brgy. Luz, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental, was also robbed and stripped of his personal belongings, Lt. Col. Melvin Flores, 62nd Infantry Battalion commander, yesterday said.
Army Cpl. Mark Anthony Quiocson, who was among the members of the 62nd Infantry Battalion Community Support Program Teams deployed also for COVID-19 related activities, was waylaid and shot dead by four NPA assassins, while on his way to rejoin his team in Brgy. Banwage, Guihulngan City on board his motorcycle, Flores said.

He added that the four communist rebel hitmen also divested Quiocson of his cash, some of which were to be given to his colleagues, service firearm, ATM cards, and even the shoes he had been wearing and seafood he had bought.
The NPA Leonardo Panaligan Command issued a statement on Thursday claiming responsibility for the death of Quiocson, and the recovery of a .45 pistol with two magazines containing 21 ammunition from the slain Army soldier.

Flores said that the assailants of Quiocson also shot him in the head, after removing his helmet, to ensure his death, although he had already succumbed to multiple gunshot wounds.

Recovered from the crime scene were eight empty shells of a .45 caliber pistol, six empty shells of a 9mm pistol, a slug and a live ammunition of a .45 caliber pistol.

Rebel spokesman Ka JB Regalado accused the Army CSP teams who allegedly used barangay halls and health centers, as well as schools as detachments, of forcing the residents of hinterland barangays to surrender.

Regalado also claimed that Army CSP teams are forcing residents and barangay officials to declare the CPP-NPA as persona non grata.
Maj. Cenon Pancito, 3rd Infantry Division spokesman, said that the CSP in the area has been effective in addressing the root-causes of the decades-long insurgency in the area, and in making the NPA irrelevant.